3/19/2015 12:45:16 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Kansas City, MO
55, joined Apr. 2009
My friend is my Rock

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3/19/2015 12:47:21 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Houston, TX
41, joined Dec. 2014
...just an observation
16 pages in, and i think the Only black male to post in this thread, doesn't say
Anything positive about black
Only comments to viciously attack another Woman who DOES speak
Positively about us
also to argue with another white male
but won't say a negative word
towards Be_Sellout, who posts
Horrible things about black
Women all day Everyday
...what's wrong with this
There's nothing wrong with that picture. Mister is his own Man. He doesn't beat to your own Hateful Drums, you Instigating Rat.
And for your own Hateful Comfort, Mister has come out against me several times already and he came at me like a Man....with respect. And I respect him back.
Why aren't you satisfied with that? He stood up for Black Women. 
As with the case with Hateful Black Women like you though, there is no forgiving, no peace, no nothing.....just continue to be judgmental, evil, mean-spirited, foul, UNCOUTH and like to keep the drama going.
Not all Black Women but the ones like you.
Hey, Sunny don't like my Black a** either because she thinks Im not fair in a debate and think I talk too much shit.
Now, that's an honest assessment (the latter part), I can respect her a WHOLE LOT BETTER THAN YOU. And she doesn't question my marriage. She doesn't even mention it other than acknowledging my marriage.
Gothicb*tch never felt one way or the other about me. I feel cool with her because of the goth culture. It's interesting....something different from the norm with Black Women. Sunny is similar in that culture, too
Those two Women would fare better than the status quo Black Womem.
They free from all that delusional sisterhood-Hate on Black Men like you, Lisaorchard, Tellitlikitis etc.
Not to mention, they look 10 times beautiful than y'all.
There's another one I don't see any more....she went by, Lily B or something like that. She's outside that status-quo sisterhood b.s., too. And she beautiful just the same....in the same category with Sunny and Gothic.
I'm glad Women like you don't have any grip on those Women. They can be themselves and don't move like sheep with one mindset to Hate Black Men.
You foul-ass Bat Shit crazy, Demon-Felin.

[Edited 3/19/2015 12:49:25 PM ]
3/19/2015 1:52:57 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
Are you talking about Elisa jer? If so, she was still around as of yesterday, she just didn't have her pic up but she was posting I'm pretty sure.
As for what I love about Black American Women? I really only know one personally, black dad, white mother, local girl. She's cute and fun to talk to but I wouldn't say love really is an emotion I feel in regard to her. I like her though.
he's talking about Gelene....but I spelled it wrong I think.
[Edited 3/19/2015 1:53:12 PM ]
3/19/2015 1:55:35 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Punxsutawney, PA
52, joined Oct. 2013
Yeah Bee, we cleared it up in another thread, it was geleen we were thinking about. I had it wrong with elisa.
3/19/2015 2:07:52 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
...just an observation
16 pages in, and i think the Only black male to post in this thread, doesn't say
Anything positive about black
Only comments to viciously attack another Woman who DOES speak
Positively about us
also to argue with another white male
but won't say a negative word
towards Be_Sellout, who posts
Horrible things about black
Women all day Everyday
...what's wrong with this
I think we have seen enough to know....this is a bullshit, back paddling thread...because he trying to cover his tracks and that's all.
as far as mister he thinks for some reason my getting on him has to do with some b.s. friendship thing from the past.
it doesn't, it has to do with him calling others racist because they simply post from experiences in life on threads where it comes into context with the thread only.....yet he does the same thing...but in a more racist way....he justifies it, because it was supposedly his experiences...and he is not racist.
to me this is bullshit...if he can use experiences to denie racism, then so can anyone else.
So, when he came back as mister as opposed to Mr. Yeah....all he did was show up on race threads, till I mentioned it, then he'd cover his tracks a little by responding to a few other threads, before he disappeared till the next race thread.
so...I called him out on that to prove he is a racist.
then I saw him claim as mister mister that he preferred black women and had little interest in other races of women.
when I know for a fact as My Yeah....he stated the entire opposite of that and preferred other races over black women.
so you have a closet racist accusing others of something that he does himself....yet he justifies it with the same thing they justify themselves with.
and a lying fake to boot.
Because I remember one time saying I'd be apprehensive about black women, because of what the black men say about them here....and as Mr Yeah....he answered me with...."smart thinking"...and he countless times said he preferred other races of women.
but as mister...he changes all that to prefer black women...the real deal is he struck out with these other races of women on here because of the way he was.....
so, he changes it hoping to at least score with black women
in my book that's a lying fake.
3/19/2015 2:24:16 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Houston, TX
41, joined Dec. 2014
I think we have seen enough to know....this is a bullshit, back paddling thread...because he trying to cover his tracks and that's all.
as far as mister he thinks for some reason my getting on him has to do with some b.s. friendship thing from the past.
it doesn't, it has to do with him calling others racist because they simply post from experiences in life on threads where it comes into context with the thread only.....yet he does the same thing...but in a more racist way....he justifies it, because it was supposedly his experiences...and he is not racist.
to me this is bullshit...if he can use experiences to denie racism, then so can anyone else.
So, when he came back as mister as opposed to Mr. Yeah....all he did was show up on race threads, till I mentioned it, then he'd cover his tracks a little by responding to a few other threads, before he disappeared till the next race thread.
so...I called him out on that to prove he is a racist.
then I saw him claim as mister mister that he preferred black women and had little interest in other races of women.
when I know for a fact as My Yeah....he stated the entire opposite of that and preferred other races over black women.
so you have a closet racist accusing others of something that he does himself....yet he justifies it with the same thing they justify themselves with.
and a lying fake to boot.
Because I remember one time saying I'd be apprehensive about black women, because of what the black men say about them here....and as Mr Yeah....he answered me with...."smart thinking"...and he countless times said he preferred other races of women.
but as mister...he changes all that to prefer black women...the real deal is he struck out with these other races of women on here because of the way he was.....
so, he changes it hoping to at least score with black women
in my book that's a lying fake.
Bumble, you whine like a little b*tch dude. It does look like you're on Mister' d*ck, 24/7.
You act like you got a man-crush on the dude. Like you sitting back waiting for him to post, watching dude' every move and shit.
What Man act like that? The average dude wouldn't be checking another Man as close as you do to Mister.
The thing about Mister, Black Women is preference. First and foremost.
With that, he's opens to non-Black Women if the chemistry is good. Most men are like that, that favors their own, first but open to date outside their own under certain conditions.
Nothing wrong with that. 
He still put Black Womem first. So, whatever you make out of that, is just you acting like a Man-B*tch,dude. 
And you try talk about me.....even gothicb*tch checked your a** and you tried to ignore her and go on the attack with me.
Don't think every Black Woman dig you, fool. They see you the same way I do: Acting Like a B*tch.
Now, go sit down somewhere and reflect on that, boy.

