12/15/2014 7:44:09 PM |
Black folks teach |

Chesterfield, MO
26, joined Sep. 2013
dey kids ta luv errybody white folk teach dey kids ta hate dem n**gers
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12/15/2014 7:51:40 PM |
Black folks teach |

Biddeford, ME
29, joined Sep. 2014
If you really think that I'm sorry
12/15/2014 7:59:45 PM |
Black folks teach |

Manassas, VA
23, joined Apr. 2014
online now!
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
12/15/2014 8:40:21 PM |
Black folks teach |
Orlando, FL
55, joined Jul. 2014
12/15/2014 8:42:23 PM |
Black folks teach |
Austin, TX
55, joined Nov. 2014
I know you can easily go to the feed store and buy pre-made, petroleum-based, udder balms. But why not make it at home instead?
12/15/2014 8:44:43 PM |
Black folks teach |


Opa Locka, FL
33, joined Jan. 2014
dey kids ta luv errybody white folk teach dey kids ta hate dem n**gers
You're quite stupid.
Ohhhh ye that's real accurate when you stupid coons are always robbing and shooting while people. Piece of shit
Although he's stupid for this you are proof of it. I probably see more racist shit from white men than any race and gender out there. I honestly feel sorry for you'll. Considering the fact that most of you'll feel so threatened.
12/15/2014 9:28:21 PM |
Black folks teach |

Conway, AR
31, joined Nov. 2012
I'm not sure what you are trying to say?
12/15/2014 11:01:48 PM |
Black folks teach |


Durand, WI
49, joined Nov. 2014
Free post!
12/16/2014 12:49:04 AM |
Black folks teach |


Buffalo, NY
20, joined Nov. 2014
If you really think that I'm sorry
Jerryx is a troll profile by some white racist .
12/16/2014 1:55:02 AM |
Black folks teach |

23, joined Oct. 2014
Quote from jerryxy:
dey kids ta luv errybody white folk teach dey kids ta hate dem n**gers
Translation please 
12/16/2014 3:45:34 AM |
Black folks teach |


Philadelphia, PA
52, joined Sep. 2011
Ohhhh ye that's real accurate when you stupid coons are always robbing and shooting while people. Piece of shit
Thanks for proving op ' s point ignorant f**ktard.
People don't shoot and rob because of what color they are. They shoot and rob because no o e ever took the time to teach them the difference between right and wrong and in the end they got involved with others like themselves who have a different set of values from the rest of normal society.
12/16/2014 4:39:23 AM |
Black folks teach |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
Bullshit jerry.
All people are human, and subject to being racist.
in fact from what I've seen blacks in general are more racist than any other race out there...by far.
at least in the case of the men....so what are you saying here....that all black men run from their responsibility as parents????...or are not human???
Strange, you'd do that.
and if all whites hated blacks....then considering the population proportions....they would have killed you off long ago...or shipped you back.
[Edited 12/16/2014 4:40:01 AM ]
12/16/2014 4:42:32 AM |
Black folks teach |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
If you really think that I'm sorry
no he doesn't really think that.
Jerry is either haggy or mikey or mister mister just trolling the forum with a fake black profile.
12/16/2014 4:58:37 AM |
Black folks teach |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
and dude, if this statement you made here was real.
then why do YOU post racist shit on here driven by hate and racism????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
why does Mister Mister scower thru the treads and only post on treads about race issues???
there you go...proof what you say is bullshit.
[Edited 12/16/2014 5:00:44 AM ]
12/16/2014 2:28:46 PM |
Black folks teach |


Opa Locka, FL
33, joined Jan. 2014
why does Mister Mister scower thru the treads and only post on treads about race issues???
there you go...proof what you say is bullshit.
Only meaning I don't comment on any other threads, are you sure about that? Let me see weren't you the one who once started a thread about me and other a couple other black men on here? Aren't you the one who tell people not to people not to mention start threads about other members because it's against the rules? Aren't you the one that keep talking about other people even when they aren't in the thread? Aren't you the one that obsessive over black men for some strange reason?
If you're so content with following what type of topics/threads I speak on than you would know that you're telling a f**king lie. Also the fact of the matter is you comment and entertain the same threads which you claim I only post in.
Let's not forget you sent me a message in regards to another thread that dealt nothing with race. I choose not to reply to you because I have nothing to say to you, but since you claim that's all I do here is your message you sent me.
You seem to constantly try to put my d*ck in your mouth, and always worried about what me or any other black guy has to say. You've been a piece of shit since I ran cross you when I first got on and will always be.
Dude, I agree with your statement on the " no good men thread"
and I hate seeing that shit, the world is full of good men, if not...we wouldn't be here.
But, see if this fits the bill.
This is Dh....call it what you want, but its a free sex site and draws in those of both genders mostly seeking that....with a few exceptions....no matter what they claim.
so, women distraught from relations and issues, because they can never admit fault or wrongs, come here to get a fwb, because they know they can't handle a relation or for now at least.
And they get these FWB's, but after the intimacy, tend to fall again, because underneath it all....that's their problem, they have these voids that need filling.
Of course its not with the kinda men they'd seek for a real relation, he sticks with seeing it as a fwb, and moves on because they go too clingy.
and the viscious cycle goes on and on....so thus the conclusion, there are no good men left.
That about cover it???
Dec. 09 6:44 AM
12/16/2014 7:24:00 PM |
Black folks teach |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
Mister Mister lately replies to only race threads 98 percent of his total imput here.
I'm sorry...I stand corrected.
[Edited 12/16/2014 7:24:14 PM ]
12/16/2014 8:07:09 PM |
Black folks teach |


