
Moorhead, MN
31, joined Aug. 2012
Hello there. So I did a script for a game where you guess a number, however you get as many guesses as you want. I'm new to scripting.. could someone please tell me how to make it so they only get 7 guesses? Then it'd tell the stats, and ask if you want to play again..
Here's the code.
# *************************************************************************
# Script Name: GuessMyNumber.ps1 (The Guess My Number Game)
# Version: 4.0
# Author: Jerry Lee Ford, Jr.
# Date: February 1, 2014
# Description: This PowerShell script challenges the player to attempt
# to guess a randomly generated number in the range of
# 1 to 100 in as few guesses as possible.
# *************************************************************************
#Clear console screen
#Defne variables used in this script
$number = 0 #Keeps track of the game’s secret number
$noOfGuesses = 0 #Keeps track of the number of guesses made
$playGame = “Yes” #Controls when to quit the game
$status = “Play” #Controls the current round of play
$guess = 0 #Stores the player’s guess
$reply = “” #Stores the player’s response when asked to play again
#Display the game’s opening screen
Write-Host “`n`n`n`n`t W E L C O M E T O T H E G U E S S M Y”
Write-Host “`n`n`n`t`t`tN U M B E R G A M E”
Write-Host “`n`n`n`t`t`tBy Jerry Lee Ford, Jr.”
Write-Host “`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n Press Enter to continue.”
#Pause the game until the player presses the Enter key
#Loop until the player decides to quit the game
while ($playGame -ne “No”) {
#Generate the game’s random number (between 1 - 100)
$number = Get-Random –minimum 1 –maximum 101
#Clear the console screen
#Loop until the player guesses the secret number
while ($status -ne “Stop”) {
#Prompt the player to guess a number
while ($guess -eq “”) {
Clear-Host #Clear console screen
#Collect the player’s guess
$guess = Read-Host “ Enter a number between 1 and 100”
#Keep track of the number of guesses made so far
if ($guess -lt $number) { #The player’s guess was too low
Clear-Host #Clear the Windows command console screen
Write-Host “`n Sorry. Your guess was too low. Press Enter to” `
“guess again.” -ForegroundColor Green
$guess = “” #Reset the player’s guess
Read-Host #Pause the game until the player presses the Enter key
elseif ($guess -gt $number) { #The player’s guess was too high
Clear-Host #Clear the console screen
Write-Host “`n Sorry. Your guess was too high. Press Enter to” `
“guess again.” -ForegroundColor Red
$guess = “” #Reset the player’s guess
if($guess -gt 2){
$playGame = "Stop"
Write-Host "stop!"
Read-Host #Pause the game until the player presses the Enter key
else { #The player has guessed the game’s secret number
Clear-Host #Clear the Windows command console screen
Write-Host “`n Congratulations. You guessed my number! Press Enter” `
“to continue.”
$status = “Stop” #Reset the player’s guess
Read-Host #Pause the game until the player presses the Enter key
#Clear the Windows command console screen
#Display the game’s opening screen
Write-Host “`n Game Statistics”
Write-Host “ -----------------------------------------------------------”
Write-Host “`n The secret number was: $number.”
Write-Host “`n You guessed it in $noOfGuesses guesses.`n”
Write-Host “ -----------------------------------------------------------”
Write-Host “`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n Press Enter to continue.”
#Pause the game until the player presses the Enter key
#Clear the Windows command console screen
$reply = “” #Stores the player’s response when asked to play again
#Prompt the player to play another round
while ($reply -eq “”) {
Clear-Host #Clear the Windows command console screen
#Collect the player’s answer
$reply = Read-Host “ Would you like to play again? (Y/N) “
#Validate player input, allowing only Y and N as acceptable responses
if (($reply -ne “Y”) -and ($reply -ne “N”)) {
$reply = “” #Reset the variable to its default value
#The player has elected to play again
if ($reply -eq “Y”) {
#Reset variables to their default values
$number = 0
$noOfGuesses = 0
$status = “Play”
$guess = 0
else { #The player has decided to quit playing
$playGame = “No” #Modify variable indicating that it is time to
#terminate gameplay
#Clear the console screen
Thank you~
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Moorhead, MN
31, joined Aug. 2012
I'm guessing i add a "if stat" somewhere? Something like
"if($noOfGuesses -eq 7 )
$status = "no"
write-host "Sorry too many guesses"
read-host "Press Enter to continue."
clear-host "
I'm probably pretty far off... also, does it matter where I put the code?


Chandler, AZ
42, joined Jan. 2014
I'm not familiar with powrshell but in c++ there's an incremental variable. ..look into that


Phoenix, AZ
38, joined Aug. 2012
Based on that code, when you prompt for input simply check the number of guesses variable. If it is greater than guesses allowed, write different output and kill the input.