9/16/2015 12:20:07 PM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |

Ocala, FL
59, joined Jul. 2013
Old friends, old faces
Warm and so, so endearing
I wanna huggem((((( )))))
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

9/16/2015 12:46:17 PM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
NOT me... I wanna buggem... 
Hope all is well...
9/16/2015 12:54:56 PM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |

Ocala, FL
59, joined Jul. 2013
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
9/17/2015 11:48:23 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

Like the wind, in my face, when we're ridin'
Butt, if ya blow, in my face, ain't abidin'
There's more stuff I like
Like when ridin' my bike
Butt, not in the, deep snow, slippin' slidin'
Butt I like skiin'
'Specially in the ski haus
Where I go she'in
Want some hot chocolate lil girl? 
9/18/2015 9:56:50 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
Oh my my oh my goodness
Nat came by with a dash of non-prudeness?
Not sure if that means good or bad
She's been gone for a while which makes me sad
Her sense of humor is madness!
Laughing is so good
Smiling with tongue in cheek
Good end to the week!
Nat the Naughty!! 
9/19/2015 12:34:39 PM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
I'm very con fused... 
Is Ms Nat notty or not
My pea brain cain't know... 
Tomorrow them Seahawks will play
Them cheese heads whom live by the bay
Their's no way a tellin'
If thet cheese is smellin'
'Till tomorrow rite after the game
9/20/2015 9:34:37 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |

Georgetown, DE
56, joined Nov. 2012
Why is it you never show me your face?
My feelings are hurt, so you I’ll replace!
Find another on which to pounce
Each time your team takes a bad bounce
The damage you’ve done cannot be erased
Even my fine leather is marred with grooves
From all your fanatic football fan moves
Get off your duff, I must rebuff
You’ve made my lining far too rough
Each time you move, I hope the team will lose
I have already called a moving van
To transport me to a gentler land
Where people of grace sip green tea
Pontificating times that be
By dawn in my place you’ll find the trash can

9/20/2015 10:40:38 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

Durin' the game, I'll be cuttin', the cheese
Stay down win', don' git cot, in the breeze
Cuz taday it's green bay
So there's no need ta say
The a roma'll, drift all the way, ta them keys... 
9/20/2015 10:52:02 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
Football shmoot ball don't care for the game
I have to admit I think it's kinda lame
Push and shove and eat cleets in the grass
I'd rather be watching the sunshine like glass
Basketballs my thing sorta one and the same....
they push and shove too on hardwood!! 
9/21/2015 6:45:58 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |

Georgetown, DE
56, joined Nov. 2012
A man who liked stirring the pot
Made trouble more often than not.
He needed no kitchen
To heat up some b*tchin’
And could cook it up right on the spot.

9/21/2015 9:54:36 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
What NOW will them Seahawks do
There startin' out woe an two
Watchin's no fun
Marshawn cain't run
They're stinkin' the place up P U
Thet there little gurl
Whose vertically challenged
Prefers basket ball
9/21/2015 9:01:50 PM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
vertically challenged.
Vertical allure
can sometimes be deceptive
some just tall thats all..

9/22/2015 8:50:35 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |

Georgetown, DE
56, joined Nov. 2012
There was an Old Man with a beard,
Who said, 'It is just as I feared!
Two Owls and a Hen,
Four Larks and a Wren,
Have all built their nests in my beard!'

9/22/2015 10:31:50 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
There once, was a girl, with a lure
Whom din't, like no foot ball, fer sure
She stole the boys hearts
Like a knave stole the tarts
I ain't sure, if her d'meanor's, d'mure

Monday is over
Taday's juss a nother day
Cain't weight till Thursday
Cuz Thursday there's more foot ball...
9/22/2015 12:31:51 PM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
There once was a man full of mystery
possibly a varied and colorful history
the stores he quoted
most always annotated
occasionally his words quite blistery!

Its timeless Tuesday
past mondane Monday, pre hump
just row with the flow..

