12/31/2014 7:32:45 PM |
For you racist. |

Kirkwood, DE
82, joined Sep. 2008
online now!
Nobody chose their nationality. Not one of us !!! Nobody did !!! You did not choose yours and I did not choose mine !! We are all products of one person inseminating another person !! Being attracted or unattracted to someones outward appearance is understandable, but to judge someone based on nationality is inane and insane ! Neither You nor I are responsible for the actions of others solely based on similarity of skin color. We should be judged based on content of character, not melanin !!
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

12/31/2014 7:36:01 PM |
For you racist. |

Kirkwood, DE
82, joined Sep. 2008
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For the obtuse:
Stop with the ethnicity and nationality trite BS. The fact is you , I or no one on this planet chose the country that they was born in. The woman that gave birth to you decided that !!!! You had no say in the matter !!! So you can not be held accountable for that nationality. !!!!! Period !!!!!! Dont fall into the tunnel vision mentality. I am not talking about immigration !!!! Do you understand that ???? What a person does or did after they became an adult is not what the post was about. Try to listen and read now !!!!!! It is very simple. Example: you are born in china. You did not make that choice !!!!! Dont mention immigration. !!!!! The fact is you did not have a choice . You are chinese. Wait, Dont mention immigration. !!! That is your nationality , period !!!! So another person should not say that because you are chinese you can not vote, work, date, marry, go to school or what ever. It is that simple !!!! Dont mention immigration. !!! I am not talking about immigration !!!! Ok now i am talking about immigration !!!!! Depending on the country one lives in , one can immigrate to another country and become a perminent resident or citizen in that country depending on that countries rules. Do you understand now ??? Now if you are not obtuse you will get that analysis. Its shocking that so many do not understand it.
12/31/2014 7:37:53 PM |
For you racist. |

Jessieville, AR
54, joined Jul. 2010
It's true!
Elvis didn't choose to be born in Tupelo, Mississippi.
12/31/2014 7:43:30 PM |
For you racist. |

Kirkwood, DE
82, joined Sep. 2008
online now!
Amem to that.
12/31/2014 7:44:32 PM |
For you racist. |
Salt Lake City, UT
34, joined Jun. 2013
Racism is there to divide a conquer us. To play us off each other so we don't see who is truly bending us over and taking our rights. We must, indeed, all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.
12/31/2014 7:49:02 PM |
For you racist. |

Kirkwood, DE
82, joined Sep. 2008
online now!
Some people dont understand that concept.
12/31/2014 8:01:29 PM |
For you racist. |
Salt Lake City, UT
34, joined Jun. 2013
Yeah, they are probably arguing about "their team" is better than yours. How their car is faster than your. How they make more money and have slept with more women than you. All this is a distraction from the things in life that really matters like family, freedom , healh. We live in a society were men have been given freedom not fought for it. Racism is fake and no one with a brain buys into it. It's all brainwashing that a lot of people in poverty can blame someone else for their problems. It's the global banker that are running the show and is to blame for the poverty and brainwashing.
12/31/2014 8:12:34 PM |
For you racist. |

Kirkwood, DE
82, joined Sep. 2008
online now!
Jane Elliot said it best. " racism is a mental disorder."
12/31/2014 8:22:01 PM |
For you racist. |

Kirkwood, DE
82, joined Sep. 2008
online now!
I am moving this post to " General " " Chat Room"
12/31/2014 8:27:18 PM |
For you racist. |

New Port Richey, FL
29, joined Aug. 2013
How about moving it up yo ass!!!
12/31/2014 9:24:08 PM |
For you racist. |
Boynton Beach, FL
52, joined Jun. 2009
Why is there so much discrimination in south fl as far as jobs go
12/31/2014 10:04:51 PM |
For you racist. |

New Port Richey, FL
29, joined Aug. 2013
12/31/2014 11:06:51 PM |
For you racist. |

Kirkwood, DE
82, joined Sep. 2008
online now!
Any state that does not understand cultural diversity will have issues with illegal discrimination.
12/31/2014 11:32:17 PM |
For you racist. |


Eastlake, OH
38, joined Jan. 2010
These kind of threads just perpetuate the very things you describe Op. you are just creating one more outlet to show itself and let that sort of thing continue to live on. Kinda counterproductive if you ask me.
1/1/2015 12:26:55 AM |
For you racist. |

Kirkwood, DE
82, joined Sep. 2008
online now!
No. I dont think so. I know what you mean. But i honestly
believe that a forum like this does not perpetuate racism. A racist may become livid because of the exposure but exposing racism so that all shall see it drives it off the face of this planet hopefully.
1/1/2015 12:37:09 AM |
For you racist. |

