1/26/2015 9:14:13 PM |
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Portland, OR
35, joined May. 2014
online now!
Here is a poll for interest. I am curious if I am the ONLY guy on here, that gets ignored, after sending women, in general, friend requests or messages?
I really think its just me, since I'm not the physically fit, serial killer, douche bag, bad boy, white, piece of shit, type. Are there other guys on here, that get ignored, who ARE all those types?
I send out, really nice and kind messages, and yet, the women I send them to, either, delete it, without responding, or just read it, and that's it. They don't even have the kindness to tell me, their not interested.
It would just be nice to know, that I'm NOT the only guy on here, that get's ignored. Maybe if I found out, that men, who ARE that type, get ignored, too, I wouldn't be so hard on myself and could start to feel, like, I'm no different, than they are.
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1/26/2015 9:19:32 PM |
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Bridgewater, NJ
31, joined Jun. 2014
is this shit
1/26/2015 9:21:45 PM |
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Danville, AL
51, joined Mar. 2014
1/26/2015 9:23:58 PM |
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Chaska, MN
30, joined Nov. 2014
Everyone gets ignored.
Don't send friend requests to people you haven't spoken to. That's annoying.
They aren't going to respond if they aren't interested, so take it with a grain of salt and move on.
When I was sending out messages, I got ignored more often than not.
1/26/2015 9:31:41 PM |
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Phelan, CA
44, joined Sep. 2011
Ok we ALL get ignored and rejected. And its not just the guys getting all the rejection.
You DO NOT have to be bad a** serial kilker douche bag to get women to like you. The women that go for guys like that have very low self esteem. Do you want women like that?
OP these sites are awful; especially the free ones. I have had some luck here, but over all my experience has been awful
OP just hang out in the forums and have some laughs.
1/26/2015 9:36:23 PM |
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El Paso, TX
31, joined Aug. 2010
Maybe put a picture of yourself up so people can see what you look like that might help
1/26/2015 11:03:52 PM |
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Green Bay, WI
49, joined Jul. 2013
U not the only one op, but if it makes u happy then check your inbox
1/26/2015 11:28:29 PM |
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Wilkes Barre, PA
43, joined Apr. 2007
where is the poll????
it's not just you.take it for what it is.they do have a money back guarantee
1/26/2015 11:51:23 PM |
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Portland, OR
35, joined May. 2014
online now!
where is the poll????
it's not just you.take it for what it is.they do have a money back guarantee
You're awesome. Money back guarantee. Lol.
1/26/2015 11:52:10 PM |
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Portland, OR
35, joined May. 2014
online now!
U not the only one op, but if it makes u happy then check your inbox 
Check my in box? Ah, nothing, from you.
1/27/2015 2:12:34 AM |
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Enid, OK
55, joined Feb. 2010
I get ignored all the time. In fact I can go out and not be seen or interacted with at all. It is like I am the "Invisible Man" or something.
1/27/2015 3:29:23 AM |
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Belton, MO
34, joined Sep. 2009
online now!
OP these sites are worthless for finding love. Been trying that since 2009. Now I just amuse myself in the forums and to hell with it all. If you take it seriously then I guarantee you that it will drain whatever self confidence you may have had prior to coming on here. You have been warned.
1/27/2015 3:41:04 AM |
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Oak Creek, WI
31, joined May. 2014
Everyone gets ignored.
Don't send friend requests to people you haven't spoken to. That's annoying.
N read their pro...if it says "here for forums"
It probably means their not here so much to search thru local profiles, but probably here for the friends n banter of THE FORUMS...shocker
1/27/2015 7:08:10 AM |
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Litchfield, CT
40, joined Dec. 2014
OP, I also get ignored on dating sites. I send messages. Women look at my profile, but I get no reply back. It happens to lots of guys.
For every 100 women that I message, about 3 actually send a reply message back. That seems to be the norm with online dating sites. Don't give up hope.
But honestly, it's better and easier to meet women in real life situations.