3/19/2015 2:26:11 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |


Anderson, SC
23, joined Jun. 2014
I don't think it's fair to get onto them like that be great. There's nothing wrong with the black man nor have they insulted such. They (we) came after you because you decided to attack us(American black women). The same as Mister who came into this thread not intending to post one wonderful thing about us but to start a fight with people who have. You and him are like the 70% of the bad and insulting posts that I was posting about the other day.
3/19/2015 2:42:52 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |


Alexandria, VA
51, joined Apr. 2011

3/19/2015 2:47:29 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Houston, TX
41, joined Dec. 2014
I don't think it's fair to get onto them like that be great. There's nothing wrong with the black man nor have they insulted such. They (we) came after you because you decided to attack us(American black women). The same as Mister who came into this thread not intending to post one wonderful thing about us but to start a fight with people who have. You and him are like the 70% of the bad and insulting posts that I was posting about the other day.
Naw Twin, this is where I disagree with you, completely. 
I'm open to being friends with you and several other Black Women because I talked with you a bit more and got to see a bit about you a bit more.
As I have always stated:
I deal with Black Womem on an individual basis.
That's not something open for debate or something you can condemn me about.
When I attack Black Women, in my mind, I'm thinking Black Womem with certain traits.....and there are MANY of them like that.
Black women like,
They have the same hate-mentality that's common with Black women like that. And you exhibit some of them at times too but I see you do expand a bit effort to come at me with respect, because I show you the same respect and that's why I see you more on friendlier terms than them.x
If I ask Playground1/Telitlikitis/Lisaorchard to show me respect if I showed them resepct, they would take that as an opportunity to raise some more drama, b*tch about shit and carry-on in that same b.s. ideology that borders on Black Man Hate.
It's a real movement among Black Women like that. They would side with White Men to spite Black Men.....just like you doing here by condemning me for checking Bumble when Bumble is caught being racist to Black Men.
Even some WHITE WOMEN see this about Bumble. So, this make your position against my views pretty weak.
I don't see Black women like Sunny, Goth and Lily acting NOTHING like these dead-losers Black Women of: Tellitlikitis, Lisaorchard,Playground1.
Did you know Tellitlikitis is more racist against Whites than I can ever be??
Y'all don't know that girl. She do this to perpetrate Hate on me simply because I don't tolerate Black Women' bullshit.
I bet Tellitlikitis would never date a White Man but come on here and pretend like she on White People side just to foment more hate at me for putting Black women in their place.
I won't apologize about it, either. 
I love Black Women when they Love themselves and Black Men, first and foremost.
I got a problem with Black Men that love White Women or non-Black Men and go out their way to spite them for no other reason except Black Men being his Dominant and God-Self.
They want us beholden to them so they can emasculate us, and render us passive-aggressive to be able to maim us.
Let 'em try that shit with me. 
I'm real, Twin. I would have your back. I would go out my way to protect a Black Woman if her character is genuine and respectable. I'm no sell-out....no Loser.
I'm real, Twin. 
[Edited 3/19/2015 2:50:15 PM ]
3/19/2015 2:50:38 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Punxsutawney, PA
52, joined Oct. 2013
I love hearing Aretha Franklin belt out Respect!
3/19/2015 2:51:18 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Houston, TX
41, joined Dec. 2014

3/19/2015 2:54:58 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Houston, TX
41, joined Dec. 2014
I got a problem with Black Women.... *
3/19/2015 2:56:32 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
I hope this isn't a disappointment.
but in general...I stopped paying attention to you....as if your not even there.
for awhile your childish way of bantering back barely held my interest....but as that's all it is....over and over again....well, it quickly lost its flair and luster enough for me to pay any attention or even think you exist.
I only said this....so you would know that, if I act like your not even there.
3/19/2015 3:03:40 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Houston, TX
41, joined Dec. 2014
I hope this isn't a disappointment.
but in general...I stopped paying attention to you....as if your not even there.
for awhile your childish way of bantering back barely held my interest....but as that's all it is....over and over again....well, it quickly lost its flair and luster enough for me to pay any attention or even think you exist.
I only said this....so you would know that, if I act like your not even there.
Reverse Phsychology says you're lying, though. The fact you're addressing me and on every last one of my threads, proves you as a Liar again. Time and again, boy.
Go sit your a** back down and keep reading my threads and learn, you closet-racist, Man-B*tch.

