2/7/2015 6:34:21 AM |
Purple Hearts |

Dublin, OH
69, joined Dec. 2009
Purple Hearts, were intended to recognize a Military Veteran wounded in "Combat" Action.
I just heard that there is a push to give this Historically Honorable Decoration to those that were shot by that Crazy Man at Ft Hood, TX.
The reasoning is that he was in contact (via the internet) with Terrorist Organizations, and that changes this horrendous experience from a Work Place Shooting to a Terrorist Attack.
As much empathy as I have for the Family's and those Shot, I do not think this is right. And they even have yet to Identify which Terrroist Organization?
If they do this, won't they be empowering these Terrorist Organizations?
Do the Folks who lost their lives on 911, "By A Deffinative Terrorist Organization" deserve the same, even though they are non Military?
The 2 boys at Columbine, used Terrorist web sites to learn how to build bombs, why wasn't that incident listed as a Terrorist attack.
I would be interested in knowing other Vet's thoughts on this.
Have a Soft Day

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2/7/2015 7:58:38 AM |
Purple Hearts |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I received 2 in Vietnam as a medic . A lot of guys got theirs after dying on the battlefield or later as the result of those wounds. I think theres a lot of stuff going on at the Pentagon that is just crap.I'll start with the dress blue uniform for the army.It looks like a high school bands! Giving the black beret to everyone that previously was worn by the Rangers is another. Now they want to allow women to serve in combat arms and attend the Ranger Course. Then theres the proposal for a new award/medal for drone operators.
history of the Purple Heart, its meaning and when its awarded should be preserved as it is.Those wounded or killed at Ft. Hood were not in a combat theater. JMHO
D*ckie 101st
2/7/2015 4:33:09 PM |
Purple Hearts |

Ocala, FL
46, joined Oct. 2014
I received 2 in Vietnam as a medic . A lot of guys got theirs after dying on the battlefield or later as the result of those wounds. I think theres a lot of stuff going on at the Pentagon that is just crap.I'll start with the dress blue uniform for the army.It looks like a high school bands! Giving the black beret to everyone that previously was worn by the Rangers is another. Now they want to allow women to serve in combat arms and attend the Ranger Course. Then theres the proposal for a new award/medal for drone operators.
history of the Purple Heart, its meaning and when its awarded should be preserved as it is.Those wounded or killed at Ft. Hood were not in a combat theater. JMHO
D*ckie 101st
Well put. I'm a generation later, but I agree. 
2/7/2015 5:11:50 PM |
Purple Hearts |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
OP ... This is such old. Wes ..... There was a thread running here about it early last year.
Go find something new to discuss, please.
2/7/2015 5:21:34 PM |
Purple Hearts |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Actually cup a lot of his stuff is still being considered and batted around DOD. What I find most offensive is these PC notions always land with the Army. The Marines, Navy and Zoomies haven't changed much of their uniforms or decorations for decades, but for some reason the fashionistas and bureaucrats love to tinker with the history and traditions of the Army.
2/7/2015 5:34:45 PM |
Purple Hearts |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
I am in the possession of 2 Purple Hearts, Richard. Both awarded via the Army. American Pride is across the board, not centered on one branch or another. jmho
2/7/2015 5:52:32 PM |
Purple Hearts |

Dublin, OH
69, joined Dec. 2009
OP ... This is such old. Wes ..... There was a thread running here about it early last year.
Go find something new to discuss, please. 
What, are U the Thread Police?
I had just heard this on the news "this am", don't know anything about what was going on a year ago.
Sorry this caused You any kind of issue.
Have a Soft Day

[Edited 2/7/2015 5:53:23 PM ]
2/7/2015 6:13:09 PM |
Purple Hearts |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
What, are U the Thread Police?
I had just heard this on the news "this am", don't know anything about what was going on a year ago.
Sorry this caused You any kind of issue.
Have a Soft Day

No prob, Moment ... The story is just old, that's all. There are so many other issues concerning our American vets right now that would be much more of a help to our vets. jmho
No issues were stirred up in me, dear .... sorry you overreacted a bit.
Cottony day to you, too. a
2/7/2015 11:32:45 PM |
Purple Hearts |