1/27/2015 7:10:51 AM |
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Johnston, IA
46, joined Sep. 2014
This really is relationship material huh op?
You have a relationship with emails?

1/27/2015 7:23:53 AM |
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Apex, NC
47, joined Jul. 2013
I really think its just me, since I'm not the physically fit, serial killer, douche bag, bad boy, white, piece of shit, type. Are there other guys on here, that get ignored, who ARE all those types?
This statement right here, speaks volumes for me. So since women, in general, don't seem to be interested in you.......................
That only leaves us with the douchebag serial killer.  
I'm sorry you've been thru some shit, but most everyone on here has been. Get over yourself, it might make the rest of your time walking this rock more enjoyable.
1/27/2015 7:27:19 AM |
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Pomfret, CT
45, joined Dec. 2013
The "no response" is a response of not interested.
Everyone experiences them. I personally do not treat this like FB and send out friend request. I am hoping one day that "needle in the hay stack" pokes me and when he does, do I really want him to see a list of 500 men I'm acquaintance's with? No!!!! The only person I would ever be friends with is that "needle in the hay stack" and that's only if my account remains open. Which it wouldn't.
Keep your chin up and keep trying!
1/27/2015 8:13:28 AM |
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Cincinnati, OH
40, joined Dec. 2014
Stay out the drive thru op. Drop a buck-50. A well trimmed beard and some more hair. Not everyone can pull off the shaved head look. Ya kinda got that John Wayne gacy look goin on. Just helpin a brotha out. Don't be so angry.
1/27/2015 8:18:24 AM |
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Durand, WI
49, joined Nov. 2014
Go see the movie '50 shades of gray', bring a box of tissues, take two aspirins, and call me in the morning. 
1/27/2015 8:26:08 AM |
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Loveland, OH
41, joined Jun. 2014
What is that bullshit, sending a friend request? I get those all the time. Some stupid friend request and they never send a damn message? No Im not on here looking for a friends. I have friends. Thanks.
1/27/2015 10:17:18 AM |
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Portland, OR
35, joined May. 2014
online now!
Maybe put a picture of yourself up so people can see what you look like that might help
Have you looked at my profile? There are pictures. But since I'm not the serial killer, douche bag, white, physically fit, piece of shit, type, I'm having no luck. So, sorry, I'm not Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dolhmer, or even Phillip Markof, the hot, good looking, craigslist killer, which it would seem, most, if not all women, want these days!
1/27/2015 10:44:49 AM |
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San Antonio, TX
47, joined Dec. 2014
No, most women don't want what you just described. If you aren't getting messages, that's not why.
1/27/2015 10:55:12 AM |
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Chaska, MN
30, joined Nov. 2014
Have you looked at my profile? There are pictures. But since I'm not the serial killer, douche bag, white, physically fit, piece of shit, type, I'm having no luck. So, sorry, I'm not Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dolhmer, or even Phillip Markof, the hot, good looking, craigslist killer, which it would seem, most, if not all women, want these days!
You know Jeff Dahmer was gay, right?
1/27/2015 10:56:53 AM |
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Redding, CA
79, joined Jun. 2012
Op...i get ignored as well..don't take it so seriously..I just move on..one time i looked at some guys profile and he wrote me saying "sorry, you're not my type"..I laughed my butt off over that one because he presumed I was interested just because I looked at his profile..in truth, I looked him up in the forums to see his age because his forum posts were always so juvenile..just keep trying and don't take it personally..
1/27/2015 11:15:51 AM |
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Portland, OR
35, joined May. 2014
online now!
You know Jeff Dahmer was gay, right?
Yes. But if he had been straight, most women would've wanted him, because of how good looking he was.
1/27/2015 11:36:40 AM |
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Chaska, MN
30, joined Nov. 2014
Just a tip, but looks are only one small portion of attraction. Ted Bundy was said to have been extremely charismatic and personable.