[Edited 3/19/2015 3:04:39 PM ]
3/19/2015 3:22:24 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Los Angeles, CA
53, joined Feb. 2011
There's nothing wrong with that picture. Mister is his own Man. He doesn't beat to your own Hateful Drums, you Instigating Rat.
And for your own Hateful Comfort, Mister has come out against me several times already and he came at me like a Man....with respect. And I respect him back.
Why aren't you satisfied with that? He stood up for Black Women.
but it IS a curious thing
(Well, not really, I and others KNOW why)
As with the case with Hateful Black Women like you though, there is no forgiving, no peace, no nothing.....just continue to be judgmental, evil, mean-spirited, foul, UNCOUTH and like to keep the drama going.
Not all Black Women but the ones like you.
Hey, Sunny don't like my Black a** either because she thinks Im not fair in a debate and think I talk too much shit.
Now, that's an honest assessment (the latter part), I can respect her a WHOLE LOT BETTER THAN YOU. And she doesn't question my marriage. She doesn't even mention it other than acknowledging my marriage.
Gothicb*tch never felt one way or the other about me. I feel cool with her because of the goth culture. It's interesting....something different from the norm with Black Women. Sunny is similar in that culture, too
***The other Goth and alternative ladies I applaud. It's not easy being
Different in the black community and still being true
to who you are and what you feel***
Those two Women would fare better than the status quo Black Womem.
They free from all that delusional sisterhood-Hate on Black Men like you, Lisaorchard, Tellitlikitis etc.
Not to mention, they look 10 times beautiful than y'all.
There's another one I don't see any more....she went by, Lily B or something like that. She's outside that status-quo sisterhood b.s., too. And she beautiful just the same....in the same category with Sunny and Gothic.
I'm glad Women like you don't have any grip on those Women. They can be themselves and don't move like sheep with one mindset to Hate Black Men.
YOU are a foul, Bat-shit Crazy

3/19/2015 3:44:05 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |


Opa Locka, FL
33, joined Jan. 2014
...just an observation
16 pages in, and i think the Only black male to post in this thread, doesn't say
Anything positive about black
Only comments to viciously attack another Woman who DOES speak
Positively about us
also to argue with another white male
but won't say a negative word
towards Be_Sellout, who posts
Horrible things about black
Women all day Everyday
...what's wrong with this
When you say positive things about black women in these forums most like you are not receptive to it or appreciate it. So exactly what is your point to hag about me not saying anything positive about black women. I have nothing to prove to you or anyone else, and my extent of dealing with black women aren't limited to the bitter one's that I encounter when I'm on here. Compliments are reserved for those who deserve it and I compliment very often. Just because I'm not satisfying whatever it is you like me too don't mean I don't.
You want someone to say something positive about black women yet your first response was dismissive. You don't have enough humility to accept when someone says something positive about black women especially when it's someone you have had disagreements with.
3/19/2015 3:51:22 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Houston, TX
41, joined Dec. 2014
Mister maybe need to learn more about Black American Women like you.
I won't let you dictate and define all Black Women....I will be clear in the type of Black American Women I'm against and feel should be ERADICATED FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH....AND NEVER SHOULD HAVE BEEN BORN.
Let's get right to it. Black American Women that:
- Hate Black Men and Love White Men or non-Black Men Only.
-Black Women that makes it an art form to spite Black Men at all cost.
-Black Women that are part of this Sisterhood Movement to crusade against Black Men.
- Black Women that hates herself and her own Melanin and want to be "White" so bad, they adopt White People' linguistic style to curry favors with Whites and find acceptance among them as a way of identifying as Whites, and nothing to be about a Black Woman except being Black Women in a sexual identity.
- Black Women that are Ratchet, Ghetto, Uncouth (you!), Mean-Spirited, Evil, Drama-Queens, Foul, A B*tch!
That's about cover it. And you fit in ALL of them. Nothing change, girl. You don't run shit on here and you will never ruin me on DH. Despite having a full-team of Women (bottom-feeders among Men and on the fringes of society).
You make me puke:

3/19/2015 3:57:39 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Houston, TX
41, joined Dec. 2014
When you say positive things about black women in these forums most like you are not receptive to it or appreciate it. So exactly what is your point to hag about me not saying anything positive about black women. I have nothing to prove to you or anyone else, and my extent of dealing with black women aren't limited to the bitter one's that I encounter when I'm on here. Compliments are reserved for those who deserve it and I compliment very often. Just because I'm not satisfying whatever it is you like me too don't mean I don't.
You want someone to say something positive about black women yet your first response was dismissive. You don't have enough humility to accept when someone says something positive about black women especially when it's someone you have had disagreements with.
She's delusional. 
3/19/2015 4:06:27 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |


Belmont, NC
51, joined Feb. 2009
Well see, I had a change of heart for the day to do this thread for a female-buddy of mine.....and she's Black.
....sort of.
And thus I had time to reflect on the day-to-day life of what it means for Black Women to be who they are in this Day and Era.
And with that, I can say, I love their drive to get what they want and not settle for less. They have a soulfulness about them that is unmatched by Women, and that makes them desirable....at least by mere prescence.
I often find myself accepted to be in their space whether a compliment, a need to ask me a question and/or getting hit-on. That's, of course, when I'm out and about on my own.
And they can say the sweetest thing to you and wear their feelings on their personage. It's an aura they gives off.... even to temptation. I quickly put that in check though.
So, this is me saying that I do respect Black Women when it's warranted to do so.  

