4/22/2015 3:06:55 AM |
Rock that 420 vote Ohio!!! |


Mansfield, OH
56, joined Oct. 2008
It will be on the ballot,time for a reality check! We got police chiefs and sheriffs telling us,"We cant deal with the heroin problem in Ohio,it is damn near an epidemic!" Well,then,time to legalize the weed and use the money to go after the heroin addicts and the doctors that make them! Yes,those "gateway" pill pushers should be prosecuted for turning folks into drug addicts! Why not? They prescribed them,they should be responsible for the addicts they make,correct? Shouldnt they be made to monitor their patients and make SURE they are taking their meds correctly? and if they do NOT,why shouldnt they be held responsible? Isnt that the same reasoning used to prosecute non-state sanctioned drug dealers?
The "War on Drugs" should read,the war on non-"state sanctioned" drugs,like alcohol and tobacco and caffeine and any other "mind altering" substance allowed to be sold. Keep in mind ,ANYTHING can be "mind altering",even meditation and running/jogging or eating.
It is time to quit pointing fingers and saying,"WE can do this,but YOU cant do that,because it is harmful," when the FACT is there has NEVER been any research ALLOWED in this country into the non-harmful effects of marijuana,because it would cause fear in the pharmaceutical industry and may actually save the working class some money.
Local manufacturers say they cannot find good folks to work for them...bullshit! Change your testing parameters to allow for more pot in one's system than PCP or Heroin! You think I'm full of shit?Look it up and see nearly all companies and the BWC allow for 300ng/ml of cocaine/amphetamines/opiates and a host of other drugs as compared to 50 ng/ml of pot! How ridiculous is THAT!?! C'mon,REALLY!?!?!
Time to end the madness! Sign the petitions,then VOTE!!!  
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4/24/2015 12:00:09 PM |
Rock that 420 vote Ohio!!! |

Cincinnati, OH
56, joined Sep. 2012
Marijuana has multiple medical uses.
I agree the pharmaceutical companies would not be happy. My sons anti seizure meds generic cost is close to 700 a month.
4/24/2015 6:00:26 PM |
Rock that 420 vote Ohio!!! |


Mansfield, OH
56, joined Oct. 2008
@ Here That is just total insanity IMO. There is a product called Charlottes(sp?) Web that was developed in Colorado,( I think),specifically for a little girl who had debilitating seizures and it has no active ingredient that produces the high associated with pot.
Thank you for your post. This madness HAS to end,it really does.Think of the lives saved and the families NOT devastated financially had this been done 20 or more years ago. The research and development that should have been ongoing and hasnt,how many legit jobs would be created? Not to mention the taxpayer dollars saved from not incarcerating folks for ingesting an herb! 
4/25/2015 4:18:28 PM |
Rock that 420 vote Ohio!!! |


Galion, OH
62, joined Oct. 2010
yea the o nly fresh green
4/25/2015 7:47:14 PM |
Rock that 420 vote Ohio!!! |


Mansfield, OH
56, joined Oct. 2008
Galion! You still here my man!?!? Hows about ya brother? 
5/10/2015 6:47:29 PM |
Rock that 420 vote Ohio!!! |

Cincinnati, OH
56, joined Sep. 2012
I seen the report about the child with the extreme seizures. Has to be scary seeing them.
5/10/2015 10:01:58 PM |
Rock that 420 vote Ohio!!! |


Mansfield, OH
56, joined Oct. 2008
Another potential benefit would actually be to the policemen and women who are not corrupt and are doing all of us a service with their service. It would free them from having to put their lives at risk over an herb that should be legal.
One sheriff in Ashland ,Ohio had this wisdom to impart,"I am not saying everyone who smokes pot turns to heroin,but everyone I know who uses heroin has smoked pot." Excuse me,but isnt that like saying,"Not everyone who breathes has cancer,but everyone I know with cancer has drawn breath?" It is rumored that he is somewhat corrupt and has confiscated herb and other drugs then had that herb and other drugs at a party in a Columbus hotel that happens monthly.I cannot substantiate the rumor,but, Hmmmm.
5/11/2015 8:24:44 PM |
Rock that 420 vote Ohio!!! |