I'm fatter than I have ever been in my life. I'm rejected more often than not. I have had men tell me they would f**k me if I promised not to tell anyone, but I'm too fat to take on a date. Know what? F**k them. We aren't always going to be everyone's cup of tea, and that's perfectly fine. But we have a choice. We can keep our head up and work on making ourselves the best person we can be, or we can wallow in self pity and make no changes, and wonder why our lives don't improve. Choice is up to you.
1/27/2015 11:40:26 AM |
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Houston, TX
47, joined Sep. 2014
Here is a poll for interest.
So where's the poll numbnuts?
1/27/2015 11:51:01 AM |
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San Antonio, TX
47, joined Dec. 2014
Yes. But if he had been straight, most women would've wanted him, because of how good looking he was.
Jeffrey Dahmer wasn't good-looking. I sure don't think he was
1/27/2015 11:51:11 AM |
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Gwynn Oak, MD
48, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
You DO NOT have to be bad a** serial kilker douche bag to get women to like you. The women that go for guys like that have very low self esteem.
This IS NOT true. As a guy (ask any man) we only see fine a** women with types of guys. Women ho look too damn good and get too much attention to have low self esteem.
Women with low self esteem will except ANYONE they can get bcuz they don't have much to bargain with.
But women who date the bad boys often TURN DOWN better offers where women with "LES" don't have any offers to turn down.
1/27/2015 12:09:40 PM |
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Gwynn Oak, MD
48, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
Trust me my white brother its not just you. This is my philosophy......
Men chase women so bcuz of that women feel some kind of advantage that makes most feel they're better than you bcuz you seek them and they have to choose you.
This creates a real B*TCH type of attitude, a God like complex. They feel worshipped. Which in their minds makes you BENEATH THEM.
Whats ironic is thats exactly what the angle Lucifer thought about himself in heaven when he got all that attention for being beautiful. That should tell you what all us guys gotta put up with my friend.
1/27/2015 12:22:36 PM |
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Raleigh, NC
49, joined Jun. 2014
Blaming others because you can't attract what you want does NOT make it true. 
1/27/2015 12:26:55 PM |
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Portland, OR
35, joined May. 2014
online now!
Jeffrey Dahmer wasn't good-looking. I sure don't think he was
That's your opinion. I know several women, that would've dated him, had he been straight. I wrote about a woman, named, Kathryn in either this post or another. Her husband, looks almost identical to Jeffrey Dolhmer. It's so discusting.
1/27/2015 12:28:54 PM |
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Raleigh, NC
49, joined Jun. 2014
What is with your fixation with serial killers? 
1/27/2015 12:33:01 PM |
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Durand, WI
49, joined Nov. 2014
Woe is me. I am creepy, old, and ugly. And women just won't leave me alone because of my glutes of steel, and my raging confidence, and my wild personality. I have to beat them off with a stick. It's so sad. Women half my age making indecent proposals. Divorced, middle aged women with lots of teenage kids that I've never met showing up at my door looking for dates. Even elderly grandmother's grabbing a handful of my a** in line at the grocery store. It's so depressing. I am more than the sum of my parts ya know. I am a person. I am not just a sex toy. I have feelings, and emotions, and self respect. Boohoo hoo. It's just so sad. "Sniff".    
1/27/2015 12:41:26 PM |
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Houston, TX
47, joined Sep. 2014
I really think its just me
So you do have a mirror then.
1/27/2015 12:43:01 PM |
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Anderson, SC
22, joined Jun. 2014
 is this shit
What he posted.
1/27/2015 1:00:56 PM |
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Orlando, FL
26, joined Dec. 2014
online now!
My condolences OP.
But dude just look at your name.
Its just screams needy.
my advice, delete your profile and start over.
Display confidence.
Be a man and all will be well.
Best of luck in your endeavors.
1/27/2015 1:13:52 PM |
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Cincinnati, OH
40, joined Dec. 2014
It's funny when people are angry about how the world works. I figured it out in junior high. Either do somethin about your station in life,or sit around bein angry and feelin sorry for yourself. Most people just like bein the victim or claiming bad luck.