The following are direct quotes from you dissing black women in the worst ways possible:
Quote from be_great aka uncle Ruckus:
Can't wait til this batch of Black American Women breed out for good.
Quote from be_great aka uncle Ruckus:
That angry Rhesus Monkey is mad for being born, man.
She is a prime example what the average Black American Woman, young and old, are about.
They're judgmental, angry, mean-spirit, drama-demons, foul and just unlady-like.
Quote from be_great aka uncle Ruckus:
A White woman and a White man would come to your defense before a Black Woman would.
A Black Woman would SELL YOUR A** OUT in this Day and Age.
Quote from be_great aka uncle Ruckus:
American Black Woman just have too many flaws.
At least you can always sell-out to White Men before extinction sets in with you defective Black American Women.
Quote from be_great aka uncle Ruckus:
Whites are the least of your problems right now. The Black Woman is your enemy
Quote from be_great aka uncle Ruckus:
These silly head Black Women would call themselves every ethnicity under the Earth Family Tree to get away from their own Blackness just to be seen favorably in the eyes of non-Blacks.
Quote from be_great aka uncle Ruckus:
You're nothing but a desperate, ghetto hoodrat looking for sympathy from Men outside your Race because you aren't getting none from top-notch Black Men.
Quote from be_great aka uncle Ruckus:
I don't even deal with Black American Women
Quote from be_great aka uncle Ruckus:
I don't fear Black Women
...I don't know then that deep to fear anything about them. I normally feel they are beneath me, intellectually and that can be where they put up an attitude when I easily subject them and put them.in their place
Quote from be_great aka uncle Ruckus:
The Black American Woman Have Serious Flaws and refuse to change or acknowledge them.
Quote from be_great aka uncle Ruckus:
Black Men need better Black Women with a backbone that's loyal and strong than today's Black Women in America
Quote from be_great aka uncle Ruckus:
Just so you know though, this is how it is with Black Women...even when growing up around them. This is how it's always is.
They are evil, mean-spirited, angry, judgemental.
3/19/2015 4:07:21 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |


Belmont, NC
51, joined Feb. 2009
And I want all the women in this forum to also carfully read this post from be_great to see/read the extreme horrific measures he goes to degrade a woman.
quote from be_great aka uncle Ruckus
So, I gonna make you a Ghettogagger chick.....I gonna f**k the living shit outta you....even put you in a doggy-style position and lay my foot on your face to keep you still while I rough your ghetto a** up from behind.
Spit in your face, smack you for looking ugly while I bang you from behind, HARD!
I'ma ram my d*ck down your throat with no mercy, and hold your face to take it, roughly. If you vomit on me girl.....oh! I swear I'm gonna make you swallow your vomit and I will have a dog's bowl on the floor for you to vomit in and stick your face in it because you just a N**ger Monkey in my eyes.
And I will take that bowl of vomit and pour it all over your face and demand you smile and say, "Thank you, Massa."
And I will take pictures how I maim your ghetto ass...and thinking you can get a superior White boy for a husband. I will make Black Men burn with rage what I do to their "sistas".
Haha..the "sistas." Where is that loyalty then? Where is that respect? The sistas aren't worth shit and I will prove it for all the Black Men to see what I do with their Women that they call, "their sistas."
You will hold a sign that reads:
"Property of the White Man"
And you will look disgusting, filthy, dirty like a dirty wh*re you are. And I'll be done with you and sling you around to the next White brethren.
We will make you famous and give you a good name, girl.
And you will remain a Sex Slave to us for ever.....branded. And don't ever go back to the Black Man.
It wouldn't do you no good anyway after they see what we do to you.
3/19/2015 4:32:17 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Houston, TX
41, joined Dec. 2014
Thanks Cashey. 
I never thought you would do this for me. 
.....understand, Playground1????
3/19/2015 4:34:30 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Houston, TX
41, joined Dec. 2014
And I want all the women in this forum to also carfully read this post from be_great to see/read the extreme horrific measures he goes to degrade a woman.
quote from be_great aka uncle Ruckus
So, I gonna make you a Ghettogagger chick.....I gonna f**k the living shit outta you....even put you in a doggy-style position and lay my foot on your face to keep you still while I rough your ghetto a** up from behind.
Spit in your face, smack you for looking ugly while I bang you from behind, HARD!
I'ma ram my d*ck down your throat with no mercy, and hold your face to take it, roughly. If you vomit on me girl.....oh! I swear I'm gonna make you swallow your vomit and I will have a dog's bowl on the floor for you to vomit in and stick your face in it because you just a N**ger Monkey in my eyes.
And I will take that bowl of vomit and pour it all over your face and demand you smile and say, "Thank you, Massa."
And I will take pictures how I maim your ghetto ass...and thinking you can get a superior White boy for a husband. I will make Black Men burn with rage what I do to their "sistas".
Haha..the "sistas." Where is that loyalty then? Where is that respect? The sistas aren't worth shit and I will prove it for all the Black Men to see what I do with their Women that they call, "their sistas."
You will hold a sign that reads:
"Property of the White Man"
And you will look disgusting, filthy, dirty like a dirty wh*re you are. And I'll be done with you and sling you around to the next White brethren.
We will make you famous and give you a good name, girl.
And you will remain a Sex Slave to us for ever.....branded. And don't ever go back to the Black Man.
It wouldn't do you no good anyway after they see what we do to you.
Cashey forgot to mention folks.... in that post I was talking about how White boys sees these Black Women that sell-out their Race and I said,
"If I was a White dude, I would....."
(added what Cashey posted to it).
Nice try, Cashey. 

