6/1/2015 12:02:59 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


Bunker Hill, WV
44, joined Jul. 2013
Chris Kyle is a true American hero.
Thank you brother for your service. 
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

6/1/2015 12:27:23 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


West Plains, MO
47, joined Feb. 2014
Quote from blake6972:
His God and country. He served in a impeccable manner.
Chris Kyle is a true American hero.
A soldier who loved his brothers.
God bless Chris Kyle and his family.
Quote from blake6972:
Are you freaking serious??? You are actually asking this dumbass ridiculous question???
How can you even compare the two ? Seriously how?
One Moohamad is a complete whack job evil murderer.
Chris Kyle ( a true American hero) did what he was trained to do as a service member of The United State of America during a time of war. Taking out the enemy with his set skills.
One can only imagine how many lives he saved.
And dipshits like you wanna spit in his face and rob from his service to this country.
You wannabe hippie anarchist.
To even compare the two shows how desperate and ignorant you are.
It is dumbasses like you that are part of the problem not the solution.
You are nothing but a wannabe.
Pack your bags and get out son.
Chris Kyle a true Anerican hero who served his God, family, and fellow man.
Quote from blake6972:
Chris Kyle , a true American hero .
He served his God, family, and country.
Chris. You will be and are missed.
Quote from blake6972:
Chris Kyle a true American hero.
He saved COUNTLESS lives for the cause of freedom.
He did what he was trained to do.
When terrorists want to invade are boarders , we take it to them.
Why are you in such denial regarding the truth of the matter?
Quote from blake6972:
Nothing changed because he isn't a murder but a soldier who was good at his job at a time during war.
A true American hero.
Quote from blake6972:
Chris Kyle was a true American hero who was doing what he was trained to do.
Just because he was good at it doesn't make him a murderer.
He was a soldier doing his duty for his country.
Catapult The Propaganda
"See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda." GW Bush
6/1/2015 12:31:42 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


Bunker Hill, WV
44, joined Jul. 2013
Chris Kyle ... a true American hero.
Nappy... A enemy of America .
6/1/2015 12:32:28 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


West Plains, MO
47, joined Feb. 2014
What makes me an enemy? Telling the truth?
6/1/2015 12:34:48 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


Bunker Hill, WV
44, joined Jul. 2013
What makes me an enemy? Telling the truth? 
You do not tell the truth.
Chris Kyle a true American hero.
6/1/2015 12:37:02 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |

Inglewood, CA
35, joined Mar. 2014
Chris Kyle was a terrorist.
6/1/2015 12:38:32 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


Bunker Hill, WV
44, joined Jul. 2013
Chris Kyle was a terrorist.
You are a racist pig.
Chris Kyle is a true American hero.
6/1/2015 12:39:42 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |

Inglewood, CA
35, joined Mar. 2014
How am I a racist?
6/1/2015 12:40:56 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


Bunker Hill, WV
44, joined Jul. 2013
Look at your post history.

6/1/2015 12:41:52 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


West Plains, MO
47, joined Feb. 2014
Do suspect Matthew 26:52 was why Kyle was murdered?
6/1/2015 12:42:48 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |

Inglewood, CA
35, joined Mar. 2014
Look at your post history.

What type of post should I look for?
6/1/2015 12:43:25 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


Bunker Hill, WV
44, joined Jul. 2013
Chris Kyle is an American hero who served his God, family, and brothers.

6/1/2015 12:46:28 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


West Plains, MO
47, joined Feb. 2014
“Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword."
How prophetic
6/1/2015 12:48:16 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


Bunker Hill, WV
44, joined Jul. 2013
Chris Kyle is a true American hero and a child of God.

6/1/2015 3:08:15 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


Fort Payne, AL
52, joined Jul. 2014
Kyle did his job well and he did save alot of US lives but he also was part of an invading force and foreign terrorist. He was no different than an SS sniper in Paris during the 1940-1944 German occupation.
6/1/2015 3:42:35 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


Martinsburg, WV
50, joined Apr. 2009
Kyle did his job well and he did save alot of US lives but he also was part of an invading force and foreign terrorist. He was no different than an SS sniper in Paris during the 1940-1944 German occupation.
You think Kyle had say so in "how" he was deployed?
Your suggesting the war in Iraq was unjust. How would that have changed his deployment and lives saved?
Who is responsible for these potentially unlawful deployments? Those serving or the Commander in Chief for sending them?
6/1/2015 3:46:42 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


