12/14/2014 5:57:39 PM |
Ha cum white folk always |

Chesterfield, MO
26, joined Sep. 2013
b*tchin bout da race card bein played cuz shit yall racist az hell yall expeck
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12/14/2014 6:15:28 PM |
Ha cum white folk always |


Victoria, TX
34, joined Sep. 2011
12/14/2014 6:32:12 PM |
Ha cum white folk always |


Glade Spring, VA
35, joined Feb. 2014
Stfu op.
12/14/2014 7:20:06 PM |
Ha cum white folk always |
Austin, TX
55, joined Nov. 2014
Radio frequency (abbreviated RF, rf, orr.f.) is a term that refers to alternating current (AC) having characteristics such that, if the current is input to an antenna, an electromagnetic (EM) field is generated suitable for wireless broadcasting and/or communications.
12/14/2014 11:48:55 PM |
Ha cum white folk always |

Durand, WI
49, joined Nov. 2014
online now!
I love grabbing the mic at Kmart, and yelling "Who let all these crackbabies in here?" Over the intercom. They wander the aisles confused for hours.
12/15/2014 5:31:03 AM |
Ha cum white folk always |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
People in general no matter who or what they are....won't always complain about something unless its true.
and this has nothing to do with racism, but unfairness.
Jerry, why do some people complain about unfairness....then turn around and support unfairness and use it to their advantage???
12/15/2014 6:46:46 AM |
Ha cum white folk always |


Eastlake, OH
38, joined Jan. 2010
b*tchin bout da race card bein played cuz shit yall racist az hell  yall expeck
Interestingly enough this sort of thing propetuates it as well.
12/15/2014 9:32:42 AM |
Ha cum white folk always |

Philadelphia, PA
48, joined Aug. 2014
online now!
b*tchin bout da race card bein played cuz shit yall racist az hell  yall expeck
I know you mean well O.P...but what does this have to do with Relationships? Also check your spelling..you may now-exit stage left. 
12/15/2014 4:51:07 PM |
Ha cum white folk always |


Norfolk, VA
38, joined Sep. 2013
oh are you black again?
12/15/2014 7:16:15 PM |
Ha cum white folk always |

Baytown, TX
46, joined Jul. 2012
b*tchin bout da race card bein played cuz shit yall racist az hell  yall expeck
12/16/2014 9:57:23 PM |
Ha cum white folk always |

Kalamazoo, MI
35, joined Jul. 2014
b*tchin bout da race card bein played cuz shit yall racist az hell  yall expeck
how the f**k do you know emoji code and you don't know english?
12/17/2014 8:06:43 AM |
Ha cum white folk always |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
Jerry, there is a black women on here who is so attention starved that she will play along with a white guy who posted this....just because he gave her a little attention.
"""No his channel only works if u want to see a unemployed n**ger sing about trashing his neighborhood""""
and other racist statements ...and I'm sure she has seen this.
do you have an answer for this?
just curious...because its hard for me to fathom, she would sell out her race over a little fake attention.
12/18/2014 1:15:53 PM |
Ha cum white folk always |

El Cajon, CA
34, joined Aug. 2014
Radio frequency (abbreviated RF, rf, orr.f.) is a term that refers to alternating current (AC) having characteristics such that, if the current is input to an antenna, an electromagnetic (EM) field is generated suitable for wireless broadcasting and/or communications.
. Lobsters have xray vision in their eyes. I'm white and I definitely would only date someone if she's a white girl. And has to be attractive too.
12/18/2014 1:21:14 PM |
Ha cum white folk always |


Fort Morgan, CO
56, joined Jun. 2008
OP, learn English.
12/18/2014 1:23:45 PM |
Ha cum white folk always |


High Point, NC
54, joined Jan. 2013
OP, learn English.
Educated in an alley.
12/18/2014 1:45:59 PM |
Ha cum white folk always |

Phoenix, AZ
53, joined Oct. 2014
b*tchin bout da race card bein played cuz shit yall racist az hell  yall expeck
Terrible impression.
12/18/2014 2:23:02 PM |
Ha cum white folk always |


Oak Lawn, IL
36, joined May. 2014
"You dont like me cuz I'm white." said no one ever...
12/18/2014 6:10:52 PM |
Ha cum white folk always |

Grand Rapids, MI
42, joined Nov. 2012
[Edited 12/18/2014 6:13:41 PM ]
12/18/2014 6:14:06 PM |
Ha cum white folk always |
Buena Park, CA
36, joined Nov. 2014
Interestingly enough this sort of thing propetuates it as well.