3/19/2015 4:39:51 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |


Anderson, SC
23, joined Jun. 2014
Wow. Just........wow.
3/19/2015 4:53:14 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |


Belmont, NC
51, joined Feb. 2009
Cashey forgot to mention folks.... in that post I was talking about how White boys sees these Black Women that sell-out their Race and I said,
"If I was a White dude, I would....."
(added what Cashey posted to it).
Nice try, Cashey.

Stop trying to back pedal.I quoted you in context.These are your direct quotes--you are referring to black women as "judgmental, angry, mean-spirit, drama-demons, foul and just unlady-like"...you are the one stating that black women are "beneath" you and should be "put in their place"...it is you that states the "the Black Woman is your enemy"...not to mention the horrific degrading sexual details you stated about doing to another woman.
And since bringing all this to light,it appears that the majority of women in this forum stopped responding to you in a positive way.
3/19/2015 4:56:12 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Houston, TX
41, joined Dec. 2014
Let this thread be proof how some Black Women and that extreme Liberal fringe, Cashey, simply hate Black Men. Bumble too.
This thread was going good until 3 specific Black Women with certain traits and ideology, came in for the sole purpose to derail the thread despite it being positive.
And the very Black woman (sort of) I made this thread for, ends up standing against me for no reason except to side against me because I'm Black.
Those Women are:
And they rely on some Liberal White Racist to to push the boundaries of their hate on Black Men:
This is why, certain Black women are not meant to live. They should extinct because they serve no purpose to their Race except to see it fall.
And they expect a Black Man like me to mind them and respect them.
These clowns are delusional beyond insanity. ...
[Edited 3/19/2015 4:56:54 PM ]
3/19/2015 5:00:46 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Houston, TX
41, joined Dec. 2014
Stop trying to back pedal.I quoted you in context.These are your direct quotes--you are referring to black women as "judgmental, angry, mean-spirit, drama-demons, foul and just unlady-like"...you are the one stating that black women are "beneath" you and should be "put in their place"...it is you that states the "the Black Woman is your enemy"...not to mention the horrific degrading sexual details you stated about doing to another woman.
And since bringing all this to light,it appears that the majority of women in this forum stopped responding to you in a positive way.
Nice try again, Cashey.
I didn't say this quote was yours. You didn't quote the BEGINNING of the statement that goes with the comment I said.

[Edited 3/19/2015 5:02:00 PM ]
3/19/2015 5:11:53 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |


Belmont, NC
51, joined Feb. 2009
Let this thread be proof how some Black Women and that extreme Liberal fringe, Cashey, simply hate Black Men. Bumble too.
This thread was going good until 3 specific Black Women with certain traits and ideology, came in for the sole purpose to derail the thread despite it being positive.
And the very Black woman (sort of) I made this thread for, ends up standing against me for no reason except to side against me because I'm Black.
Those Women are:
And they rely on some Liberal White Racist to to push the boundaries of their hate on Black Men:
This is why, certain Black women are not meant to live. They should extinct because they serve no purpose to their Race except to see it fall.
And they expect a Black Man like me to mind them and respect them.
These clowns are delusional beyond insanity.  ... 
First off,I'm fiscally conservative, socially liberal - rational with empathy for other people.
Secondly,levels of social conservatism and racism were measured and the polling data and social and political science research showed that prejudice is more common in those who hold right-wing ideals that those of other political persuasions.
And being a highly functional,educated person that I am ,the truth about education is that it tends to increase one's exposure to different viewpoints and kinds of people, fostering tolerance and this happens to be a key basis for social liberalism,hence the reason I'm not racist like you have falsely claimed.
In contrast, less educated people,according to research,are more likely to embrace intolerant, authoritarian values when it comes to regulating social behavior and, in addition, are more likely to be distrustful of those who are different than they are.
So in summary,your BS doesn't hold water.
3/19/2015 5:17:21 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Los Angeles, CA
60, joined Nov. 2012
online now!
Your double talking has clearly revealed your true feelings Uncle Ruckus. You are a self-loathing fool. The very things you accuse Black women of apply directly to you. You, Yourself have made YOU a slave, you idiot.
You an embarrassment, not to Blacks, but to yourself. The shame is yours alone. Beneath you? Never!
You're a very miserable, self-loathing, low-life, low self esteem, portraying bravado, crap of dung. Why you're nothing more than a scared child in a adult body still suffering from issue with your momma. Get help.
3/19/2015 5:17:29 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |


Belmont, NC
51, joined Feb. 2009
Nice try again, Cashey.
I didn't say this quote was yours.
Never made any such claim
Quote from be_great:
You didn't quote the BEGINNING of the statement that goes with the comment I said.