West Plains, MO
47, joined Feb. 2014
Individuals are responsible for the evil they bring into the world. Order followers are not moral actors, they're unthinking slaves
The moral thing to do is refuse to kill people in their own land
6/1/2015 3:51:54 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


Martinsburg, WV
50, joined Apr. 2009
Individuals are responsible for the evil they bring into the world. Order followers are not moral actors, they're unthinking slaves
The moral thing to do is refuse to kill people in their own land 
Of course but if the military was run under your example would be no military at all. Parts of a machine can't run at peak efficiency when they perform when they "want to".
Why can't you admit that, like a gun....it's not the military that bares the brunt of the responsibility concerning the result, it's the owner who had his finger on the trigger!
6/1/2015 3:57:33 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


West Plains, MO
47, joined Feb. 2014
The military tries their best to turn people into automatons, but they are still responsible for their individual actions, and just following orders isn't a valid excuse. We live in a corrupt system in which immoral behaviour is rewarded and virtue is despised.
People really believe my messages of non-aggression are insane
Morality has been turned on its head
6/1/2015 5:20:51 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |

New Orleans, LA
57, joined Nov. 2014
Chris Kyle was a terrorist.
Ooh goodie, we have the coward n**ger version of history now too.
6/1/2015 5:22:36 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |

New Orleans, LA
57, joined Nov. 2014
The military tries their best to turn people into automatons, but they are still responsible for their individual actions, Oand just following orders isn't a valid excuse. We live in a corrupt system in which immoral behaviour is rewarded and virtue is despised.
People really believe my messages of non-aggression are insane
Morality has been turned on its head 
No nitwit, you are a bit job who wants no law or order. Look at haiti and let me know how great people run justice works. Our Somalia, or Nigeria. Great plan nit wit
6/1/2015 8:18:20 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


Fort Payne, AL
52, joined Jul. 2014
You think Kyle had say so in "how" he was deployed?
Your suggesting the war in Iraq was unjust. How would that have changed his deployment and lives saved?
Who is responsible for these potentially unlawful deployments? Those serving or the Commander in Chief for sending them?
Pat Tillman was a better example of a hero. He gave up an NFL career and fought his a** off in Afghanistan but he also spoke up against the war in Iraq and was against it completely. Kyle was a robot and thought he and the US was in the right no matter what the hell they did. Tillman thought for himself just like some brave men refused to take part in the My Lai massacre too
6/1/2015 8:47:54 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |

Brockton, MA
52, joined Sep. 2011
the conservatives who "hate' liberals are only tarnishing Chris Kyle legacy by making his life a political issue
6/1/2015 8:55:36 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


Martinsburg, WV
50, joined Apr. 2009
The military tries their best to turn people into automatons, but they are still responsible for their individual actions, and just following orders isn't a valid excuse. We live in a corrupt system in which immoral behaviour is rewarded and virtue is despised.
People really believe my messages of non-aggression are insane
Morality has been turned on its head 
The educational requirements for it's members has increased since the times of conscription during the Vietnam war.
What was once a safety net for a grade school/ early high school drop outs would not meet the requirements for enlistment today and many jobs excluding that of the Officer ranks require post high school education. Automatons is exactly what they want to avoid because automatons can't operate independent of direct supervision which requires resources that could be used more efficiently elsewhere.
You confuse the efficiency of components that work best when working together with that of brainlessness which is a misnomer particularly when so many things can change so quickly.
Of course members of the military are responsible for their own actions which is why so much of the training involves the Uniform Code of Conduct, Code of War and the Uniform Code of Military Justice which plays such an integral part in the lifestyle. A lack of integrity in the civilian world does not hold the same standard as that required by the military as does immorality and dozens of seemingly minor infractions which can land you in a lot of hot water while serving.
The problem with non-aggression is as it always was and that would be it's poor track record of success. Try experimenting with your beliefs on foot in East St Louis after nine pm or South East DC, West Baltimore or East LA. and then consider the world is a less rational place.
You certainly seem to hold opinions that existed a long time ago and in many regards were antiquated 30 years ago when I joined. We can agree, the military has been misused to serve interests other than National Defense and more recently interests allied with corporate goals but by the very nature of the doctrine that governs the institution, military deployment doesn't come with a button that demands noble confirmation and worthiness. That job falls on the US civilian population in the effort to change the minds of Congress who authorized their use in the first place.
6/1/2015 9:22:01 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


