3/18/2015 11:53:43 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Kansas City, MO
55, joined Apr. 2009

Peace OUT
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

3/19/2015 12:55:15 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Kansas City, MO
55, joined Apr. 2009
Umm...Nah it's the booty! And they know it!
ok you talked me into posting my booty shot back on profile

Stay tuned , a sister booty on a white girl just ain't right

[Edited 3/19/2015 12:55:54 AM ]
3/19/2015 1:17:10 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Los Angeles, CA
60, joined Nov. 2012
Forget your pretending to be nice to women and that you respect us. BS. Your post have repeatedly shown your contempt for women. So much so, your disrespect, even for your wife, that your feel she needs to be trained(they train pets)
Now, you're afraid your past post views of women and how you treat women will come back to kick you in the ass.(no worry I'm here) So, you make a nice thread in honor of the very women/woman you despise(your momma) Boi f**k you!
You are one sick, unslick mutha.
We/Black women are not responsible for what you mommie did or didn't do. Work on your mommie issues, sucka. No one is out to hurt you. Do you even like women at all?
You can't fool me, I know you're f**ked up!
Learn to love yourself, idiot!
More to follow if necessary.
3/19/2015 1:24:18 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Kansas City, MO
55, joined Apr. 2009
That was HARSH , tell us how you REALLY feel

Your post are always sweet; then I see this one and I am like who stole tells profile

3/19/2015 1:29:31 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Los Angeles, CA
53, joined Feb. 2011
Forget your pretending to be nice to women and that you respect us. BS. Your post have repeatedly shown your contempt for women. So much so, your disrespect, even for your wife, that your feel she needs to be trained(they train pets)
Now, you're afraid your past post views of women and how you treat women will come back to kick you in the ass.(no worry I'm here) So, you make a nice thread in honor of the very women/woman you despise(your momma) Boi f**k you!
You are one sick, unslick mutha.
We/Black women are not responsible for what you mommie did or didn't do. Work on your mommie issues, sucka. No one is out to hurt you. Do you even like women at all?
You can't fool me, I know you're f**ked up!
Learn to love yourself, idiot!
More to follow if necessary. 
Spot on 
3/19/2015 2:04:30 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Los Angeles, CA
60, joined Nov. 2012
That was HARSH , tell us how you REALLY feel
Your post are always sweet; then I see this one and I am like who stole tells profile

He deserves every bit and then some. He's very rude to all women, especially Black women. He called me a trick, so now I'll treat him to some tellitlkittis.
I held back a little, cause I'm shy. 
3/19/2015 2:14:33 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Kansas City, MO
55, joined Apr. 2009
Well, I just have not seen this , I took some time off here couple months ago, could this of happened then? Or I just missed posts completely.
My eyesight is not doing so good. My Rheumatoid Arthritis is progressing in my right knuckles .
Ok ladies get ready I am unveiling my sister butt, keep watching, it will appear on your screen shortly

3/19/2015 3:04:28 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |


Anderson, SC
23, joined Jun. 2014
I honestly think it's the dating. It's never she has to be on bottom cause she's a woman or she can't make decisions or she has to roll over when told to. No offence to any other women.
[Edited 3/19/2015 3:07:46 AM ]
3/19/2015 3:08:29 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Kansas City, MO
55, joined Apr. 2009

3/19/2015 3:16:29 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |


Anderson, SC
23, joined Jun. 2014
It's the kind of submissive thing. Which every color American woman has it. Most guys just jump to conclusions cause they're either looking in on a relationship from the outside and don't know the dinamics of it or they're in the relationship with said person and somewhere along the line they've come to terms with where their places are in the relationship.
Or haven't and it's just a big jumbled up mess of chaos and confusion.
[Edited 3/19/2015 3:17:34 AM ]
3/19/2015 3:31:06 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
Be-loser....what do you know about James Brown????nothing....by the time you were born....his career was over, except oldies concert appearances.
You weren't even around in his hey day....so you know nothing about him....your just rambling on some words that got tagged on to him.
I'll tell you something...to do that foot work of his....you need slick shoes with a little wax on them on a slick floor....that's the secret. And a lot of energy.
In fact you know little about anything...all the important things happened before you were born.
you weren't even around when there was real soul.
so, you have a couple of regulars who think your something from when you were nature boy.
which means your nothing but a good con and some women are gullible.
3/19/2015 3:33:25 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
ok you talked me into posting my booty shot back on profile
Stay tuned , a sister booty on a white girl just ain't right

