9/2/2015 1:44:33 AM |
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Fort Worth, TX
46, joined Jul. 2014
@FLY, you're one to talk. You shacked up with that older woman in HER house so you wouldn't have to work. It's HER house, not yours. And she didn't forget it either. There's some significant reason she didn't leave you the house in her will. hmmmmmm. You weren't interested in her one bit anyway. You wanted her granddaughter.  
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

9/2/2015 2:10:08 AM |
Found her and she was false hope | Page 2 |

Conyers, GA
51, joined Jul. 2014
i loved my wife you devil,an i didnt want her grandaughter but as a friend,,she wanted me,,who are you,go away,i dont know who you are,an never did. you only live to fight,but,i dont know why,an im done, i wouldnt give you the time of day,but i love krystle,,but you aint her.
9/2/2015 2:11:45 AM |
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Conyers, GA
51, joined Jul. 2014
if its any of your business,trudy was mean,an hard headed,an told everyone she was gonna live a long time,an then she died quickly,im still here,an i pay rent,this is my home.
9/2/2015 2:12:51 AM |
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Conyers, GA
51, joined Jul. 2014
dont call me fly.or @fly,im david.......
9/2/2015 2:13:20 AM |
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Jessieville, AR
59, joined Jul. 2010
False hope?
Need start somewhere.
Any hope is better than naught 
9/2/2015 6:24:00 AM |
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Fort Worth, TX
46, joined Jul. 2014
an i didnt want her grandaughter but as a friend,,she wanted me,
There it is again...I've noticed those 3 words: she wanted me.
She was only 14. and you were what...35? 
that doesn't make any sense. and i don't believe it for a second. 
you oughtta be ashamed of yourself for ever thinking and/or writing those 3 words: She wanted me. 
9/2/2015 7:45:19 AM |
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Conyers, GA
51, joined Jul. 2014
she was 37................even early you have nuthin to be thankful for,but ready to accuse,an find fault,you better judgeyourself,an those in your household who think nuthin of runnin off an leavin you allways,i heard many times,an you upset many times, you need to get outta this accusin,judgemental frame of mind,its only hurtin you.an find somethin to be thankful for,,your son an daughter still alive,,be thankful. im sure she will be pregnant soon,an you maybe get your wish,more mouths to feed,an clean up,while you ignore,an chase away the best man who ever talked to you,an didnt hurt an leave you.you,ll never see nuthin..till sadly,it will all be too late,then you may wake up,an beg god for forgiveness,an how you judged people,an found no fault in yourself.dont repay evil for evil,an railing for railing,,owe no one nuthin but love......

9/2/2015 8:33:18 AM |
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Denton, TX
52, joined Jun. 2014
This has dumped into our
Newly found success thread.

9/2/2015 8:38:55 AM |
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Punxsutawney, PA
54, joined Oct. 2013
Yeah I noticed.
9/2/2015 9:09:16 AM |
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Bloomingdale, GA
52, joined Mar. 2011
Kick his ass! He's looking for a fight.
9/2/2015 9:59:42 AM |
Found her and she was false hope | Page 2 |