Martinsburg, WV
50, joined Apr. 2009
Pat Tillman was a better example of a hero. He gave up an NFL career and fought his a** off in Afghanistan but he also spoke up against the war in Iraq and was against it completely. Kyle was a robot and thought he and the US was in the right no matter what the hell they did. Tillman thought for himself just like some brave men refused to take part in the My Lai massacre too
You didn't answer the question. Do you think Kyle had any say so in "how" he was deployed?
Members of the military don't get to sit "this one out" because they believe the cause isn't noble.
Who is responsible for these arguably unlawful deployments? Those serving or the Commander in Chief for sending them?
Pat Tillman represents a dwindling group within the US ranks but they still exist. If Tillman hadn't been so well known he would join the nameless individuals who join for the same reason he did. While we can agree most of them didn't give up million dollar contracts to serve, the risk of not returning still has value few could place a price tag on.
Chris Kyle joins the ranks of formally other unknowns whose recognition was the result of the way they did their job such as Carlos Hathc*ck, John Plaster or Greg Boyington.
6/1/2015 10:20:51 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


Bettendorf, IA
65, joined May. 2008
didn't Pat Tillman join the service because of 911? if he did then in my opinion that makes him a fool and idiot.He must have believed that bin Laden was responsible for 9 11so he could go fight the good fight over in Afghanistan and try to track down and kill bin Laden,?
this is just what the United States government and military wanted the sheep to do? get the natives all fired up to join the service and go fight the big bad Arabs.
that's neat that Tillman was against the war in Iraq maybe that was why our own troops shot him huh but he should have did little research in the 911 before he joined the service--- he would be alive today
6/1/2015 11:31:46 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


Bettendorf, IA
65, joined May. 2008
Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind.
And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so.
How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar.
6/1/2015 11:48:08 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


Martinsburg, WV
50, joined Apr. 2009
didn't Pat Tillman join the service because of 911? if he did then in my opinion that makes him a fool and idiot.He must have believed that bin Laden was responsible for 9 11so he could go fight the good fight over in Afghanistan and try to track down and kill bin Laden,?
this is just what the United States government and military wanted the sheep to do? get the natives all fired up to join the service and go fight the big bad Arabs.
that's neat that Tillman was against the war in Iraq maybe that was why our own troops shot him huh but he should have did little research in the 911 before he joined the service--- he would be alive today
Look, I think there was a lot more to it than that. There were several legitimate reasons to go to war with Iraq which included; Genocide of the Kurds, 18 UN violations, breaking the conditions of surrender, human rights violations, regional instability and (in hind sight) poor intelligence that lead many to consider the consequences of Saddam being in possession of nuclear ordinance. Other ideas included shit like "nation building" and the neo-con export of democracy but I'll skip the New Age bull.
It's unlikely that Tillman got to choose his theater of operations. (Iraq or Afghanistan) To the best of my knowledge, and I don't know enough about the guy to attack or defend his personal views about the war other than to say his actions are a bit like jumping out of a perfectly good airplane. He knew what the risks were just as thousands who joined after 9/11 did. People that left wives, children, girlfriends and decent paying jobs because they knew someone was responsible for the attack here.
Certainly you can say the Iraqi's didn't attack us nor did Afghanistan and you would be right and I don't believe Afghanistan would have made a viable target at all if the Taliban wasn't harboring Al Quida training camps.
But there is another aspect to this argument which is the use of military force authorized by Congress and the President. The President made a compelling argument in favor of military action and Congress and their constituents by in large agreed.
After dismissing the political hype that comes from the opposite side every time an event like this takes place, in retrospect I think it's safe to say the President was less than honest with the American people which I in fact agree should be a crime. While on paper the war had some very achievable goals there is an entire back story that inflated the threat of terror and contributed the earnings of a very few financially.
Once upon a time people didn't have to ask what the motive was. It was enough that their country called on them and people who believed in their own patriotism lined up to serve for their country. Maybe Vietnam changed all that or maybe it happened even earlier but I think we all need to come to terms with the fact that the military is being misused as a tool for more than defense, human rights and stopping the Hitler types before they tear up a third of the world before we act. And that is dishonorable.
If you want to call Tillman a fool, that's up to you. I would chose to think of him as a patriot that was motivated for reasons other than those stated by the President. The only people who can really claim the high ground here are the ones who have never been duped at all.
6/1/2015 11:51:44 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