9/23/2015 10:11:45 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

This mornin' I thot I wood share a
YOGI-ISM, once said by Yogi Berra
Lass nite Yogi passed
But his memory will last
'46-'65, cot fer Yankees, his era
"When you come to the fork in the road, take it"

9/23/2015 4:33:09 PM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |


Stuart, FL
62, joined Dec. 2009
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
9/24/2015 9:58:25 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
^^^^ Some one flagged thet there post as in a pro priate... I wunner whom? 
'IF' them words, I use, mite be blistery
It is ONLY, ta thems, what got history
Like fake profile Mahonies
Cheatin' liars an phonies
So, ya see, there reely, ain't no mystery
I seen posts git flagged
Could be prudes or bad moods or
They juss don' like ya
9/24/2015 10:32:45 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
Flagging makes gagging...
whining and so judgemental
so pull my finger.

Words are words are words so they say
Some lessons in the stinging ones every day
My preference is to let a sleeping dog lay
Skipping on through in a most pleasant way
No harm no foul I choose not to play.
Words can never be retrieved..
one should chew the fat before speaking.

9/24/2015 11:08:36 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Yer rite, many I choose, ta ignore
Only two, I wood stomp, ta the floor
I do have my d'ruthers
I gave up on them others
There ain't no one, thet I, truly abhor
'Cept fer them two (an not reely even them)
Ain't I a d*ckens? 
9/25/2015 10:21:33 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
With sad heart, I feel, I muss say
Gotta wate, till nex yeer, fer the day
I will tractor a roun'
My feet off the groun'
Hope fully, it'll be way, be four May

Every thing's stopped groan
There's no chance I'll be mowin'
My heavy heart's shown
9/27/2015 6:58:45 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
I sat and watched a bird up in the tree
and he sat there and looked back at me
we said not a word or a tweet
in the cool morning air so sweet
silent understanding.. just be.

Sometimes less is more
To hear we must be silent
Listen with the heart.

9/27/2015 8:50:35 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |

Georgetown, DE
56, joined Nov. 2012
There was a young lady named Rose
Who had a large wart on her nose.
When she had it removed
Her appearance improved,
But her glasses slipped down to her toes.

9/27/2015 9:54:14 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
haughty and naughty
Oh the good ole days of youth
Don't neglect "your time"
Life is all backwards
Youth is wasted on the young
Cautious wisdom ruled
^^^^ flagged as in a pro priate... 
DH muss be, filled up, with prudes
A buncha, old bags, wearin' snoodes
They got nuttin' ta do
Butt ta flag one or two
No wunner, they ain't foun', kewl dudes
9/28/2015 9:47:59 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
I see butt I do not judge nor speak
lack of tolerance is for the meek
those who mind don't matter
let them go forth and scatter
they are self righteous and weak.
Freedom of expression is the right of all.
Without, there would be less art, less music,
less love, less of everything
we desire and enjoy. Tiny minds can con-screw
ugly from a flower. The human experience is
beautiful.. embrace it.
9/28/2015 10:59:19 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Truer words, mite never, be spoken
No music, ta mend hearts, thet are broken???
Butt whom wood care
As long as ya share
A doobie, with brothers, wile smokin'

9/29/2015 11:39:27 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

I lived many years in Seattle
I worked at the foot of the Needle
I skied on that mountain
An drank from a fountain
An met thet there Needle's Wheedle

9/29/2015 2:27:11 PM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
To date or not to date
to love or not to hate
I throw out the question
with little digestion
of time or logic or fate.
9/30/2015 10:13:28 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
No date??? Then what is, yer fate???
With a key, then ya could, roller skate
Butt thet key must be new
Lock the skate ta yer shoe
With a bran new key, fine a guy, whom kin skate
I ride a Harley
With a seat on the b'hine
MUCH faster en skates

9/30/2015 10:53:18 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
Hunting for dear? I very much fear
I'm stuck in neutral can't get it in gear
The reverse is out and the transmission is dry
Drive seems to be gone no matter how hard I try
All I can do is hold on and awkwardly steer.

How high the mountain
How deep is the deep blue sea
Climb or swim to be?