I did quote the beginning of your statements and I quoted you in context as your posting history can give evidence to.
The things you have written about women is horrific and degrading.
3/19/2015 5:18:51 PM |
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Los Angeles, CA
60, joined Nov. 2012
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Smart women Cash
3/19/2015 5:25:36 PM |
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Los Angeles, CA
60, joined Nov. 2012
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Uncle Ruckus, what is it that you don't like about being Black?
3/19/2015 5:29:09 PM |
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Anderson, SC
23, joined Jun. 2014
Okay, first off, it's twining. One n before those two i's. Two, I didn't attack you cause you're black. Read back through this thread. YOUR thread. Have you not noticed one particular person who continues to run in here and belittle the people who are actually sticking to the topic of this thread? Cause you sure lily haven't blocked him or told him to settle that sh*t down. And have you also not noticed the subtext of your own posts ib this thread?
3/19/2015 5:34:11 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Houston, TX
41, joined Dec. 2014
First off,I'm fiscally conservative, socially liberal - rational with empathy for other people.
Secondly,levels of social conservatism and racism were measured and the polling data and social and political science research showed that prejudice is more common in those who hold right-wing ideals that those of other political persuasions.
And being a highly functional,educated person that I am ,the truth about education is that it tends to increase one's exposure to different viewpoints and kinds of people, fostering tolerance and this happens to be a key basis for social liberalism,hence the reason I'm not racist like you have falsely claimed.
In contrast, less educated people,according to research,are more likely to embrace intolerant, authoritarian values when it comes to regulating social behavior and, in addition, are more likely to be distrustful of those who are different than they are.
So in summary,your BS doesn't hold water.
First of all, you're fiscally liberal and socially liberal. Not only that but an extremist and Racist against Black Men, stilmutaneously.
You serve no purpose on DH. None at all. Your sole objective on DH is Hate Men. Just like a small element of Women do on here like....Eyes, Playground1, Tellitlikitis to name a few.
Just before you came to my thread to raise some hell, you was on the, "Jake called me a tubby" thread doing the exact same thing against Artokol.
That's your schtick. Nothing else. Just pure hate on Men. And what you all have in common, you gals NEVER make threads to the opposite gender or a thread talking about things in general.
You sit back, lurking the forums for some fresh blood to pounce on in the form of Man.
And to claim yourself to be "educated" is laughable. Most Conservatives embrace Black Men that pulls themselves up by their bootstrap and yet, you calling me an Uncle Ruckus and siding against Conservative Whites ----- you aren't too bright as you think you are.
A Racist for sure, though. 
And less-educated individuals doesn't have the aptitude to distinguish political views where they align at mostly.....it's usually the educated ones. Thus why they developed a racist mindset whereas, a less-educated person sees the world in front of her/him and want to feel accepted.
So, they tend to latch on with anyone that uplifts them, be it White, Mexican or Blacks.
Again, you aren't as smart as you think. By my standard, you are dumb as a Liberal joke, clown. 

[Edited 3/19/2015 5:34:52 PM ]
3/19/2015 5:39:12 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Houston, TX
41, joined Dec. 2014
Your double talking has clearly revealed your true feelings Uncle Ruckus. You are a self-loathing fool. The very things you accuse Black women of apply directly to you. You, Yourself have made YOU a slave, you idiot.
You an embarrassment, not to Blacks, but to yourself. The shame is yours alone. Beneath you? Never!
You're a very miserable, self-loathing, low-life, low self esteem, portraying bravado, crap of dung. Why you're nothing more than a scared child in a adult body still suffering from issue with your momma. Get help.
Just mad because you know I'm right about you. 

3/19/2015 5:41:39 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Australian Capital
84, joined Jan. 2015
The word 'stalker' comes to mind.
3/19/2015 5:42:14 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Houston, TX
41, joined Dec. 2014
I did quote the beginning of your statements and I quoted you in context as your posting history can give evidence to.
The things you have written about women is horrific and degrading.
Quote the entire comment then.   

[Edited 3/19/2015 5:42:37 PM ]
3/19/2015 5:44:08 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Houston, TX
41, joined Dec. 2014
The word 'stalker' comes to mind.
.....several of them. They are assigned to me. To hate me as a practical means on DH. 

[Edited 3/19/2015 5:44:47 PM ]
3/19/2015 6:03:53 PM |
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Los Angeles, CA
60, joined Nov. 2012
online now!
Just mad because you know I'm right about you.

Some how you never answer questions presented to you.
You and your Lapdog.  
[Edited 3/19/2015 6:05:28 PM ]
3/19/2015 6:05:33 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Houston, TX
41, joined Dec. 2014
Awww....Tellis is mad.
3/19/2015 6:06:28 PM |
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Los Angeles, CA
60, joined Nov. 2012
online now!
Keep wishing.
3/19/2015 6:06:49 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |


Belmont, NC
51, joined Feb. 2009
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
3/19/2015 6:22:01 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Kansas City, MO
55, joined Apr. 2009
Wow. Just........wow.
Best response,and the easiest
to comprehend