Clara City, MN
66, joined May. 2011
Actually Cup tries to be the police of DH. IF she was more current on military issue she would know that congress is still discussing giving the FT HOOD people the purple heart.
IN my opinion they should not be awarded the purple heart since it was not in battle, But a person of their ranks that caused the problem on US SOIL.
2/8/2015 5:01:56 AM |
Purple Hearts |

Dublin, OH
69, joined Dec. 2009
Actually Cup tries to be the police of DH. IF she was more current on military issue she would know that congress is still discussing giving the FT HOOD people the purple heart.
IN my opinion they should not be awarded the purple heart since it was not in battle, But a person of their ranks that caused the problem on US SOIL.
And then there is that, I guess that is one of the risks one takes when starting a thread, Oh Well.
And you do bring up a good point, this was a US Service man, and a Psych. As you brought up.
Well, I guess we will just see.
Have a Soft Day
2/8/2015 8:44:09 AM |
Purple Hearts |


Tehachapi, CA
61, joined Jan. 2013
That's great cup-o-cheer has 2 Purple Hearts. Who received them? Were they your family's heirloom? My old boyfriend has his Uncle's Purple Heart from Vietnam Era.
All I have is a Purple Heart bumper sticker and volunteer hours clocked for assisting Veterans via the organization of the same name. OP I don't think civilians should be given the Purple Heart. 
2/8/2015 9:33:21 AM |
Purple Hearts |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Actually cup you are wrong.Just yesterday on Yahoo a news release was posted that the decision had been made by DOD to award Purple Hearts to the victims of this deranged murderer.
PS. Being in "possession" of two Purple Hearts isn't the same as being awarded them! My mom had my dads (they met at Valley Forge Hospital where he was recovering after the Battle of the Bulge, he also was a medic).I sent both of mine home to her. I guess she was in "possession" of four! What bothers me most about this decision is PH recipients weren't part of making it-we weren't even asked. It was a political decision and ignores the history, legacy and sanctity of the medal. These soldiers were wounded and murdered by a mad dog inside Ft. Hood. Thats something different. It was an insane and criminal act, but they did not engage in combat against a known or declared enemy of this country. Civilians might disagree. But I promise you thousands of Purple Heart recipients would side with me on this.
2/8/2015 1:12:19 PM |
Purple Hearts |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Im curious cup..do you think the uniformed men and women killed on 911 at the Pentagon should also receive the Purple Heart? Take the time to visit the website of the Military Order of the Purple heart and read its history and criteria prior to this change.
2/9/2015 11:53:31 PM |
Purple Hearts |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
What, are U the Thread Police?
Have a Soft Day

And you've just been sentenced to an 11/29 in my custody, big boy.
Come along peacefully.
2/10/2015 8:27:50 PM |
Purple Hearts |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

2/13/2015 3:52:36 PM |
Purple Hearts |


Ruskin, FL
57, joined Mar. 2013
I think the FT Hood victims deserve something, Purple Heart? I don't know. They were shot by the enemy, though not in a combat operation.
2/14/2015 2:10:43 AM |
Purple Hearts |


Clara City, MN
66, joined May. 2011
I don't think they should get a PURPLE HEART. The one that shot them was a member of the US Military. He may have been a Muslin but still was US MILITARY, so technically he was not the enemy.
2/14/2015 6:55:36 PM |
Purple Hearts |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
great point.
2/15/2015 12:54:52 PM |
Purple Hearts |


Ruskin, FL
57, joined Mar. 2013
Maybe we are looking at this the wrong way. Islamic Terrorism is Global. We have been attacked in CONUS. Maybe the whole world is a battleground, just a little inactive here at the moment.
Just because a soldier wears the uniform of this country, does not mean he may not be an enemy.
2/15/2015 2:01:21 PM |
Purple Hearts |