9/30/2015 11:43:32 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
When I decided, ta stop, ann not look
A hole new, kine a calm, my self took
This mite soun' cliche
Butt I'll say any way
No need fer a library, ta fine no, new book
I foun' my Snookums, an ta gether we wrote our love story... I don't feel no need fer no new chapters with some one new... What we had/have fills me... All I need do is close my eyes to read...

10/1/2015 11:20:30 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
At the sake, a be in boo'd, I muss say
Thursday, izza special, kine a days
A nite fulla foot ball
Butt WATE! thet ain't all
Ta nite them, Ravens an Stillers, will play
My gurls had me git
Em some more suds at the store
Now, if they will share

10/2/2015 11:48:35 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
The season's, not pleasin', no fair
Cuz there's not, binna chill, in the air
Them colors cain't turn
'Till thet sun stops it's burn
The sap, is a sleep, in it's chair
Ask a maple tree
If Autumn's sap is ta run
Cain't be no warm sun
10/3/2015 5:57:47 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |


Stuart, FL
62, joined Dec. 2009
To read...catching up!
Thanks for all you've pointed out!
ALWAYS enjoying
10/3/2015 11:08:09 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
And the beat goes on
Each morn I wake the sun shines
Indian Summer
Each day, after day, it lingers
So many, I've run outta, fingers
Butt I'm not complinin'
Thet Summer's remanin'
Hope it, keeps away, them Holiday singers???

10/3/2015 11:36:35 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
Oh sweet mellow beautiful Indian Summer
Nothing quite so wonderful to gently awaken my slumber
Alas my days have been damp and cold
Leaving me feeling a bit shallow and old
Brush the sky once more with nectar of divine wonder.
Autumn rain falling
Creeping in my flesh and bone
Joyous summer gone.

[Edited 10/3/2015 11:38:45 AM ]
10/3/2015 12:16:04 PM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Try vitermin E
If ya gots yer self them blaws
OR one a them lites

OR several a these kine a lites...

[Edited 10/3/2015 12:16:39 PM ]
10/3/2015 1:28:16 PM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |


Green Bay, WI
52, joined Jul. 2013
A green frog
Is your body also
Freshly painted
10/4/2015 10:18:49 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Foot ball in Inglan'
Does any one reely care
It's semantic noise
Game on, butt I shirley, ain't watchin'
Two teams, an one QB's, a Scotchin'
Fitz Patric's his name
He ain't got much fame
Them doll fins, are stinkin', an botchin'

10/4/2015 9:54:18 PM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
A dingle a dangle a little bit of tangle
How can we touch another without an angle
Be true to your heart
Never let your thoughts part
Without compromise one can certainly strangle.
Golden days of fall
Be leaves or more substantial
Falling of constraint.

10/5/2015 5:02:38 PM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |


Green Bay, WI
52, joined Jul. 2013
Tulips and Daisy
Blooming big beautifully
In the first fresh spring air
10/6/2015 8:58:37 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |

Georgetown, DE
56, joined Nov. 2012
The Earth Will Be Fed
Soldiers gathered by the river banks
Nodding on their rolling tanks,
They spoil for war
Blood-thirst some more,
As Persephone gives her many thanks.

10/6/2015 10:51:58 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
Ah the seasons of peace and war
Alas the battle will continue more
When man no longer gives dismay
To condition of humanity gone astray
Harvest of souls.. Gods wrath will pour.
Be still my gentle
there will be no peace without
inward we must go.

10/6/2015 11:00:36 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

It's startin' out grey butt it's dry
Ann I seen one a these in the sky
Rainbow up side down
A smile notta frown
Ice crystals, in clouds, I don' lie... 
I seen what I seen
Who knew if ya looked up high
A color full smile

10/7/2015 10:36:57 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Be come a gr8 gramps
Fer the 7th time in 2 months
A boy anna gurl
Butt I have a d'lemon...
I once, wuzza frog, whom was frugal
Played kazoo, I wooden buy, no bugle
Wanna sen' a baby gift
Butt I'm kine a mifft
I'm too scotch, like thet guy, mac doogle
My bank wants $2.99 ta sen' a gift check...
It's kewl... Looks like a baby gift card an all... Hazza place ta rite stuff an all...
BUTT... I kin sir come vent the cost if I sen' it threw bill pay... Pre ten they are some one I owe... Give em a in voice number an all... Ann it won' cost $2.99...
I need ta con template what ta do...