Punxsutawney, PA
54, joined Oct. 2013
Kick his ass! He's looking for a fight.
You're closest.
9/2/2015 10:35:44 AM |
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Bloomingdale, GA
52, joined Mar. 2011
Bean is the one complaining like a wuss.
9/2/2015 11:23:26 AM |
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Conyers, GA
51, joined Jul. 2014
please call me,,try it,,come on,,i,ll give you directions,,find rockdale hospital,conyers,ga,an then call me,an we shall see then, but no lyin a** woman,that needs love,an sex so bad,,,,,should be loose even in her own house,only thing she does is slander and accuse,an now cusses like crazy,she used to be good,nice sweet. instead of like an old hateful witch,shes full of hate for the way she was treated,i know what she told me,many times,,but tryin to use me,,as a scapegoat..over an over,i bought her flowers,bus tickets, gave her250 cash once,an all turned to shit,,cause mommy has more money than me,,an has things for her to get busy an be doin,cleanin,,white trash slave girl,if here,,she would never have to do nuthin, period,,no sex etc.. as paxil has killed my drive allmost..so sad,,the thing she,an all women n eed most, a big 10 inch record,,deep,an satisfying...........
9/2/2015 11:26:41 AM |
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Conyers, GA
51, joined Jul. 2014
you lyin accuser, i maried that woman,an loved her,,who loves you,,your dog at feedin time,or clean up shit time,,your used,an hated, an i love you,so i care,,that midget waste of a human married you,an sen how easy other little short p*ssy would be to go out an get,cause you were young,an mistreated,.an never had a clue what love was,,you cant get love,an satisfaction from an asian midget, anyone can sperm an get babies,,sadly,,,sure,,even a dam dog can do that,,
9/2/2015 12:13:42 PM |
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Fort Worth, TX
46, joined Jul. 2014
9/2/2015 12:16:33 PM |
Found her and she was false hope | Page 2 |

Punxsutawney, PA
54, joined Oct. 2013
Bean is the one complaining like a wuss.
Haha, well, he's closest to her, maybe an a** licking is in order.
9/2/2015 12:19:01 PM |
Found her and she was false hope | Page 2 |

Punxsutawney, PA
54, joined Oct. 2013
Hey kids, I see you are still talking it out, even spilled into another thread. haha
It's a hot one up here today but I'm sure it's hotter where you all are.
9/2/2015 12:42:07 PM |
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Fort Worth, TX
46, joined Jul. 2014
..so sad,,the thing she,an all women n eed most, a big 10 inch record,,deep,an satisfying...........
See here ladies, people....this is how fly is. Raw, raunchy and wallows in his own filth. He actually imagines that he's a 'romantic' type person. hahaha! This remark is just so very romantic. 
9/2/2015 1:23:34 PM |
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Conyers, GA
51, joined Jul. 2014
why are you allways sayin,,see here ladies etc,its all foryou,not them,whats the prove this issue with you girly. like you need witnesses,where are they,you know the all truth,as i massaged you from toes to head,an all in between,its the internet .you see.
9/2/2015 1:28:26 PM |
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Punxsutawney, PA
54, joined Oct. 2013
Fly is mixing rock lyrics that's all, well, maybe not all.
9/2/2015 1:32:51 PM |
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Conyers, GA
51, joined Jul. 2014
your idiot words,and wrong interpretations,so wrong. go back to school,an quit lyin about a college degree,an get them panties off..........go ahead,now tell everyone what you told me,,caught again,,you will never win against me ding a ling......
9/2/2015 1:34:43 PM |
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Conyers, GA
51, joined Jul. 2014
but you loved every inch of it,allways,,hows them feet now..chicken girl.your phone shows clear...........                                                                
[Edited 9/2/2015 1:35:47 PM ]
9/2/2015 1:41:07 PM |
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Conyers, GA
51, joined Jul. 2014
you need to protect everyone from ..................you,lyes an more lyes,,nuthins worse except once a month...........         
9/2/2015 1:42:14 PM |
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Conyers, GA
51, joined Jul. 2014
whatever,lets go space truckin,,thru the.....smoke on the water. i dam sure dont lie, thats a fact...........only women bleed.........
9/2/2015 2:57:46 PM |
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Fort Worth, TX
46, joined Jul. 2014
fly, you are a filthy a** sonofab*tch> You are a total disgrace to humanity. 'NUff said.
9/2/2015 6:56:03 PM |
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Punxsutawney, PA
54, joined Oct. 2013
Hi Honey, I'm home.
9/2/2015 7:22:06 PM |
Found her and she was false hope | Page 2 |

Fort Worth, TX
46, joined Jul. 2014

Hi id 
9/3/2015 1:39:49 AM |
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Denton, TX
52, joined Jun. 2014
Bean is the one complaining like a wuss.
Complaining like a wuss.
Dude are you still stuck in
Your child hood chineze handcuffs
9/3/2015 7:27:40 AM |
Found her and she was false hope | Page 2 |