Lillian, AL
70, joined Dec. 2012
If he is an "American soldier, Killing an American soldier," he is subject to the UCMJ.
That means he is tried by his "Peers" in a military court and if found guilty will be on death row at Leavenworth subject to Execution under the UCMJ.
AS you wish him to be an "Enemy" combatant following the orders of his superiors, under the Hague convention' you have no Jurisdiction and cannot put a combatant to death for following orders!!
To Me he is a soldier who murdered a bunch of soldiers and as such is subject to be tried and found guilty on each and every count of murder/attempted murder and assault.
By his own admittance he is not "Insane!"   
No Purple heart!! 
[Edited 2/15/2015 2:02:29 PM ]
2/15/2015 2:46:15 PM |
Purple Hearts |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Maybe we are looking at this the wrong way. Islamic Terrorism is Global. We have been attacked in CONUS. Maybe the whole world is a battleground, just a little inactive here at the moment.
Just because a soldier wears the uniform of this country, does not mean he may not be an enemy.
Just because a soldier wears the uniform of this country and exercises their personal religious beliefs does not mean they are an enemy.
No Purple Heart.
2/15/2015 3:32:26 PM |
Purple Hearts |

Fort Pierre, SD
36, joined Dec. 2012
They got shot in military sirvice
2/15/2015 3:39:53 PM |
Purple Hearts |
El Campo, TX
72, joined Oct. 2014
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Years ago had a nephew home on leave and was shot when he walked in on an armed robbery. Guess he should have gotten a Purple Heart too huh. He was in military service.
NO PURPLE HEART UNLESS WOUNDS ARE AS SPECIFIED IN REGULATIONS AND GUIDELINES. This ain't broke so why try to fix it and make it broken???????
[Edited 2/15/2015 3:40:50 PM ]
2/15/2015 3:44:33 PM |
Purple Hearts |