1/27/2015 2:01:34 PM |
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Portland, OR
35, joined May. 2014
online now!
What is with your fixation with serial killers? 
Serial killers and men, like them have it so easy. They get whatever they want, without even trying. Yet, they don't get illnesses, like the good people out there. Illnesses, like cancer or other deadly diseases. Yup. Life is so good and easy for serial killers and men, who look and act, like them. I personally get punished, by women, because I'm NOT like them, in anyway shape or form. Makes me wonder, if I had become a serial killer, type of guy, when I was younger, maybe, my life would be just as easy as theirs?
1/27/2015 2:03:23 PM |
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Danville, IL
95, joined May. 2009
Dating sites open the world to you, an opportunity to meet so many........maybe the women you have selected as favorites just might be receiving a lot of interest. Does not mean that she is being rude, just can't respond to everyone.
1/27/2015 2:27:44 PM |
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Cincinnati, OH
40, joined Dec. 2014
I think op wants to be a serial killer...
1/27/2015 3:05:03 PM |
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Orlando, FL
26, joined Dec. 2014
online now!
Serial killers and men, like them have it so easy. They get whatever they want, without even trying. Yet, they don't get illnesses, like the good people out there. Illnesses, like cancer or other deadly diseases. Yup. Life is so good and easy for serial killers and men, who look and act, like them. I personally get punished, by women, because I'm NOT like them, in anyway shape or form. Makes me wonder, if I had become a serial killer, type of guy, when I was younger, maybe, my life would be just as easy as theirs?

You really are nuts.
No wonder you are solo.
1/27/2015 3:13:54 PM |
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Buffalo, NY
20, joined Nov. 2014
online now!
I think am a witness to the birth of a serial killer .
1/27/2015 3:47:14 PM |
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Green Bay, WI
49, joined Jul. 2013
Check my in box? Ah, nothing, from you.
just being sarcasm op
1/27/2015 4:10:58 PM |
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Portland, OR
35, joined May. 2014
online now!
I think op wants to be a serial killer... 
Lol. If I did become one, my life would be a lot easier, but I can't become one. I'm not a physically fit, good looking, tall, white, douche bag, bad boy, type. Which all serial killers, are and look like.
1/27/2015 4:38:58 PM |
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San Antonio, TX
47, joined Dec. 2014
You REALLY think women want a serial killer? 
Looks to me more like it is your attitude & weird way of thinking that has most women not interested.
[Edited 1/27/2015 4:41:29 PM ]
1/27/2015 5:04:39 PM |
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Crown Point, IN
53, joined May. 2013
Hush little baby don't you cry Mama's gonna sing you a lullaby.
1/27/2015 5:42:55 PM |
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Apex, NC
47, joined Jul. 2013
I don't want to date a serial killer, I want to become the DH stabber and slasher. 
I'm gonna make Shane famous.
1/27/2015 5:44:46 PM |
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Indianapolis, IN
47, joined May. 2011
I don't want to date a serial killer, I want to become the DH stabber and slasher.
I'm gonna make Shane famous.
Get back in the trunk, I thought I locked it.
1/27/2015 5:46:36 PM |
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Apex, NC
47, joined Jul. 2013
Hello Mr. Butter 

1/27/2015 6:01:43 PM |
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Portland, OR
35, joined May. 2014
online now!
You REALLY think women want a serial killer?
Looks to me more like it is your attitude & weird way of thinking that has most women not interested.
Yes. Women typically want a physically fit, good looking, white, douche bag, piece of garbage, that's tall. Men like that, are typically serial killers.
I'm not any of those qualities. I'm actually better than those types of men, yet, women judge me on my outer appearance, first, before even getting to know, what a great guy, I truly am.
1/27/2015 6:11:22 PM |
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Brockton, MA
43, joined Oct. 2014
I don't put much to much into dating sites anymore. I've met my share of crazy women. I've met morc quality women well on vacation and travel to be with them. Something about being on a cruise or vacation that makes things better for meeting people. Common enjoyment in things that you can't touch on a profile. Do a singles cruise best thing for you trust me 100%
1/27/2015 6:56:25 PM |
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Redding, CA
79, joined Jun. 2012
Trust me my white brother its not just you. This is my philosophy......
