5/12/2015 6:23:14 AM |
What are you grateful for today? |


Sandy, UT
32, joined Aug. 2014
Every day is a gift. I see the practice of expressing gratitude as a daily staple. I try to remember to find the good in everything. It is cleansing. It is beautiful to keep a record of the good things we receive.
Join me in sharing what you are grateful for. Let's multiply our blessings!
This morning I am grateful for:
Peaceful morning walks
Warm coffee
The abundance of people I meet
Long-lasting friendships
[Edited 5/12/2015 6:24:57 AM ]
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5/12/2015 9:31:54 PM |
What are you grateful for today? |
Layton, UT
26, joined Mar. 2015
I'm grateful for the roof over my head, my few good friends and family, and having those beautiful mountains to look at every day 
Sometimes it's easy to forget about how good life really is. Sure everything could be improved, or simplified, but at the end of the day it's all not that bad. Thanks for the uplifting post!
5/12/2015 9:57:24 PM |
What are you grateful for today? |
Clearfield, UT
21, joined Aug. 2014
My friend family and people. I know that care. I am grateful for my sister and how cool she is.
5/13/2015 7:09:52 PM |
What are you grateful for today? |

Pleasant Grove, UT
34, joined Dec. 2014
I am great fun for having a job that I actually like! I get to help people and back 
5/14/2015 9:40:59 AM |
What are you grateful for today? |


Sandy, UT
32, joined Aug. 2014
Thank you for sharing!

I am grateful for:
Being able to have a few days with my friends after not seeing them for 2 years
Meeting their awesome son
My prerequisite challenge form being accepted
My car insurance being lowered
Conversations with my beautiful children
Views of cape cod
For the gift of sight
For finishing the end of my new book
For a new home
For being safe in my travels
For having income flow that allows me to work anywhere
For the different states I get to visit and memories that are built
For being in the home stretch towards my bsn
For this new day full of amazing possibilities
5/15/2015 7:54:56 PM |
What are you grateful for today? |

West Jordan, UT
48, joined Jul. 2013
Today the shower sometimes it just takes something small.
5/16/2015 1:00:23 PM |
What are you grateful for today? |


Sandy, UT
32, joined Aug. 2014
It's the small things in life!
I am grateful for this view each and every day. The mountains all around are just breathtaking.
5/17/2015 8:57:50 AM |
What are you grateful for today? |

Ogden, UT
60, joined Mar. 2014
Grandchildren. ... that keep me on my toes with a smile on my face! 
5/18/2015 2:18:38 AM |
What are you grateful for today? |


Sandy, UT
32, joined Aug. 2014
Children are amazing. They always keep us on our toes!
I am grateful for my two children.
5/20/2015 2:01:26 AM |
What are you grateful for today? |


Sandy, UT
32, joined Aug. 2014
I am grateful for getting through today. 
5/22/2015 12:27:54 AM |
What are you grateful for today? |

Pleasant Grove, UT
41, joined Jul. 2014
Great food great wiskey... now just need the woman. 
6/1/2015 9:25:17 PM |
What are you grateful for today? |

Salt Lake City, UT
53, joined Jan. 2015
My job and co workers.
My friends, family and dog.
Yet I still want more.....
6/20/2015 4:39:44 PM |
What are you grateful for today? |


Sandy, UT
32, joined Aug. 2014
I am grateful to be feeling better than yesterday.
I am grateful for these beautiful views 
6/24/2015 1:26:57 AM |
What are you grateful for today? |


Sandy, UT
32, joined Aug. 2014
I am grateful for a bed to sleep on. 
7/4/2015 11:11:41 AM |
What are you grateful for today? |

Salt Lake City, UT
47, joined Feb. 2015
I am greatful for everything I have and for the people I meet in my life. Good bad ugly dosnt matter each exspierence leaves me a much better person in the end. Sure do I crave more and want more yes we all do but we get what we get ??
7/12/2015 3:39:15 PM |
What are you grateful for today? |


Sandy, UT
32, joined Aug. 2014
I am truly grateful for these mountain views. Every morning I drink my coffee or tea and I take the time to just be still. I enjoy my view and it starts my whole day on a good note.

Today, I was feeling really sad. I started to feel pain on my back from feeling like that. I took out my journal to write my gratitude list. I felt so much better afterwards. Isn't it astonishing how our feelings affect us? It is even more amazing to know that we can change how we feel by changing our thoughts and focus. So if you are feeling sad or angry, come share what's good. Let's change our focus.
7/17/2015 7:52:49 PM |
What are you grateful for today? |
Ogden, UT
44, joined Jun. 2015
I am grateful to have made it through this work week (that seemed to drag on in complete and utter stress mode). For unconditional acceptance and love (even if it is just in the eyes of the four legged furbutts that greet me at the door, in my otherwise lonely house). And alcohol that will, if taken in enough quantity, allow me to sleep tonight.
7/24/2015 7:35:52 PM |
What are you grateful for today? |


Sandy, UT
32, joined Aug. 2014
I am grateful for wine and Star Wars
7/25/2015 12:46:28 AM |
What are you grateful for today? |

West Jordan, UT
48, joined Jul. 2013
Sleep when I can get it.
7/26/2015 4:42:59 PM |
What are you grateful for today? |


Sandy, UT
32, joined Aug. 2014
I had very nice sleep this morning. I am so grateful.
8/4/2015 10:52:11 AM |
What are you grateful for today? |
Ogden, UT
44, joined Jun. 2015
Music... when my mind and voice cant find the words to discribe the emotions and feelings in my heart... there is always a song that comes pretty dang close.
8/10/2015 6:55:04 PM |
What are you grateful for today? |

Eden, UT
61, joined May. 2007
Projects being completed. No employees anymore. No one around to tell me where I need to spend my time and or money.
8/10/2015 8:59:36 PM |
What are you grateful for today? |
Ogden, UT
44, joined Jun. 2015
Second that.... minus the employee bit....

8/13/2015 9:01:03 AM |
What are you grateful for today? |

Eden, UT
61, joined May. 2007
Got probs with the picture part of the last completed project.
Going to try a different route today if I get time to mess with it.
8/25/2015 1:45:18 PM |
What are you grateful for today? |
Ogden, UT
44, joined Jun. 2015
New beginnings!!!
9/6/2015 12:50:49 PM |
What are you grateful for today? |
Ogden, UT
44, joined Jun. 2015
Bath salts, lavender oil, clean water, hot water heaters, music, towels and a few other lazy day bath essentials.
9/20/2015 1:00:04 PM |
What are you grateful for today? |
Ogden, UT
44, joined Jun. 2015
Quiet Sunday mornings. Strong coffee. A to do list to stay focused.