Fort Pierre, SD
36, joined Dec. 2012
Wow that came out of the rhubarb how is that comparable
2/15/2015 3:47:03 PM |
Purple Hearts |
El Campo, TX
72, joined Oct. 2014
They got shot in military sirvice
My nephew was in military service at the time. Just using criteria you stated.
2/15/2015 3:53:52 PM |
Purple Hearts |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Eligibility criteria for the Purple Heart Medal is as follows:
a. The Purple Heart is awarded in the name of the President of the United States to any member of an Armed Force or any civilian national of the United States who, while serving under competent authority in any capacity with one of the U.S. Armed Services after 5 April 1917, has been wounded or killed, or who has died or may hereafter die after being wounded
(1) In any action against an enemy of the United States.
(2) In any action with an opposing armed force of a foreign country in which the Armed Forces of the United States are or have been engaged.
(3) While serving with friendly foreign forces engaged in an armed conflict against an opposing armed force in which the United States is not a belligerent party.
(4) As a result of an act of any such enemy of opposing armed forces.
(5) As the result of an act of any hostile foreign force.
(6) After 28 March 1973, as a result of an international terrorist attack against the United States or a foreign nation friendly to the United States, recognized as such an attack by the Secretary of the Army, or jointly by the Secretaries of the separate armed Services concerned if persons from more than one service are wounded in the attack.
(7) After 28 March 1973, as a result of military operations while serving outside the territory of the United States as part of a peacekeeping force.
b. While clearly an individual decoration, the Purple Heart differs from all other decorations in that an individual is not "recommended" for the decoration; rather he or she is entitled to it upon meeting specific criteria.
(1) A Purple Heart is authorized for the first wound suffered under conditions indicated above, but for each subsequent award an Oak Leaf Cluster will be awarded to be worn on the medal or ribbon. Not more than one award will be made for more than one wound or injury received at the same instant or from the same missile, force, explosion, or agent.
(2) A wound is defined as an injury to any part of the body from an outside force or agent sustained under one or more of the conditions listed above. A physical lesion is not required, however, the wound for which the award is made must have required treatment by a medical officer and records of medical treatment for wounds or injuries received in action must have been made a matter of official record.
(3) When contemplating an award of this decoration, the key issue that commanders must take into consideration is the degree to which the enemy caused the injury. The fact that the proposed recipient was participating in direct or indirect combat operations is a necessary prerequisite, but is not sole justification for award.
(4) Examples of enemy-related injuries which clearly justify award of the Purple Heart are as follows:
(a) Injury caused by enemy bullet, shrapnel, or other projectile created by enemy action.
(b) Injury caused by enemy placed mine or trap.
(c) Injury caused by enemy released chemical, biological or nuclear agent.
(d) Injury caused by vehicle or aircraft accident resulting from enemy fire.
(e) Concussion injuries caused as a result of enemy generated explosions.
(5) Examples of injuries or wounds which clearly do not qualify for award of the Purple Heart are as follows:
(a) Frostbite or trench foot injuries.
(b) Heat stroke.
(c) Food poisoning not caused by enemy agents.
(d) Chemical, biological, or nuclear agents not released by the enemy.
(e) Battle fatigue.
(f) Disease not directly caused by enemy agents.
(g) Accidents, to include explosive, aircraft, vehicular, and other accidental wounding not related to or caused by enemy action.
(h) Self-inflicted wounds, except when in the heat of battle, and not involving gross negligence.
(i) Post traumatic stress disorders.
(j) Jump injuries not caused by enemy action.
(6) It is not intended that such a strict interpretation of the requirement for the wound or injury to be caused by direct result of hostile action be taken that it would preclude the award being made to deserving personnel. Commanders must also take into consideration, the circumstances surrounding an injury, even if it appears to meet the criteria. Note the following examples:
(a) In case such as an individual injured while making a parachute landing from an aircraft that had been brought down enemy fire; or, an individual injured as a result of a vehicle accident caused by enemy fire, the decision will be made in favor of the individual and the award will be made.
(b) Individuals wounded or killed as a result of "friendly fire" in the "heat of battle" will be awarded the Purple Heart as long as the "friendly" projectile or agent was released with the full intent of inflicting damage or destroying enemy troops or equipment.
(c) Individuals injured as a result of their own negligence; for example, driving or walking through an unauthorized area known to have been mined or placed off limits or searching for or picking up unexploded munitions as war souvenirs, will not be awarded the Purple Heart as they clearly were not injured as a result of enemy action, but rather by their own negligence.
c. A Purple Heart will be issued to the next of kin of each person entitled to a posthumous award. Issue will be made automatically by the Commanding General, PERSCOM, upon receiving a report of death indicating entitlement.
d. Upon written application to Commander, ARPERCEN, ATIN.- DAR-P-VSEA, 9700 Page Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63132-5200, award may be made to any member of the Army, who during World War 1, was awarded a Meritorious Service Citation Certificate signed by the Commander in Chief, American Expeditionary Forces, or who was authorized to wear wound chevrons. Posthumous awards to personnel who were killed or died of wounds after 5 April 1917 will be made to the appropriate next of kin upon application to the Commanding General, PERSCOM.
e. Any member of the Army who was awarded the Purple Heart for meritorious achievement or service, as opposed to wounds received in action, between 7 December 1941 and 22 September 1943, may apply for award of an appropriate decoration instead of the Purple Heart.
f. For those who became Prisoners of War after 25 April 1962, the Purple Heart will be awarded to individuals wounded while prisoners of foreign forces, upon submission by the individual to the Department of the U.S. Army of an affidavit that is supported by a statement from a witness, if this is possible. Documentation and inquiries Should be directed to Commander, PERSCOM, ATTN: TAPCPDA, Alexandria, VA 22332-0471.
g. Any member of the U.S. Army who believes that he or she is eligible for the Purple Heart, but through unusual circumstances no award was made, may submit an application through military channels, to Commander, PERSCOM, ATTN: TAPC-PDA, Alexandria, VA 22332-0471. Application will include complete documentation, to include evidence of medical treatment, pertaining to the wound.
The text has been cut and pasted for ease of reading & applicability. To see the text in full from AR 600-8-22, 25 February 1995 and Public Law 104-106 - Feb. 10, 1996 visit http://www.usmcvta.org/pheart/phcriteria.htm
2/15/2015 3:54:13 PM |
Purple Hearts |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
No Purple Heart
2/15/2015 4:10:15 PM |
Purple Hearts |
El Campo, TX
72, joined Oct. 2014
Have been in the field at Fort Hood for long periods of time during the summer months.
Between the tremendous heat, ticks, chiggers, and other assorted wildlife that calls it home..........It still ain't no combat zone officially.
2/15/2015 4:46:31 PM |
Purple Hearts |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

