3/22/2015 3:56:41 AM |
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Bloomingdale, GA
50, joined Mar. 2011
online now!
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

3/22/2015 4:00:04 AM |
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Scarsdale, NY
47, joined Aug. 2014
STAR Magazine has a DH section? 
3/22/2015 4:15:39 AM |
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36, joined Jan. 2015
Cheers, loves.
3/22/2015 4:23:15 AM |
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Fort Payne, AL
60, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
Gooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Advice lines !!!!
Adrian Cronauer here with the morning news.
da dit da dit da dit...
well, it looks like the morning news has been done already, so lets get back to the music.
Here's one by Stanley Zee called no where to run baby, now where to hide.
hit it Zee!!!!
3/22/2015 4:45:55 AM |
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Troy, NY
38, joined Feb. 2015
I'm saddened by the fact that that interested me
3/22/2015 4:56:55 AM |
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96, joined Nov. 2014
StanleyZ is pathetic just like her other Leftist buddies, I can't believe I accidentally allowed this idiot to be on my friends list and amazing what she stated with so much hate...her radical lesbian views finally spurted out and to claim God is on her side is an absolute joke. Be_great made a direct hit with this one...he was 100% right. Pretty evil...no surprise the hypocrites in Jer's baiting and bashing thread support her all being liars.
3/22/2015 5:01:24 AM |
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Anderson, SC
23, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
This site should have a cooking section to share recipes and techniques. Nobody can really get in any sort of argument when it comes to cooking.
3/22/2015 5:02:23 AM |
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Troy, NY
38, joined Feb. 2015
This site should have a cooking section to share recipes and techniques. Nobody can really get in any sort of argument when it comes to cooking. 
You'd be surprised
3/22/2015 5:02:34 AM |
Today in DH news |

96, joined Nov. 2014
This site should have a cooking section to share recipes and techniques. Nobody can really get in any sort of argument when it comes to cooking. 
You wanna bet.  
3/22/2015 5:02:46 AM |
Today in DH news |


Scottsboro, AL
44, joined Nov. 2008
Good morning fellow DH'ers,This is snhgirl reporting live,Please stay tuned for the latest breaking news!Back to you Hurry!
3/22/2015 5:17:44 AM |
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96, joined Nov. 2014
Cooking debate!
Poster A: Now you take 1/2 a cup of black beans.
Be_great: I hate black beans...I prefer white.
Poster A: What do you mean you hate black beans...no one hates black beans.
Cash: He hates black women also.
Be_great: You and Medusa are lovers.
Iam: Jake hacked my account and killed 50 members.
Old Geezer: I like turtles.
Bumble: I think Be_great is Mister, Haggy or George Bush.
New member in fake account: Who is Herpes Mike?
Blah! Blah! Blah!
3/22/2015 5:20:18 AM |
Today in DH news |


Anderson, SC
23, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
Funniest way to shoot down my hopes and dreams.
Poster A didn't even finish the recipe
[Edited 3/22/2015 5:21:03 AM ]
3/22/2015 5:20:26 AM |
Today in DH news |
43, joined Mar. 2015

3/22/2015 5:23:42 AM |
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96, joined Nov. 2014
Funniest way to shoot down my hopes and dreams.
Poster A didn't even finish the recipe
People are slow here...1 ingredient per post. 
3/22/2015 5:25:37 AM |
Today in DH news |


Santa Monica, CA
53, joined Feb. 2011
online now!
...today in dh news
Play finally stopped
the madness
And blocked Be-Sellout
3/22/2015 5:26:26 AM |
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Anderson, SC
23, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
But the recipe should be the header along with the instructions. If it's one ingredient a post nobody's ever gonna learn how to cook these meals.
3/22/2015 5:28:37 AM |
Today in DH news |


Troy, NY
38, joined Feb. 2015
French onion soup <<<<~~~racist
Pork and beans. Obvious man hater medusa (sarcastic) will surely object
Then those that believe she is a man hater will object to her objecting
Everyone will have a recipe and each of them are right.
Gothygoogoo should not play with cutlery of any kind
3/22/2015 5:30:22 AM |
Today in DH news |


Anderson, SC
23, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
I french onion soup
3/22/2015 5:32:16 AM |
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Troy, NY
38, joined Feb. 2015
Me too
3/22/2015 5:40:48 AM |
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96, joined Nov. 2014
Those Pork and Beans look too good or are fakes...you photo shopped them.
3/22/2015 5:43:53 AM |
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Anderson, SC
23, joined Jun. 2014
online now!