[Edited 10/7/2015 10:37:36 AM ]
10/8/2015 11:51:31 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Cubbies won lass nite
No fowl balls inter feared with
Steve Bartman is barred!!!
10/9/2015 10:59:34 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Didn' wanna, butt I dunnit, any way
Lit a fire, ta keep Fall's, cold a way
The gurls got all snug
Like too bugs inna rug
Thet made me, happy, what kin I say

A warm southern breeze
We enjoyed all yester day
Not so much ta day
10/9/2015 10:59:03 PM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
A day like so many autumns before
I rushed and I ran breathless out the door
Festivals and pumpkins
Fun for country bumpkins
Leaves falling soon to be no more..

10/10/2015 6:44:09 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |


Stuart, FL
62, joined Dec. 2009
Color of my world......
Memory of years ago...
Looking all around....
and then I can see this.

And smile!
10/10/2015 9:45:43 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
Gouls, goblins, ghosts
crows sittin' on rotted posts
witches brew for most!

Good Morning Coffee! 
10/10/2015 10:59:27 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
In fourteen hundred an ninety-two
Columbus sailed the ocean blue
He looked hi an low
Butt din' fine no sho
Leif Erickson foun' America in '82
Hay I don' make this stuff up an I never ever lie... 
10/10/2015 11:25:05 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |


Green Bay, WI
52, joined Jul. 2013
In all this cool
Is the moon also sleeping
There, in the pool

10/11/2015 7:59:20 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |

Georgetown, DE
56, joined Nov. 2012
A struggle ensued at the zoo
when King Lion met Jack Kangaroo.
Leo tried to attack,
but Jack fired right back:
"Are you crazy, Cat? I know Kung Fu!"

10/11/2015 10:26:45 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Don' go, gitcher male, ta morrow
If ya do, ya juss may, wanna borrow
A Halloween disguise
Cuz yer in fer a s'prize
It's Columbus Day, no male, yer sorrow...
An all yer nay bores
Will be laughin' an pointin'
An callin' ya names
like beezzo bozzo an stuff...

10/11/2015 10:59:50 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
All taken away
Reality is what it is
For discovery?
The Virtuals - Columbus's America
10/11/2015 2:05:34 PM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |


Green Bay, WI
52, joined Jul. 2013
Spring backup in cs lab
Time to fall in love
With certain humanware
10/12/2015 10:20:46 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Them SeaHawks have loss yet a nother
Ain' playin' no more fer there brother
At a tude leff town
Dan Quinn ain' a roun'
Gonna drown in my sorrow an smother

Wanna play a game?
Let's play thet there TV show
Nekkid ann a frayed
10/12/2015 10:52:10 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Them leaves, have turned brown, ann are fallin'
I here, Mother Nature's voice, she is callin'
Fall weather is here
With out much revere
Jack Frost, seems to be stuck, or is stallin'
So on ann so fourth
Indian Summer keeps on
Keepin' on, rite hear

10/12/2015 12:18:08 PM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

We once all mose, bot a place, in Arizona
Butt lernt why, it's a derivative, a arid zona
Them dust storms galore
Threw winders an door
We chose Hawaii, fer a better, a roma
Ten acres, BIG island, off grid, cathment water, gas appliances, on demand gas water heater...
Open air, bamboo enclosure, stone floor, outdoor bathroom w/brass fittings...
One room, covered wrap around stone lanai w/bamboo screen, curved L shaped bar in kitchen area...
We got lucky... Built and owned by an Architect. Steel framed, steel roof, Hardiplank siding... (no termites etc) 
10/13/2015 10:16:48 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 2 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
If it's old, ann it's time's, gittin' closer
Thet warranty, juss give out, on yer Oster
Don' worry 'bout nuttin'
No fumin' or sputtin'
Juss gitcherself, a much bigger, oven toaster
Cuz... That's life...

But a new Oster
Try copper finish this time
'Least it'll look good