Punxsutawney, PA
54, joined Oct. 2013
Complaining like a wuss.
Dude are you still stuck in
Your child hood chineze handcuffs
Oh no, exactly which appendages are those chinese handcuffs on?
9/3/2015 12:57:51 PM |
Found her and she was false hope | Page 2 |

Denton, TX
52, joined Jun. 2014
Oh no, exactly which appendages are those chinese handcuffs on?
One thing is for sure he
Cannot put one on his thumb
He keeps it up his butt
9/3/2015 1:16:33 PM |
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Conyers, GA
51, joined Jul. 2014
hey iddint one fight from hell enough,,???stoppit i say,you heard what kelly called me,,she hates her real name,,kelly allison. i love it myself, i love you kelly,,no panties,no bra,,you started it,i,ll finish it,,college girl, so much horseshit,an plenty of time. im more of a match that 10 of all your family,no,i didnt want it this way at all.im mad,yes,,but still i think of you. an you being here,woulda been great,for us both,you know the truth,an part is written here,and on skype.......still there..when you were born i know the docter slapped your momma.....
9/3/2015 1:22:30 PM |
Found her and she was false hope | Page 2 |

Punxsutawney, PA
54, joined Oct. 2013
One thing is for sure he
Cannot put one on his thumb
He keeps it up his butt
That's quite a picture you paint here. haha
9/3/2015 1:26:39 PM |
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Punxsutawney, PA
54, joined Oct. 2013
Suddenly I'm thinking about that Elvis Costello song "Alison"
"Alison, I know this world is killing you. Oh, Alison, my aim is true."
9/3/2015 3:31:37 PM |
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Conyers, GA
51, joined Jul. 2014
elvis,,that elvis,,irritates me,,i wish i could sing that good,,now,,thats contradictory right......
9/3/2015 3:44:58 PM |
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Punxsutawney, PA
54, joined Oct. 2013
"I'm not gonna get too sentimental. Like those other sticky valentines 'Cause I don't
know if you are loving somebody. I only know it isn't mine."
It's a great tune, I like it!
9/9/2015 2:46:14 PM |
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Conyers, GA
51, joined Jul. 2014
a great tune is..highway star..from ..madee in japan...deep purple,,an theres allways a woman, a mean lyin woman to blame for near everything.and if they have kids,its way worse.
9/9/2015 3:09:41 PM |
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Amarillo, TX
48, joined May. 2014

9/9/2015 7:19:24 PM |
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Conyers, GA
51, joined Jul. 2014
o kiss my cat girly...... am turnin over a new leaf,no more long distance anything i dont think, or women anywhere with smart a** lyin mean bastard kids. or livin under a monarck etc. no fear here never ever, peace to all,an now to find somethin funny to watch.and all must remember theres 2 sides to every story. some people say theres awoman to blame,,but........who knows, yes,,there is,and old meanone,,who helped ruin all things for me. i aint done yet,i allways get in last words.......
9/9/2015 7:31:29 PM |
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Bloomingdale, GA
52, joined Mar. 2011
Fly, you do know your posts are admissable in court?
9/10/2015 12:07:15 PM |
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Houston, TX
50, joined Sep. 2014
Fly, should have took that bus ride back in January. Only yourself to blame 
9/10/2015 2:25:49 PM |
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Fort Worth, TX
46, joined Jul. 2014
^ @ grande...NO, no, no no no no!!! Back in January he was already showing signs of what Puddle of Mudd would sing: "Schizophrenic Psycho" 
9/10/2015 3:41:35 PM |
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Houston, TX
50, joined Sep. 2014
Or maybe as Ozzy would yell
9/10/2015 7:45:46 PM |
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Fort Worth, TX
46, joined Jul. 2014
If he had come to my house, I would not have invited him inside. I even told him that he'd have to stay at a motel. And he assumed he'd be getting laid that very night. Yeah...that's a laugh! Not with me he wasn't. Maybe find himself a chicken or sheep or a tranny or something. (someone please repost this so that Nutcase can see!)
[Edited 9/10/2015 7:46:38 PM ]
9/11/2015 7:47:11 AM |
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Punxsutawney, PA
54, joined Oct. 2013
Hi Ahleah, me reposting wouldn't help, he has me blocked half of the time too. It's like two days on, two days off. haha.
If I came knocking on your door would you let me in? I'd bring beer!
9/11/2015 9:15:48 AM |
Found her and she was false hope | Page 2 |