Kirkwood, DE
82, joined Sep. 2008
online now!
I am moving this post to " General " " Chat Room"
1/1/2015 6:14:50 AM |
For you racist. |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
Good....we really don't want threads about racism here.
this area is for general questions about dating.
and op, IF you think only one race is racist.
that would make you a racist.
People or groups that always point at others....are racist.
just saying.
1/1/2015 6:22:43 AM |
For you racist. |

Kirkwood, DE
82, joined Sep. 2008
online now!
To bumblebee
Do you know how to read ??? Read it again !!!!! When did i ever say that only one group is racist ???? How did you come to that conclusion ???? Why do people inject what they want to read into what is actually printed ??? Read it again and do not insinuate! !!! A racist means just that : Racist !!!!
1/1/2015 6:40:40 AM |
For you racist. |

Kirkwood, DE
82, joined Sep. 2008
online now!
To bumblebee7 :
Insert apology here ;____________________________
1/1/2015 9:18:58 AM |
For you racist. |


Eastlake, OH
38, joined Jan. 2010
Well you know what they say...
You are what you think about.
So just merely thinking about it let's it live on.
It's been exposed for a very long time. Everyone knows about it. It doesn't need anymore exposure or attention.
It's like the kid at the store that wants the toy he can't have. If you create a huge scene in the store, he will just go on having his tantrum because he knows he is getting to you and you may give in.
Now on the other hand, if you calmly tell him no and walk away. Completely ignoring him, he will know you're serious and stop.
1/1/2015 9:32:59 AM |
For you racist. |


Eastlake, OH
38, joined Jan. 2010
If you would have made a thread about something like music. I would have been thinking about that. If you made a thread about you favorite spot to take a lady out for dinner, I would have been thinking about all the things associated with that.
So you created a thread about racism. That gets me thinking about everything associated with that. Letting it live on.
You need to stop and change your thinking if you want it to go away.
When I say change your thinking, I don't mean change your views or opinions on the matter. I mean think about something else entirely different.
1/1/2015 9:47:04 AM |
For you racist. |
Canton, OH
31, joined Dec. 2014
I couldn't agree more with you we all know what happened in the past we trying to make things better and move on life is to short to keep talking about what happened are what is I love all types of race doesn't matter to me I'm biracial didn't ask to be but I love whom I am because I love all races even if I was fully one race I'll still love all because no matter what the skin color is where still the same on the inside blood, bones, etc we have the same and we all came from one place and that is our creator
1/1/2015 11:02:15 AM |
For you racist. |


Eastlake, OH
38, joined Jan. 2010
That's exactly right. We are all spiritual beings having a human experience.
1/1/2015 2:23:46 PM |
For you racist. |

Kirkwood, DE
82, joined Sep. 2008
online now!
Very interesting .
So what you are saying is ignoring racism is the answer. ??? That saying " you are what you think about " is just not valid. We all think about many things and it just does not add up. No no no guys, dont be that way. If that is your honest genuine opinion i will honor that , i genuinely feel that awareness , conversation, understanding, cultural diversity etc..... is the answer. I truely understand what you are saying. But i am telling you that ignoring racism is not the answer. Do you know who jane elliot is ?? She said it best " racism is a mental disorder" I believe that. We should not ignore mental disorders. We need to study them and cure them.
1/1/2015 5:00:53 PM |
For you racist. |
Canton, OH
31, joined Dec. 2014
No what you need is a life for real the only reason why racism was a big issue long time ago is because we wanted a better life than what we had but when Rosa Parks Martin Luther king Jr and other fights for our rights they succeed and without what people put foght for us ungrateful blacks now days we would have so much freedom so stop living in the past and use what people fight for to use and keep making things better stop beating others race so what they skin color is different but who is you to judge them the only person who past judgment is God and if you was God you wouldn't keep this post going
1/1/2015 6:53:36 PM |
For you racist. |