So do most restaurants on their menus
Putting new spins on ramen noodle soup. You can buy them by the bulk and make fabulous things with the noodles. Ranch noodle salad, and a bunch of other things.
3/22/2015 5:45:58 AM |
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Troy, NY
38, joined Feb. 2015
I make ice well
3/22/2015 5:55:13 AM |
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Dayton, OH
31, joined Dec. 2012
3/22/2015 5:56:06 AM |
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96, joined Nov. 2014

So do most restaurants on their menus
Putting new spins on ramen noodle soup. You can buy them by the bulk and make fabulous things with the noodles. Ranch noodle salad, and a bunch of other things.
Are you still into B&D...I don't hear you talking about that much anymore. Just curious...I don't think Mistresses like to cook.   
3/22/2015 5:57:38 AM |
Today in DH news |


Troy, NY
38, joined Feb. 2015
Defeats the purpose of mistress
3/22/2015 6:03:58 AM |
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Anderson, SC
23, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
Whoa. That came out of nowhere.
3/22/2015 6:05:22 AM |
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Troy, NY
38, joined Feb. 2015
Prime example of the cooking drama forum
3/22/2015 6:08:05 AM |
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Manchester, NH
45, joined Dec. 2013
We need a hot weather girl.
Ok I need a hot weather girl
3/22/2015 6:09:20 AM |
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Troy, NY
38, joined Feb. 2015
Is it the weather or hot girls you seek?
Possible 'chatting' detected. You have already posted in this thread recently. Please wait for some other people to reply before posting in this thread again, or wait like an hour or so, whichever comes first. Sorry for the inconvenience.
3/22/2015 6:11:13 AM |
Today in DH news |

Manchester, NH
45, joined Dec. 2013
Being in NH I could use better weather and well a hot girl wouldn't be bad either
3/22/2015 6:14:20 AM |
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Anderson, SC
23, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
Really. You would ask someone about a personal hobby while they're trying to teach you how to make a five star five course meal? Unbelievable. I'll have you know that anybody can take 30 minutes out of their day to make a meal. Rachel ray does it all the time and you know she's got a checkered personal life.
I am just pleased with myself because I finally succeeded in making a pot of rice
[Edited 3/22/2015 6:15:21 AM ]
3/22/2015 6:14:28 AM |
Today in DH news |

96, joined Nov. 2014
Whoa. That came out of nowhere.
I just remembered you were into that...not that I am. Just curious.
3/22/2015 6:15:52 AM |
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Troy, NY
38, joined Feb. 2015
Rachel Ray has more incentive what with the fame and wealth
3/22/2015 6:15:55 AM |
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Pearland, TX
51, joined Jan. 2013
well aren't you clever Hurryme..the town crier became quite the popular gent about town....and yeah Heather, it's human nature, it sadly interested me too.

3/22/2015 6:19:50 AM |
Today in DH news |

96, joined Nov. 2014
Really. You would ask someone about a personal hobby while they're trying to teach you how to make a five star five course meal? Unbelievable. I'll have you know that anybody can take 30 minutes out of their day to make a meal. Rachel ray does it all the time and you know she's got a checkered personal life.
I am just pleased with myself because I finally succeeded in making a pot of rice 
Ready made minute rice right...Uncle Ben of course. 
[Edited 3/22/2015 6:20:08 AM ]
3/22/2015 6:23:00 AM |
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Anderson, SC
23, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
No. The bagged kind. I have amazing skills in the kitchen but rice has been a troublesome thing. I finally made it nice and fluffy and wonderful last night.
And the thought of the happy face from the wonderful meal you made and how he's going to be cleaning the kitchen for you should be incentive enough to create a masterpiece.
[Edited 3/22/2015 6:24:45 AM ]
3/22/2015 6:23:04 AM |
Today in DH news |


Troy, NY
38, joined Feb. 2015
Maybe a nice scrap booking forum
3/22/2015 6:25:40 AM |
Today in DH news |

96, joined Nov. 2014
No. The bagged kind. I have amazing skills in the kitchen but rice has been a troublesome thing. I finally made it nice and fluffy and wonderful last night.
And the thought of the happy face from the wonderful meal you made and how he's going to be cleaning the kitchen for you should be incentive enough to create a masterpiece. 
That could mean anything on DH...you cook in the nude. 
3/22/2015 6:34:33 AM |
Today in DH news |


