3/23/2015 2:02:19 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |

Warren, MI
41, joined Jul. 2012
online now!
The following is from the actual "What Every Good Woman Should Do." A High School Home Economics Textbook.
1. Have dinner ready: Plan ahead, even the night before, to have
a delicious meal - on time. This is a way of letting him know
that you have been thinking about him, and are concerned about
his needs. Most men are hungry when they come home and the
prospects of a good meal are part of the warm welcome needed.
2. Prepare yourself: Take 15 minutes to rest so you will be
refreshed when he arrives. Touch up your make-up, put a ribbon
in your hair and be fresh looking. He has just been with a lot
of work-weary people. Be a little happy and a little more
interesting. His boring day may need a lift.
3. Clear away the clutter. Make one last trip through the main
part of the house just before your husband arrives, gathering
up school books, toys, paper, etc. Then run a dust cloth over
the tables. Your man will feel he has reached a haven of
rest and order, and it will give you a lift too.
4. Prepare the children: Take a few minutes to wash the children's
hands and faces if they are small, comb their hair and if
necessary, change their clothes. They are little treasures and
he would like to see them playing the part.
5. Minimize the noise: At the time of his arrival, eliminate all
noise of washer, dryer, dishwasher, or vacuum. Try to encourage
the children to be quiet. Be happy to see him. Greet him with
a warm smile.
6. Some DON'TS: Don't greet him with problems or complaints.
Don't complain if he's late for dinner. Count this as minor
compared with what he might have gone through that day.
7. Make him comfortable: Have him lean back in a comfortable chair
or suggest he lie down in the bedroom. Have a cool or warm
drink ready for him. Arrange his pillow and offer to take off
his shoes. Speak in a low, soft, soothing and pleasant voice.
Allow him to relax and unwind.
8. Listen to him: You may have a dozen things to tell him, but the
moment of his arrival is not the time. Let him talk first.
9. Make the evening his: Never complain if he does not take you
out to dinner or to other places of entertainment; instead try
to understand his world of strain and pressure and his need to
be home and relax.
10. The Goal: try to make your home a place of peace and order
where your man can relax.
I know for a fact that most southern women were brought up this way, northern women not so much.
It is the man's role to go to work to provide for the needs of the home.
It is the woman's role to provide for her man's needs at home.
The question is what happened ? 
Where are the age 40 and under women that still believe in this ? 
This is the way that I was raised. This is what I believe in. This is probably the reason that in my early 40's now that I am still single. 
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3/23/2015 2:18:11 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |


Longmont, CO
47, joined Oct. 2013
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somebody told women they should start enjoying sex. That's what happened. Now they like it but its just more work for us!
[Edited 3/23/2015 2:20:49 PM ]
3/23/2015 2:20:02 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |

Warren, MI
41, joined Jul. 2012
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First ?
3/23/2015 2:21:46 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |


Longmont, CO
47, joined Oct. 2013
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you must be a Noob.
3/23/2015 2:26:39 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |

Salem, OR
62, joined Nov. 2013
OP - That was back in the day when the man of the house made enough money that mommy did not need to work to supply the family's needs. Those days are gone forever. Now, a household needs 3, or 4, incomes to live well, and 2 incomes to just barely scrape by...so mommy has to work, and does not have time to be your Donna Reed Clone Princess. If you want that sort of life, you need to quit being such an impotent shit, and get a job that can supply all needs so your woman does not have to work. Even then, you will probably need to import a senior aged woman from the orient in order to find one who will take your crap.
3/23/2015 2:40:00 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |

Warren, MI
41, joined Jul. 2012
online now!
Hmmm ... where to start my response to that ... ok, ... you need to quit being such an impotent shit,
Impotent shit ? Really you do not even know me to even come to that opinion. I have worked and do work hard everyday. I just so happen to have today off from work my employer actually insisted that I take a paid day off from work.
... and get a job that can supply all needs so your woman does not have to work. Even then, you will probably need to import a senior aged woman from the orient in order to find one who will take your crap.
Take my crap ? I do not want a maid or housekeeper or caretaker.
3/23/2015 2:50:17 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |

Omaha, NE
27, joined Dec. 2014
I see, I do number 4 everyday & 
3/23/2015 2:51:13 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |


Henderson, NV
56, joined May. 2009
You "know for a fact" that most Southern women were brought up this way, huh? And that Northern ones weren't?
Do you find most Southern women are happily content staying home all day keeping the house clean and your food cooked with nary a complaint about your coming home late and drunk? I mean, after all, your day was hard doing all that nasty office work in your suit, tie, and hat, with all those other men in their suits and hats. Of course, you need that outlet of the bar with your buds after work.
Your lovely soft-voiced woman just patiently waiting to give you that oasis of comfort and never, ever having a bad day herself, because after all, she's in that soothing home she's created.
Now, if rather you mean that home is a haven to the both of you and that you're each others port in a storm and you both create that soothing home ensuring that the two of you respect each other and do those things for each other that brings happiness, then yes. Both of you should consider the other's feelings in making a happy home together.
You do know that that text book was from the fifties and the prevailing attitude at the time was a reaction to the war years when women went to work. When the men came back they were expected to forget what they did and go happily and quietly back home to serve their man and never think about their own desires and wishes again. Maybe learn a little history before you start thinking you know anything for a fact.
3/23/2015 2:52:36 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |


Wappingers Falls, NY
35, joined Jul. 2012
Still didn't read
3/23/2015 2:52:50 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |

Farmington, MI
30, joined Dec. 2012
?? I Have to say I agree with this I dont see anything wrong other than the fact that a lil consideration should be given as to how many nights that meal should be ready especially since more than likely she works too me personally I'd say NO LESS than 4 nights a week they say happy wife happy life, give him a reason to want to keep u happy......
3/23/2015 2:59:57 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |


Johnston, IA
46, joined Sep. 2014
I did all that when i was married....
My kids are grown....
Im by myself now.
Ask yourself....am i still doing what a man or father has done or is doing?
If your answer is no...then thats your problem.
Its a two way street.
Also....the way things are nowadays is not how they use to be.
3/23/2015 3:02:53 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |


Colorado Springs, CO
36, joined Jan. 2011
The following is from the actual "What Every Good Woman Should Do." A High School Home Economics Textbook.
1. Have dinner ready: Plan ahead, even the night before, to have
a delicious meal - on time. This is a way of letting him know
that you have been thinking about him, and are concerned about
his needs. Most men are hungry when they come home and the
prospects of a good meal are part of the warm welcome needed.
2. Prepare yourself: Take 15 minutes to rest so you will be
refreshed when he arrives. Touch up your make-up, put a ribbon
in your hair and be fresh looking. He has just been with a lot
of work-weary people. Be a little happy and a little more
interesting. His boring day may need a lift.
3. Clear away the clutter. Make one last trip through the main
part of the house just before your husband arrives, gathering
up school books, toys, paper, etc. Then run a dust cloth over
the tables. Your man will feel he has reached a haven of
rest and order, and it will give you a lift too.
4. Prepare the children: Take a few minutes to wash the children's
hands and faces if they are small, comb their hair and if
necessary, change their clothes. They are little treasures and
he would like to see them playing the part.
5. Minimize the noise: At the time of his arrival, eliminate all
noise of washer, dryer, dishwasher, or vacuum. Try to encourage
the children to be quiet. Be happy to see him. Greet him with
a warm smile.
6. Some DON'TS: Don't greet him with problems or complaints.
Don't complain if he's late for dinner. Count this as minor
compared with what he might have gone through that day.
7. Make him comfortable: Have him lean back in a comfortable chair
or suggest he lie down in the bedroom. Have a cool or warm
drink ready for him. Arrange his pillow and offer to take off
his shoes. Speak in a low, soft, soothing and pleasant voice.
Allow him to relax and unwind.
8. Listen to him: You may have a dozen things to tell him, but the
moment of his arrival is not the time. Let him talk first.
9. Make the evening his: Never complain if he does not take you
out to dinner or to other places of entertainment; instead try
to understand his world of strain and pressure and his need to
be home and relax.
10. The Goal: try to make your home a place of peace and order
where your man can relax.
I know for a fact that most southern women were brought up this way, northern women not so much.
It is the man's role to go to work to provide for the needs of the home.
It is the woman's role to provide for her man's needs at home.
The question is what happened ? 
Where are the age 40 and under women that still believe in this ?
 This is the way that I was raised. This is what I believe in. This is probably the reason that in my early 40's now that I am still single. 
Must have been written in the sstone age
3/23/2015 4:44:56 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |

Warren, MI
41, joined Jul. 2012
online now!
You "know for a fact" that most Southern women were brought up this way, huh? And that Northern ones weren't?
Do you find most Southern women are happily content staying home all day keeping the house clean and your food cooked with nary a complaint about your coming home late and drunk? I mean, after all, your day was hard doing all that nasty office work in your suit, tie, and hat, with all those other men in their suits and hats. Of course, you need that outlet of the bar with your buds after work.
Your lovely soft-voiced woman just patiently waiting to give you that oasis of comfort and never, ever having a bad day herself, because after all, she's in that soothing home she's created.
Now, if rather you mean that home is a haven to the both of you and that you're each others port in a storm and you both create that soothing home ensuring that the two of you respect each other and do those things for each other that brings happiness, then yes. Both of you should consider the other's feelings in making a happy home together.
You do know that that text book was from the fifties and the prevailing attitude at the time was a reaction to the war years when women went to work. When the men came back they were expected to forget what they did and go happily and quietly back home to serve their man and never think about their own desires and wishes again. Maybe learn a little history before you start thinking you know anything for a fact.
Yes, I do know for a fact. I was raised on a military base in Montgomery County, Alabama which is now closed until age 11 and yes the girls were brought up that their goal in life was to take care of their man at home and always stand behind him because he is working for them to have a good life together. When I started military school most of teen girls were still taking Home Economics as a required course that was 1986 I believe that it wasn't until 1989 that the Home Economics class was made as an elective course then finally removed from schools as being sexist towards women.
3/23/2015 4:51:40 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |


Henderson, NV
56, joined May. 2009
No. You still do not know it "for a fact." You know what was supposedly taught on a military base on which you lived until you were 11. You know, still a child, and like any child, not really aware of what adults were doing or why they were doing it, unless it related directly to you. And even then it was filtered through your child eyes.
Oh, and home economics courses have been electives for far longer than what you think, at least in non-military schools. (Did you have many girls in military school?) They're not so much called that any more, and are taken equally by boys and girls.
[Edited 3/23/2015 4:53:25 PM ]
3/23/2015 5:23:00 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |

Warren, MI
41, joined Jul. 2012
online now!
?? I Have to say I agree with this I dont see anything wrong other than the fact that a lil consideration should be given as to how many nights that meal should be ready especially since more than likely she works too me personally I'd say NO LESS than 4 nights a week they say happy wife happy life, give him a reason to want to keep u happy......
Thank You ms_mya. 
3/23/2015 5:31:46 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |

Warren, MI
41, joined Jul. 2012
online now!
No. You still do not know it "for a fact." You know what was supposedly taught on a military base on which you lived until you were 11. You know, still a child, and like any child, not really aware of what adults were doing or why they were doing it, unless it related directly to you. And even then it was filtered through your child eyes.
Oh, and home economics courses have been electives for far longer than what you think, at least in non-military schools. (Did you have many girls in military school?) They're not so much called that any more, and are taken equally by boys and girls.
My sister was to have the home economics class in 1989 when it was an elective it was full that year. The next year it was no longer offered. Typing was offered instead.

3/23/2015 5:52:33 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |

Punxsutawney, PA
52, joined Oct. 2013
Yes I am sure that is why you are still single OP.
3/23/2015 6:01:14 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |

Warren, MI
41, joined Jul. 2012
online now!
That is most unfortunate for me then. 
3/23/2015 6:14:44 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |


Granite Bay, CA
44, joined Jul. 2010
online now!
The following is from the actual "What Every Good Woman Should Do." A High School Home Economics Textbook.
1. Have dinner ready: Plan ahead, even the night before, to have
a delicious meal - on time. This is a way of letting him know
that you have been thinking about him, and are concerned about
his needs. Most men are hungry when they come home and the
prospects of a good meal are part of the warm welcome needed.
2. Prepare yourself: Take 15 minutes to rest so you will be
refreshed when he arrives. Touch up your make-up, put a ribbon
in your hair and be fresh looking. He has just been with a lot
of work-weary people. Be a little happy and a little more
interesting. His boring day may need a lift.
3. Clear away the clutter. Make one last trip through the main
part of the house just before your husband arrives, gathering
up school books, toys, paper, etc. Then run a dust cloth over
the tables. Your man will feel he has reached a haven of
rest and order, and it will give you a lift too.
4. Prepare the children: Take a few minutes to wash the children's
hands and faces if they are small, comb their hair and if
necessary, change their clothes. They are little treasures and
he would like to see them playing the part.
5. Minimize the noise: At the time of his arrival, eliminate all
noise of washer, dryer, dishwasher, or vacuum. Try to encourage
the children to be quiet. Be happy to see him. Greet him with
a warm smile.
6. Some DON'TS: Don't greet him with problems or complaints.
Don't complain if he's late for dinner. Count this as minor
compared with what he might have gone through that day.
7. Make him comfortable: Have him lean back in a comfortable chair
or suggest he lie down in the bedroom. Have a cool or warm
drink ready for him. Arrange his pillow and offer to take off
his shoes. Speak in a low, soft, soothing and pleasant voice.
Allow him to relax and unwind.
8. Listen to him: You may have a dozen things to tell him, but the
moment of his arrival is not the time. Let him talk first.
9. Make the evening his: Never complain if he does not take you
out to dinner or to other places of entertainment; instead try
to understand his world of strain and pressure and his need to
be home and relax.
10. The Goal: try to make your home a place of peace and order
where your man can relax.
I know for a fact that most southern women were brought up this way, northern women not so much.
It is the man's role to go to work to provide for the needs of the home.
It is the woman's role to provide for her man's needs at home.
The question is what happened ? 
Where are the age 40 and under women that still believe in this ?
 This is the way that I was raised. This is what I believe in. This is probably the reason that in my early 40's now that I am still single.  i saw this book one day at goodwill. It was written in the 50's. We don't live in the 50's times have changed.
3/23/2015 6:19:22 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |

Warren, MI
41, joined Jul. 2012
online now!
i saw this book one day at goodwill. It was written in the 50's. We don't live in the 50's times have changed.
Wow. What a find. Was it in good condition still ? I really wish that I could find a copy of it here locally. I cannot even finf that textbook on E-Bay.
3/23/2015 6:20:55 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |


Granite Bay, CA
44, joined Jul. 2010
online now!
Wow. What a find. Was it in good condition still ? I really wish that I could find a copy of it here locally. I cannot even finf that textbook on E-Bay.
it was old, yellowed with rat teeth marks on the binding.
3/23/2015 6:26:48 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |


Gwynn Oak, MD
48, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
@ lake:
This is so damn funny....
When I read this thread I understood it EXACTLY the way you said it should be for both. But the book was explaining what a good "woman" does, what a good WOMAN does.
That DID NOT MEAN that the man does nothings. It does mean the man can't fluff her pillow, cook for her and the kids sometimes, fix her a glass of tea, rub her feet, bring flowers home to show his appreciation, some chocolates, take weekend getaways, give her some quiet time, listen to her when she's burdened, pick up after her, care for her when she's sick and look after the kids and rub her back.
Never did it say the CAN'T, SHOULDN'T or NEVER do those things for his lady so....
That says a lot about how todays woman think.
3/23/2015 6:28:36 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |

Warren, MI
41, joined Jul. 2012
online now!
it was old, yellowed with rat teeth marks on the binding.
That is in about the same condition that the pages that I have are in from a whole textbook. I have only pages of chapters that must have been of great importance in the textbook. Perhaps removed for the ease of reviewing for the courses final exam for the final time being used in school.
3/23/2015 6:29:27 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |


Gwynn Oak, MD
48, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
?? I Have to say I agree with this I dont see anything wrong other than the fact that a lil consideration should be given as to how many nights that meal should be ready especially since more than likely she works too me personally I'd say NO LESS than 4 nights a week they say happy wife happy life, give him a reason to want to keep u happy......
3/23/2015 6:29:35 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |


Baltimore, MD
53, joined Apr. 2014
Becaose there were no books written at that time with the audacity to tell men how to behave.
[Edited 3/23/2015 6:32:20 PM ]
3/23/2015 6:31:33 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |

Warren, MI
41, joined Jul. 2012
online now!
@ lake:
This is so damn funny....
When I read this thread I understood it EXACTLY the way you said it should be for both. But the book was explaining what a good "woman" does, what a good WOMAN does.
That DID NOT MEAN that the man does nothings. It does mean the man can't fluff her pillow, cook for her and the kids sometimes, fix her a glass of tea, rub her feet, bring flowers home to show his appreciation, some chocolates, take weekend getaways, give her some quiet time, listen to her when she's burdened, pick up after her, care for her when she's sick and look after the kids and rub her back.
Never did it say the CAN'T, SHOULDN'T or NEVER do those things for his lady so....
That says a lot about how todays woman think.
Perfect. Totally on point. Thank you sir. 
3/23/2015 6:35:41 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |

Warren, MI
41, joined Jul. 2012
online now!
Because there were no books written at that time with the audacity to tell men how to behave. 
Ma'am, men did not need to be told how to behave. We fought the wars in combat and came home to build up industry and the future in America. We know our role all to well. We provide. We protect. We perish in death. That is a mans lot in life.
3/23/2015 6:41:50 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |


Green Bay, WI
50, joined Jul. 2013
The book also should have said, every good woman do all of this, and the man still cheats
3/23/2015 6:45:00 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |


Grove City, OH
38, joined Feb. 2012
A woman's "lot" in life is not to do such outlandish things to keep her man.
This is 2015. We are equal. If he cooks dinner, cleans, massages my back, that's a good man. Its mutual respect. I would do the same for him BC I love and respect him. Not BC its my place to do those things.
[Edited 3/23/2015 6:45:44 PM ]
3/23/2015 6:49:49 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |

Warren, MI
41, joined Jul. 2012
online now!
The book also should have said, every good woman do all of this, and the man still cheats
I was just waiting to here something along those lines . . .
The truth is there are alot of random guys but a real man as I so often hear that women want on these sites goes to work and provides for the home. A real woman that provides for her mans needs generally speaking will not need to be concerned about being cheated upon.
3/23/2015 6:51:25 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |


Baltimore, MD
53, joined Apr. 2014
Ma'am, men did not need to be told how to behave. We fought the wars in combat and came home to build up industry and the future in America. We know our role all to well. We provide. We protect. We perish in death. That is a mans lot in life.
right..you had NOTHING to do with the societal shifts. You had nothing to do with the passing on of those so-called traditions. Nothing to do with re-defining the nuclear family, or single mothers or wars or inflation ..you had nothing to do with it.
According to some of you men, everything was just hunky dorry when you were "in charge" and women "knew their place". In other words, these changes happened on your watch but you claim no responsibility for it and you want us to respect you loud mouths anyway?
No thanks. I have a man who actually gets it, the big picture and to him I fully submit. You can't handle that kind of responsibility, you're too busy whining.
3/23/2015 6:53:55 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |


Gwynn Oak, MD
48, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
I did all that when i was married....
My kids are grown....
Im by myself now.
Ask yourself....am i still doing what a man or father has done or is doing?
If your answer is no...then thats your problem.
Its a two way street.
Also....the way things are nowadays is not how they use to be.
Ok lets be REAL if its possible. No one is says men , women or life, for that matter, IS PERFECT. Life can deal some REAL SHITTY and some FU€CKED UP hands at times. But its N reason to stray away from what we do.
Even back in the 40's-50's you had bad men as well as bit€h women. Sometimes our kids are still born. The house he pays for and you clean burns down sometimes. The kids sometimes grow up and do EVERYTHING you taught them NOT to do. Sometimes he drinks too much and sometimes she nags about bullshit other women put in her head, GOT DAMN LADY. 
Life is NOT perfect. But we can't afford to fail at what our "GOD GIVEN" rights and responsibiliries are. You know what happens when we do?....
Todays relationships! Thats what happens! 
3/23/2015 6:54:45 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |


Green Bay, WI
50, joined Jul. 2013
U haven't heard me say I want a real man, ain't no such thing everybody's real
3/23/2015 6:55:19 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |

Warren, MI
41, joined Jul. 2012
online now!
A woman's "lot" in life is not to do such outlandish things to keep her man.
This is 2015. We are equal. If he cooks dinner, cleans, massages my back, that's a good man. Its mutual respect. I would do the same for him BC I love and respect him. Not BC its my place to do those things.
There is data that shows that the divorce rate is higher now than in the past. There are more broken families and children growing up with single parents than in the past.
Yes ma'am. This is our future. This is 2015. We are equal. Good point.
3/23/2015 6:57:48 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |


Baltimore, MD
53, joined Apr. 2014
U haven't heard me say I want a real man, ain't no such thing everybody's real
I hate that phrase.
Exactly. there "real gems" and real "azzhats" on both sides..
3/23/2015 6:58:03 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |


Grove City, OH
38, joined Feb. 2012
There is data that shows that the divorce rate is higher now than in the past. There are more broken families and children growing up with single parents than in the past.
Yes ma'am. This is our future. This is 2015. We are equal. Good point. 
BC women felt shame if they got a divorce back then.
Your points are not valid.
If you want those core values in a partner be prepared to be alone. If someone isn't willing to bend or compromise, they will walk the lonely road.
3/23/2015 7:00:26 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |


Henderson, NV
56, joined May. 2009
Once again. Written in the 50's with an agenda in mind.
I once had another textbook, or rather a marriage manual. This particular series had manuals for women, for men, for the running of the household, and etc., and was written in the early 1900's.
It told women to submit to their husbands to that odious task of sex in order to procreate. It told them that once pregnant, the woman should remove herself from her husband because sex during pregnancy would result in juvenile delinquents and/or mental retardation, and that if she bore a child with those problems, everyone would know why and blame her. And she would be responsible. (It also told her that sex had to be kept in the dark, and as clothed as possible, and that if her husband suggested anything otherwise, he was perverted and wished to treat her as a lady of the evening.)
It told women to create a happy, harmonious home so as to limit any distress to her lord and master and that if she did not, she was responsible for what wrath that brought upon her head.
Should we go back to that idyllic time?
By the way, I believe that particular series was viewed with derision, just as this one you seem to believe was gospel.
The thing is is that none of these things are bad in and of themselves. You do want to show consideration and make life easier for the person you love. No one wants to be confronted with chaos when they first walk in the door. It's nice to be able to get your coat off first and relax for a bit before having to deal with things. It's nice to have home as haven and that the two of you face the world together as a team. This just tells women what to do, and you reiterated it as if since it was in print it was TRUTH.
But your idea that this is what keeps you single is ludicrous. That whole Northern women don't do it thing is pretty stupid, too.
3/23/2015 7:03:33 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |


Gwynn Oak, MD
48, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
Must have been written in the sstone age
Does that make it any LESS viable, any LESS true?
Is something only good BASED ON WHEN it was written? Is the truth based on WHEN it was told?
"Thou Shall Not Kill" How long ago was this written? Is it BULLSHIT bcuz it was written so ling ago? Is it ok for me to kill whoever I please bcuz it was written so long ago?
Please shut up with that "stone age" bullshit. Use the brain God gave you. Stop worship society my friend. 
3/23/2015 7:03:50 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |

Warren, MI
41, joined Jul. 2012
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right..you had NOTHING to do with the societal shifts. You had nothing to do with the passing on of those so-called traditions. Nothing to do with re-defining the nuclear family, or single mothers or wars or inflation ..you had nothing to do with it.
According to some of you men, everything was just hunky dorry when you were "in charge" and women "knew their place". In other words, these changes happened on your watch but you claim no responsibility for it and you want us to respect you loud mouths anyway?
No thanks. I have a man who actually gets it, the big picture and to him I fully submit. You can't handle that kind of responsibility, you're too busy whining.
Ok so according to you I am a loud mouth and I am whining just because I have presented a topic and made some valid counterpoints when challenged on my position ? Wow. 
3/23/2015 7:04:37 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |

Jessieville, AR
57, joined Jul. 2010
Where's the Dale Carnegie,
How to Win Friends & Influence People thread? 
3/23/2015 7:13:09 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |

Warren, MI
41, joined Jul. 2012
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BC women felt shame if they got a divorce back then.
Your points are not valid.
If you want those core values in a partner be prepared to be alone. If someone isn't willing to bend or compromise, they will walk the lonely road.
Oh ok and a man does not feel ashamed when he may lose his job in this economy. I have not yet knock on wood. He does not feel ashamed when he may lose the house to foreclosure. He does not feel ashamed when the car payment can not be made to put food on the table. He does not feel ashamed when it is has been a cold winter and the gas might be shut off. No none of that does a man the provider have to worry about. But all the man asked a woman to do for him is to provide for him as he works to provide a home for her. Yes a woman should have felt ashamed because he is busting his hump for her everyday. 
3/23/2015 7:18:51 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |

Warren, MI
41, joined Jul. 2012
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Does that make it any LESS viable, any LESS true?
Is something only good BASED ON WHEN it was written? Is the truth based on WHEN it was told?
"Thou Shall Not Kill" How long ago was this written? Is it BULLSHIT bcuz it was written so ling ago? Is it ok for me to kill whoever I please bcuz it was written so long ago?
Please shut up with that "stone age" bullshit. Use the brain God gave you. Stop worship society my friend. 
Again I must say totally on point. Thank you sir. 
3/23/2015 7:53:35 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |


Gwynn Oak, MD
48, joined Jun. 2014
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@ k2922 and lake:
My dad was born 1922 in Greenville SC. My mother was born 1935 in Weldon NC. Even though I was born and raised in Baltimore and have family upstate in NY I've always traveled down south. As far as FL and TX.
And I can say for a fact that southern women are taught this responsibility as woman of the house.
Just like southern hospitality. No matter what time of day or night you come visit, first thing they start doing is cooking. Even if you say you've already eaten. You don't get that up north.
Now don't mistake a handful down south THAT DON'T and a handful up north who DO for what I'm saying bcuz thats NOT on the norm.
3/23/2015 8:04:40 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |

Durand, WI
49, joined Nov. 2014
So you discovered that there are no good women out there with ethics, morals, dedications, and constructive lifestyles sarge. I knew that. The unhappy, destructive, vanity fad, and fashion keeping up with the Jones driven selfish vaginal aptitude lifestyle is in these days. Maybe someday women will put a value on themselves as an individual, and their dedications, and accomplishments instead of their vagina, and their dilusional selfishness, and their unaccountability for any, and all of their actions, and behaviors. Their desire for perpetual drama, and permanent unhappiness intrigues me. The angry bitter troll with breasts doesn't attract me.   
3/23/2015 8:05:55 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |

Warren, MI
41, joined Jul. 2012
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By south or southern women I know for sure about Alabama, Texas, Florida, Missouri, and Tennesse.
3/23/2015 8:07:13 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |

Saint Paul, MN
63, joined Oct. 2009
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I'm not sure that even June Cleaver was this accomodating. I'd be quite surprised if any woman ever treated her husband thaty good these days.
3/23/2015 8:15:10 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |

Jessieville, AR
57, joined Jul. 2010
By south or southern women I know for sure about Alabama, Texas, Florida, Missouri, and Tennesse.
So much for Georgia, Kentucky, South Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas and the Okies. 
3/23/2015 8:18:06 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |

Warren, MI
41, joined Jul. 2012
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So you discovered that there are no good women out there with ethics, morals, dedications, and constructive lifestyles sarge. I knew that. The unhappy, destructive, vanity fad, and fashion keeping up with the Jones driven selfish vaginal aptitude lifestyle is in these days. Maybe someday women will put a value on themselves as an individual, and their dedications, and accomplishments instead of their vagina, and their dilusional selfishness, and their unaccountability for any, and all of their actions, and behaviors. Their desire for perpetual drama, and permanent unhappiness intrigues me. The angry bitter troll with breasts doesn't attract me.   
Agreed Sir ! All I see profile after profile is how they want a real man to take of his responsibilities and take care of them but yet they want to be independant ? This man abused me or he beat me or he hit me or he tryed to physically hurt me but I really love him he is just so tall and handsome and he is so cute. But Joe Blue Collar who works to put food on the table may not be a super model hunk but you know what he will come home to you every damn night and more than likely will not cheat on you. That is what the textbook is all about to educate young teen ladies on how to keep their good man in their lives. That is their sucess story. Something to be proud of. I am a good woman and I know how to keep a good man that will provide a good home and life for me.
3/23/2015 8:25:10 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |

Warren, MI
41, joined Jul. 2012
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I'm not sure that even June Cleaver was this accomodating. I'd be quite surprised if any woman ever treated her husband thaty good these days.
Ok so we are going with television shows now. Did Florida Evans ever question James after he had his say no. Did Edith ever question Archie after he had his say ? That was the 70's. This getting away from home economics did not really come on full force until the middle to late 1980's andeven then only to a certain extent.
3/23/2015 8:30:34 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |


Baltimore, MD
53, joined Apr. 2014
Ok so according to you I am a loud mouth and I am whining just because I have presented a topic and made some valid counterpoints when challenged on my position ? Wow. 
You as in those who make these arguements, yes...it's a lot of chest thumping. it doesn't earn you respect to demand it or to completely ignore your own role as men in changing social dynamics. it's just verbal diarhea
3/23/2015 8:38:28 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |

Warren, MI
41, joined Jul. 2012
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You as in those who make these arguements, yes...it's a lot of chest thumping. it doesn't earn you respect to demand it or to completely ignore your own role as men in changing social dynamics. it's just verbal diarhea
So let me see if I undrstand this correctly. The authors or writers of the textbook which sole purpose was to give young teen ladies some direction in life on how to be a good woman to her man that goes to work to provide for her and a good home is from the thoughs of cavemen ? Meant from your comment of chest thumping. 
3/23/2015 8:55:56 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |


Gwynn Oak, MD
48, joined Jun. 2014
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That is most unfortunate for me then. 
Not for me it isn't, fu€k that. Sure I'd like a loving relationship and good woman to come home to like the next man.
But not at the expense of feeling like I'm the woman of the house and she wears the pants bcuz she tripping off some feminist bullshit.
I cook very well, I have a cleaning lady who comes by once a week and tightly up and have friends that if I want sex its only a phone call away.
3/23/2015 9:05:12 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |

Salem, OR
62, joined Nov. 2013
Hmmm ... where to start my response to that ... ok, ... you need to quit being such an impotent shit,
Impotent shit ? Really you do not even know me to even come to that opinion. I have worked and do work hard everyday. I just so happen to have today off from work my employer actually insisted that I take a paid day off from work.
... and get a job that can supply all needs so your woman does not have to work. Even then, you will probably need to import a senior aged woman from the orient in order to find one who will take your crap.
Take my crap ? I do not want a maid or housekeeper or caretaker.
So get extra jobs elsewhere on your days off. You aren't working hard enough, or you would have so much money that your woman would not have to work, too. If she works because she has to, it is your fault for not earning enough on your own. If she is to not work, so she can stay home, and have dinner ready for you when you walk in, then you'll have to trim a few expenses to manage on your feeble income. So: no new cars, no cable / satellite TV service, no big screen TV, no nights out with the guys, only one beer per week, no movies, no dinners out, no vacations, no sports bets, no concerts, no tickets for sporting events, etc....until you start earning like A Real Man.
3/23/2015 9:06:36 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |


39, joined Jul. 2011
That is a wonderful list!
3/23/2015 9:09:16 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |


Gwynn Oak, MD
48, joined Jun. 2014
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Becaose there were no books written at that time with the audacity to tell men how to behave. 
Thats bcuz men aren't b*tching and blaming women for their roles and the responsibilities that come with it. We don't challenge women for their roles trying to "switch places" We don't cry "EQUALITY" for ur rights to sit home, cook and clean while women get there, even when they're SICK, to pay for everything.
Thats why they don't make books about. Men don't step outside their place. We're FORCED out of our place (with womans lib bullshit) then have our genitals cut off FOR BEING OUTTA PLACE.  
3/23/2015 9:10:36 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |

Warren, MI
41, joined Jul. 2012
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So get extra jobs elsewhere on your days off. You aren't working hard enough, or you would have so much money that your woman would not have to work, too. If she works because she has to, it is your fault for not earning enough on your own. If she is to not work, so she can stay home, and have dinner ready for you when you walk in, then you'll have to trim a few expenses to manage on your feeble income. So: no new cars, no cable / satellite TV service, no big screen TV, no nights out with the guys, only one beer per week, no movies, no dinners out, no vacations, no sports bets, no concerts, no tickets for sporting events, etc....until you start earning like A Real Man.
When did i say that i would not have enough ? i have my shit in order.
3/23/2015 9:13:06 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |

Warren, MI
41, joined Jul. 2012
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That is a wonderful list!
Thank You Sir! althought I cannot take credit for the textbook author or writers work. 
3/23/2015 9:14:57 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |

Salem, OR
62, joined Nov. 2013
Ok so we are going with television shows now. Did Florida Evans ever question James after he had his say no. Did Edith ever question Archie after he had his say ? That was the 70's. This getting away from home economics did not really come on full force until the middle to late 1980's andeven then only to a certain extent.
Idiot. Those shows were comedies, and the funny part was how not like reality they were. In any case, those fictional characters had steady union jobs with seniority, in busy factories, and no chance of being fired, and so had good incomes. Try to find that today in this country. Home Economics is making do with what you have, and getting what you need by: budgeting, load sharing, holding extra jobs if need be, going without things you can't afford, etc. Archie Bunker had a 30 year old CRT tubed analog TV, and NO video game consoles, no video games, no stereo systems, no home computers, no Cable TV / Satellite TV system, drove a 25 year old car, etc. In real life, Archie would have been burning down James' house, and raping Florida to death. Even so, the fictional Archie, James, etc, brought home enough money that their fictional wives did not have to work. Even so, their wives did do little odd jobs on the side, and pocket the money they made, and hid it from their hubbies. They also got a lot of sex on the side, from door to door salesmen, preachers, etc. Are you sure that you want THAT sort of relationship?
3/23/2015 9:15:25 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |


39, joined Jul. 2011
I mean..
In full honesty..
Woman are allowed lists for the perfect man..
So I am sure a list like this is not out of line 
3/23/2015 9:15:40 PM |
"What Every Good Woman Should Do" A Home Economics Textbook |


Gwynn Oak, MD
48, joined Jun. 2014
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Perfect. Totally on point. Thank you sir. 
It just AMAZES ME how a woman can read something and get all kinds of CRAZY A** assumptions and implications of whats being said.
They twist, turn, redefine, color and recreate every word until they got YOU saying some crazy offensive shit YOU NOW HAVE TO ACCOUNT FOR. Why? 