Martinsburg, WV
50, joined Apr. 2009
Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind.
And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so.
How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar.
Perhaps we could help to eliminate this in the future by electing people we want who have real fortitude and integrity rather than simply the lesser of 2 evils......
....ya....I don't think that will happen either.
6/1/2015 12:01:32 PM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


West Plains, MO
47, joined Feb. 2014
The educational requirements for it's members has increased since the times of conscription during the Vietnam war.
What was once a safety net for a grade school/ early high school drop outs would not meet the requirements for enlistment today and many jobs excluding that of the Officer ranks require post high school education. Automatons is exactly what they want to avoid because automatons can't operate independent of direct supervision which requires resources that could be used more efficiently elsewhere.
You confuse the efficiency of components that work best when working together with that of brainlessness which is a misnomer particularly when so many things can change so quickly.
Of course members of the military are responsible for their own actions which is why so much of the training involves the Uniform Code of Conduct, Code of War and the Uniform Code of Military Justice which plays such an integral part in the lifestyle. A lack of integrity in the civilian world does not hold the same standard as that required by the military as does immorality and dozens of seemingly minor infractions which can land you in a lot of hot water while serving.
The problem with non-aggression is as it always was and that would be it's poor track record of success. Try experimenting with your beliefs on foot in East St Louis after nine pm or South East DC, West Baltimore or East LA. and then consider the world is a less rational place.
You certainly seem to hold opinions that existed a long time ago and in many regards were antiquated 30 years ago when I joined. We can agree, the military has been misused to serve interests other than National Defense and more recently interests allied with corporate goals but by the very nature of the doctrine that governs the institution, military deployment doesn't come with a button that demands noble confirmation and worthiness. That job falls on the US civilian population in the effort to change the minds of Congress who authorized their use in the first place.
Please don't confuse non-aggression with pacifism. It's just ignorant!
6/1/2015 12:06:52 PM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


Bettendorf, IA
65, joined May. 2008
People that left wives, children, girlfriends and decent paying jobs because they knew someone was responsible for the attack here.
Certainly you can say the Iraqi's didn't attack us nor did Afghanistan and you would be right and I don't believe Afghanistan would have made a viable target at all if the Taliban wasn't harboring Al Quida training camps.
Yes, and if those people would have done some research into what really happened on 9-11.......how many would have joined the service??? Hopefully...only those that couldn't find a good job because they will always join.
I believe the Taliban had a pipeline deal all worked out with Unocal back in 1998 [ I think ] The pipeline to pick up the oil in Caspian Sea and pipe it through Afghanistan into friendly Pakistan. Then the Taliban changed its mind [ probably not a good enough offer ] and sold the rights to Argentina.
Thats when the US Govt. basically said " Take our carpet of gold or you will get a carpet of bombs. So.....elements in the US Govt./Israel decided to nuke the towers....blame it on Bin Laden and the Taliban...so the Taliban got their carpet of bombs and the CIA is making billions off the poppies and we the people have lost a ton of freedom with the Patriot Act. A trifecta if you will.
6/1/2015 12:10:56 PM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


Bettendorf, IA
65, joined May. 2008
OH......and Hamid Karzai [ former Unocal big shot ] is now the President of Afghanistan????? Oh what a tangled web we weave when we practice to decieve...but this ones right in our faces.
6/1/2015 1:40:22 PM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


Martinsburg, WV
50, joined Apr. 2009
@ naprinciple
"Please don't confuse non-aggression with pacifism. It's just ignorant!"
It still doesn't change the success rate.
India may be the best modern example...maybe South Africa....?
With America's record of making big business out of 2 countries clubbing each other over the head, the thoughts of non-violent resolutions decline.
6/1/2015 2:29:05 PM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