2/15/2015 9:35:36 PM |
Purple Hearts |

Fort Pierre, SD
36, joined Dec. 2012
From what I read I could have taken it wrong but they were active military getting ready to get deployed the shooter was a us solder but part of al Qaeda it was a terrorist attack they got shot by a Haji just cuz they ain't in Iraq yet doesn't mean there not active duty and they ain't at war my uncle is going to civilian ever granted the Purple Heart he wasn't a solder and he wasn't there to fight but he got caught in the crouse fire and took quite a few of them sand n**gers out before he got shot in the head and saved quite a few American soldiers lifes
2/15/2015 9:41:15 PM |
Purple Hearts |

Fort Pierre, SD
36, joined Dec. 2012
I was in battle got shot and hit by a ied about died lost all the Cartledge in my knee and hip not to mention the tbi I suffered from the blast I didn't get a purple hart nor do I get VA benefits u don't see me getting all butt hurt and trying to deny these men that
2/15/2015 9:44:03 PM |
Purple Hearts |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
IMO Cole ... They were all US military personnel (which really doesn't matter in some instances of awarding the Purple Heart).
They were not designated as "combat", yet.
No "enemy" but another non-combat military service person.
Read the law again.
You may disagree with the law and that is your right. If you don't like how the law now reads then seek to change it.
No Purple Heart.
2/15/2015 9:58:28 PM |
Purple Hearts |


Lillian, AL
70, joined Dec. 2012
I was in battle got shot and hit by a ied about died lost all the Cartledge in my knee and hip not to mention the tbi I suffered from the blast I didn't get a purple hart nor do I get VA benefits u don't see me getting all butt hurt and trying to deny these men that
No! But if you are telling he truth you are being butthead stupid. If you haven't reported your injuries to the VA and made them aware you have denied yourself any future compensation should your injuries become painful in your senior years!!
The Purple heart......................If your C.O. didn't put you in for it, or your medical records don't show what you say.........................
Bull hockey smells a long way off!!!!
The Premise I stated and all the Senior Vets Stated are the facts.
If you have Not Reported To the VA, Go ASAP!!!! 
2/15/2015 10:03:05 PM |
Purple Hearts |

Fort Pierre, SD
36, joined Dec. 2012
it was reported to the VA it got denied due to non consistent medical reports I fought it for 4 years
2/15/2015 10:04:17 PM |
Purple Hearts |

Fort Pierre, SD
36, joined Dec. 2012
IMO Cole ... They were all US military personnel (which really doesn't matter in some instances of awarding the Purple Heart).
They were not designated as "combat", yet.
No "enemy" but another non-combat military service person.
Read the law again.
You may disagree with the law and that is your right. If you don't like how the law now reads then seek to change it.
No Purple Heart.
they were active duty and got injured under a terrorist attack
2/15/2015 11:48:21 PM |
Purple Hearts |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
they were active duty and got injured under a terrorist attack
The victims and the shooter were active duty military personnel.
There was no terrorist attack.
The incident has been styled as "workplace violence".
The U.S. Congress has changed the criteria for awarding of the Purple Heart.
On February 6, 2015 the Secretary of the United States Army issued a DOD statement which announces that the victims of the Ft. Hood shooting will receive the Purple Heart under the new guidelines passed by the U.S. Congress.
2/16/2015 12:09:00 AM |
Purple Hearts |

Fort Pierre, SD
36, joined Dec. 2012
U need to research your facts a but further I do believe I stated at the beginning could have miss understood the reading I have done but from what I read they deserve it and I all stand behind them if anybody doesn't like it call your president
2/16/2015 5:23:10 AM |
Purple Hearts |


Euless, TX
50, joined May. 2014
I don't think they should get a PURPLE HEART. The one that shot them was a member of the US Military. He may have been a Muslin but still was US MILITARY, so technically he was not the enemy.
Well, he was in contact with Anwar al-Awlaki and aligned with him while on active duty so as far as I'm concerned he became an infiltrator and was the enemy.
2/16/2015 5:58:54 AM |
Purple Hearts |

