8/29/2008 5:56:04 PM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Comstock Park, MI
age: 38 online now!
On a side note...Missy had heartworm when I brought her home at the age of 4. The vet treated it with an arsenic shot 2 times a day every other day for a week. She was so drained and blah for a couple of weeks. But that's how they treat that. It's hard on t he heart and is not recommended for older dogs. The treatment could be harder on them than the heartworm. The heartworm is also very draining, depending on how severe it is.
Just consider in the process of making this decision how much discomfort your dog is in as a result of this tumor. We have to stop thinking about ourselves and how much we will miss our pets when it's time and think about how good of a quality of life they have in this stage of their lives if we let them linger. It's a completely selfless thing we do making "THAT" decision.
Letting them go is never easy. But in the end, we keep them so close in our hearts for eternity. The memories we have of them for the short time we have them in our homes and on our laps and in our beds creates a life time of warmth and comfort for when they are no longer with us. The emptiness is a haunting reminder of many wonderful times.
8/29/2008 6:26:08 PM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Gateway, AR
age: 33
I hope to god i never have to make that decision.........my pitbull is my only child......had him from the time he was born.
8/29/2008 6:33:32 PM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Painesville, OH
age: 34
I'm so sorry I'm so late on this post. It is never easy because we make them so much a part of our lives. They are, after all family.
I had to put my boxer down due to cancer. It is a common problem in boxers and I adopted him at the age of 7 (his age, not mine). He lived to just over 11 years old. At the end of the day, I had to think about his comfort level and how much he was affected by the complications. Every day was a struggle (and that is just what I went through). I have a good relationship with my vet and agreed to stay in the room at the time. I take comfort in the fact that my "boy's" final look into my eyes almost said to me that everything was going to be OK. We know what the right decision is in our hearts, but it sure doesn't make it any easier. It's not about us, hon. It's all about them when it comes to this decision.
I'm wishing you well and sending you a great big hug.
8/29/2008 8:40:13 PM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Sioux Falls, SD
age: 43
Yes, I did with my Beare. Got him at 6 weeks old, he lived to be 13. In the end my happy puppy, who never missed an opportunity to jump up and kiss ya, never missed greeting you at the door no matter if you were gone 30 seconds or several hours, who never missed an opportunity to snuggle and cuddle on the couch or in the bed, couldn't even lift himself up to come to the door.
We tried all the medications, did everything we could. In the end he was suffering and in pain from hip displasia and congestive heart failure. I just couldn't watch him suffer any longer.
It was one of the hardest things I ever had to do yet at the same time I feel that in that one act I was able to totally and completely show my undying love and gratitude to my puppy who had given me so much joy and pleasure and love in those 13 years.
8/30/2008 4:22:19 AM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Brightwaters, NY
age: 60
I think you will know when it's time. I've had to do that too and it is heartbreaking but as Newlife said....it is the way you really can show your dog how much you love him. I tried just asking myself - am I keeping him going for myself or for him. When you can say it's just for you - not Jake - then you know it's time.
8/30/2008 7:58:47 PM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Yonkers, NY
age: 57 online now!
I hope to god i never have to make that decision.........my pitbull is my only child......had him from the time he was born.
I had to make that decision. She was a lovely cat, Blair, and I had her since she was smaller than my hand. She had pancreatic cancer and nothing could be done for her. She was 11 y/o.
Now, several years later, I know soon I will be in the same situation....Amadeus is 20 y/o and I don't want to think about it. He is MY child/
8/31/2008 3:16:48 AM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Riverview, FL
age: 47
Yes, I had to make that decision earlier this week..Monday I had my 17 year old cat "spooky" put down. .It was very heart-breaking but,he lived a very long life and needed to be at peace..I had never had an animal live to be old aged..He is over the rainbow now..
8/31/2008 1:14:01 PM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Harrisburg, PA
age: 59
I am sorry to hear this, I have made this decision three times and it was the hardest thing I ever had to do. Is your dog being treated for the heartworm problem? Do they know for sure the tumor is cancerous? If they could get the heartworms under control, the surgery could possibly be done. All of this is expensive and I understand not everyone can handle the expense. The emotional trauma is even more difficult. Does the vet feel there is any chance of success? You may also want to get a second opinion. I wish you the best. You are in a very diffult situation right now. Your dog will let you know when he has given up and the time is right.