I can tell from the front if a woman has a cartoon a** or not.
no offence but you don't have the hips for that. and your upper thighs are too thin to have a sister ass.
[Edited 3/19/2015 3:34:09 AM ]
3/19/2015 3:36:38 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Kansas City, MO
55, joined Apr. 2009
My best friend comes from a family of 9, and I have been to a lot of family dinners.
Family means everything to them. I have friends who would never be comfortable being only one of 3 whites maybe.
They laugh, joke around, and I see so much love.
More than I have ever seen at a Caucasian gathering. The Caucasians or thinking or saying, Is it time to go home yet

3/19/2015 3:40:34 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Kansas City, MO
55, joined Apr. 2009
I can tell from the front if a woman has a cartoon a** or not.
no offence but you don't have the hips for that. and your upper thighs are too thin to have a sister ass.
Well maybe your opinion but not according to the black men I have encountered.
I guess you are a butt expert now,and disecting it like you did was just plain creepy
3/19/2015 3:45:11 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Kansas City, MO
55, joined Apr. 2009
My guy calls it PHAT
3/19/2015 3:46:58 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |


Opa Locka, FL
33, joined Jan. 2014
Op...had a change of heart.
yeh right....thinking this way most of your life....enough to argue all over the place on the forums, put them down etc.
Sure....right....you went to a shrink and he was successful on the first visit.
sure, I believe you.
but I really believe you stopped and realized that even though you don't seek black women....all the bantering of them was hurting your chances with all women and your standings on the forums.
that was your real eye opening realization.
and just like mister mister....you thought a few "cover your tracks threads" would put you in a better light with people.
two words here....f**k you
more words....you lying fake cheating sack of shit.
Scrolling just to read the comments going on in here and you can't seem to keep my name out your mouth. We're going to make things a bit clear for a lot of folks out there.
I don't need to make a cover my track thread simply for the fact I don't give a shit rather someone likes what I have to say rather good or bad, agreed or disagreed. I'm not looking for appease anyone or be in their favor. I don't tailor what I have to say based on rather or not this group may like me or not. What you see is what you f**king get. Oh and my profile page is open so if any woman wants to nick pick through the things I said that they disagreed with they can do so.
On the other hand why are you stroking my d*ck so much. I mean seriously dude get over it. You're an undercover racist and all you do is try to be divisive between black men in women. Stay ya a** on the farm and f**k your pet.
3/19/2015 3:47:15 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
Girl...any man who has been on this earth for a while can tell from the front if a woman has a nice a** or not and be right 90 percent of the time.
There's certain things that are conducive to having one or not.
and that's just how it is....and going by these threads, it sounds like you wanted to be black anyway.
Wigger....and sure those black guys will tell you that....anything as long as your giving it up to them.
if you had what it took to be black....you'd be streetwise enough to know that.
how did you get to be that age and still be that gullible?
3/19/2015 3:48:16 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
I see mister mister put that old record on again.
the mind of a parrot.....he can copy, but not think.
Get it thru your head parrot.
I don't care about you....its just the forums would be so much better with you fakes on here, with your whining and crying all the time.
Plus I don't like men who lie to women and use them, who lie in general.
Waste of good oxygen.
Plus anyone from that far south into Fla...has got to have aids...I don't want to see it spread here.
[Edited 3/19/2015 3:51:19 AM ]
3/19/2015 3:50:35 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Kansas City, MO
55, joined Apr. 2009
I am tired of people starting
shit for no reason.