3/19/2015 6:24:54 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Punxsutawney, PA
52, joined Oct. 2013
I loved how Jackie Joyner Kersee kicked a** in the olympics. It sucks that she died so young.
3/19/2015 6:42:39 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Houston, TX
41, joined Dec. 2014
Jake is not Arkotol. I've seen Jake. He's Canadian. I've seen Arkotol....he looks like that famous Los Angeles Soccer Star that retired.....Beckman or Beckham something.
Regardless, he's a doing a good job pointing out the likes of you that Hate Men just for the sake of Hating Men.
And I don't care what polling data you used to suit your points.
Did it poll Black individuals? Or just Whites? Sounds like just Whites.
"Simply put, low-intelligence adults tend to gravitate toward socially conservative ideologies."
That there ^^^^^^ is NOT the political behavior of poor/less educated Blacks.
So the polling was BIASED! Something that defines your character as well....and being a bonafide Racist.
Admit it. 
And I have no issues with many dudes on here. I can name some I'm really cool with:
That's just some of the White dudes I know off the top of my head. As far the brothas:
And so/so with:
There's a few I'm missing but you get my drift. And I don't expect many of them to side with me on my views about Rogue Black Women.....on the other side of the token, I don't see these Men siding with the likes of:
Because of the Hateful and "disconnected" vibes they give off to Black Men....even when they could be open to friendly-terms with those Black women that they show so much of their "Black Man Hate" in general; rather by completely ignoring them or not acknowledging their existence that many brothas steer clear of them and just promote their general respect for Black American Women. Mister does this well. 
I can see those same Men having casual friendships with the likes of:
Lily B
Because those women are outside the status quo of Black Women bent on Hating Black Men and hating their own blackness and selling out and to spite Black Men.
And you're a Racist Sucker to side with them. I don't see the other genuine White Women siding with you, though. They see you are Stalking Black Men, Hating Them and Delusional in your rant against them. 
[Edited 3/19/2015 6:43:06 PM ]
3/19/2015 6:54:14 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |


Anderson, SC
23, joined Jun. 2014
WTF is with you posting about me being disconnected with the black man? Here we go again with you thinking that you're something special. You're not. Have you even come to the realization that you've been very disrespectful to the "black woman"? You're an irrelevant number that would rather be disrespectful instead of doing the right thing.
And mister, if you have such an issue with other colors having som kindness to post about us then either block or go make your own thread. It's beyond annoying that you people are failing to represent what this culture even has to offer.
I mainly blame myself for even giving you the idea to make this thread. It doesn't matter how much you try to grovel great it'll never erase the disrespectful junk you've been posting about the "black American woman". This was just a fail beyond words.
3/19/2015 6:56:24 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Kansas City, MO
55, joined Apr. 2009
Jake is Art, and who knows how many other profiles

If he ask you , if you need any work on your computer , then you know without a doubt it is him
3/19/2015 7:00:42 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Los Angeles, CA
60, joined Nov. 2012
online now!
I deal with genuine men. I don't need your fake compliments. Save them for your lapdogs.
3/19/2015 7:19:56 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Houston, TX
41, joined Dec. 2014
@ Iam,
I'm really gonna look into this. I had issues with Jake in the past but Arkotol been nothing but a buddy to me. Like brothers.
I will look into it, though. 
You never dealt with any men on here. That's why you have no profile picture and never reveal your identity because you know you're here to start shit with Men and hating them. You aren't fooling no one but yourself.
Put up a profile pic snd don't make excuses why you wont. You been here for a long time. How the f**k you deal with genuine men and can't produce a picture of yourself for him to see you and you to see him??
Your b.s. gets old, girl. Grow up. 
Exactly my point. Look what you doing. Being defensive and slamming Black Men even further.
If you was genuine you would explain yourself and show your love for Black Men and the Race instead of further leaving us in the dark where you stand.....and it's because you made it clear where you stand with your latest post dogging Black Men, Twin. 
3/19/2015 7:30:36 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Kansas City, MO
55, joined Apr. 2009
Look into it ,how well did you know Jake 3 years ago?
He has tormented this site as long as I have been on here
He is old as f'*** , yet continues to belittle women in my age group
We stood up to him, therefore we were named Old Hens

3/19/2015 7:38:46 PM |
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Los Angeles, CA
60, joined Nov. 2012
online now!
You never dealt with any men on here. That's why you have no profile picture and never reveal your identity because you know you're here to start shit with Men and hating them. You aren't fooling no one but yourself.
Put up a profile pic snd don't make excuses why you wont. You been here for a long time. How the f**k you deal with genuine men and can't produce a picture of yourself for him to see you and you to see him??
Your b.s. gets old, girl. Grow up.
Really? Start shit with men, really? Are you sure it's not a certain type of ignorant, poor excuse for a man type? (such as yourself)
I love and respect men. Pull up my post and prove your point. Guess that's the end of that lie.
No profile pic needed, my conversation is tight. Do what I do without a pic.
Real know real and can spot a fake in a minute. Understand? Guess not with your lying, fake, phony ass.
My lack of a picture worrying the shit out of you? Too bad, so sad.
[Edited 3/19/2015 7:39:28 PM ]
3/19/2015 7:40:26 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Houston, TX
41, joined Dec. 2014
Yeah, he's an old guy. He set-me up one time and told me some Bikers was riding out to my town to look for me....to kill me because they didn't like me talking to certain Women (Whites ) on the forum.
He said he was gonna try to talk them out of it but didn't think he could unless they put mark on him.
And then he gave me info how to clean my system to get rid of the virus and stuff but I was skeptical of doing all that.
But I had to leave DH on the Biker Threat.
I was packing for about 3 month or 4 months because he made it sound legit that those Biker was after me after they put a hit on Lickz (another Black Poster).
And he wouldn't give me no names so I can protect myself but told me to lay low, stay off DH and shit. 
Kinda feel stupid now. 
[Edited 3/19/2015 7:41:25 PM ]
3/19/2015 7:46:03 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Kansas City, MO
55, joined Apr. 2009
He slipped up one time and was talking about what kind of security was on someone's computer , I think it was another of his drunk moments

