1/26/2015 1:53:20 AM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |

Portland, OR
35, joined May. 2014
online now!
I am unfortunately a cancer survivor. I made the stupid mistake of going through surgeries and chemo treatment to fight the horrible disease. Why am I regretting my decision to fight the cancer? Simple.
Before I got sick, I got rejected left and right by women. So I thought that would change, once I made it through everything and survived the disease. I was so wrong. Even after surviving, I still continue to get rejected by women, especially on here or any dating site, for that matter. It seems that no woman on here or anywhere, thinks I am good enough for her, especially once pictures have been exchanged. I have talked with several, who PRETEND to care, but once they get my picture, they could give a shit less.
The women who have all rejected me, in either getting to know me, as friends, or for more, are as follows. Brooke, Amanda, Lacey, Emily, Sonia, Krystal, Jessica, Michelle, Sarah, Leanne, Lisa, Darla, Scarlet, and lets not forget, Kathryn.
I have met 1 of the women listed in person. Sonia, but again, once we met, she lost interest, all because I'm not good enough for her. The others mentioned, were women that exchanged pictures with me, and then they all lost interest. So I ask myself, I survived, for this?! Really?!
Now lets talk about Kathryn. Again, I wasn't good enough for her. She was the coldest of all the others. With her, I told her how I felt and was she even flattered? F**k no! All because, as with the others, in her eyes, I'm not good enough for her, either. Yet her husband, who resembles Jeffrey Dolhmer in every way, except for the fact that Jeremy isn't gay, IS good enough for her!
So with all these women, showing me, that I'm shit and not good enough, I truly regret my decision to battle and win against cancer. I should have just allowed it to grow and grow, and then kill me. To make up for my horrible mistake, I have decided to go back to what I did before I got sick. Starve myself, cut myself, and do other harmful things to myself. Maybe if I was good enough for SOMEONE, ANYONE, I wouldn't feel this way.
The men that ARE good enough for these women, are physically fit, white, bad boy, douche bag, serial killer types. I am not ANY of those qualities.
If ANY of the women listed, read this and care to actually explain, why they lost interest, feel free to respond to this ad. I would post my number, but you all should already have it and CL keeps deleting my posting, when I do.
YOU all PRETEND to care, but unless I'm the piece of shit type you really want, you TRULY don't care. So why should I care?! It was a mistake to think that going through and fighting this disease, would change my life for the better. MY decision and regret is because of ALL of you.
If any new women, who have not responded to me, would like to know more, or even know more about Kathryn, please email me. I would put more in here, about her, but, that would be a dead give away of who I am, and some people who go on here, either used to work for her, with her, or know her.
Also, this is going to sound really mean and nasty, but if I had a way to infect THESE TYPES of men, with any kind of cancer and allow them to die from it, I would! I hate THESE TYPES of men, who have it all, I'm not jealous of Bill Gates, he doesn't get under my skin, like Mr. Piece of Shit, Jeremy, Kathryn's husband! I'd especially love to infect him with any type of cancer! Seeing him die, would greatly please me!
Yes, this is similar to my other posting, but I added a little bit more. Seems on craigslist, it kept getting flagged, so I'm wanting to see what you all will respond with on this updated version, where I talk about Kathryn's serial killer, type, husband, Jeremy. If anyone responds, would like pics of ANY of the women, meantioned, please, just email me, directly.
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1/26/2015 2:11:06 AM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |


Mc Kenzie, TN
39, joined Jul. 2011
Did you beat it or is it in remission.
You have to be careful what you wish for in life.
1/26/2015 2:20:32 AM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |


Toledo, OH
51, joined Jan. 2012
So you beat cancer.....but cant beat loneliness?
BS....get your a** off the internet and meet women in person first....and everyone gets rejected.....get over it...
1/26/2015 3:39:53 AM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
Jeez dude....and one day you'll go thru having a few women and caring about them.
And the outcome will be...."why did I waste my time caring about women" ?....geez, after I got cured, I'd been better off learning about investments so that I'd retire early in life, living on a beach and collecting old muscle cars, and now I sit with an old buick, I call home.
1/26/2015 5:15:10 AM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |


Crown Point, IN
53, joined May. 2013
online now!
You have posted this before. I have 4 friends who battled cancer in 2014. You need therapy. You are extremely depressed. I have a feeling you have always battled depression.
I am sorry for your emotional pain. Posting this over and over is not going to help you. If you want help you are going to have to call a professional mental health therapist. There are support groups for cancer survivors. Depression is a normal side effect of dealing with cancer.
Good Luck OP
1/26/2015 5:23:58 AM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |
California, MO
23, joined Mar. 2014
This February will be one year I lost my nephew for this horrible disease. To hear you say the things you say both saddens and angers me. Pull up your boot legs and man up. For every rejection you face, is a step. A step in the right direction. A step closer to finding your soul mate.
1/26/2015 5:38:05 AM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |


Wickenburg, AZ
56, joined Nov. 2013
You are really a selfish individual. To even post this and actually to have posted it before. Many of us have friends and family lost to cancer who battled bravely. Who wanted life. I battled and won. And am not using it to try and get a man nor do I regret going thru the treatments and living. I appreciate all those who stood by me and treated me. My doctors became friends.
I just don't believe you are here again.
[Edited 1/26/2015 5:39:06 AM ]
1/26/2015 5:38:58 AM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |

Houston, TX
66, joined Nov. 2011
You seem to be defining your life by a disease. You are a person. You are not cancer. People don't want to hear about your cancer diagnosis and treatment. They really, really don't. This is why old folks in nursing homes get very few visitors. No one want to listen to their "health report" and complaints about their various ailments.
You are too young to be acting, talking and thinking like a geezer.
Your profile indicates that you have children so obviously women haven't always rejected you as you claim. I suspect you immediately launch into your cancer shtick and it turns women off.
I'm also a survivor and I don't bore people discussing my illness. Develop yourself and become someone that women want to know. No one wants to know a man whose identity is "I'm a cancer survivor."
1/26/2015 6:16:16 AM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |


Crown Point, IN
53, joined May. 2013
online now!
You seem to be defining your life by a disease. You are a person. You are not cancer. People don't want to hear about your cancer diagnosis and treatment. They really, really don't. This is why old folks in nursing homes get very few visitors. No one want to listen to their "health report" and complaints about their various ailments.
You are too young to be acting, talking and thinking like a geezer.
Your profile indicates that you have children so obviously women haven't always rejected you as you claim. I suspect you immediately launch into your cancer shtick and it turns women off.
I'm also a survivor and I don't bore people discussing my illness. Develop yourself and become someone that women want to know. No one wants to know a man whose identity is "I'm a cancer survivor."
Thank you for your well written post. I am sorry for your health issues. You are a fighter with a positive attitude. I lost my mom to cancer. I take may hat off to you.
1/26/2015 6:47:53 AM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |


Philadelphia, PA
52, joined Sep. 2011
Op I lost the love of my life to cancer a little over 6 years ago and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't wish doctors could have done more.
Actually it wasn't the cancer that killed her but an infection she got in her that Traveled through her blood stream and hit her heart that caused her to go into cardiac arrest that the doctors caught too late because they were too busy initial writing off her symptoms as expected for someone whose cancer was spreading rapidly.
Though I'm a guy after looking at your pics I don't think your issue is being ugly as you think. You really aren't all that bad looking. I think your issue is your size.
Go to a gym work out turn some of that fat into lean muscle and I bet you start having the ladies pay more attention to you.
Just like alot of the men on this site most of the ladies don't want an overweight guy. They want someone in good shape and who cares enough about his health to keep in shape. It's not your looks but your weight that's holding you baxk.
1/26/2015 8:23:11 AM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |


Conyers, GA
49, joined Jul. 2014
after my wife died of cancer 15 or so months ao,i dated o 6 or so women had some come over,knew we wasnt posed to do this or that,did anyway,an p*ssy is goodfor a little while then theree gone an there isues an there kids in jail etc n more problems,but now i found someone unique an unusyual but very pretty an intelligent as me,,we just are different an really domt belong with these here kinda sorta, shes my love an sweetheart just barely startin off an hopin for the best,,was with wife 23 years,,n i wanted to die with her it hurt so incredible bad..yes..but now,,o lord i want this to work,hang in there,,keep om chooglin, an be thankful,an dont forget there is someone up above.
[Edited 1/26/2015 8:24:58 AM ]
1/26/2015 10:31:35 AM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |

Sunset, SC
95, joined Dec. 2014
Obviously this is the only way you think you can girls OP is by trying to make them feel sorry for you.
And it's obviously not working for you since you've now posted the same thing twice.
You might want to try a different angle.
1/26/2015 10:33:42 AM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |


Houston, TX
47, joined Sep. 2014
Rerun of your thread from 3 weeks ago right?
1/26/2015 10:40:32 AM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |

Chaska, MN
31, joined Nov. 2014
Were the responses from this thread the first time not enough? I recall you getting some damn good advice in that one.
1/26/2015 10:57:14 AM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |


Raleigh, NC
49, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
I So I thought that would change, once I made it through everything and survived the disease. I was so wrong.
Why would it change...you thought they'd start throwing sympathy dates at a broken, angry guy that abuses himself? 
Seek help...it's not other people's fault you can't attract that which you desire. 
1/26/2015 11:22:04 AM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |
Phoenix, AZ
43, joined Oct. 2014
What a b*tch.
1/26/2015 11:25:36 AM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
Dude...your not ready to date or have a relationship.
whatever it takes, you'll have to get to the point to where you feel good about yourself first.
No person can magically fill that void for you.
Sure, at first you'll seem happy, but not as time goes on.
So, you have to get your self together first, and it starts with stop feeling sorry for yourself as if you had a life harder than anyone else.
We all had hard life's here....many worse than yours, and no one here or there can fix this for you.
you need to seek some help from a pro, and that's that.
Then life will get better, forget about dating and all....concentrate on getting it together.
1/26/2015 12:09:44 PM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |
Pomfret, CT
45, joined Dec. 2013
The self loathing pity party for one needs to end. Its not getting you anywhere.
You are worse than a 100 cackling hens with the drama of they think I'm ugly, they only pretended or email me and I will tell you all about so and so.
Cancer was not the problem, surviving is not the problem! You are the problem! Grow up!
Stop putting blame everywhere else and put it with you! Take responsibility for the way you act and conduct yourself maybe then women will find you more attractive.
Right now you are two small steps away from having a pacifier in your mouth and mom changing your diaper. Something's in life aren't easier for everyone. You happen to be one that dating is harder for you. So draw yourself a fish bone diagram and identify the top 4/5 main things people have said to you and then list 5 why's this happens. I am betting you will learn a lot about yourself and then try to fix it.
Pity party over....
1/26/2015 5:10:23 PM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |


Buffalo, MO
59, joined Sep. 2011
online now!
Look surviving cancer is a positive thing , I understand that because I have done it. Don't look for sympathy from folks or play the cancer card to try and get chicks especially if you are just wanting to date. Rejection is part of life , I'm not sure how long u have been in remission, but take a good look at yourself in the mirror and tell, yourself u feel great,and say I look good . In life attitude is everything make u believe in u. U must like yourself before anyone else will like u. Above all seek professional help .
1/26/2015 5:16:24 PM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |


Jeannette, PA
56, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
"Sometimes, dead is better... " Pet Cemetary
1/26/2015 6:21:44 PM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |


Green Bay, WI
49, joined Jul. 2013
op u have wrote this before, why are u keep putting this in the threads, learn to love yourself, it's the greatest love of all (by Whitney Houston )
1/26/2015 6:49:37 PM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |

Saint Paul, MN
62, joined Oct. 2009
That's a lot more interest than they've shown me. The lesbians in here have such demanding expectations that only 10 guys in the entire world meet their standards and 7 of them are married and the other 3 are celibate.
1/26/2015 9:26:56 PM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |


Shakopee, MN
36, joined Oct. 2012
Pity, Pity we all have mental issues from time or time just can't go thru life dwelling on them. Find a hobby or passion because should not wait around for another person as relationships fail most times anyways. Cancer is terrible on mind and body hope you start feel better, but girls come and go.
1/26/2015 9:47:47 PM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |


Phelan, CA
44, joined Sep. 2011
I am serious. We all have gave you suggestions and support but you continue to complain. You need therapy! Badly! STOP THE MADNESS!
1/27/2015 9:36:38 PM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |


Metairie, LA
27, joined Apr. 2013
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
1/28/2015 10:38:19 AM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |

Boone, NC
46, joined Jan. 2012
hold up, so it's not deja vu I'm experiencing? 
1/29/2015 6:46:17 PM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |


McKeesport, PA
54, joined Jul. 2007
Everyone faces rejection at one time or another in life. And, unfortunately, a good many face cancer also and many do not live to complain about another day. First of all you are making it sound like if you don't meet someone, your life is not worth living. Don't you get it???? You got your life back???? Whether you meet someone or not, you got life!!!!! Jeez, you are unreal. And was it necessary to name the woman, and if so many rejected you, maybe you are picking the wrong ones. Or, maybe you are doing something, like maybe your approach, or things you are talking about, not talking about, your dress etc......you should be trying to find out what you are doing wrong and fix that not crying that you should have died. So many fighting and maybe not winning their fight with Cancer would love the chance you are crying over and I'm sure would love to kick your a** right now. And remember, there are many other things in life besides relationships and if that is the only thing that defines whether you live or die, then you need to re think this maybe. Good luck.
1/30/2015 12:59:08 AM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |

Chicago, IL
34, joined Sep. 2010
If you wish it upon yourself then may your wishes come true.. What good are you to yourself let alone a woman. You got issues dude. No woman want a guy like u.. You are weak. Instead of using this as getting a new leash on life you.complain about internet women.rejecting u. Its probably all u talk about. You are.clearly boring and uninteresting and thats why not cause of the cancer. Dont bring it up.to everyone and u might have a chance. Tho i.doubt it.
1/30/2015 1:05:01 AM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |

Chicago, IL
34, joined Sep. 2010
Plus i have never known anyone to beat cancer.. It goes into remission and you may live longer but ultimately its gonna win.in the long run. Unfortunately..
1/30/2015 6:35:20 PM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |


Jeannette, PA
56, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
Plus i have never known anyone to beat cancer.. It goes into remission and you may live longer but ultimately its gonna win.in the long run. Unfortunately..
You're wrong. Removal of the cancerous tissue, followed by chemotherapy and radiation, can remove all traces.
At which point the cancer is "beat".
1/30/2015 6:50:11 PM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |


Conyers, GA
49, joined Jul. 2014
.................yes.....my mother knew it,,my wife died july 2013 an refused chemo.......liketo have killed metoo, if i cant havethe onei love now,,,its lookin good,,im tired of pain and hurt,,been out with a few,,no amount ofgood sex helps,,,,,,,i want prmanant an honourable in gods sight,,ani hopean pray the sweetherat i have now isthe one,but i swear,,you do better if ya treat ema littlefirm,an harsh,,an not lovey dovey constantly,,whats with thiswomanthing likethis..i wanna live bt with her only,an shes a gift from god to me,,i know about not wantin to live,an a very lonely house with a cat or 10......................no deal,as i wait on my love of my life,an to call her,,but im cuttin out somelovey dovey stuff too much,,,.........
1/30/2015 8:11:11 PM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |

Chicago, IL
34, joined Sep. 2010
You're wrong. Removal of the cancerous tissue, followed by chemotherapy and radiation, can remove all traces.
At which point the cancer is "beat".
yeah if its caught early enough.most people especially black people dont go to the doctor often thus the reference to no one I personally know beat it. They only fended it off and ultimately died. It has no cure right? So how can you beat full blown.cancer?