Men chase women so bcuz of that women feel some kind of advantage that makes most feel they're better than you bcuz you seek them and they have to choose you.
This creates a real B*TCH type of attitude, a God like complex. They feel worshipped. Which in their minds makes you BENEATH THEM.
Whats ironic is thats exactly what the angle Lucifer thought about himself in heaven when he got all that attention for being beautiful. That should tell you what all us guys gotta put up with my friend.
Lol... ..thank you for your post, I haven't laughed so much in a while and I sure needed a good laugh..that was great..
1/27/2015 7:21:48 PM |
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Columbus, OH
23, joined May. 2013
Honestly no response = a response
1/27/2015 7:31:05 PM |
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Tehachapi, CA
58, joined Jan. 2013
N read their pro...if it says "here for forums"
It probably means their not here so much to search thru local profiles, but probably here for the friends n banter of THE FORUMS...shocker
if they write to me with out knowing the difference between there, their, they're, & thru, through & thorough, I will ignore them. angle & angel lmao
[Edited 1/27/2015 7:33:06 PM ]
1/27/2015 8:55:51 PM |
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Gwynn Oak, MD
48, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
Serial killers and men, like them have it so easy. They get whatever they want, without even trying. Yet, they don't get illnesses, like the good people out there. Illnesses, like cancer or other deadly diseases. Yup. Life is so good and easy for serial killers and men, who look and act, like them. I personally get punished, by women, because I'm NOT like them, in anyway shape or form. Makes me wonder, if I had become a serial killer, type of guy, when I was younger, maybe, my life would be just as easy as theirs?
Ok see now I'm getting worried my friend. Althouvh I agree with your view I NEVEF EVER tbought about taking that route. Let me share another philosophy with you.
Women are like fish. There are all different types with many different flavors. Certain fish bite off certain baits. Its just a matter of figuring out which fish bites off which baits and you're the hook. Then figure out how to bait your hook. Example:
You have a gangster type face. You look like that famous gangster "Bugsy". Try some loose slacks and a nice hat but nothing expensive. Coffee houses, dinning near nice (not expensive) places by the waters, nice scenery. Lots of down to earth women who still wear dresses and enjoy the company of a true gentlemen. Thats the kinda fish worth keeping. Those fish that bite off bad boy bait are fu€ked and thrown back, they are not keepers trust me. They are the dumbest, nastiest tasting fish in the water, a mud fish. 
1/27/2015 9:09:24 PM |
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Gwynn Oak, MD
48, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
Lol. If I did become one, my life would be a lot easier, but I can't become one. I'm not a physically fit, good looking, tall, white, douche bag, bad boy, type. Which all serial killers, are and look like.
You need to get off that. You're starting to sou.d lime a bromen record brah. Stop worrying about what you don't have and work with what you got.
Bcuz you're really obsessing over this "no good" look you seem to wish you had. Not EVEN considering the type of women who goes for that.
1/28/2015 8:09:11 PM |
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Saint Paul, MN
62, joined Oct. 2009
EVERY guy in here gets routinely ignored. DH women do NOT respond to messages and a woman might get a hundred for every one a guy gets so you really have to stand out.
1/28/2015 8:10:27 PM |
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El Volcán
36, joined Apr. 2014
even the cats ignore me... et hoc transibit
1/28/2015 8:12:31 PM |
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Saint Paul, MN
62, joined Oct. 2009
You REALLY think women want a serial killer?
Looks to me more like it is your attitude & weird way of thinking that has most women not interested.
I think most of the women in here are so insecure they figure only a BAD BOY will have them. The rest like the site because it's free for the time being. Women put an extremely low premium on nice, responsible guys. Either they don't have the brains of a gnat or they have absolutely no common sense. Probably both.