10/12/2014 4:18:12 PM |
Scammer websites that I use!! |
Buford, GA
52, joined Jun. 2014
LADIES!!!!Here are a few website i use to get info o scammers and im happy to say i just nail one!1 hes now on the Fed list!!!(1)Mail scammers.com there is a sm reg, fee but its worth it This site works with All Law inforcement And hass all kinds of info, I use it alot (2) Stop scammers .com very good (3) Romance scammers.com U can also go to google+ the have pages & Communitys on scammer Or just gool male scammers & u`ll find alot of info that will help I hope this helps now im going to go through the profile list i just got & see if any rings a bell Ya`ll have a great day
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

10/12/2014 10:35:08 PM |
Scammer websites that I use!! |

Cincinnati, OH
56, joined Sep. 2012
Thank you 
10/12/2014 11:21:20 PM |
Scammer websites that I use!! |
Buford, GA
52, joined Jun. 2014
ur welcome i hope it help now i know what to look for and thats sad to say!!What happen to the good old days of dating?/
10/13/2014 8:32:37 AM |
Scammer websites that I use!! |

Cincinnati, OH
56, joined Sep. 2012
Not really sure honestly. Up to this point I saved the potential scammers pics onto my hardrive then went onto google images. I would click on images click on the camera and bring up there pic and submit it. Then google searches for common pics. Found one that stole the pic from a politician in Australia. It was that mans Fb profile pic.
This process is not as accurate though as these websites.
10/13/2014 10:13:07 PM |
Scammer websites that I use!! |


Green Bay, WI
52, joined Jul. 2013
online now!
10/17/2014 2:02:12 PM |
Scammer websites that I use!! |
Buford, GA
52, joined Jun. 2014
Almost always the photo u see is stollen so if u can get an e-mail address or a messsenger address it better now i`m not going to lie !! it takes a lot of time u got to become a PI.. But the more u dig the more u will learn trust me sorry about my spelling.Dont give up keep digging get on all mailing list u`ll never know what the next page may hold good luck to u !!! i pray thast the man u like is not on any of the sites God Bless Deonna
10/19/2014 7:31:27 AM |
Scammer websites that I use!! |

Minneapolis, MN
73, joined Apr. 2014
Miss Mamade -
Good info, but WOW! You must have a lot of time! I bet I get 3 to 5 scammers a day. Usually I just delete. Sometimes I'll play a little "cat & mouse". I just don't have enough time, but you go get 'em, girlfriend!

10/19/2014 9:44:46 PM |
Scammer websites that I use!! |
Toms River, NJ
54, joined Sep. 2014
I can tell them in a heartbeat-such ridiculous BS-one guy six different names-unreal nonsense!!! Askin for my yahoo email-no it's called phone nbr moron!!
10/20/2014 9:14:10 PM |
Scammer websites that I use!! |

Perry, IA
33, joined Jun. 2014
O wow
10/21/2014 12:57:16 AM |
Scammer websites that I use!! |


Picher, OK
47, joined Sep. 2011
How about you do your homework, look for red flags and pay attention. If its to good to be truth its a scam. If they ask for money move on.
How about meet them in person? Hey there's a concept. Ask questions and take notes.
Do not be to eager and jump in something too soon. Go slow, keep your eyes and ears open. You don't need to pay a website to do the research. ...do it yourself.
10/21/2014 10:14:40 PM |
Scammer websites that I use!! |
Buford, GA
52, joined Jun. 2014
well,yes i do have too much time I have Copd,Caused by breathing in mold & chemicals over many yr,When i worked Consititution. ( Sorry about spelling ) but I`m ok.But when the 1st guy I fell head overheals, But I`ve always go with my gut feeling,, & the way igrew up lets just say I heard & seen it all,& I learned alot by watching my brothers & there friend sceamming & even my own son, What Im getting at is when a Man tryes to use me or any other women young or old That pisses me off!Its sad to say U can not trust any more, And the story ive read on the FBI site, about scammers it wouldblow ur mind.,Online dateing & Romance scams Is bigger then porn on the USA.And as soon as u get rid of 1 2more inline. Oh i`m sorry girl,seee u can tell i don`t get out much. LOL, I think date hook up should hire me to try to find them on here i found 2 so far, ok going to stop and drink i moore take care God Bless Deonna 
10/26/2014 1:59:39 PM |
Scammer websites that I use!! |
Canton, MI
69, joined Sep. 2013
Pig Busters works as well.  
10/26/2014 4:06:50 PM |
Scammer websites that I use!! |

Perry, IA
33, joined Jun. 2014

11/17/2014 10:59:46 PM |
Scammer websites that I use!! |
Grand Blanc, MI
33, joined Mar. 2014
11/18/2014 5:24:19 PM |
Scammer websites that I use!! |
Buford, GA
52, joined Jun. 2014
UPDATE !!! The Guy I have been looking for, Found all His AKA, Found out All the photos he used was his, So I turned over Copys of All E-mail, Photo To the 1 Website wich works with the FBI, They say They may have found him!! And I just got an e-mail from a man who said his Dad being scammed big time & he needs my help WOW maybe I haqve just found me a new line of work ???  
11/19/2014 9:53:08 PM |
Scammer websites that I use!! |

Chantilly, VA
46, joined Jan. 2014
Thank you, Mamade. If they are really out to scam u, they could easily steal a picture from Facebook & create a fake profile to scam u. They would have tons of pictures of the same person too to make it look authentic.
There are ways u can try to catch them. Keep asking questions to see if the answers are consistent. Ask them about the town they live in & where is Main Street in there town. They don't know what the term Main Street means. They usually speak broken English & they will use the excuse that they are Americans but grew up in Europe & that's why they speak broken English.
11/20/2014 6:04:28 AM |
Scammer websites that I use!! |

Redding, CA
62, joined Jun. 2012
After 7 years of using online dating sites, I've gotten pretty good at picking out the scammers..I report them to the site admin asap. .I use my phone for the Internet so I'm sort of limited as to what all I can do..
When I see in their profile they claim to be native american, I laugh..the pic is of a blonde or red hair light skinned man..the scammers think native American means "born in america"..lol..
Plus most are military or engineers working out of the country..they usually claim to be widowed raising at least one kid alone..they usually want to move the conversation to yahoo messenger asap. .then they tell of some sad story about how they need money..they come on strong with compliments and words of love..they're easy to spot..sometimes I play with them before lowering the boom..
11/28/2014 12:35:39 AM |
Scammer websites that I use!! |

Maryville, TN
55, joined Oct. 2014
A guy on this site said he was in the military. Very good looking. Had the photographs and name on the uniform. Tried to scam me. I know the photograph is this person but someone stole his pictures. How do I find out who the guy in the picture is?
11/29/2014 12:21:47 AM |
Scammer websites that I use!! |
Litchfield, IL
46, joined Mar. 2014
Useful information. I met a guy on this site and he was a good con artist. After taking me for 1500.00 I caught him with just one female but two. He had some items that belong to me and demanded him to return them. He beat me up. I have an order of protection against him. He is still on this site and is probably looking for his next victim. I can't report him as his messages got deleted. His username is "livfttf73". He is a repeat criminal and has a criminal history a mile long. If anyone can help me report him to this site I appreciate it. I would hate to see this happen to anyone else.
11/29/2014 12:23:44 AM |
Scammer websites that I use!! |
Litchfield, IL
46, joined Mar. 2014
Sorry that usernsme is livlfttf73
2/25/2015 2:50:00 AM |
Scammer websites that I use!! |

Omaha, NE
30, joined Dec. 2014
I see & thanks for some of that info