3/19/2015 7:47:00 PM |
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Wappingers Falls, NY
35, joined Jul. 2012
online now!
I like old hens
3/19/2015 7:48:00 PM |
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Los Angeles, CA
60, joined Nov. 2012
online now!
Kinda feel stupid now. 
Could have solved this problem a long time ago with your stupid ass. I tried to tell ya. But naw, you wouldn't believe me when I told you, you were stupid with your scary ass.
3/19/2015 7:48:40 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Houston, TX
41, joined Dec. 2014
Yep. He talks alot about computer issues. He was telling me about system and what app to download and stuff but I was skeptical of that.
But how does this relate to Arkotol? Arkotol NEVER discuss that stuff or anything like that. He's been supportive of me. Totally.
Are y'all sure y'all got the right guy?
3/19/2015 7:51:35 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Kansas City, MO
55, joined Apr. 2009
Am I sure?
100 %
3/19/2015 7:52:03 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Houston, TX
41, joined Dec. 2014
Tellis, you never told me shit about Jake. What are you talking about???
All you ever did was been mean-spirited to me even when I tried hard to respect you back then, you just continue to raze on me for questionable reason. Even fter repeated attempts to engage you like a Woman of respect, you return the favor to "hate me" for reasons I do not know why. 
You'd come up out of the blue and digitally slap me for talking to a White Woman.
What do you want from me, Tellis????? 
3/19/2015 7:53:50 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

49, joined Nov. 2014
Anyone can re-post this in Jer's thread!
Bro, I'm posting this here also because the same members lie and harass us both...hope you don't mind. They never stop the BS and continue to defame those they hate. I mean it's endless and all they do is try to intimidate with lies.
It's amazing how Jer's bait and bash thread for flagging purposes is allowed to stay up full of liars breaking every rule in the book, I blocked Jer because privately the bullies started harassing and threatening my friends and lie about me ( and Jer blocked me in return to prevent a defense after I left when even more lies were posted as they usually do)...I was never banned and neither was Jake. I also don't flag and hope other members see how evil these people are. I already proved Mindya is a complete liar since Cham confirmed my statements...they have not posted one bit of truth about myself and they're all connected to the coven. And this does not exclude TexasRose, Cash, Bear and others...all liars.
I will however address a few of the most serious ones:
"I must have blocked at least a dozen of Jake's alters in this pro alone over the past 4 months...at least the one's I knew about. He has many signatures..."
Jake nor I never had any multiple accounts and I've had this one since November 2014, if before that I needed new ones it's because you and your friends flagged me out with your multiples stating I'm Jake who killed nurses since neither of us did...you're pathetic and a sociopath like the rest of the losers in that thread. I'll eventually get assigned to NY...we'll see if you can lie to my face.
"Aww it is nice Jake still thinks about me , I have had him blocked 3 years at least
lets tell the real truth, Jake hacked my Google account so bad, Google wanted money to restore it, he hacked my playlist of music when we were allowed to have music on our profiles
Then he deleted me, and a couple weeks later , bragged about it in a drunk stupor at 2 am when he probably thought everyone on line was as drunk as he was
Since all this happened, this is one and only reason I have been invisible for past three years
He hacked my mail list and sent virus infected emails to everyone on my list including a Human Director of a job I had just applied for, I was basically told I had the job, until she received a virus infected email from my email address
I literally Sat and watched the emails flying on the Lap top,
my brother got several and he we in the Army at the time
This thing , he is not human, will seek and destroy anyone that stands up to his bullshit
To the ole Hens of DH"
Total bunch of garbage! You're a sick liar and again you make statements you can't prove, no one hacked your Google account, music list or deleted it and if they did it wasn't me nor Jake...you made these same false accusations on Meet and again no evidence. Where's the Google Security Trace to back your claims, Police Internet Reports implicating me, the Army S-1 Breach documents or anything else you have outlining my name, address, etc. You're a disgusting human being and just as deranged as Russell who claims I murdered nurses who died of cancer. Everyone in Jer's thread lacks any integrity and is void of any decency. And I hate to tell you this loser but I don't drink, take drugs or medications for disorders like most of you...there's no single ounce of evidence to back your claims.
"Flag away flaggers
Get this horrific thread poof
Too little too late now, even if thread disappeared, the truth was already exposed, and so many on here got their eyes full,after I got done filling in the gaps tight
KARMA is everywhere you are gonna be.
Better start running ,I have kept this info for three years out of the threads, but I still remember it like it was yesterday..
I remember how I felt when i was told I didn't get job, because they had received virus infected e mails off my account. Yes I know I was stupid I emailed my resume to them,instead of hand delivering it in person
I remember not hearing from my brother, or him not returning my many phone calls.
He was mad at me for sending those infected virus emails to him, how could I do that..
You destroy everything and everyone you come in contact with."
I don't flag and neither do my friends, I actually don't want Jer's thread to die now and members to see how unstable some of you are...weak and spineless people who lie. The only thing that has been exposed is your mental illness and how severely insane you are to want to defame someone so badly seeking revenge because you were exposed as a fraud. Your whole comment is total BS and why you salute the Old Hens in the end. Karma is more likely to destroy haters like yourself and one day it will.
3/19/2015 7:59:20 PM |
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Los Angeles, CA
60, joined Nov. 2012
online now!

SHAFT!!!!!!!! You're not.
be-great MacGuyvering that a** out of town. Scared of the invisible bikers.   
[Edited 3/19/2015 8:00:09 PM ]
3/19/2015 8:03:52 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Kansas City, MO
55, joined Apr. 2009
Jake is a man of many colors, he is just too stupid to learn another method of a different way to post
He is also Warmwinters, I think he forgot about that one