Virginia Beach, VA
43, joined Aug. 2014
When you join the military you take an oath to defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. He ws domestic. It was a terrorist attack no matter wht his ties were or religion. The other disgraceful thing is how the victims and more specifically the families kf the fallen were denied death benefits. For years they weren't able to collect on that. That doesnt happen to service members dying overseas in war and it doesn't happen to service members who die in a car wreck here at home on personal time off duty. The families and victims of that incident have been screwed for so long. It's a disgrace all the way around for the Army and the U.S. As for the medal it's not for me to decide just like every other medal. I saw people get what they deserve, some not get what they deserve and others get what they shouldn't. Right now the Army and the government need to make it better and for so long they haven't. The families shouldn't have to wait years!!
2/16/2015 9:28:34 AM |
Purple Hearts |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I agree with full compensation for the survivor's or their families. As for the Purple Heart no. This was a criminal act by a deranged madman. What fails me is how this zealot was able to remain in uniform on active duty as an officer.
2/16/2015 9:32:11 AM |
Purple Hearts |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
To cole tanner. I was a medic in Vietnam. Your claim that your medical records are missing doesn't ring true to me. Besides medical records, officers file after action reports and Im sure there exists somewhere a record of the IED that wounded you. Obviously you have to receive treatment for the wounds....
2/16/2015 2:46:21 PM |
Purple Hearts |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Furthermore cole all medical records now (and have been for some time) are done in hard copy with an electronic backup. If you were (as you stated) shot and also had cartilage etc destroyed you had to have been treated in a hospital. As a Vietnam medic (101st) I can tell you that cartilage is surronded by bone/muscle so you received medical treatments, perhaps surgery and medication. All of those are recorded.
AS for the VA- if you received an Honorable or similar discharge the VA will treat you whether you can prove your wounds/injury are combat related or NOT! Surely you have a DD-214 even if your "medical records" have disappeared.
I urge you to contact your member of Congress by letter
2/16/2015 3:30:55 PM |
Purple Hearts |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
This is my last post to cole.Dont misunderstand me.Im for every veteran to get get everything he/she is entitled to.
2/16/2015 3:52:24 PM |
Purple Hearts |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
The victims and the shooter were active duty military personnel.
There was no terrorist attack.
The incident has been styled as "workplace violence".
The U.S. Congress has changed the criteria for awarding of the Purple Heart.
On February 6, 2015 the Secretary of the United States Army issued a DOD statement which announces that the victims of the Ft. Hood shooting will receive the Purple Heart under the new guidelines passed by the U.S. Congress.
2/16/2015 7:17:02 PM |
Purple Hearts |


Lillian, AL
70, joined Dec. 2012
The Most screwed up congress in the history of history!!!!!       
2/16/2015 8:59:53 PM |
Purple Hearts |

Fort Pierre, SD
36, joined Dec. 2012
Furthermore cole all medical records now (and have been for some time) are done in hard copy with an electronic backup. If you were (as you stated) shot and also had cartilage etc destroyed you had to have been treated in a hospital. As a Vietnam medic (101st) I can tell you that cartilage is surronded by bone/muscle so you received medical treatments, perhaps surgery and medication. All of those are recorded.
AS for the VA- if you received an Honorable or similar discharge the VA will treat you whether you can prove your wounds/injury are combat related or NOT! Surely you have a DD-214 even if your "medical records" have disappeared.
I urge you to contact your member of Congress by letter
No body said nothing about missing records it was the fact they f**ked them up and if it rings true to u or not I don't really care I know where I was don't really know what happened except what I was told I I got the scars and all to me it doesn't matter anymore I got better things to fight for these days
2/17/2015 7:15:26 AM |
Purple Hearts |