Go join the other miserable people, I tossed
in pit

3/19/2015 3:51:18 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |


Opa Locka, FL
33, joined Jan. 2014
I see you're trying to suck on my d*ck. 
ok you talked me into posting my booty shot back on profile
Stay tuned , a sister booty on a white girl just ain't right

I seen your pictures and trust me ain't shit about you says anything about a black woman's ass. You're in my honest opinion just fat.
3/19/2015 3:56:23 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Kansas City, MO
55, joined Apr. 2009
A size 5 has nothing fat about it

Go away , if all you are going to do is insult. I am in a blocking mood
Do you feel lucky Quote Clint Eastwood
I will add Punk for good measures

3/19/2015 3:58:09 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
I am tired of people starting
shit for no reason.
Go join the other miserable people, I tossed
in pit

then why do you side with Be-loser??
in case you haven't noticed he starts a lot of shit on here...that's why I pull his chain all the time.
and anyone can do this.... on the end of all their threads..that doesn't mean they are happy in real life...usually it means the opposite.
you kept bragging on more than one thread that you have a sisters ass. I'm just calling your bluff, that's all.
And most here are trying to get rid of be-loser and your messing it up.
don't you want a forum free of fakes like that? don't you want the race threads gone and the pot stirrers that promote them gone?
Or does he give you just enough attention to keep you hanging on.
you've been conned and can't even see it....your no sister, at least they are smart enough to see whats going on.
3/19/2015 4:01:43 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
I see you're trying to suck on my d*ck.
ok you talked me into posting my booty shot back on profile
Stay tuned , a sister booty on a white girl just ain't right

I seen your pictures and trust me ain't shit about you says anything about a black woman's ass. You're in my honest opinion just fat.
this time we agree....and she turned off her profile and picture all the sudden....I was going to check it out and see if she was fat like you said...lol
I can look at a women's upper thighs and hips from the front and tell if she has that great of a** or not...and her hips are more straight like with thin upper thighs...there's no sista a** there.
all I see is a wanna be wigger.
3/19/2015 4:05:18 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |


Opa Locka, FL
33, joined Jan. 2014
A size 5 has nothing fat about it
Go away , if all you are going to do is insult. I am in a blocking mood
Do you feel lucky Quote Clint Eastwood
I will add Punk for good measures

Well meant bad body because you don't have an a** like you think you do. Just being honest here. Oh and if you're going to block go right ahead I'm usually in the I really don't give a f**k mode. Oh and stop with the corny a** comment you're trying too hard.
3/19/2015 4:08:07 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
Well mister you blew some easy sex, all you have to do is be black and tell her she has a sister ass.
and she's yours for the night.
3/19/2015 4:21:51 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Kansas City, MO
55, joined Apr. 2009
Well meant bad body because you don't have an a** like you think you do. Just being honest here. Oh and if you're going to block go right ahead I'm usually in the I really don't give a f**k mode. Oh and stop with the corny a** comment you're trying too hard. 
Believe Me when I say my best friend tells me , she envys me for my a** It must be true

3/19/2015 4:24:10 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
Someone must really be attention starved around here....lol
and it shows.
a midget could be my friend and think I'm tall as a basketball player too.
that doesn't mean I am.
[Edited 3/19/2015 4:25:37 AM ]
3/19/2015 4:28:07 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |


Houston, TX
23, joined Jun. 2012
online now!
ok you talked me into posting my booty shot back on profile
Stay tuned , a sister booty on a white girl just ain't right

So where is it
3/19/2015 4:30:56 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Kansas City, MO
55, joined Apr. 2009
I moved it off profile pics lol still there for now lol
[Edited 3/19/2015 4:32:09 AM ]
3/19/2015 4:39:06 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Kansas City, MO
55, joined Apr. 2009
How many women on this site post a full body pic, let alone one of her a** and not knowing pic was snapped

My guy has pic on his phone so every time I call him pic pops up lol
3/19/2015 4:53:18 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |


Vale, OR
60, joined Oct. 2013
Anybody know what happened to that nice lady from the Phillipeans?
3/19/2015 5:01:47 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
^^^^^^^^^jer, I was wondering that lately myself.
she and I talked a bit...and I feel she was legit.
she got flack when she first came on because of where she was from and the insinuations about women from there, just seeking a way to get here.
then the accusations about her being sparks.
Maybe she just got tired of it.
3/19/2015 5:18:22 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Kansas City, MO
55, joined Apr. 2009
Never Blocked a 5 star poster before
He can be hall monitor In the Pit
3/19/2015 6:00:34 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Australian Capital
84, joined Jan. 2015
Who are we blocking now?
add to my collection..
3/19/2015 6:12:10 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Kansas City, MO
55, joined Apr. 2009
The one that took it upon himself to disect my a** when I posted pic of it on my profile for shits and giggles