Kirkwood, DE
82, joined Sep. 2008
online now!
To sweetthing:
You have so much to learn. This is 2015 yes, much is better yes, but what do you know about racism ? Are you a victim ? You know any victims ? Example: if we were all the same color we would not know racism. There would be no excuse for anybody to hate based on ethnicity. Man would have other issues but the racial issue would not exist. But guess what ? That is not the case. Some victims receive racism at a much higher degree. Maybe you are or maybe you are not a victim ,but it is your decision to fight racism the way the pioneers did or to take a more modern approach. To ignore and hope racism goes away is no proactive. Racism is not self limiting. Racism is conditioned into children on a daily basis. That is the reason it needs to be countered. Yes, I need and want a life , the life that is rewarding. When you ignore danger what happens ? You risk being the victim of injury. No no no sweetthing, dont do that. Important advances have been made but there is much more to achieve. Never settle until we are all seen as equal because god does and that is the life i want. Judging is for god only. A racist has no right to judge by they do on a daily basis. That is not acceptable.
Can you look for me in "General" then " Chat Room"
Under " to all the racist of the world"
1/1/2015 10:57:59 PM |
For you racist. |

Janesville, WI
54, joined Nov. 2013
I was living in Miami when Martin Luther King was shot and killed. I remember those riots. Why were these black people rioting and burning down businesses that took good care of them. Why did they attack white motorists driving through Liberty City and other black areas? Did they actually know MLK and his family? Or were they agitated by outside influences.
That day I realized that there are good and bad in all people. But, I also saw a side of black people I never expected nor knew. These people were animals. When the riots started in Missouri, I realized that these are the same kind of people.
Am I racist? Yes, I hate thugs, black or white. I hate criminals, black or white. I hate people like the ones in Missouri that burned down businesses where they were employed. I hate Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson for inciting riots in the street and then running away like cowards.
Do I hate all black people? No. I admired MLK and what he stood for and what he was trying to do. The Civil Rights acts was actually passed because of him. But it enslaved the black people more than slavery ever did. It was a shame that the people that followed him weren't as intelligent to see what he was trying to do. He made the black people dependent on federal handouts and I hate these people for draining our hard earned tax dollars.
1/2/2015 12:19:21 AM |
For you racist. |

Kirkwood, DE
82, joined Sep. 2008
online now!
To donjohnson :
How old are you ? It matters. Hating behavior does not make you a racist !!!! No matter what the excuse is , destruction, assault, murder, vandalism, theft etc..... only exaserbates the tragedy. This behavior may or may not be a reaction to injustice and it is not acceptable. Most of us know that you dont commit crimes to protest crimes. You said it, there is good and bad in all. There is nothing wrong with adverse reactions to criminal conduct. Criminal conduct should be prosecuted. But you should not hold another man accountable for criminal behavior based on similarity of skin. This is what due process is for. Just because i am the same color does not make me a criminal.
1/2/2015 1:07:02 AM |
For you racist. |


Durand, WI
49, joined Nov. 2014
I was born a poor black man. Now I'm a rich white man. I'm joking. I'm an albino hopi indian, bikinian, bohemian. And family get together were a complete riot. But....I like the Hindu culture. It's pretty cool. I just laugh at the race baiters. They have no bearing on me.
1/2/2015 1:15:07 AM |
For you racist. |


Albuquerque, NM
59, joined Jan. 2013
I'm cool with the Blacks. I even have a Black friend, you k,now in case I ever get myself into a tight spot.
1/2/2015 9:39:55 AM |
For you racist. |
Canton, OH
31, joined Dec. 2014
1st all for you to assume I never experienced it before you wrong see how you quickly to judge me because of my age yes I had experienced ut I can remember when I live in Kentucky and my uncle and his family use to call us the n word like and every one in school call us the n wordi have a really good memoryso don't sit there and tell meI haven't eexperienced it and even after all that happen I still love my uncle and his family and I forgive everyone wh call us the n word because they didn't know better I knew they was raised by stupidity like everyone else
1/2/2015 10:10:07 AM |
For you racist. |
Canton, OH
31, joined Dec. 2014
I'm not choosing to ignore the racism because Any reason it's because life is to short to keep going with negative things I been experiencing a lot negative things in my life and now I have nothing but positive lifestyle yes I wish all races come together and be one because one day my time will come and I'm be at a place where we all one not separate from the color of our skin but who was good or bad and there nothing wrong to wish like that and it can happen if we teach our children to love everyone for who they oue and don't judge them I think it ok to talk about the past and what our family went through but not to teach hate but to teach we shouldn't be like that
1/2/2015 2:44:29 PM |
For you racist. |

Janesville, WI
54, joined Nov. 2013
The people that are continuing to protest need to be arrested. They aren't doing "their cause" any good. If they are on welfare, disability, food stamps and WIC and are protesting they should have their benefits taken away for life.
1/2/2015 10:59:02 PM |
For you racist. |