Euless, TX
50, joined May. 2014
No body said nothing about missing records it was the fact they f**ked them up and if it rings true to u or not I don't really care I know where I was don't really know what happened except what I was told I I got the scars and all to me it doesn't matter anymore I got better things to fight for these days
If you got shot AND hit by an ied "in battle", why didn't you get awarded a purple heart by your unit when you were in the hospital? Post a pic of your injuries.
2/17/2015 11:03:32 AM |
Purple Hearts |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
You stated "inconsistent". Are you whining because you don't get a disability check every month? Wounds are recorded, so is treatment, medications, surgeries and days spend in recovery and rehab. Theres nothing inconsistent about your description of your "wounds" in a battle.Were you the ONLY one shot and wounded? Did others suffer similar injuries? It don't add up buddy. I will tell you again, take whatever documentation you can gather (you stated you have been fighting this for 4 years) copy it and send it to your Congressional Representative.
2/17/2015 5:20:49 PM |
Purple Hearts |


Mineral Wells, TX
39, joined Dec. 2012
If you got shot AND hit by an ied "in battle", why didn't you get awarded a purple heart by your unit when you were in the hospital? Post a pic of your injuries.
Dude, I only come back every once in awhile, and every time you jump out at me as a huge phony.
- You don't talk like a career vet
-Your photograph looks like you went to Wal-Mart in your battle uniform to take a professional photograph in it. Who does that? Especially when, at your rank, you would very likely have up-to-date official portraits.
-Your uniform is not worn properly, and you're certainly not a ranger.
-You lead with "I'm a veteran look at me!!" and vets generally just don't do that.
All of this pushes you pretty strongly in the 'Phony' category.
I'm calling you out, Son! I just don't think you're legit.
All of that out of the way....
The shit shouldn't have ever been called workplace violence to begin with. His aims were clearly political, not personal. The question is does that meet any of the criteria for the purple heart.
...After 28 March 1973, as the result of an international terrorist attack against the United States or a foreign nation friendly to the United States, recognized as such an attack by the Secretary of Army, or jointly by the Secretaries of the separate armed services concerned if persons from more than one service are wounded in the attack...
I'd say they pretty clearly qualify for a purple heart.
2/19/2015 10:09:35 AM |
Purple Hearts |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
What you say doesn't matter.
What the US Congress said on February 6, 2015 is all that matters.
2/21/2015 5:32:41 AM |
Purple Hearts |


Euless, TX
50, joined May. 2014
Dude, I only come back every once in awhile, and every time you jump out at me as a huge phony.
- You don't talk like a career vet
-Your photograph looks like you went to Wal-Mart in your battle uniform to take a professional photograph in it. Who does that? Especially when, at your rank, you would very likely have up-to-date official portraits.
-Your uniform is not worn properly, and you're certainly not a ranger.
-You lead with "I'm a veteran look at me!!" and vets generally just don't do that.
All of this pushes you pretty strongly in the 'Phony' category.
I'm calling you out, Son! I just don't think you're legit.
You're a f**king fraud. I can pick you motherf**ker out a mile away. You avoided my question and you have no injuries to show us. Hit by an IED AND shot "in battle" and no purple heart? You sat in a FOB for a year fixing vehicles, at best. 
I'm a retired 1SG and you're a lying piece of shit. Ranger? I never claimed that but of course I don't lie about my military career. Yeah, stat's a star on my CIB, if you even f**king know what that is.

2/21/2015 12:42:05 PM |
Purple Hearts |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I guess this closes the question on whether Sgt Airborne is authentic or not! It should! He used to be abninf on here when he first showed up and he always posted his picture (and others). Those aren't faked. JMHO
2/22/2015 11:52:46 AM |
Purple Hearts |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
closes the question, leaves the question open. either way he's an example of why i don't hold all vets on high simply because they are vets. brothers in arms??? bull shit. i choose my brothers.
2/22/2015 5:14:27 PM |
Purple Hearts |