Anderson, SC
23, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
Probably not. Slaving over a hot stove naked usually ends in burn marks. My height and reaching over the front pots and pans to get to the back is never a good idea. Now an apron, sure. I guess.
3/22/2015 6:36:13 AM |
Today in DH news |


Santa Monica, CA
53, joined Feb. 2011
online now!
Twin, I can teach you
To cook rice perfectly
Every time, it's easy
What I can't do is fry chicken
3/22/2015 6:39:39 AM |
Today in DH news |

96, joined Nov. 2014
Quote from twining:
"Probably not. Slaving over a hot stove naked usually ends in burn marks. My height and reaching over the front pots and pans to get to the back is never a good idea. Now an apron, sure. I guess."
My uncle was a chef for someone famous...I can't technically cook but when I do everyone sits around the table like hungry cats. Spices are my flaws so I go to a Chinese market and they have ready prepared for different recipes. I just make up stuff and it usually comes out well.
3/22/2015 6:55:22 AM |
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Anderson, SC
23, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
Seasonings can be a real pain. My issue has always been under seasoning.
3/22/2015 6:58:00 AM |
Today in DH news |

96, joined Nov. 2014
Yeah, I know...too little it tastes plain and too much people complain. Lol.
3/22/2015 7:01:11 AM |
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Anderson, SC
23, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
And that's one of the things that always causes issues at family dinners. Under seasoned foods are brought cause a tablespoon of salt in the pasta water would make a guy have a heart attack or over salted stew cause somebody else's hormones have them craving it.
3/22/2015 7:01:55 AM |
Today in DH news |

Jessieville, AR
57, joined Jul. 2010
Better under-seasoned than too much. A brother smokes uses 4X the amount of anything, and is guilty of using too many different seasonings, as a result I cannot eat anything that he prepares.
He uses so much tomato paste in his goulash that I refer unto it as the Red sea mystery meat stew. Cannot be ID'd by sight, smell nor taste. 
3/22/2015 7:04:38 AM |
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Toms River, NJ
67, joined Jan. 2009
Thanks for the public service, OP. Now I don't have to read all that crap. I appreciate it.
3/22/2015 7:11:42 AM |
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96, joined Nov. 2014
Quote from twining:
"And that's one of the things that always causes issues at family dinners. Under seasoned foods are brought cause a tablespoon of salt in the pasta water would make a guy have a heart attack or over salted stew cause somebody else's hormones have them craving it."
My uncle taught me the best way to do it is to under salt with minimal amounts just to give the food flavor and with medium amounts of spices and pepper without being too hot...then salt to your own pleasure.
3/22/2015 7:18:02 AM |
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Anderson, SC
23, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
I've found a bunch of substitutes for salt over the years in my journey to eating healthier.
I've lost my love for chicken. It's very rare to find one in stores that isn't full of growth hormones and other junk. I adore chicken and dumplings made from scratch.
3/22/2015 7:19:41 AM |
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Champaign, IL
31, joined Aug. 2014
I'm saddened by the fact that that interested me

3/22/2015 7:30:29 AM |
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96, joined Nov. 2014
Even free range chickens are bad now, I have a Complimentary MD from Europe who works with both traditional and alternative medicines/therapies...he predicated Mad Cow Disease before it happened and basically categorically stated new diseases will unfold in 10 years time due to eating poultry and the signs are already seen in North American Meats causing cancer and Asian fish for toxic overload in regards to Mercury and Lead from polluted waters. The S1 Veg diet is the safest and this can't be disputed. Chicken, beef, pork, veal and fish all have massive health issues and are underlying factors in poor health along with sugar, white products and junk food.
3/22/2015 7:32:58 AM |
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Champaign, IL
31, joined Aug. 2014
Oh wow
3/22/2015 7:34:59 AM |
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Anderson, SC
23, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
Which is a good reason to take up gardening. I love it. Fresh, homegrown cucumbers are just the bees knees. They don't have that after smell that's stuck in your throat for the rest of the day.
Fish is a very wonderful thing. I'm thinking of digging out a pond sort of aquarium for it later when I invest in property.
[Edited 3/22/2015 7:37:13 AM ]
3/22/2015 7:48:52 AM |
Today in DH news |