Kirkwood, DE
82, joined Sep. 2008
online now!
To sweetthing :
Was it my post that you read ??? Maam , read it again !!!! Where did you read that i assumed that you was too young yo be a victim of racism ??? Why do people inject what they want to read into what is actually printed ??? Read it again and do not insinuate! !!!
1/2/2015 11:10:57 PM |
For you racist. |

Kirkwood, DE
82, joined Sep. 2008
online now!
I think it ok to talk about the past and what our family went through
Yes sweetthing i agree. That is what i am doing. I teach what racism is so that they will avoid it.
1/3/2015 3:08:07 AM |
For you racist. |
Canton, OH
31, joined Dec. 2014
I shouldn't never assumed you I was in wrong I guess it was because you said I have much more to learn and stuff but just because I young doesn't mean anything I void racism because it full of negative thinking about what our ancestor been through and who all got hurt are kill because they fight for our rights and I'm not just talking about blacks people I'm talking all races because their was some good white people who wasn't races the help blacks and some march and fight with the blacks and we don't think the one's who support blacks and help blacks escape to north and being by our side racism is still going on lil do some people know and its said but I don't go out there looking for it i voidit because no matter its never going away but eeventually it will died ans soon it's not going be a big deal but me I'm living life for what God want me to by the bible and I'm pretty sure there nothing in the bible about racism because it teach to love one and other not hate it teach to accept people who they are and help the one's who is in need so I'm done with this post
1/3/2015 4:29:29 AM |
For you racist. |

Kirkwood, DE
82, joined Sep. 2008
online now!
To sweetthing:
I never said only blacks are victims of racism.
The original post is about judging. Some people think that it is ok to judge one man based on the behavior / actions of other men with the same skin color. In my opinion only a racist would do that.
1/3/2015 6:33:49 AM |
For you racist. |
Canton, OH
31, joined Dec. 2014
I wasn't putting like you said blacks was the victims I was given my opinion because most other people does think like that that's all I hear now I know all race is victims of racism I completely understand that you miss understood me
1/3/2015 9:08:15 AM |
For you racist. |
Greenwood Lake, NY
29, joined Jan. 2014
Jane Elliot said it best. " racism is a mental disorder."
1/3/2015 9:12:53 AM |
For you racist. |
Greenwood Lake, NY
29, joined Jan. 2014

1/3/2015 2:21:39 PM |
For you racist. |

Kirkwood, DE
82, joined Sep. 2008
online now!
In my opinion, ignoring racism is encouraging it, encouraging it condones it, condoning it teaches it.
1/5/2015 1:11:58 AM |
For you racist. |

Albany, IN
43, joined Sep. 2013
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We are all in GODS image. We as humans need to come together as one and stop all this racist bull shit. When we pass on to the happy hunting grounds we will all be together as one race. No color or religion will matter in heavan. So lets just get along and this world will be a happier place. But we all know that's just a dream. But this racist crap is getting old fast.
1/5/2015 8:54:45 AM |
For you racist. |
Canton, OH
31, joined Dec. 2014
Wildfir I agree with you 100% I'm tired people play the race cards ok what happened back than was horrible and we fought a long battle and look where everyone at now the only reason the racism is going because we keep playing into it blaming others race reality its not that its the difference in people generally not the color of our skin but people want to play the racism card and that the problem we all see life differently in our opinion and not by color but what we believe in and our point of view but no one never going see it that way because we only see it the other way
1/5/2015 9:34:13 AM |
For you racist. |

Boone, NC
46, joined Jan. 2012
Nobody chose their nationality. Not one of us !!! Nobody did !!! You did not choose yours and I did not choose mine !! We are all products of one person inseminating another person !! Being attracted or unattracted to someones outward appearance is understandable, but to judge someone based on nationality is inane and insane ! Neither You nor I are responsible for the actions of others solely based on similarity of skin color. We should be judged based on content of character, not melanin !!
I agree with you but sadly the racist people around are the ones who pick on others because of how they abuse the system by using race as their tool to do it. So it goes beyond hating someone because of skin color when it comes to racism today. It's not that simple anymore.
1/6/2015 3:01:00 PM |
For you racist. |
Scranton, PA
30, joined Oct. 2014
How was your day going
1/6/2015 3:06:05 PM |
For you racist. |
Scranton, PA
30, joined Oct. 2014
Sean . Mullen 77964@FaceBook
1/6/2015 5:27:23 PM |
For you racist. |
Scranton, PA
30, joined Oct. 2014
Sean . Mullen 77964@FaceBook .com 570 507 2265
1/7/2015 3:22:01 PM |
For you racist. |