Denton, TX
52, joined Jun. 2014
If he had come to my house, I would not have invited him inside. I even told him that he'd have to stay at a motel. And he assumed he'd be getting laid that very night.  Yeah...that's a laugh! Not with me he wasn't. Maybe find himself a chicken or sheep or a tranny or something.  (someone please repost this so that Nutcase can see!)
I have had him blocked since
He posted your real name on my thread.
9/11/2015 2:24:33 PM |
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Fort Worth, TX
46, joined Jul. 2014
I have had him blocked since
He posted your real name on my thread.
Oh, dear. Thanks.
I go by another name anyway. It's wayy long & foreign & farfetched. 
9/11/2015 2:26:32 PM |
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Fort Worth, TX
46, joined Jul. 2014
I'd bring beer!
Well, come on over!!   


9/11/2015 5:50:37 PM |
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Bloomingdale, GA
52, joined Mar. 2011
Beer? I heard beer...

9/11/2015 8:07:18 PM |
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Fort Worth, TX
46, joined Jul. 2014
We can have a Beerfest Fiesta!!! EVeryone is invited except NutHead 

9/11/2015 8:08:25 PM |
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Fort Worth, TX
46, joined Jul. 2014
Bean....you live just down the road from me, so come on over~~~!!! 
9/11/2015 8:22:56 PM |
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Katy, TX
40, joined Nov. 2009
how is this a success story?
9/11/2015 8:45:06 PM |
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Jessieville, AR
59, joined Jul. 2010
Success for her as
she dodged the boo-lit.
9/11/2015 9:10:17 PM |
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Fort Worth, TX
46, joined Jul. 2014
Might not be clear from the Basketcase as of yet. His hatred for my family members is INTENSE and he's so jealous because I actually have feelings for them.
Oh, how he tried...TRIED...to turn me against my own family members was ludicrous! In my lifetime of observation, I've never quite met someone such as his hideous character! 
9/11/2015 9:16:02 PM |
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Denton, TX
52, joined Jun. 2014
Bean....you live just down the road from me, so come on over~~~!!! 
Sounds like fun.
9/11/2015 9:18:52 PM |
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Punxsutawney, PA
54, joined Oct. 2013
how is this a success story?
Oh we just hijacked this thread because flyfish blocked us from his thread. The success is that here we are in this thread that the OP abandoned. I feel it's been a success.
Ahleah, I am having a beer right now. Cheers to you! Oh, ok, Cheers to the rest of you too!
9/11/2015 9:55:40 PM |
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Amarillo, TX
48, joined May. 2014
Fly is blocking again ... Huh?
9/11/2015 10:39:00 PM |
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Fort Worth, TX
46, joined Jul. 2014
Sounds like fun.
fun. I do believe that's a musical band. Or was anyway, until Nate Reuss went solo.
"Some nights....we are young!"  
9/11/2015 11:12:24 PM |
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Fort Worth, TX
46, joined Jul. 2014
Ahleah, I am having a beer right now. Cheers to you! Oh, ok, Cheers to the rest of you too!

9/12/2015 5:55:22 AM |
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Fort Worth, TX
46, joined Jul. 2014
Fly is blocking again ... Huh?
when fly blocked a person, he thought that he had such control over that person that they were kicked off of the site.

I tried to explain to him that it doesn't work that way, but he was oh so smart and didn't listen to women because the bible said he didn't have to. So.>>I just let him believe in his own ignorance. 
9/12/2015 6:11:47 AM |
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Punxsutawney, PA
54, joined Oct. 2013
^^^^Good morning pretty lady!