FACINATING VIDEO, I can't watch it all right now, but I will get to it when I return from work, and comment.
Well. This thread has officially gone the direction of a 9/11 conspiracy theory. Just as crazy.
3/31/2015 7:37:44 AM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |


North Pole, AK
41, joined Jan. 2012
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

3/31/2015 7:45:15 AM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
3/31/2015 7:57:20 AM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
The meaning of the word "Ayurveda" itself, already give us a clue about them: Ayur means "life" and Veda means "science." The ancient Hindu "gods", the so called "Vedas", were scientists, actually. Bearers of high advanced knowledge about material sciences and occult sciences. So you ask - "What the Anunnaki have to do with hindu gods?"
According to Zecharia Sitchin, when the Anunnaki returned to Earth after the last ice age, they decided to create realms and split among them. Most of them were built in Egypt, around the Persian Gulf and Mediterranean. But ENLIL, the first on command, decided to give the area of the Indus Valley, to his grand-daughter, INANNA.
The word "Aryan" seems to come from the combination "Ayur", life + "An", sky, space. "Those who live in the space". Later this word became a general label to define the descendants of the crossbreeding between the Anunnaki and the humans of that region.
3/31/2015 11:27:21 AM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Denton, TX
50, joined Jun. 2014
FACINATING VIDEO, I can't watch it all right now, but I will get to it when I return from work, and comment.
Idk if it is the same video
But the one I watched on the subject has a scientist slash
Biblical scholar by the name of karl baugh I had the privilege to meet mr baugh and set in on a meeting covering ionization. Mr baugh runs a science slash biblicsl
Muesem in glenn rose texas
The guy has a wierd ora surrounding him I have never met a person that put off a power like that.
3/31/2015 1:29:06 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Salem, OR
47, joined Nov. 2013
3/31/2015 1:58:58 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
Ancient Artifacts:
3/31/2015 6:00:28 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |


Yonkers, NY
62, joined Aug. 2008
Great video
Thanks for sharing.
Fascinating video.
3/31/2015 6:43:03 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Santa Clarita, CA
58, joined Apr. 2013
Yes .... Et's influenced life on Earth ..
They plopped down 12 different human species from 12 different planets ....
To see IF they could possibly inter-mingle and survive ...
It was a crap shoot !
And we are where we are today ....
3/31/2015 8:04:04 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Salem, OR
47, joined Nov. 2013
The DNA testing on these skulls is unknown in any human, primate, or animal known...
3/31/2015 8:33:22 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |


Booneville, AR
59, joined Jun. 2014
Great video
Thanks for sharing.
Us4love has an amazing amount of information, videos ,pics, and a great website, Yasure
3/31/2015 10:51:33 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
The DNA testing on these skulls is unknown in any human, primate, or animal known...
Hey, I checked out your site,
My hat's off to you.
4/1/2015 1:56:05 AM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |


Mount Arlington, NJ
31, joined Dec. 2012
The DNA testing on these skulls is unknown in any human, primate, or animal known...
4/1/2015 9:29:46 AM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Salem, OR
47, joined Nov. 2013
First off my little Jesuit Lackey... I thought I taught you to stay out of my shit!!! you nasty little dirt eater...
Even if that hadn't done DNA testing (which they did)...
The cranial volume is up to 25 percent larger and 60 percent heavier than conventional human skulls, meaning they could not have been intentionally deformed through head binding/flattening. They also contain only one parietal plate, rather than two.
The questing is... why won't main stream academia touch this subject themselves... there quick to criticize (unfoundedly) but fail to do any DNA testing themselves... they could easily do there own testing... but nope, they won't touch it... and for good reason... they know these are not human...
What they will do is scoop up and hide away from public view any and all traces of anything that doesn't fit into there very wrong darwin box...
BTW: cute blogger you found... though not qualified to be spewing her unfounded claims...
4/1/2015 9:32:56 AM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
progrocknic: comes up with a lot of super troll shit.
4/1/2015 1:53:12 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |


Mount Arlington, NJ
31, joined Dec. 2012
The questing is... why won't main stream academia touch this subject themselves... there quick to criticize (unfoundedly) but fail to do any DNA testing themselves... they could easily do there own testing... but nope, they won't touch it... and for good reason... they know these are not human...
What they will do is scoop up and hide away from public view any and all traces of anything that doesn't fit into there very wrong darwin box...
BTW: cute blogger you found... though not qualified to be spewing her unfounded claims...
Sure sure. Whatever you tell yourself to make you sleep better at night.
This is why I hate shows like ancient aliens. People don't realize that there are already explanations out there because the show doesn't mention any of them. Wouldn't be a very entertaining show if they debunked their own stuff.
Turn off the tv already.
4/1/2015 1:54:42 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |


Mount Arlington, NJ
31, joined Dec. 2012
progrocknic: comes up with a lot of super troll shit.
Is that what you call alternate explanations to wild unfounded theories? Interesting. Go on.
4/1/2015 2:06:24 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
Sure sure. Whatever you tell yourself to make you sleep better at night.
This is why I hate shows like ancient aliens. People don't realize that there are already explanations out there because the show doesn't mention any of them. Wouldn't be a very entertaining show if they debunked their own stuff.
Turn off the tv already.
If you take your head out of the TV and try a library sometime, you might develop a different attitude.
4/1/2015 2:07:28 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
Is that what you call alternate explanations to wild unfounded theories? Interesting. Go on.
I prefer the theories that do have something substantial to offer.
I'm very picky that way.
4/1/2015 2:11:54 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |


Vallejo, CA
55, joined Feb. 2008
online now!
I can't really say whether I believe or disbelieve in ancient aliens.
A lot of compelling examples do point that way. Things that go beyond a
single item of evidence.
But....if I were asked to choose between ancient aliens and supernatural gods,
I think I'd have to go with the ancient aliens.
[Edited 4/1/2015 2:12:19 PM ]
4/1/2015 2:17:58 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
This is my sentiments exactly, I started looking into this about 40 years ago, working in a used bookstore, and it held my interest, now with the internet, there is quite a bit of information available at your fingertips.
There are just too many actual facts, thrown into the mix, to keep pretending they are not there..
4/1/2015 3:55:18 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |


Vallejo, CA
55, joined Feb. 2008
online now!
To me, one of the more compelling pieces of evidence comes directly from some of the
religious texts itself.
Multiple religions with completely different cultures and completely different
belief systems all describing the same event.
Arial battles.
The only differences is in the way the different cultures described and attributed
4/1/2015 5:07:18 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
The ancient religious text is extraordinary evidence, and takes an open mind, and look into the different religions. we can see the people describing events, and writing in the words they had, to describe events they had no words for. The Hindu had a much better grasp of a written language than the writers of the bible, but going through the bible you can see the similarities.
The Hindu also have places where the land is still to radioactive for the risk of living there, The Hundus Valley being one.
We have places all over earth, with evidence of high radiation blasts, sand turned to glass, entire cities that were impossible to be built in the first place, razzed to the ground.
And the Lord said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous.
Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah, brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven; And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground.
But his [Lot's] wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt. And lo, the smoke of the country went up as the smoke of a furnace.
(Genesis 18:20; 19:24-26,28)
Digs all over the area have turned up mass quantities of sulfer balls
In Lybia we have desert sand turned into Glass.
4/1/2015 5:08:46 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
Mohenjo Daro’s Ancient Catastrophe
The city where culture emerged in the present-day Indus Valley is a great enigma. The rocks of the ruins have partially crystallized, along with its hazy inhabitants. Moreover, mysterious local texts speak of a period of seven days of gratitude toward flying cars called Vimana for saving the lives of 30,000 inhabitants from a horrific episode.
In 1927, years after the discovery of the Mohenjo Daro ruins, 44 human skeletons were found on the outskirts of the city. The majority were found face down, lying in the street and holding hands as if a serious catastrophe had suddenly engulfed the town. In addition, some bodies present signs of unexplainable radiation. Many experts believe that Mohenjo Daro is an unequivocal sign of nuclear catastrophe two millennia before Christ.
Nevertheless, the city is the not the only ancient locale suspected to have gone nuclear. Dozens of buildings from the ancient world present bricks with fused rocks, like the heat test that modern scientists cannot explain:
4/1/2015 7:12:21 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Salem, OR
47, joined Nov. 2013
First off my little Jesuit Lackey... I thought I taught you to stay out of my shit!!! you nasty little dirt eater...
Even if they hadn't done DNA testing (which they did)...
The cranial volume is up to 25 percent larger and 60 percent heavier than conventional human skulls, meaning they could not have been intentionally deformed through head binding/flattening. They also contain only one parietal plate, rather than two.
The questing is... why won't main stream academia touch this subject themselves... there quick to criticize (unfoundedly) but fail to do any DNA testing themselves... they could easily do there own testing... but nope, they won't touch it... and for good reason... they know these are not human...
What they will do is scoop up and hide away from public view any and all traces of anything that doesn't fit into there very wrong darwin box...
BTW: cute blogger you found... though not qualified to be spewing her unfounded claims...
Sure sure. Whatever you tell yourself to make you sleep better at night.
This is why I hate shows like ancient aliens. People don't realize that there are already explanations out there because the show doesn't mention any of them. Wouldn't be a very entertaining show if they debunked their own stuff.
Turn off the tv already.
^^^Haven't watched TV in years... 
Show me one "explanation" where main stream science has done a DNA test of an Elongated Skull...
4/1/2015 7:26:11 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Salem, OR
47, joined Nov. 2013
If you have have never listen to this I highly recommend it... it long... like 4 hours long... but well worth the time... =)
4/1/2015 7:43:38 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |


Dubois, IN
54, joined May. 2014
online now!
God is an extraterrestrial. So are the angels. None are from earth.
4/1/2015 8:28:50 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
That seems to be the general consensus, If we look into all of the religious text, It seems there is a direct connection to creatures that are not from here, possessing higher powers, and are the Gods to the illiterate savages they rule.
Even the written text is not first hand, but rather handed down verbally, until it gets to someone who can write, and even then, the language is primitive, and there are no words invented, to accurately describe the events.
4/1/2015 8:31:40 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
If you have have never listen to this I highly recommend it... it long... like 4 hours long... but well worth the time... =)
Hey, here is one, you may have seen it, but I found it very interesting, as the source of the Moses story.
It's written from a religious point of view, but a person can read through a lot of lines.
4/2/2015 2:11:22 AM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Salem, OR
47, joined Nov. 2013
Hey, here is one, you may have seen it, but I found it very interesting, as the source of the Moses story.
It's written from a religious point of view, but a person can read through a lot of lines.
Interesting video... thank you... =)
4/2/2015 2:12:33 AM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Salem, OR
47, joined Nov. 2013
The Star Child Skull...
4/2/2015 8:50:43 AM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
Here is a short interesting one of an alien in Egypt, found recently.
4/3/2015 11:54:04 AM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Salem, OR
47, joined Nov. 2013
[Edited 4/3/2015 11:55:36 AM ]
4/3/2015 12:00:04 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |


Mount Arlington, NJ
31, joined Dec. 2012
4/3/2015 12:08:57 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Wheat Ridge, CO
49, joined Jan. 2011
The unanswered questions..
Scientists say that water was brought to earth by an asteroid...And yet life simply evolved???...
Dinosaurs were wiped out by an asteroid..Yet humans survived...How??..
Life evolved from what..germs??
The essence of "life" is up for debate, but to answer ur other questions
Who knows what organisms were already in the "asterodial" water, waiting for conditions favorable to evolution.
Humans didnt survive the mass extinction of the dinosaurs since the two didnt co-exsist.
However the asteroid theory suggests that the large animals died out due to lack of sufficient food, fresh water etc., but smaller animals (reptiles, birds, primitive mammals) were able to eke out an exsistence. Eventually evolving into the modern animals of today.