Mineral Wells, TX
39, joined Dec. 2012
You're a f**king fraud. I can pick you motherf**ker out a mile away. You avoided my question and you have no injuries to show us. Hit by an IED AND shot "in battle" and no purple heart? You sat in a FOB for a year fixing vehicles, at best.
I'm a retired 1SG and you're a lying piece of shit. Ranger? I never claimed that but of course I don't lie about my military career. Yeah, stat's a star on my CIB, if you even f**king know what that is.
The f**k? Let me settle this point by point.
First, you talk like a meely-mouthed child, not like a well-disciplined senior NCO.
You're a f**king fraud. I can pick you motherf**ker out a mile away. You avoided my question...
Exactly what question are you talking about?
...and you have no injuries to show us.
I have injuries, but the word you're looking for is 'wounds.' In the military we call them 'wounds' not injuries.
Hit by an IED AND shot "in battle" and no purple heart?
I never claimed any of this, and I don't think either of us know what you're talking about.
I'm a retired 1SG and you're a lying piece of shit.
Your behavior alone leads me to believe this is untrue. If it is...wow... what an embarrassment.
Ranger? I never claimed that but of course I don't lie about my military career.
The other picture in your profile (not the Wal-Mart portrait) has you receiving some shit that says RANGER on it. Can't tell more than that because the picture is thumb-nail quality.
Yeah, stat's a star on my CIB, if you even f**king know what that is.
CIB's aren't valor awards you know, it's an 'I was there' ribbon. Unsure why you throw it out there like it's the MOH.
Maybe you're legit. Maybe you're actually the dude in that picture and you're who you say you are. You're comment history still pretty much shows you as an embarrassment to yourself and your uniform.
Just look at your 'About me.'
All you fat chicks sending me 100 messages a day about checking out some sex site please leave me the f**k alone and go die.
And anyone who relies so much on their military service when interfacing with the public is doing so because of a lack of anything else desirable. Everything about you screams out like a cry for help.
At the end of it all, if you made it to your age while still being such a shitty person, that alone is an accomplishment. So you have that.
2/22/2015 6:37:12 PM |
Purple Hearts |

Dublin, OH
69, joined Dec. 2009
When you join the military you take an oath to defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. He ws domestic. It was a terrorist attack no matter wht his ties were or religion. The other disgraceful thing is how the victims and more specifically the families kf the fallen were denied death benefits. For years they weren't able to collect on that. That doesnt happen to service members dying overseas in war and it doesn't happen to service members who die in a car wreck here at home on personal time off duty. The families and victims of that incident have been screwed for so long. It's a disgrace all the way around for the Army and the U.S. As for the medal it's not for me to decide just like every other medal. I saw people get what they deserve, some not get what they deserve and others get what they shouldn't. Right now the Army and the government need to make it better and for so long they haven't. The families shouldn't have to wait years!!
I totally agree with you, the Medal is nothing compared to "what" they should be recieving.
So is the medal an answer? Does recieving it, especially those family's that lost a Loved one, access to services otherwise denied? If it does, Give em the Dam Medal and lets move on!
I will have to admit, I worked at a CBOC, in a Mental Health Clinic and always treated Vet's with "Respect", "Empathy", and "Dignity".
This thread was started with a certain amount of Interest as to the thought's of fellow Vets, in regards to the "Subject Stated".
Those of you that responded on thread, thank you, the above was an excellent response, was not aware of mitigating circumstances in these folks lives.
This thread was not indended to turn into some kind of "Prove I am" "Prove I am not" Psychlo Babble Goobly Gook Banter. Start a thread chanlleging one or the other and you will have the whole thread to yourselves!!!
The way some of the responese were worded, the language, the anger...may be a couple of you Vet's, need to visit a MH Clinic. You might just be the next Ft Hood, waiting to happen.
Have a Soft Day

2/23/2015 9:22:34 PM |
Purple Hearts |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

2/25/2015 11:55:32 PM |
Purple Hearts |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

2/28/2015 9:20:26 PM |
Purple Hearts |


Mineral Wells, TX
39, joined Dec. 2012
This thread was not indended to turn into some kind of "Prove I am" "Prove I am not" Psychlo Babble Goobly Gook Banter....

Fair enough, that was my doing and you're right. My apologies.
3/1/2015 4:47:03 AM |
Purple Hearts |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
hey, i went to primary flight training at ft. wolters. you mean people still live around there??? 
sorry, couldn't help m'self. 
3/1/2015 10:48:04 PM |
Purple Hearts |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