Durand, WI
49, joined Nov. 2014
I don't get excited about things I have no control over. But I have control over the volume knobs on my guitar, and amp, and let me tell you...I just had a spiritual experience at 5 am. I played my 59 gibson melody maker through my recently acquired 74 marshall JTM 60. And I melted. Everything came back. Soooo many hit songs were recorded with a JTM 60. Zeppelin, ozzy, sabbath, Atlanta rhythm section, skynyrd, molly hatchet, rush, acdc, ZZ top, hendrix, dokken, ufo, head east, Van halen, free, etc. All those songs, and tones just effortlessly came out. So sweet, and powerful. Almost impossible to acquire a JTM 60 these days unless you're wealthy. I'd been shopping for one for two years and couldn't touch a black flag JTM 60 for under $9000. I got this one for the deal of the century. $411. I'm still in shock. I had to drive to Oklahoma City to get it. But I just don't care. This amplifier will actually be used on our tour live this summer. Perfect sound. I'm on cloud 9.
3/22/2015 7:49:12 AM |
Today in DH news |

96, joined Nov. 2014
True, but get this, my friend has a huge country home and at the back end he grows vegetables...he redid the soil, fenced the area off, shielded, used natural products ( definitely not manure )and went all organic...the vegetables turned out perfect however he decided to do a university analysis and was shocked. He had 3 sources! His...his friend's from the big city...and the store bought from a local grocery store. While his tasted better being organic they actually came in 2nd in terms of toxic levels. The store bought were ironically the best and the city veggies were worse. They blamed his poor results due to a nearby farm that uses pesticide, rain and water source...bottom line conditions will change from district to district and the more polluted the worse the food will be no matter how it looks.
3/22/2015 7:52:13 AM |
Today in DH news |

Jessieville, AR
57, joined Jul. 2010
I salt nothing. There's enough in a can/bottle of anything to cover me for the day. My one guilty salt pleasure is salted in the shell peanuts. I've taken a burger back because there was enough salt on it to cure meat. The young cook found that humorous though I wasn't laughing.
True, once upon a time you could buy small fryers. Now, yardbirds are big enough to almost qualify as little turkeys. There's hardly anything between a pullet & broiler as everyone wishes to maximize profits through size.
I knew a fella from north Arkansas That I called Earnest T., as he reminded me of the character Earnest T. Bass, and he loaded chickens from the hutch to truck. He'd done it long enough that he could pluck four from the nest w/each hand their necks resting betwixt his digits. His arms were as Popeye's minus the anchor tats. He was fast and would hand these off to a less skilled picker to load.
Anywho, he ran into a guy that raised turkeys and offered him the same job albeit on a somewhat larger scale. The extra money looked particularly attractive. He walks in and grabs two by the legs holding them out as a cross whilst they flailed upside down. Throws them in the truck and goes back in for two more. Brought them out and they were floggin' him as a bass drummer in a marchin' band.
"Mister, you can keep your turkeys. I'm goin' back to chickens". He said there wasn't enough money for him to take that kind of a beating. Chickens are docile for the most part, but those turkeys wore him smooth out in nuttin' flat. 
[Edited 3/22/2015 7:53:07 AM ]
3/22/2015 7:52:38 AM |
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Troy, NY
38, joined Feb. 2015
Hey ya Carm 
3/22/2015 7:52:59 AM |
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Champaign, IL
31, joined Aug. 2014
All i read was guitar
I don't get excited about things I have no control over. But I have control over the volume knobs on my guitar, and amp, and let me tell you...I just had a spiritual experience at 5 am. I played my 59 gibson melody maker through my recently acquired 74 marshall JTM 60. And I melted. Everything came back. Soooo many hit songs were recorded with a JTM 60. Zeppelin, ozzy, sabbath, Atlanta rhythm section, skynyrd, molly hatchet, rush, acdc, ZZ top, hendrix, dokken, ufo, head east, Van halen, free, etc. All those songs, and tones just effortlessly came out. So sweet, and powerful. Almost impossible to acquire a JTM 60 these days unless you're wealthy. I'd been shopping for one for two years and couldn't touch a black flag JTM 60 for under $9000. I got this one for the deal of the century. $411. I'm still in shock. I had to drive to Oklahoma City to get it. But I just don't care. This amplifier will actually be used on our tour live this summer. Perfect sound. I'm on cloud 9.
3/22/2015 7:53:38 AM |
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Champaign, IL
31, joined Aug. 2014
Morning my dh bestie  
3/22/2015 7:53:44 AM |
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Troy, NY
38, joined Feb. 2015
This convo is riveting. Better than Cats.
3/22/2015 7:54:50 AM |
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Champaign, IL
31, joined Aug. 2014
I wouldn't go that far 