West Milton, OH
53, joined Oct. 2009
"I am not saying everyone who smokes pot turns to heroin,but everyone I know who uses heroin has smoked pot." Excuse me,but isnt that like saying,"Not everyone who breathes has cancer,but everyone I know with cancer has drawn breath?"
I will ask you rethink that analogy.
5/11/2015 9:02:11 PM |
Rock that 420 vote Ohio!!! |
Pittsburgh, PA
59, joined Nov. 2010
I will ask you rethink that analogy.
What do you expect from a weed smoking stoner on Welfare? 
5/11/2015 9:36:24 PM |
Rock that 420 vote Ohio!!! |

West Milton, OH
53, joined Oct. 2009
What do you expect from a weed smoking stoner on Welfare? 
I don't expect an insult like you just did.
5/13/2015 2:59:49 PM |
Rock that 420 vote Ohio!!! |


Mansfield, OH
56, joined Oct. 2008
I will ask you rethink that analogy.
I have ,actually,been trying to wrap my head around it. It seems illogical no matter how I slice it. I am willing to listen to another opinion tho,whatever it may be. I do not mind thinking about other opinions....provided a welfare receiving pothead can even have a coherent opinion,that is!
5/13/2015 3:08:06 PM |
Rock that 420 vote Ohio!!! |

Youngstown, OH
46, joined Jan. 2015
What do you expect from a weed smoking stoner on Welfare? 
Invisible people with dumb remarks..typical on this site
5/13/2015 3:12:26 PM |
Rock that 420 vote Ohio!!! |


Mansfield, OH
56, joined Oct. 2008
Oh,I blocked that troll,should have years ago,I like discussions and will consider all aspects of any situation and usually welcome dissenting opinions,but that guy is a plain old trouble making troll,so off my threads he goes! Simple!
5/16/2015 5:56:02 PM |
Rock that 420 vote Ohio!!! |

Grove City, OH
40, joined Feb. 2012
Weed should be legal. Plain and simple.
5/16/2015 6:15:00 PM |
Rock that 420 vote Ohio!!! |


Mansfield, OH
56, joined Oct. 2008
^^ I see you "heart" me already! Make sure you vote,lil lady! I am still trying to come up with a proper analogy to the one the sheriff used and I just cannot seem to find any that make as little sense as his did.
5/18/2015 8:28:31 AM |
Rock that 420 vote Ohio!!! |

Grove City, OH
41, joined Jan. 2014
Ahh, isn't that cute? The old gateway drug comment about how marijuana is the first stepping stone, in a life of hard drug use, written for us by drunks who know the truth. 

We do need to watch how we vote. This first round is not the one we want to vote in. It was written in a way that will force us to spend more money in the long run. Let the corporate bill go, and vote the second one in.
5/18/2015 12:34:32 PM |
Rock that 420 vote Ohio!!! |


Mansfield, OH
56, joined Oct. 2008
I agree with you ,brother ,about the second one.Time will be short tho and I hate to see that being a factor to something that needs to be done on all fronts and SOON.
I also saw and article in my local newspaper where some kind of legislation concerning violent gun related criminals getting more time, wasnt being passed because of concerns that there wasnt enough prison space!!!! HELLO!!! Get the pot smokers and dealers OUT of prison and make it legal,for cryin' out loud. I cannot remember when the last violent death due to a hemp bullet happened...now hanging ropes,yeah,that's another story,but,honestly in all seriousness,how long does this prohibition have to last?
I also see the smoking of it as an act of civil disobedience and have NEVER, in my 35 plus years of being a criminal because of smoking it,have ever seen the inside of a jail cell or even courtroom because of it. 
Thanks for posting!
[Edited 5/18/2015 12:35:01 PM ]
5/26/2015 8:37:46 PM |
Rock that 420 vote Ohio!!! |
Toledo, OH
39, joined Aug. 2014
I signed the petition happily,if alcohol and drugs that slowly kill u are legal then weed wud be too!
5/28/2015 8:00:26 AM |
Rock that 420 vote Ohio!!! |