1/30/2015 9:25:20 PM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |


Grove City, OH
37, joined Feb. 2012
I'm a cancer survivor too but you ought to thank your lucky stars your here for a reason.
Grab your nuts and tug. You are letting emotions get the best of you.
Feel sorry for all the others who lost their battle fighting.
1/31/2015 3:30:21 AM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |


Santa Clara, CA
53, joined Apr. 2011
Life is a gift. I am a cancer survivor...knock on wood. One year in remission.
Your problem has nothing to do with these women.
It comes from within. It was with you before you got sick. You need the help of a mental health professional. I don't know if you've seen one before, have been properly diagnosed and treated for a specific mental illness but that is where your troubles lie.
Life can be better! But until you CHOOSE to want things to be better it can't change. Like me I know you've got a whole bunch of doctors. All you need to do is make an appointment with your primary. Tell him/her you desperately need to see a mental health professional. Don't let an MD diagnose you!!!! Only a Psychiatrist can do it and prescribe correct meds if needed. MDs just sort of wing it.
So keep fighting. Get your head in the right place. Then everything else will fall into place. Relationships will be possible.
Never believe you are not good enough. You just need some help that these women can't give you right now and you shouldn't expect from them.
Keep fighting!!!! Sending out prayers to you. 
1/31/2015 3:37:14 AM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |


Jeannette, PA
56, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
I'm a cancer survivor too but you ought to thank your lucky stars your here for a reason.
Grab your nuts and tug. You are letting emotions get the best of you.
Feel sorry for all the others who lost their battle fighting.
"Sometimes, dead is better... " Pet Cemetary
1/31/2015 7:53:17 AM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
OP...you may not want to hear this, you may think its mean.
But, its obvious you really want a woman in your life.
So here's the deal...people want some attraction, and it takes that to get the ball rolling.
It would help, if you lost some weight, your head picture looks really large, almost out of proportion and about all people go by that first impression, the profile picture, and on dating sites the women are out numbered by the men in drastic proportion..that's a lot of competition, and choices for the women, enough so that the lesser attractive women can get men that would be harder for them to get in real life.
I'm sure your a nice guy, but for them to get to know that on a dating site, you have to get past that initial attraction.
Out in the world your chances are much higher, because there, they get a chance to see who and how you are.
but even then, this change would ad to the odds, and then if you do, it increases the odds on dating sites dramatically.
When we really want something in life, sometimes we have to do things like this to make a real difference.
1/31/2015 7:58:24 AM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
Dude...a lot of people gave great responses and part of the problem is this negativity and lack of confidence.
But, I looked at your picture and thought, how are most going to react initially on a dating site?
Your not ugly, you just have this huge head.
I'm sorry to be so frank...but I know you want to solve this problem.
I think if you slim down some, added the right flairs to give that masculine look to your face.
you'd find things a lot different.
Your very young, now that's an advantage many don't have....that much time left.
1/31/2015 1:06:14 PM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |
Warren, MI
33, joined Oct. 2014
U must loved ur self first your not defined Who u are
1/31/2015 1:22:51 PM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |
Rochester, NY
56, joined Apr. 2014
Did you ever think maybe you weren't meant to be with someone at this stage in your life.
No offense but having a woman in your life is not the end all and be all that its
cracked up to be. Besides nothing in this life is permanent and none of us knows
what the future may be. If I was you I'd be pretty happy that I beat the cancer
and maybe your focus is to help others that are going through the same thing you
did instead of focusing on a dream of having a woman in your life that may or may
not happen.
[Edited 1/31/2015 1:24:27 PM ]
2/15/2015 3:01:09 AM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |

New Orleans, LA
39, joined Nov. 2010
First off , Thank GOD you're alive Man !!! Forget anyone who ever rejected you for whatever reason . They've been rejected too trust me Women aren't immune to Rejection . We are all Glad you're Here with All Of Us Today so thank you for sharing your story and keep them coming . We care about you so Keep Your Head Up!!!!! If you need to talk man stay in touch . But NEVER say or think you shouldn't be here , Your Story is Far From Over , Your Book Still Unwritten ! Besides You can get Women trust me ! Don't wish cancer on anyone ! I don't know how old you are but maybe the women you ask out are too young and immature . Minds have to meet before bodies do and if a woman doesn't have a Great Mind , talk to someone else.
Reading your story you made some bad very poor choices the worst being a Married Woman OFF LIMITS !!!! you know you were wrong there . She had no business complimenting you in any way cancer or not . Single Women Only .
Want to get past all this ??? Forget the Women you Mentioned earlier . Be the best you can be first off . The rest will follow.
2/15/2015 3:06:51 AM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |

Omaha, NE
26, joined Dec. 2014
So you beat cancer.....but cant beat loneliness?
BS....get your a** off the internet and meet women in person first....and everyone gets rejected.....get over it...
I agree 
2/15/2015 3:09:57 AM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |

Omaha, NE
26, joined Dec. 2014
Look surviving cancer is a positive thing , I understand that because I have done it. Don't look for sympathy from folks or play the cancer card to try and get chicks especially if you are just wanting to date. Rejection is part of life , I'm not sure how long u have been in remission, but take a good look at yourself in the mirror and tell, yourself u feel great,and say I look good . In life attitude is everything make u believe in u. U must like yourself before anyone else will like u. Above all seek professional help .
I agree but Ive never had cancer.
2/15/2015 3:12:42 AM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |

Omaha, NE
26, joined Dec. 2014
Everyone faces rejection at one time or another in life. And, unfortunately, a good many face cancer also and many do not live to complain about another day. First of all you are making it sound like if you don't meet someone, your life is not worth living. Don't you get it???? You got your life back???? Whether you meet someone or not, you got life!!!!! Jeez, you are unreal. And was it necessary to name the woman, and if so many rejected you, maybe you are picking the wrong ones. Or, maybe you are doing something, like maybe your approach, or things you are talking about, not talking about, your dress etc......you should be trying to find out what you are doing wrong and fix that not crying that you should have died. So many fighting and maybe not winning their fight with Cancer would love the chance you are crying over and I'm sure would love to kick your a** right now. And remember, there are many other things in life besides relationships and if that is the only thing that defines whether you live or die, then you need to re think this maybe. Good luck.
I agree 
2/15/2015 3:15:51 AM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |

New Orleans, LA
39, joined Nov. 2010
One more thing that will help you ALOT . IT's good for your Health > Exercise , work out , take walks just get your body Moving and eat well . Is Cancer the only issue you have ? How's your blood sugar ? Just take care of yourself .
TRUTH : IF YOU DON'T CARE ENOUGH ABOUT YOURSELF TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF , WHY SHOULD A WOMAN WANT YOU ? You have to love you First and Foremost My Friend . Eat well exerice and stop thinking about the loser women you ran into and make better choices about the ones you talk to in the Future . Work out and lose some weight and just get you Health where it could be and you'll be STUNNED at how many women you have.
If you read this and what others have said and do nothing , life remains the same but if you'll just make some changes you will blow your own mind .
Be Strong For You .
2/15/2015 3:38:03 AM |
Cancer survivor who regrets fighting the disease and beating it. |

Gretna, LA
32, joined Jul. 2014
Good advice journey