4/1/2015 7:59:40 PM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |

New York, NY
24, joined Feb. 2015
Not talking about someone who has a few too many now and then - talking about real alcohoism
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4/1/2015 8:54:24 PM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |


Murrysville, PA
55, joined Aug. 2011
online now!
just like people who also choose to do drugs. They are making a choice!
4/1/2015 11:56:02 PM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
No. Alcoholism is a disease.
4/2/2015 10:01:58 PM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |

Winfield, IL
54, joined Feb. 2008
Alcoholism can be a side effect (self-medicating) of bipolar disorder.
[Edited 4/2/2015 10:02:29 PM ]
4/4/2015 9:14:25 AM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |

New York, NY
24, joined Feb. 2015
Yes Silly - we all choose to start drinking. I'm talking about losing control at some time after that.
4/4/2015 9:22:47 AM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |


Anniston, AL
47, joined Oct. 2008
i dont over eat, i over cook! 
4/5/2015 9:20:46 AM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |

Cincinnati, OH
56, joined Sep. 2012
Alcoholism as well as drug abuse is a disability. The risk of becoming an addict increases if there is a family history.
4/13/2015 9:15:48 PM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |

New York, NY
24, joined Feb. 2015
Well this reformed druggie & alchie finally got herself a job today - yay me!!! 
4/13/2015 9:47:13 PM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |

Winfield, IL
54, joined Feb. 2008
Yeah You
4/15/2015 7:05:01 PM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |

Zion, IL
56, joined Sep. 2014
I like many others considered alcoholism to be a choice until I met some people who I truly can say are good people the mother is a alcoholic and the son is since seeing and knowing them I can honestly say alcoholism can result in a disability
4/16/2015 12:14:36 AM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |
Vancouver, WA
44, joined Dec. 2014
Definitely is a disease. Can be at point of disabling one from functioning normally. But at least it has a cure.
4/16/2015 11:24:25 PM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |


Woodlyn, PA
62, joined Dec. 2010
I won't go out with alcoholic.. If they got their act together and I knew they were sincere in their recovery, then I might consider it.
4/22/2015 12:25:36 AM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |


Sacramento, CA
63, joined Oct. 2010
But I think it is a disability of choice which I find unacceptable. At some point you know you are in trouble with alcohol, should be relatively early since the effects are pretty obvious, and the alcoholic chooses to drink. And when they chose to stop they may still be and alcoholic but at least it is not self inflicted or inflicted on everyone else. Except for the lasting side effects which are often much more serious than the alcoholic wants to admit. I get that most of us live in an alcohol tainted society where drinking seems to be expected but I expect sobriety out of myself and so I feel I have the right to expect it of others. Especially ones that want a relationship with me.
4/22/2015 9:53:03 PM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |

New York, NY
24, joined Feb. 2015
Yes I will always be an alcoholic - just a reformed or rehabilitated alcoholic
4/24/2015 4:55:55 PM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |

West Jordan, UT
48, joined Jul. 2013
Not a disability. A disease possibly a poor choice definitely.
4/25/2015 9:31:31 AM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |


Latrobe, PA
60, joined Jun. 2008
yes, I do. and the government does - you can get disability for it.
4/25/2015 12:48:26 PM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |


Sacramento, CA
63, joined Oct. 2010
Yes I will always be an alcoholic - just a reformed or rehabilitated alcoholic
And cudo's to you for getting things back on tract and seeing your value as someone who manages the issue.        
I would never suggest that is easy.
5/2/2015 7:32:19 AM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |

New York, NY
24, joined Feb. 2015
TY Peachy - new set of friends - they have been super supportive - so important!!!
5/4/2015 9:04:56 AM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |


Woodlyn, PA
62, joined Dec. 2010
Alcoholism is a disease that has someone in a continual state of recovery. As long as the person is willing to seek help, then I have no problem with them getting funds but there are those who won't. Don't you think there should be penalty for not trying? Not talking about relapse.
5/4/2015 9:00:41 PM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |


Tehachapi, CA
60, joined Jan. 2013
The youngest of us Jeagerbombers has sclerosis. We don't drink around her. I've cut back and skip meeting. Trying to get back on track. "I'll drink to that" (Laugh-in)
5/5/2015 12:32:01 AM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |
Shawnee, KS
53, joined Nov. 2014
No neither is drug abuse, obesity or is alliterative.... put the alcohols in AA, drug attack in NA give the obesity gastric bypass, and the ones that slacked in school and didn't learn how to read and comprehend back to school so the can learn..
Ignorance is not a bad thing they just haven't been taught but they're willing to learn ... but stupid is stupid they cannot be taught. They're not willing to learn because all and every bad habit or addition can be stopped BUT ONLY IF THAT PERSON IS WILLING AND WANTING THE HELP TO GET AND STAY SOBER
5/6/2015 8:15:15 PM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |

Indiana, PA
45, joined May. 2014
As a recovered alcoholic and drug abuser. I don't consider it to be a disability. It is a disease that can be hereditary. and It always a poor choice to help one deal with problems because problems don't go away just because you drink or use. They need dealt with. Although it can be hard to move passed it and the problems it has caused along the way. It is completely worth it to get the help that you need to overcome it.
I have over 20 years Clean and Sober and I have never enjoyed my life more than I do now since I am not using anymore.
5/13/2015 11:43:32 AM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |

Burlington, VT
58, joined Dec. 2011
I agree with Yuhaszb. btw~ congratulations on fighting a difficult battle and winning.
Lots of college students drink but when the grow up, they can just stop. If they have an alcoholic parent, and get that gene, they cannot stop. It becomes a horrible battle to fight. I tried to warn my niece, when she went to college, because my sister's in-laws are alcoholics. My warning was met by anger and banishment.
The same thing can happen with drug use. If you are predestined for schizophrenia or psychosis just one experiment with a drug could trigger it. If you never experimented you will never get it this way or know you are predestined.
I wish I could warn them and they would listen but all I can do is hope it doesn't or they don't do it.
[Edited 5/13/2015 11:44:59 AM ]
5/14/2015 4:22:55 AM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |


Pinon Hills, CA
46, joined Sep. 2011
If you have complications from it like liver damage or heart troubles, sure I'd say that can cause you to be disabled. But if you are in recovery from it i'd say it is not a disability. Alcoholics can live a happy productive life...if they stay away from the booze.
5/16/2015 12:17:52 PM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |

New York, NY
24, joined Feb. 2015
Can't blame my genes. None of my parents had it.
6/5/2015 10:45:53 AM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |

Crown Point, IN
67, joined Jan. 2009
if one can't control their use of alcohol it can be disabling.
6/5/2015 6:16:21 PM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |

Pittsburgh, PA
64, joined Dec. 2013
Yes. It is a disease that not only affects the alcoholic but all of those around them. It is not a familiar disease and not inheritable thru gene pool. It is a chemical dependency that attaches itself and changes the make up of the brain causing it to depend on depressants. One can go without alcohol for long periods of time and thats great but the alcoholic never leaves and requires treatment and that should be mandated by the state. I believe that with periodic blood testing and documented physician reports that could be achieved.
6/5/2015 6:55:51 PM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |

Burlington, VT
58, joined Dec. 2011
National Institute On Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism:
Alcoholism often seems to run in families, and we may hear about scientific studies of an “alcoholism gene.” Genetics certainly influence our likelihood of developing alcoholism, but the story isn’t so simple.
Research shows that genes are responsible for about half of the risk for alcoholism. Therefore, genes alone do not determine whether someone will become an alcoholic. Environmental factors, as well as gene and environment interactions account for the remainder of the risk.*
Multiple genes play a role in a person’s risk for developing alcoholism. There are genes that increase a person’s risk, as well as those that may decrease that risk, directly or indirectly. For instance, some people of Asian descent carry a gene variant that alters their rate of alcohol metabolism, causing them to have symptoms like flushing, nausea, and rapid heartbeat when they drink. Many people who experience these effects avoid alcohol, which helps protect them from developing alcoholism.**
As we have learned more about the role genes play in our health, researchers have discovered that different factors can alter the expression of our genes. This field is called epigenetics. Scientists are learning more and more about how epigenetics can affect our risk for developing alcoholism.
6/5/2015 8:41:04 PM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |

Pittsburgh, PA
64, joined Dec. 2013
I read that theory also. That proves nothing regarding a gene factor only talk about predisposition to alcoholism. Most of it is BS. Alcoholics are not interested in cause. They are sickly hurting human beings in need of care. With dignity and respect they can be restored back to a decent life. Only then can we begin education in long term for themselves and their families.
6/5/2015 10:31:24 PM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |

Burlington, VT
58, joined Dec. 2011
I'm sure the theory has faults. Alcoholism or alcohol abuse doesn't run in my family.
If it is looked at as just sick individuals, then the choice to abuse alcohol falls mostly on their shoulders as well as wanting to get better.
[Edited 6/5/2015 10:34:39 PM ]
6/6/2015 1:45:58 AM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |

Pittsburgh, PA
64, joined Dec. 2013
Once again, alcoholism is a disease and not a choice. We all wish it was as simple as just not drinking. If it were I would pay the salary of the next person that walks into any HR seeking employment. The cost of alcoholism is in the billions. Neo natal units, morgues, nursing homes and mental hospitals are full of people with drug addiction of one form or another. Just because your family has no history of alcoholism does not shield you from the affects of alcoholism.
6/6/2015 5:49:37 AM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |

Burlington, VT
58, joined Dec. 2011
I'm trying to understand. I am not an alcoholic because I chose not to drink. It does disable the individual, that I will agree with.
6/29/2015 12:31:44 AM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |

Indiana, PA
45, joined May. 2014
alcoholism is not a disability on its own, I would say it is a disease that has a cure if you choose to get help. If you don't get the help you are putting yourself and others at risk to becoming disabled from your use of alcohol. Through prolonged use it can affect your organs, you can cause accidents, hurt yourself. alcohol affects everyone in one way or another. Alcohol is a depressant and can cause depression or intensify it if you already have it. It can be hereditary in some family's or it is simply a learned behavior from watching others. It sometimes starts off as a fun thing to do on weekends that turns into an everyday thing that helps ease stress or worry. helps deal with problems but that don't take them away. so you drink more and more. just to block it out. it becomes addicting opening the doors to other more stronger things to help ease the pain of whatever you are feeling. if you are lucky you will reach rock bottom before you are dead and when you reach your rock bottom there is no where to go but up. you need to find some higher power to pick you up and help you to move forward everyday. I remember from meeting and I attended a lot of them in my time. I hear this over and over in my head "ONE DAY AT A TIME"(if you have to break it down into hours/minutes/seconds) "IT WORKS IF YOU WORK IT"
Sorry for going on and on - It was what was in my heart that needed to come out hope it helps someone to understand a little more or helps them work a program to get them on a road to recovery.    
6/29/2015 12:33:48 AM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |

Indiana, PA
45, joined May. 2014
Well this reformed druggie & alchie finally got herself a job today - yay me!!! 
I am very happy for you
Keep on Keeping on It works if you work it
6/29/2015 6:26:22 AM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |

Pittsburgh, PA
45, joined Aug. 2011
Yes being an addict is a disease but not its not a disability. Just as being obese is not a disability. On the other hand, and this is for the OP, being born with a gender identification disorder is not a choice but to become a tranny is a choice.
7/2/2015 8:30:02 PM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |
Ebensburg, PA
53, joined Feb. 2013
Yes alcoholism and drug abuse are diseases funded by the taxpayers for losers who don't have to work. If the POS had to make a choice of working or not eating, they'd work but nowadays no one has to work because liberals force workers to feed those POS's! So hey why not stay home and have fun!
7/5/2015 11:43:53 AM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |

New York, NY
24, joined Feb. 2015
thanks yuhaszb 
7/5/2015 12:13:49 PM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |

Pittsburgh, PA
64, joined Dec. 2013
Please pay attention to the "ism" It is the effects of alcohol that determines the award of social security. It may be mental, physical or both that eliminate the alcoholic from obtaining and keeping work. Many brains are in pre organic state and thinking is not as quick. They may have depression or seizure disorders. Physical conditions are also deteriorated to where its not possible to pass an examine to be considered employable. No employer is going to take the chance of the safety of their business. Purpose of paying into social security is just that. They are not welfare recipients and are approved after thorough consideration of social security system.
7/21/2015 9:23:04 PM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |

Huntsville, AL
64, joined Apr. 2015
Once a alcolholic becomes non-functional. Has lost everything, has had physical as well as psychological illness, and multiple treatment has not helped. I would say yes.
7/22/2015 9:37:48 PM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |

Richmond, IN
59, joined Feb. 2008
I see people here are clueless regarding the ADA. Alcoholism is a legal disability where it substantially impairs a person from performing major life activities. If a reasonable accommodation can be made for that disability so a person can do his job, then the employer has to provide that accommodation. Recently, a local teacher with some problems with alcohol over the years did a drunk driving on a weekend with no one injured and resigned. He should had been able to return to work to the job he had 15 years with accommodations. I heard the argument that being around such an immoral teacher will warp students, but I can attest to be around teachers far worse behavior was entertainment (heck, it was fun watching a idiot 32 year old teacher toss his job on a 16 year old gal over a 3 month period) On the other hand, there are some truly messed up court decisions where that teacher may had done the prudent thing, his legal rights aren't worth spit
The dummies comparing drug use are wrong as drug use is illegal. And where marijuana is legal, a trashy scum company like Wal Mart can haul someone out of state court protection into federal court and the fed court will tell medical marijuana user to go to hell. We can't have Wal Mart suffer potheads.
8/11/2015 6:27:24 PM |
Do you consider alcoholism to be a disability? |

New York, NY
24, joined Feb. 2015
Today I've been clean and sober 250 days!!!