7/3/2015 12:43:19 PM |
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Aurora, IL
49, joined Aug. 2012
I'm pretty sure I broke my toe this morning. It hurts a lot more than I would have anticipated.
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7/3/2015 12:46:20 PM |
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San Antonio, TX
49, joined Jun. 2015
Sorry about that. How did you hurt your toe?
7/3/2015 12:46:37 PM |
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Vale, OR
61, joined Oct. 2013
time to hang up your ballerina shoes 
7/3/2015 12:47:18 PM |
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Anderson, SC
24, joined Jun. 2014
Can you move it?
7/3/2015 12:47:45 PM |
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Aurora, IL
49, joined Aug. 2012
Thanks, Holly. I'm sure it's not a big deal. Just came as kind of a shock. We had some flooding last week, and when I was walking the dogs this morning I hit a patch of sidewalk that had grown algae and slipped.
Any athletes here who can tell me whether I can run on it? If I tape it, maybe?
7/3/2015 12:48:21 PM |
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Aurora, IL
49, joined Aug. 2012
Can you move it?
A little, but only about half as far as the others and when I do a pain shoots all the way up my foot.
7/3/2015 12:49:29 PM |
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Mesquite, TX
64, joined Oct. 2010
online now!
I'm sorry to hear that! How did you manage to do this? 
7/3/2015 12:50:26 PM |
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Anderson, SC
24, joined Jun. 2014
Put it on ice. You may have just sprained it.
7/3/2015 12:50:48 PM |
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Poughkeepsie, NY
43, joined Oct. 2013
Yup broke
But it could be tendons
Which are worse imo
7/3/2015 12:53:21 PM |
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Vale, OR
61, joined Oct. 2013
yea running on a broken toe is always wise....rub some mud on it first, my coach always said
7/3/2015 12:53:51 PM |
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San Antonio, TX
49, joined Jun. 2015
Have you gone to the doctor about it? If not, maybe you should.
7/3/2015 12:54:20 PM |
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Litchfield, OH
64, joined Jul. 2010
7/3/2015 12:59:18 PM |
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Mesquite, TX
64, joined Oct. 2010
online now!
I'm no doctor, but, I'll take a look!
A nice warm cup of tumeric milk will help ease the pain and reduce the swelling.
Kick back and elevate your foot. Stay off of it for 24 hours.
Tumeric milk - One cup of Almond milk a teaspoon of tumeric, a good squirt of honey and sliced lemon!
Oh, and a couple of Advils every 6 hours.
And Netflix baby!
7/3/2015 1:00:32 PM |
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Aurora, IL
49, joined Aug. 2012
I'm kind of sorry I read that, since it was bleeding like crazy. "Infection in the bone" never crossed my mind!
7/3/2015 1:01:45 PM |
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Aurora, IL
49, joined Aug. 2012
And Netflix baby!
Ah, the downside to being self-employed at something you can do from anywhere...no reason the laptop can't come with me to the couch.
7/3/2015 1:01:46 PM |
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Pearland, TX
52, joined Jan. 2013
and it will for a while too..did that the summer of 2013..two of 'em and one didn't set right and is all kattywumpass
ice, elevate and tape if you must...anti inflammatories like advil or aleve (tylenol is for pain only ..no anti inflammatory properites)....but yeah not much you can do.
what's the bruise look like?(it's a good indicator if it's broken) either way the treatment's the same.
sharp pain that persists or throbbing that's horrible..seek treatment 
[Edited 7/3/2015 1:02:45 PM ]
7/3/2015 1:09:59 PM |
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Mesquite, TX
64, joined Oct. 2010
online now!
I'm kind of sorry I read that, since it was bleeding like crazy. "Infection in the bone" never crossed my mind!
If you have an open wound, go now, and get a tetanus shot.
It's the perfect time to get one, if you haven't had one in the last couple of years!
You do not want to risk that!
[Edited 7/3/2015 1:11:44 PM ]
7/3/2015 1:12:54 PM |
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Aurora, IL
49, joined Aug. 2012
Fortunately, I got a tetanus shot two summers ago when I cut myself bringing an old bicycle up out of the outdoor basement.
It's just bleeding from under my toenail, which cracked. I think it's pretty superficial, and I doused it in hydrogen peroxide, so it's probably okay.
There's just so much more fuss involved than I'd have imagined in a minor injury like this.
7/3/2015 1:15:12 PM |
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Litchfield, OH
64, joined Jul. 2010
I'm kind of sorry I read that, since it was bleeding like crazy. "Infection in the bone" never crossed my mind!
Sorry lilod, I hope it's not really serious, but it is best to consider all possibilities?
I have MS and really don't feel my feet well, getting them to go to the spot I am aiming for can also be an issue. I open doors on them, bounce them off of walls and leave blood trails. If I have a real concern I see a doctor.
7/3/2015 1:17:28 PM |
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Aurora, IL
49, joined Aug. 2012
Yes, PD, it is best--and, I'd never have known that was something to look out for if you hadn't posted that. I thought it was a pretty simple thing.
7/3/2015 1:22:03 PM |
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Mesquite, TX
64, joined Oct. 2010
online now!
You can buy one of those aluminum toe splint thingies at any drug store.
It may help you from stumping it on something again before it gets well.
And, seriously, consider the Tumeric. It has amazing healing and soothing properties.
7/3/2015 1:24:41 PM |
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Aurora, IL
49, joined Aug. 2012
I'm definitely a believer in natural remedies, and I have almond milk, honey and lemon in the house...but, I've never used turmeric, so to try it now I'll have to get off my whiny a** and go to the store.
7/3/2015 1:28:38 PM |
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Pearland, TX
52, joined Jan. 2013
hydrogen peroxide does the trick..several times until "minimal fizz" and about four to six times a day and keep open if you can. 
Hope it feels better soon (and hope you don't loose the nail yuck and ouch)
7/3/2015 1:35:27 PM |
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Aurora, IL
49, joined Aug. 2012
Thanks, Rose.
7/3/2015 1:44:28 PM |
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Mesquite, TX
64, joined Oct. 2010
online now!
I'm definitely a believer in natural remedies, and I have almond milk, honey and lemon in the house...but, I've never used turmeric, so to try it now I'll have to get off my whiny a** and go to the store.
We have one of those Indian Grocery markets here, and I buy turmeric there in 6 Oz packets for only $1.00.
7/3/2015 1:46:23 PM |
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Aurora, IL
49, joined Aug. 2012
I live in the rural midwest. We have a Centrella grocery store, a grocery section at Wal-mart and half an aisle at Walgreen's.
I have to drive 20 miles just to buy fish that isn't pre-treated in butter.
7/3/2015 1:58:32 PM |
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Mesquite, TX
64, joined Oct. 2010
online now!
Order it online! It can be expedited overnite for a modest fee!
7/3/2015 1:59:22 PM |
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Aurora, IL
49, joined Aug. 2012
But...but...I need it NOW!