Kirkwood, DE
82, joined Sep. 2008
online now!
YOU must never hold me accountable for the actions of others just because i have the same skin color !!!!!!!!!!
1/7/2015 3:34:09 PM |
For you racist. |


Moorhead, MN
41, joined May. 2014
I do not have a problem with anyone's race..I have a problem when people use it to bait on stupidity like media and government...to get jobs etc...Just because I can't stand the POS that's in the white house now dose not mean im racist. I can also never say, "hey im proud to be white" I get looked at and called racist for that...but if I was Asian I can say, "im proud to be Asian or Asian American"...Just my opinion on the matter.
You are right OP we do not chose where we are born or who are parents are....but we can chose to stop using race as a crutch and let it tear this country down as it is doing.
Some people chose not to date other races but their own....and frankly that is their choose.
1/7/2015 3:34:44 PM |
For you racist. |

Fort Payne, AL
28, joined Nov. 2014
online now!
Op is a racist b*tch
1/7/2015 6:36:39 PM |
For you racist. |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
Interesting....because I was raised in a family that taught non racism to its children.
Hell, I went home with and had over blacks, Mexicans and etc back in the late 50's and etc.
I never saw a racist act in my life that was white on black....I heard some talk sure, but that's not racist acts.
My first experience with racism was when in the 8th grade two blacks at school targeted me to steal my new sneakers out of my locker.
Then a couple of years later while at a friends house who lived near a black hood...we were just talking, when rocks started raining down on us from that hood....we had done nothing to provoke it other than being white.
Keep in mind, these were area's with fewer blacks.....then when I was invited by a black friend to go to Washington Shores, the main black hood back in Orlando in the old days before Disney and I was the first white there ever....and all the hated look I got from most there.
Then when I went to Southern California, were there are a high percentage of blacks....I experienced racism and all that virtually on a daily basis...including sometimes more racist acts.
I'd list these separately...but it could take a couple of hours and I don't have the time.
Horrible...especially considering how I was raised and showed equality to all thru my life.
Your correct op....too much racism does exist.
Too bad, the emphysis is not for "all" people to correct this and take the responsibility that there are those in their groups that are like this....and admit this to the world and on commercials and in the movies...so that it seems fair and all and more truthful to the facts...
When and IF that ever happens...then I think real strides have been made.
But...I'm not holding my breat either.
1/7/2015 6:45:17 PM |
For you racist. |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
Talk means nothing to me....anyone can talk.
You want to change the world?
Impress me by joining the Pease Corps and feeding starving people, or join Green Pease and save the Whales....or help the elderly and disabled....and not just black people, but all people.
I did...with the exception of the Pease Corps and I was in marches for change, when you either weren't born and just a baby still.
Talk is nothing, doing just for your kind is nothing.
So far...you offered nothing here...I'm not impressed at all.
1/18/2015 11:01:06 AM |
For you racist. |
Scranton, PA
30, joined Oct. 2014
Sean . Mullen 77964@FaceBook
1/18/2015 11:12:57 AM |
For you racist. |

Burlington Flats, NY
51, joined Aug. 2014
online now!
I'm with bumbles on this one.
1/18/2015 12:34:12 PM |
For you racist. |


El Paso, TX
39, joined Feb. 2014
Sean . Mullen 77964@FaceBook .com 570 507 2265
Why do you keep posting your personal info. Are you a retard?
1/19/2015 2:56:27 AM |
For you racist. |


Arvada, CO
47, joined May. 2014
I find it important to find out why things bother me. Important because I am forfeiting my happiness to entertain such things. Asking myself why I choose to let things have free reign in my mind is important. Self-honesty and the willingness to share the information with another is also invaluable.
Things like this have a terrible destructive power. We, ourselves, determine precisely how much power is given to these things. The older I get, the more important it is to me to be happy. Good luck, op.
1/19/2015 2:57:10 AM |
For you racist. |


Arvada, CO
47, joined May. 2014
If you ever want to talk about anything, i'm here. Seriously.
1/23/2015 10:19:01 PM |
For you racist. |


Metairie, LA
27, joined Apr. 2013
Nobody chose their nationality. Not one of us !!! Nobody did !!! You did not choose yours and I did not choose mine !! We are all products of one person inseminating another person !! Being attracted or unattracted to someones outward appearance is understandable, but to judge someone based on nationality is inane and insane ! Neither You nor I are responsible for the actions of others solely based on similarity of skin color. We should be judged based on content of character, not melanin !!
Lies, Michael Jackson chose.