3/19/2015 6:13:23 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Kansas City, MO
55, joined Apr. 2009
I will go visible for 5 minutes better hurry

3/19/2015 6:14:29 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |


Opa Locka, FL
33, joined Jan. 2014
One thing I cannot reason with right now is the fact that this thread was supposed be showing what a black man love about black women yet there's a white bad body chick trying to take credit. You sound very starved for attention and your friend is lying to you. There's absolutely nothing that screams black or attractive. Only thing that's screaming that is the shit you're making up in your mind. Please stop trying to steal people spotlight. Even if the black women aren't receptive to it it's not yours to step in.
[Edited 3/19/2015 6:16:35 AM ]
3/19/2015 6:19:21 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Kansas City, MO
55, joined Apr. 2009
Yea you are so right
Get a sense of humor you are so boring
I am not starved for anything. Remember I am fat

3/19/2015 6:24:10 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Kansas City, MO
55, joined Apr. 2009
Quote from iamalwaysjustme
Which lips

Why is it white women , are usually happy they are white.
You know princesses, or Cinderella.
Yet they take their happy asses to tanning salon , so they can , you know , get some color

Black women my age are ageless. They don't have wrinkles, like us whities
No pun intended. just having fun , all women are beautiful in their own way

P.S, I went to Jr.High at Mapa Valley Vallejo Calif my dad was still in Navy, from South St Louis girl, to a school girls called me a hick, because of my accent they said. We didn't waste time on using r letters in our words
I guess I had a southern draw..
Ended up with one of the richest guys , and cutest guys having a crush on me 
His name was Crane. Kinda preppy name 
This was when I first knew Karma really existed

3/19/2015 6:30:34 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Kansas City, MO
55, joined Apr. 2009
It says what do we love about black women.
Where does it say what do men love about black women, or what do black men think about black women
IHave done nothing
but post positive post on this thread.
Don't try making me look like the idiot here
Ithink you need a hug
3/19/2015 6:32:09 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Kansas City, MO
55, joined Apr. 2009
Quote from iamalwaysjustme:
They are true to their word

3/19/2015 6:33:40 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Kansas City, MO
55, joined Apr. 2009
Quote from iamalwaysjustme:
I have had no truer friend through the years, as I have had with my soul sister
3/19/2015 6:37:48 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Kansas City, MO
55, joined Apr. 2009
Quote from iamalwaysjustme:
Right answer
And cell. And sick before you dog him on this post , I know this man is telling the truth, he also deeply loves and respects his wife.
My guy is a Big flirt. After all this time with him , I know he just loves blabbering, and anyone around him will instantly hear him make some comment.
B [
3/19/2015 6:39:59 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Kansas City, MO
55, joined Apr. 2009
Quote from iamalwaysjustme:
What would it possibly be , that could concern you with his personal life.
Do YOU have the hots for him?
He is very nice looking

I recognized one of his pics I got to see when he went visible a short time the other night.
I can't remember his other pros he had before , but Houston Ding Ding rings a bell

3/19/2015 6:40:29 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Kent, WA
62, joined Oct. 2013
I love Black women, I love how a Black women can kick off her shoes in 2 seconds flat when about to get into a fight, I love how a Black woman can pull off any fashion fail when a white woman can't, I love How a Black woman dress for church..Ohhh and the humor of a black woman, How strong of a woman a Black woman is. I love how a Black woman stands up to her man..Sounds like I envy the Black woman..well maybe I do...lol
3/19/2015 6:42:16 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Kansas City, MO
55, joined Apr. 2009
Quote from iamalwaysjustme:
Cell the post I made was meant for Sick , such an awesome profile name

But d_*** cell you stepped in between post. It is all good two for one. This could relate to you also .
How special is that

3/19/2015 6:50:19 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Kansas City, MO
55, joined Apr. 2009
Mister , you don't know half the shit you think you do.
whitey b*tch posting in Black woman thread