4/3/2015 12:24:42 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
Well. This thread has officially gone the direction of a 9/11 conspiracy theory. Just as crazy.
No, there is no conspiracy theory, just a place where people can put up whatever information they have.
Apparently you nave none.
4/4/2015 11:45:30 AM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Toledo, OH
51, joined Jan. 2012
How many atheists have posted that they believe in ancient aliens... (ugh I'm going to have to go count arent I)
4/4/2015 11:58:18 AM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Toledo, OH
51, joined Jan. 2012
Quote from dohenybeach:[
Do you have any idea how hot objects penetrating Earth's atmosphere become? A meteor can reach temperatures of 3000 degrees when it enters Earth's atmosphere. Exactly what organisms would you think could live through that other than Yasureoktoo's family lineage? BTW, Yasureoktoo's DNA has been analyzed by top scientists at NASA & American University at Cairo. He ain't Ashkenazi or Sephardic. It's been conclusively proved that zeitgeist, peterk2, texinnc, juma, and Yasureoktoo are of Anunnaki Jews lineage. They've originated from Moronatron, a desolate planet a million light years away, which explains why he's always dark. Anunnaki Jews shits bricks when confronted with truth, and they are good for murdering women & children. Their children ar ugly and walk funny, but they make good soccer balls.
Hey F**K you a**hole...post a proof of life picture...I already did.
4/4/2015 12:00:44 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
Quote from zeitgeist2:
How many atheists have posted that they believe in ancient aliens... (ugh I'm going to have to go count arent I)
Lots of atheists do. and BTW, aliens have nothing to do with any religions.
Lots of gearheads believe there really are cars.
Lots of people believe what the government says.
4/4/2015 12:01:00 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Toledo, OH
51, joined Jan. 2012
Quote from _us4love:
Yeah because there are ONLY 21,000 objects in earth orbit.
[Edited 4/4/2015 12:01:28 PM ]
4/4/2015 12:10:26 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Toledo, OH
51, joined Jan. 2012
Quote from Yasureoktoo:
Lots of atheists do.
Yup...and based on what?
Ancient texts?
Ancient relecs?
Ancient cave paintings?
Yet not one shred of scientific proof.
So clearly your "beliefs" are situational....even though these same things exist for religions.
and BTW, aliens have nothing to do with any religions.
Not factually correct.
Lots of gearheads believe there really are cars.
Yeah I own a few...and the scientific proof of their existance is pretty well documented.
Lots of people believe what the government says.
Other people believe the govt ALWAYS lies.
The truth is somewhere in between.
Now about that scientific proof of ancient aliens that doesnt exist....and how you have NO belief system.
4/4/2015 12:11:12 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
what belief's are you trying to invent, for me.
4/4/2015 12:14:34 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Toledo, OH
51, joined Jan. 2012
Quote from Yasureoktoo:
what belief's are you trying to invent, for me.
Here is a short interesting one of an alien in Egypt, found recently.
Maybe I missed the word "alledged"...it's pretty clear what your "beliefs" are after reading 11 pages of this thread.
4/4/2015 12:18:34 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |


Hermiston, OR
56, joined Jul. 2010
How can you say that aliens have nothing to do with religions, when you have made the correlation so many times yourself, in re: the Vedas?
And, as I pointed out before, any belief in "God", or "gods" is affirmation of extraterrestrial (or at least extra-dimensional) origin.
[Edited 4/4/2015 12:19:46 PM ]
4/4/2015 12:26:53 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
Let me rephrase that.
many religions may have been formed in this manor. however in reality they have nothing to do with the ultimate effect, presented by religions.
4/4/2015 12:31:17 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
Quote from zeitgeist2:
Quote from Yasureoktoo:
what belief's are you trying to invent, for me.
Here is a short interesting one of an alien in Egypt, found recently.
Maybe I missed the word "alledged"...it's pretty clear what your "beliefs" are after reading 11 pages of this thread.
I can show you a pretty interesting one on the origins of the moses story, do I believe it, maybe, maybe not, but it is the best one I have seen so far,
And a person being aware of interacting with others, does not constitute a religious belief.
I have a neighbor across the lake that I see sometimes, does that mean I believe in him.
You are trying a play on words.
4/4/2015 12:36:49 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Toledo, OH
51, joined Jan. 2012
Quote from thebard58:
How can you say that aliens have nothing to do with religions, when you have made the correlation so many times yourself, in re: the Vedas?
And, as I pointed out before, any belief in "God", or "gods" is affirmation of extraterrestrial (or at least extra-dimensional) origin.
Bingo...we have a winner.
One mans "god" is another mans ancient alien.
Thus my point on beliefs.
And what if the truth lies somewhere in between?
4/4/2015 12:49:45 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |


Hermiston, OR
56, joined Jul. 2010
"And what if the truth lies somewhere in between?"
Or both?
4/4/2015 12:58:42 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Toledo, OH
51, joined Jan. 2012
Quote from thebard58:
"And what if the truth lies somewhere in between?"
Or both?
YUP that was going to be my next point:
A) Science has theorised the existance of 10 other dimensions of existance based on string theory.
B) The Bible only lists 7.
Has it ever occured to any of you "scientific open minded" atheists that if (A) is true....that makes B true by default?
That science may yet prove true what faith has held true for thousands of years in (B)
Do you understand that BOTH can be true? Regardless of their labels?
What if Sinning is about the energy you put out and take in during existance in this plane of reality?
Do you assume this is the ONLY plane of reality in the universe?
And how can you possibly know that?
Because scientists are pretty damn sure there are other planes of reality...and they are working hard to prove it.
And what if this plane of reality is just a stop on your journey?
You came from somehwere...and when you no longer live here...you will go somewhere else.
To totally rule that out isnt an open mind at all......it's dogma.
(cross posted)
4/4/2015 3:04:09 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
Quote from thebard58:
"And what if the truth lies somewhere in between?"
Or both?
I tend to think there is no truth in the religions, at least not the way they are presented, but I do think there are other species in the galazy.
But I can assure you, if we ever find out for sure, I am not going to pray to them.
4/4/2015 5:08:12 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |


Hermiston, OR
56, joined Jul. 2010
Even if it turns out that one of these entities really is responsible for life on Earth, and demands obedience to their law, rewarded by eternal life, and punished by destruction?
Kinda like the cliche some people have told me that their fathers used on them: "I brought you into this world, and I can take you out of it."
4/4/2015 5:43:54 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
I think the people of todays society are far more advanced and intelligent than the people of 10,000 years ago.
4/4/2015 5:45:33 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |


Mount Pleasant, MI
50, joined Jun. 2007
I for one, will worship and obey our alien overlords. All I ask for is Florida and a small colony of beautiful women to cater to my needs.
4/4/2015 5:46:46 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Inglewood, CA
33, joined Mar. 2014
I believe in aliens too but, I don't worship them.
The bible talks about a time when man lived with the angles and astrologers have discovered a sister star to our sun called Nemesis that's in boomerang orbit with our sun. Every 24,000 years they both come to a point where they come near each other, in the range of space craft.
Nemesis is a dark star with its own planetary system that harbors Nurbiru.
Nurbiru is believed to be the home of Annunaki.
The Annunaki are supposedly the angles that were depicted in the bible.

[Edited 4/4/2015 5:47:16 PM ]
4/4/2015 5:51:52 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Bellaire, OH
52, joined Apr. 2008
online now!
It is abundantly apparent that the "aliens" were/are WHITE. Who came down from the heavens to bestow technology on the earth. Or we'd still be living in grass huts and caves. Seems like parts of Africa NEVER got the memo. 
4/4/2015 6:06:40 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
actually in most of the independent documentation, they were gray.
4/4/2015 6:09:51 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |


Booneville, AR
59, joined Jun. 2014
Diggin this thread YS 
4/4/2015 6:21:00 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Bellaire, OH
52, joined Apr. 2008
online now!
actually in most of the independent documentation, they were gray.
YOU actually believe that an advanced race of alien people would risk life and limb of their own to investigate our planet? What a total FOOL! The "grays" are a inferior race that are expendable. 
4/4/2015 6:24:50 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Inglewood, CA
33, joined Mar. 2014
I see hunter12gauge is on a whole new level of white superiority that's unlike anything eles that's on this planet.
4/4/2015 6:27:36 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
4/4/2015 6:28:10 PM |
Did Extraterrestrials influence life on earth |

Bellaire, OH
52, joined Apr. 2008
online now!
I see hunter12gauge is on a whole new level of white superiority that's unlike anything eles that's on this planet.
It's all a matter of deduction......n**gers IQ = low. Whites IQ = High. n**gers lived for thousands of years without any respectable advances in civilization. White aliens show up and SHIT starts to happen overnight. Got any better theories, hoodrat?