Mansfield, OH
56, joined Oct. 2008
Ashland and Mansfield metrich units did a 3 month investigation into prostitution by placing ads on CL and other social media. Arrested 14 women and 12 men. Meanwhile,2 MORE deaths from heroin in just one county alone. The Assland sheriff comes off with THIS beauty. "All the women confessed to using pot as their first drug. All are now on heroin." Are you F*cking kidding me!?!? Why did he NOT ask if they used Alcohol? Bet they all drank beer first also!
This prompted me to do some research and of the violent gun offenders that responded all said they used a .22 as their first gun. All are now using semi-automatic weapons.
This f*cking stupidity on the part of the sheriff who's salary I pay and is more than likely "prompting" these women to respond as he wants and is probably more corrupt than we will ever know has got to stop!
VOTE! Sign the petitions and use our tax dollars wisely,get the heroin addicts,MANY of whom started as prescription drug users,the help they need. Take the "glamour" from the pot use by making it legal! Teen use is DOWN in ALL states with legal medical/recreational use allowed. Educate and stop the damn LIES!!!  
8/13/2015 12:15:04 AM |
Rock that 420 vote Ohio!!! |

Irving, TX
46, joined Jun. 2015
Yes...many of us are voting for legalization. ..done deal!!!
8/13/2015 7:46:49 PM |
Rock that 420 vote Ohio!!! |

Hamilton, OH
57, joined Dec. 2011
I for one will be voting no. Sorry but I don't want it.
8/14/2015 11:42:18 AM |
Rock that 420 vote Ohio!!! |

Irving, TX
46, joined Jun. 2015
I can't wait til November!
Look at the big picture here!
People that want to smoke it will buy it and use it from the dealers anyway you look at it.
This state needs the money bad and our info structure is falling apart.
Might as well sell it like alcohol in a state store and the people who are smoking it anyway can now get our state the well needed money.
And yes...alcohol is a way worse drug period.
Funny...it's the only drug that's given myself and everyone else I've met the most trouble in life.
And now all of a sudden heroin is the drug that's taking down the youth here today...any drug user or addict will find and use no matter what!!! Period!!!
It's a choice...there is no such thing as a gateway drug.
It's a disease and a choice period..and I am a former Marijuana smoker of 26 years.
I woke up one day and decided I didn't want to smoke it anymore...have I ever got in trouble being a Marijuana smoker??..Not one single time!!..I went to school and got straight A's while being an all day smoker...I actually drove a car better because it made me more alert and my reaction time quicker!!..Not one health issue..as a matter of fact I got sick less!!..Now I'm not your typical average case but that was my experience.
And the pharmacy drugs advertised on t.v. and prescribed legally are thousands times more dangerous and more people in this country die from them than all illegal drugs combined!!..It's a known fact!!..look and listen to the hundreds of side effects they all have!!..bottom line..anyone who chose to smoke weed will find it and buy it off the streets no matter what..and it's a choice...just because of the ignorance of our ancestors and the religious right in this country made a stupid law in the past doesn't make something bad..that was someone's opinion and the sheep heard followed right along...and yes.it is and does help millions of people and children and of all the drugs is the least harmless and the side effects are next to none..so WAKE UP AMERICA!! 
10/15/2015 6:32:18 PM |
Rock that 420 vote Ohio!!! |

Defiance, OH
47, joined Nov. 2010
IDK, very complicated issue. The way it sounds if it passes, it will create a monopoly to start similar to gambling casinos and don't know if we really want that or not or how easy it will be to amend that later?
10/18/2015 4:43:50 AM |
Rock that 420 vote Ohio!!! |

Williamsburg, OH
53, joined Oct. 2013
I do see a down side in the legalization of....Will it be smoked on the job????
I have no problem with it other than that. I for one don't want to work with a person higher than a Georgia pine??
10/18/2015 3:43:27 PM |
Rock that 420 vote Ohio!!! |

West Milton, OH
53, joined Oct. 2009
I do see a down side in the legalization of....Will it be smoked on the job????
I have no problem with it other than that. I for one don't want to work with a person higher than a Georgia pine??
Medical use I can vote for, but recreational use; NO!
10/20/2015 7:12:40 PM |
Rock that 420 vote Ohio!!! |