West Plains, MO
47, joined Feb. 2014
@ naprinciple
"Please don't confuse non-aggression with pacifism. It's just ignorant!"
It still doesn't change the success rate.
India may be the best modern example...maybe South Africa....?
With America's record of making big business out of 2 countries clubbing each other over the head, the thoughts of non-violent resolutions decline.
Otherwise known as America creating evil for profit, in our name
6/2/2015 6:49:51 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |

Gueydan, LA
84, joined Mar. 2013
Two incidents during the Second Battle of Fallujah in November 2004 illustrate this selflessness, this willingness to put himself in grave danger for his comrades. I feel compelled to tell these stories because they reveal Chris's dedication to saving lives, not just taking them.
The first episode occurred in early November 2004. It was during an overwatch mission, in which Chris was providing rooftop cover for Marines clearing buildings below. The Marines encountered a group of enemy fighters, and "heavy contact" erupted. The enemy fell back and barricaded themselves into a house. The Marines were left exposed in the street.
Chris and another SEAL sniper realized they were no longer effective from the rooftop, so they flew down the stairs to support the Marines. By this time, the Marines had barricaded themselves in a building across the street from the insurgents' house.
But two of the Marines had been shot and lay in the road, writhing in pain.
Chris couldn't bear to see the Marines struggling helplessly in the street. "When you see an injured man, you do whatever you can to save him," he told me. As a Navy SEAL amongst a group of "young, eighteen-year-old kids" barely out of basic training, Chris felt he had a special obligation. "It's beaten into your head throughout your training: 'You're the better, more effective warrior.'" That meant he had to go get those Marines, no matter what.
Chris and the other SEAL darted out into the street to the injured men, sprinting twenty yards into a torrent of gunfire. "You can hear the snaps. You know they're close," he said. "You just block it out."
Chris scurried in front of the enemy's hideout and grabbed one of the injured Marines. The man was screaming in pain from gunshots to one arm and both legs, and worse, a devastating gut shot that had somehow slid below his body armor. With bullets filling the air, Chris began to drag him toward safety.
Chris focused on the man he was trying to save, doing his best to block out the rounds that danced at his feet and zipped by his head. "During the heat of it, you're not thinking about it. You know you could get hit at any moment, and they'll put another belly button in [your] forehead . . . but you just put your head down and go do it."
Chris tugged and dragged and pulled the wounded man until they both fell backwards into the alley, finally shielded from the guerillas' fire. He felt the Marine's blood all over his hands. He heard the man's anguished screams, "Don't tell my mom that I died screaming like this!" The screaming continued for a few more agonizing moments.
And then it stopped.
Chris remembered those moments in excruciating detail. "I never met this kid before," he said bitterly, "and he wanted me to tell his mother how he died." Four years later, during our interviews, Chris still couldn't shake the fact that he failed to save that kid's life.
6/2/2015 6:52:58 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |

Gueydan, LA
84, joined Mar. 2013
The second story occurred just a few days later. Chris was once again on overwatch in Fallujah, providing support from rooftops while Marines moved from house to house to clear large swaths of the city.
As the Marines plodded along, Chris heard enemy gunfire. He scrambled down to locate the shooters.
He stumbled upon a Marine unit clustered at the end of an alley. They told him that a small group of Marines were barricaded in a house about 50 yards away at the end of the passage, and that a number of guerillas were in the house across from them, pinging away at the trapped Americans.
Chris could see that every time the Marines moved—even just to peek out the window—a barrage of enemy gunfire would erupt. They were hopelessly trapped. If they had tried to escape down the alley, they would have been gunned down.
Chris knew he had to act. "Seeing those guys getting shot up, it would chew me up inside to know that I sat back in safety and didn't help them," he told me.
"I would rather die helping those guys out than have a coward's conscience the rest of my life," he said.
So Chris ran down the alley. It was a broad passageway, ten or fifteen yards wide. The ground was paved and the walls were dense, made of stone or cement with stucco-like coating.
Chris's plan was to go down the alley and provide suppressive fire, allowing the Marines to escape back to the top of the alley. That meant he would have to go directly in front of the enemy compound—effectively running into the middle of a firing range during target practice.
As he proceeded, insurgents started firing at him. Chris fired back, trying to keep the heat off the trapped Marines. He ran out of ammunition and had to reload. Twice.
He finally arrived at the house. Facing the insurgent property and maintaining suppressive fire in that direction, he back-kicked the door to the Marines' house and shouted (in less-than-diplomatic terms) that they should vacate the area immediately.
The Marines scurried away, and Chris prepared to follow them. As he started to move, he saw an injured Marine with multiple shots to his legs. He couldn't move. Chris thought back to the man who had died in his arms a few days earlier and knew what he had to do. "I had to grab my guy," he told me, "and get the hell outta there."
Chris ran to the injured Marine and grabbed him with his left hand. His right hand held the pistol grip of the sniper rifle, which he'd wedged between his chest and his left arm so that he could continue to shoot at the enemy and give himself a modicum of cover. In this contorted position, Chris began to pull the injured Marine back up the alley.
They managed to pass the insurgent safe-house without getting hit. Then, halfway down the alley, Chris heard the enemy fighters emerging. If they entered the alley, they would be right behind Chris and the injured Marine.
His rifle was empty, and he had no more magazines. There was only one thing to do: sling his rifle on his back, grab the wounded man with both hands, and "haul ass." As he dragged the man, the insurgents chased them and "got off a few rounds." Chris felt bullets flying past and was sure he was going to get hit.
"I could see shrapnel coming off the wall," he told me. "Oh, yeah, I thought I was going to die." He was nearing the breaking point. "I was suckin' wind. My legs were burnin'. I thought I was going to puke. I felt like quitting," he admitted. "I felt like stopping and saying, 'F__ it. You win. You got me.'"
But he did not stop. "The inner drive just won't let you give up," he told me. Somehow, some way, he just kept running, kept lugging the injured man, kept dodging bullets.
Now, the clustered Marines began firing back at the guerillas. For a few nerve-racking seconds, Chris was literally caught in a cross fire. Eventually, the Marines' firepower forced the insurgents back to their compound.
Chris pulled the injured man the rest of the way. He survived.
Chris Kyle literally saved his life.
So, when I hear people (who never met Chris) call him a mass-murderer or a coward or a hate-filled killer, I can't help but think about those incidents in Fallujah, in which he willingly put himself in grave danger trying to save lives. That's the Chris Kyle I knew.
6/2/2015 8:39:51 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


Fort Payne, AL
52, joined Jul. 2014
If China invades the US one day and they have a lethal sniper who gets 300 confirmed kills...are you idiots going to throw him a parade?
6/2/2015 8:41:28 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |

Wheat Ridge, CO
51, joined Jan. 2011
If China invades the US one day and they have a lethal sniper who gets 300 confirmed kills...are you idiots going to throw him a parade?
I bet the Chinese would

6/2/2015 8:58:36 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


Ravenswood, WV
57, joined Mar. 2013
If China invades the US one day and they have a lethal sniper who gets 300 confirmed kills...are you idiots going to throw him a parade?
No...but we might throw them a feller who calls himself Norwegianwoods ...
Just for shits and giggles...
6/2/2015 9:31:36 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |

Fort Lauderdale, FL
55, joined May. 2007
we wouldnt have to, america hater norwood would be sponsoring the parade
6/2/2015 10:43:53 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


West Plains, MO
47, joined Feb. 2014
No...but we might throw them a feller who calls himself Norwegianwoods ...
Just for shits and giggles...
Do you think Norwegianwood should be killed for the ideas he espouses?
6/2/2015 12:12:18 PM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


Fort Payne, AL
52, joined Jul. 2014
I bet the Chinese would

yep...and so did the US. Invading armies are terrorists. Kyle and all US soldiers are mostly brave and patriotic, just misguided. Japanese kamikaze pilots were brave and patriotic too.
No country or govt should put their own young men and women in that position. The ones that survived are coming back home and blowing their own heads off or are more metal than human. That is what unjustified wars based on lies do to the human spirit.
6/2/2015 12:14:28 PM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |

San Clemente, CA
59, joined Jul. 2014
Hollywood takes artistic license with facts, for fantasy sells far more movie tickets.
I can understand Kyle's youthful idealism. I'm sure he thought that he was defending American freedom in Iraq. Nationalism is intended to divert the gullible from facts.
From what I gleaned from American Sniper, it was an antiwar film that poignantly depicted mental trauma inflicted upon our soldiers. My guess is the the cause of that trauma was their realizing that killing people who were defending their country would have a parallel in American soldiers being killed in reality protecting the USA from foreign invaders.
I do think that Kyle suffered mental illness that was caused by his actual exposure to killing people that were defending their sovereignty & culture from hegemonic, interventionist foreign policy.
I have been exposed to some of Kyle's more bizarre statements about killing Americans on American soil. If it is true, he would have made statements against penal interest, which are reliable confessions of murders. No cop is going to allow him to commit vigilante murder with impunity. Hence, it's logical to infer that he fabricated those accounts of vigilantism. If he did in fact make up stories of murder, that would implicate serious mental illness, for only mentally infirm admit to crimes that did not commit.
From accounts I've read, Kyle was not mentally infirm before he enlisted. Therefore, it must be considered that killing people in Iraq caused his mental infirmity.
Many years ago I knew a dude whose uncle was a Nazi soldier. His uncle told him that many Nazi soldiers went insane because they were forced to commit murder as opposed to fighting Hitler's enemies. Soldiers are good with doing what which is moral. Forcing the immoral upon them is to cause them to suffer mental illness.
I'm good with some Americans viewing Kyle as a hero. We all want heroes. While I think that WWI & WWII were none of our damned business, Audie Murphy is the person I most admire. He killed in combat, and never talked about it. He suffered PTSD. While he survived WWII, he died a little on European battlefields.
Josey Wales said it profoundly about the American Civil War: "We all died a little in that damned war." How many more of our soldiers are we willing to sacrifice in death and mental illness before we recognize that our Founding Fathers were right: fighting foreign wars will lead to the demise of their patrimony?
"If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy."
---US President and Author of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, James Madison---
6/2/2015 5:57:19 PM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


Bunker Hill, WV
44, joined Jul. 2013
Chris Kyle is a true American hero.
He did what he was trained to do and saved countless lives.
He was murdered while trying to help another soldier who was dealing with PTSD.

6/2/2015 6:05:57 PM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |

Seattle, WA
61, joined Dec. 2014
Quote from naprinciple:
Do you think Norwegianwood should be killed for the ideas he espouses?
Maybe not killed, but a hand and foot amputated on opposite sides. for causing mischief In the land.
Oh shit, way to Islamic.
6/2/2015 6:33:50 PM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


Bunker Hill, WV
44, joined Jul. 2013
Chris Kyle...

6/2/2015 7:46:39 PM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


Ravenswood, WV
57, joined Mar. 2013
Chris Kyle..We need more like him...
6/2/2015 7:56:26 PM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


Ravenswood, WV
57, joined Mar. 2013
Chris Kyle..We need more like him...

6/2/2015 7:58:27 PM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |

Gueydan, LA
84, joined Mar. 2013

6/2/2015 8:10:28 PM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


Ravenswood, WV
57, joined Mar. 2013
The Legend lives on..
6/2/2015 8:28:47 PM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |

Gueydan, LA
84, joined Mar. 2013

6/2/2015 9:02:51 PM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


Ravenswood, WV
57, joined Mar. 2013
The Devil of Ramahdi..
6/2/2015 9:39:04 PM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


Bunker Hill, WV
44, joined Jul. 2013
Chris Kyle..We need more like him...
Yes we do.
Chris Kyle is a TRUE AMERICAN hero.

6/2/2015 9:46:21 PM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


West Plains, MO
47, joined Feb. 2014
Quote from blake6972:
Yes we do.
Chris Kyle is a TRUE AMERICAN hero.

Who have you praised more in the last 2 days, Jesus or Chris Kyle?
6/2/2015 9:47:47 PM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |

Arizona City, AZ
43, joined Jul. 2014

6/2/2015 9:49:18 PM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


Bunker Hill, WV
44, joined Jul. 2013
Quote from blake6972:
Yes we do.
Chris Kyle is a TRUE AMERICAN hero.
Who have you praised more in the last 2 days, Jesus or Chris Kyle? 
Hi nappy 
6/2/2015 9:50:15 PM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


Bunker Hill, WV
44, joined Jul. 2013
Cafe brother.

6/3/2015 6:21:36 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |

Gueydan, LA
84, joined Mar. 2013

6/3/2015 8:58:41 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |


Ravenswood, WV
57, joined Mar. 2013
Chris Kyle...

6/3/2015 9:00:59 AM |
God bless Chris Kyle, a true American hero. |

Fort Lauderdale, FL
55, joined May. 2007
The Legend lives on..