Trying to play the RACE CARD
Aww you need a hug

3/19/2015 6:56:09 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Punxsutawney, PA
52, joined Oct. 2013
Anybody know what happened to that nice lady from the Phillipeans?
Are you talking about Elisa jer? If so, she was still around as of yesterday, she just didn't have her pic up but she was posting I'm pretty sure.
As for what I love about Black American Women? I really only know one personally, black dad, white mother, local girl. She's cute and fun to talk to but I wouldn't say love really is an emotion I feel in regard to her. I like her though.
3/19/2015 7:18:56 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Chesterfield, MO
26, joined Sep. 2013
sepp da sambos
aint gon marry no slave
3/19/2015 7:20:04 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |


Houston, TX
47, joined Sep. 2014
Are you talking about Elisa jer?
Elisa is from Spain...
3/19/2015 7:29:11 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |


Opa Locka, FL
33, joined Jan. 2014
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
3/19/2015 7:35:12 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Punxsutawney, PA
52, joined Oct. 2013
Elisa is from Spain...
Oh yeah, now I'm confused, it wasn't her pic I was thinking about but I can't think of the gals screen name either. I did see her pic recently though.
3/19/2015 7:41:08 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Kansas City, MO
55, joined Apr. 2009
One thing I cannot reason with right now is the fact that this thread was supposed be showing what a black man love about black women yet there's a white bad body chick trying to take credit. You sound very starved for attention and your friend is lying to you. There's absolutely nothing that screams black or attractive. Only thing that's screaming that is the shit you're making up in your mind. Please stop trying to steal people spotlight. Even if the black women aren't receptive to it it's not yours to step in.
No race mentioned huh
you are a f___*_
3/19/2015 7:48:12 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |


Opa Locka, FL
33, joined Jan. 2014
No race mentioned huh
 you are a f___*_
Oh and you brought up race well before I did.
Why don't you got take your ugly a** and go stroke a horse off or something. You're not black and will never be no matter how much you think. Oh and if any black man is telling you that you got a a** like a black woman he's just trying to f**k a white chick. So don't feel special some black guys just want to say they f**ked a white chick.
3/19/2015 8:00:21 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Kansas City, MO
55, joined Apr. 2009
I never brought up shit , you try to turn EVERY thread into a RACE issue

I am old enough to be your Mom, is this how you talk to her, I don't expect any man your age to find me appealing,
but you just keep on dogging Me.
Go Fu** off imbecile. You are so disliked on this site. It can't possibly be fun for you, either you are blocked or ignored, you brought that on yourself with every nasty , negative, racist post you made on here.
3/19/2015 8:38:04 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |


Dayton, OH
30, joined Dec. 2012
I love Black women, I love how a Black women can kick off her shoes in 2 seconds flat when about to get into a fight, I love how a Black woman can pull off any fashion fail when a white woman can't, I love How a Black woman dress for church..Ohhh and the humor of a black woman, How strong of a woman a Black woman is. I love how a Black woman stands up to her man..Sounds like I envy the Black woman..well maybe I do...lol
that's sweet
3/19/2015 9:03:46 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Kansas City, MO
55, joined Apr. 2009
What is the matter Mister, you always have a quick come back.
Yes. I will tell you and everyone else on this site what I think.
Someone forgot to warn you

3/19/2015 10:04:29 AM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Punxsutawney, PA
52, joined Oct. 2013
Anybody know what happened to that nice lady from the Phillipeans?
Are you talking about geleen jer? I was wrong before saying elisa but not I do remember the screen name geleen as being from the Phillipeans.
I did see her post not too long ago, within the past week or so I think but she's been scarce.
3/19/2015 12:09:25 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |

Los Angeles, CA
53, joined Feb. 2011
...just an observation
16 pages in, and i think the Only black male to post in this thread, doesn't say
Anything positive about black
Only comments to viciously attack another Woman who DOES speak
Positively about us
also to argue with another white male
but won't say a negative word
towards Be_Sellout, who posts
Horrible things about black
Women all day Everyday
...what's wrong with this
[Edited 3/19/2015 12:11:52 PM ]
3/19/2015 12:17:06 PM |
What Do We Love About Black American Women? |


Vale, OR
60, joined Oct. 2013
I love a strong black woman  