12/18/2014 6:43:32 PM |
Ha cum white folk always |


Manahawkin, NJ
39, joined Mar. 2011
Can someone decipher this incoherent dribble please
12/18/2014 7:05:04 PM |
Ha cum white folk always |
Buena Park, CA
36, joined Nov. 2014
Can someone decipher this incoherent dribble please

12/20/2014 4:29:49 PM |
Ha cum white folk always |

Chesterfield, MO
26, joined Sep. 2013
black n white peeps hav relationships even doe dey hateful
 I know you mean well O.P...but what does this have to do with Relationships? Also check your spelling..you may now-exit stage left. 
12/20/2014 4:49:18 PM |
Ha cum white folk always |

Bear Creek, NC
31, joined Oct. 2014
we aint playing
12/20/2014 4:50:57 PM |
Ha cum white folk always |

Bear Creek, NC
31, joined Oct. 2014
try an take a cops gun an point one at a cop an see if you get popped....
12/23/2014 8:28:45 PM |
Ha cum white folk always |

Baytown, TX
46, joined Jul. 2012
Educated in an alley.
Nope----more like in a dumpster
12/23/2014 8:30:27 PM |
Ha cum white folk always |


Columbus, OH
23, joined May. 2013
No comprendo
12/23/2014 8:36:44 PM |
Ha cum white folk always |
Austin, TX
55, joined Nov. 2014
Can someone decipher this incoherent dribble please
Frog sump pump wazzle fruppentone gesprachenhouazer, et la de vie. (more or less)
12/23/2014 11:30:47 PM |
Ha cum white folk always |


Columbia, TN
67, joined Sep. 2009
OP is a total fake. He's a white boy wanting to stir the pot.
12/23/2014 11:46:31 PM |
Ha cum white folk always |

San Diego, CA
35, joined Jul. 2013
online now!
OP is a total fake. He's a white boy wanting to stir the pot.
Now that I think of it, someone who talks like that would for one probably use and phone and not a computer. So he would probably have spell check.
And two, he would probably use spell check because it's easier than spelling shit wrong.
12/24/2014 1:34:46 AM |
Ha cum white folk always |

Ramona, CA
45, joined May. 2014
Jerry, there is a black women on here who is so attention starved that she will play along with a white guy who posted this....just because he gave her a little attention.
"""No his channel only works if u want to see a unemployed n**ger sing about trashing his neighborhood""""
and other racist statements ...and I'm sure she has seen this.
do you have an answer for this?
just curious...because its hard for me to fathom, she would sell out her race over a little fake attention.
hmm I wonder if this is the same person I'm thinking of..
12/24/2014 2:56:51 AM |
Ha cum white folk always |


Conyers, GA
49, joined Jul. 2014
online now!
math is exact,,screw spelling,,it dont,,or does,nt matter,,foxworty spelling is the best,,but you might be a redneck, haha..im a hillbily from ga. and tenn. and pennsylvania,
12/24/2014 10:57:46 AM |
Ha cum white folk always |


Norfolk, VA
38, joined Sep. 2013
hwo recas outba pelslnig uyo nac tslil drae stih
12/24/2014 11:00:09 AM |
Ha cum white folk always |


Norfolk, VA
38, joined Sep. 2013
ya herd dog
[Edited 12/24/2014 11:00:46 AM ]
12/24/2014 1:10:24 PM |
Ha cum white folk always |

Canton, MI
66, joined Sep. 2013
b*tchin bout da race card bein played cuz shit yall racist az hell  yall expeck
Did you even go to school? You sound like you grew up in the back woods somewhere. Before you start complaining about something YOU evidently have no clue, learn something about life. If you want to call someone a racist, trying looking in the mirror first because you sound like one.
By the way, if you had gone to school, you would have known that this blog is in the wrong forum. 
[Edited 12/24/2014 1:12:17 PM ]
12/24/2014 3:19:34 PM |
Ha cum white folk always |

Patchogue, NY
56, joined Sep. 2014
. Lobsters have xray vision in their eyes.
I thought they have x-ray vision in their ears. Thank you for the clarification. 
12/24/2014 8:55:53 PM |
Ha cum white folk always |

Marana, AZ
35, joined Nov. 2014
"You dont like me cuz I'm white." said no one ever...

12/24/2014 9:37:36 PM |
Ha cum white folk always |

Fresno, CA
56, joined Sep. 2014