Opa Locka, FL
33, joined Jan. 2014
Lmao still wrong but even if it were the case I'm not concerned with what topics you join in on. Surprisingly it's the same one's you claim is all I speak on. Don't you have bette things to do than worry about which way my d*ck swing
12/16/2014 10:27:42 PM |
Black folks teach |
Kalamazoo, MI
35, joined Jul. 2014
Mister Mister lately replies to only race threads 98 percent of his total imput here.
I'm sorry...I stand corrected.
Race threads ARE like 98% of threads on this site. Very racist site, even for a typical online forum.
12/25/2014 2:59:44 PM |
Black folks teach |

Chesterfield, MO
26, joined Sep. 2013
ok mos a yall teach yall kids ta stay away from dem n**gers
12/26/2014 9:21:20 AM |
Black folks teach |

Lampasas, TX
30, joined Apr. 2013
I've never taught my son that. I wouldn't want him to hate anyone, he's really too smart for that.
Hate is a result of ignorance. And being uneducated is really not attractive in any capacity.
Case in point, I do believe. 
12/26/2014 11:05:57 AM |
Black folks teach |


Jensen Beach, FL
40, joined Feb. 2012
I've never taught my son that. I wouldn't want him to hate anyone, he's really too smart for that.
Hate is a result of ignorance. And being uneducated is really not attractive in any capacity.
Case in point, I do believe. 
Hate isn't a form of ignorance. Blind hatred is. Some are racist from dealings with people in the past. Some are taught to hate. Thats the ignorant part.
Ignorant means you don't know the facts. Like some people are ignorant to how your car works. Doesn't mean you're not intelligent. People fear what they don't know. If we didn't we wouldn't have survived as a species.
12/27/2014 2:59:08 AM |
Black folks teach |


Norfolk, VA
38, joined Sep. 2013
12/27/2014 3:25:43 AM |
Black folks teach |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
Jerry, whatever it is "WE" see in those kids, is what their parents taught them....and from what I've seen in too many cases.
your full of it and wrong.
12/27/2014 4:02:10 AM |
Black folks teach |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
Jerry, talk means nothing.
All we have to do is look at society for the answer.
and from what I've seen your wrong in many cases.
We were taught in my family back in the 50's ands 60's to not judge by race and accept all people...as long as they act deserving.(key words there)
I'm not sure if with some blacks if its plain hate over race or jealousy by lack of understanding.
but your talk and the walk, don't match up.
12/27/2014 2:11:17 PM |
Black folks teach |

Albany, IN
43, joined Sep. 2013
Op learn English. I couldn't understand a damn thing u said. What language are u speaking?
12/27/2014 3:39:54 PM |
Black folks teach |


Daytona Beach, FL
45, joined Jul. 2014
Doesnt sound accurate at all to me. Takes alot more effort and energy to express hatred towards others. In my opinion, youre incorrect OP however, you are certainly entitled to your very small minded opinion.
12/27/2014 5:02:59 PM |
Black folks teach |


Gwynn Oak, MD
48, joined Jun. 2014
Hate isn't a form of ignorance. Blind hatred is. Some are racist from dealings with people in the past. Some are taught to hate. Thats the ignorant part.
Ignorant means you don't know the facts. Like some people are ignorant to how your car works. Doesn't mean you're not intelligent. People fear what they don't know. If we didn't we wouldn't have survived as a species.
Now this is some shit I can get with, I agree totally and very well said BTW.
Hate is an emotion just like love, sadness, happiness, etc. And like all emotions hate cn be sparked for many reasons just as love can.
If you have hatred for someone eho have harmed, struck at, violated, crossed or offended you then its justified.
But to hate someone who NEVER did a damn thing to you bcuz of something you was told is ignorance.
12/28/2014 11:22:45 AM |
Black folks teach |

Ypsilanti, MI
63, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
someone should teach you to type 