Mansfield, OH
56, joined Oct. 2008
I do see a down side in the legalization of....Will it be smoked on the job????
I have no problem with it other than that. I for one don't want to work with a person higher than a Georgia pine??
For twenty years I worked at one factory...not only did nearly everyone smoke at break,lunch and last break,those that didnt smoke went to the bar and drank lunch. Hundreds of thousands of your cars and trucks are made from the parts we made......funny,I have YET to see a recall for those years makes and models.
I am sick and tired of folks pointing fingers and talking about shit they know NOTHING about. I have done my thing for over 35 years and I WILL stand on my record against ANY "straight" person out there...or "social drinker",sorry,but MOST social drinkers I know have had at least one DUI,if not MORE and have spent at least a night in jail...not me,EVER.
I have grown my own for 15 years,NEVER contributed to any cartel or terrorists ,as good ol Ronnie Reagan,(Iran-Contra scandal anyone?)and his ignorant wife,(just say NO to drugs,but yes to astrologers...again,look it up,he and his wife consulted astrologers throughout his presidency.They even helped him make decisions concerning affairs of the state,again,look it up....yet I am somehow a threat to society? Get f**king REAL,people!)
I hope and pray,(oooo,yes ,one CAN be a Christian and smoke weed,hey ,if priests can molest children and the Vatican can help cover it up.....ya see where I am going with that? I have NEVER molested a child,EVER,yet I am a threat to society,because I advocate RESPONSIBLE use?),people come to their senses and vote it in.
As for the cartel /monopoly bullshit,really? So you get your electricity from where? One of the "monopolies" that has complete control over it? How about your natural gas? Yeah,that's what I thought. Actually,if you bother to read the proposal,MORE grow sites CAN be added. Think of the billions of dollars to be made by ALL.Just keeping people from going to prison for an herb will save millions of dollars alone.....not to mention the job opportunities. VOTE YES ON 3,NO on 2 ,people,get the FACTS and be informed! Thank you!
11/1/2015 7:21:54 PM |
Rock that 420 vote Ohio!!! |


Mansfield, OH
56, joined Oct. 2008
So,are all our children destined to become alcoholics? It seems the ultra conservative members of our society want to cite recreational use of pot as a "gateway" to harder drugs,yet, beer and hard liquor commercials are all over the television/everywhere and how much teenage alcoholism is caused by this? Oh,I see,we are not concerned that alcohol IS A DRUG? It is ok to use YOUR drug of choice but NOT mine? I call extreme bullshit!
VOTE NO ON 2,YES ON 3,people,time to end the ignorance!  
11/3/2015 11:23:55 PM |
Rock that 420 vote Ohio!!! |

Cincinnati, OH
56, joined Sep. 2012
I am shocked that this did not pass.
11/4/2015 9:48:05 AM |
Rock that 420 vote Ohio!!! |

Apple Creek, OH
67, joined Jul. 2008
I am shocked that this did not pass.
11/4/2015 4:56:59 PM |
Rock that 420 vote Ohio!!! |

West Milton, OH
53, joined Oct. 2009
I am shocked that this did not pass.
I am not shocked it didn't pass, but I am shocked on the margin.
11/8/2015 7:12:19 AM |
Rock that 420 vote Ohio!!! |


Litchfield, OH
65, joined Jul. 2010
A lot of people I have talked with were all for legalization, but dead set against creating monopolies for the already wealthy to become richer. I believe it would have passed if they didn't try to allow it to create monopolies, those would have been very hard and expensive to do away with.
11/9/2015 8:18:56 AM |
Rock that 420 vote Ohio!!! |

Cincinnati, OH
56, joined Sep. 2012
I agree the monopolies caused an issue. They should have went with medical first then worked from there.
11/9/2015 8:53:30 AM |
Rock that 420 vote Ohio!!! |


Litchfield, OH
65, joined Jul. 2010
Especially when you see on the news that one of the people that would benefit from a monopoly is a member of a wealthy politically connected family?
11/9/2015 11:53:44 AM |
Rock that 420 vote Ohio!!! |

Cincinnati, OH
56, joined Sep. 2012
Thank you for link. The wealthy always profit by gaining advantage.