The last time my baby was only three years old but she had cancer all through her body and to keep her would have been to hurt her more. When they can no longer walk or move around, and you let them go, it is the greatest act of love that anyone can do. They love us unconditionally and we have to do the same. They have to come first. And believe me you never get over the loss. But you do move on with a new dog when the time is right and that time is different for everyone who has gone through this awful time..
[Edited 8/31/2008 1:20:40 PM]
8/31/2008 1:22:14 PM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Harrisburg, PA
age: 59
Yes, I had to make that decision earlier this week..Monday I had my 17 year old cat "spooky" put down.  .It was very heart-breaking but,he lived a very long life and needed to be at peace..I had never had an animal live to be old aged..He is over the rainbow now.. 
I am very sorry for your loss. I hope you will be comforted by the support of friends and your memories.
8/31/2008 2:59:27 PM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Cleveland, OH
age: 43
Sorry you had to deal with that crazy61. I'm sure it was very hard.
dej, the heartworm is too far along at this point to have any treatment work. The vet said to even biopsie the tumor would be traumatic to my Jake. So as far as being cancerous, we don't know. What I do know is that it is 3 inches long on the inside. The day the vet found the tumor I was also going to get his booster shots. We got the rabies shot only because the law requires it. The vet didn't give him the boosters, he said he may not live long enough to warrant them.
BTW....Jake is still eating and drinking very well. He doesn't walk around very much, I think he's just playing lazy a** though!! And the bleeding from the tumor only lasted the one day, thank God!!

[Edited 8/31/2008 3:00:30 PM]
8/31/2008 4:30:34 PM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Harrisburg, PA
age: 59
Sorry you had to deal with that crazy61. I'm sure it was very hard.
dej, the heartworm is too far along at this point to have any treatment work. The vet said to even biopsie the tumor would be traumatic to my Jake. So as far as being cancerous, we don't know. What I do know is that it is 3 inches long on the inside. The day the vet found the tumor I was also going to get his booster shots. We got the rabies shot only because the law requires it. The vet didn't give him the boosters, he said he may not live long enough to warrant them.
BTW....Jake is still eating and drinking very well. He doesn't walk around very much, I think he's just playing lazy a** though!! And the bleeding from the tumor only lasted the one day, thank God!!

He sure is a handsome fellow. I'm sorry for all that you and he are going trough. I would still want them to treat the heartworms to give him somewhat of a chance. One time a vet gave one of my Goldens 6 weeks to live. I took her to a holistic vet and he had her up in no time and she lived another two years. Vets don't know everything. It sounds like your dog is still very happy.
8/31/2008 6:17:19 PM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Yonkers, NY
age: 57 online now!
Yes, I had to make that decision earlier this week..Monday I had my 17 year old cat "spooky" put down.  .It was very heart-breaking but,he lived a very long life and needed to be at peace..I had never had an animal live to be old aged..He is over the rainbow now.. 
I know I will never have a pet ever again.
8/31/2008 6:53:41 PM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Comstock Park, MI
age: 38 online now!
OH and he's a rottie. I have a rottie too. I worry every once in a while that she'll get cancer like so many rotts do. But no matter what takes her from me and when, I know she's got a good life and I'm making the most of it right now. When the time comes, she'll go to the place where dogs go with a heart filled with love...and I'll keep the memories in mine safe and sound forever.
8/31/2008 8:38:17 PM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |
Upper Sandusky, OH
age: 51
I had to have my samoyed put down a couple years ago. I felt so bad. He had already had 2 eye surgerys, a toe removed due to a tumor, his artheritis was getting to the point where he couldn't make it up stairs anymore. Sometimes you could look in his eyes and see pain. Then he started to lose control of his bowels. The vet told us it could take 15 min. to 1/2 hour for him to take his last breath after the shot. He was standing when it was injected. It took 3 seconds for him to gently lay down and he was gone 5 seconds later. He was 14 years old. Sometimes I think I waited to long and the reason he went so fast is because he was so worn out. Maybe I put him thru way more than what I shoud have. Just like with humans, There is a time to let go. Maybe we don't give humans the injection but there comes a time when we have to decide to pull the plug or not. This to me seems like a more humane way of letting one go than to just wait it out and make them suffer until the end.
What ever you choose to do and when, just remember it will end the suffering for him and yourself for having to watch him go thru it. And I bet there is someone up there that is waiting for him. (I know my Dad is taking good care of mine cause they were best friends here before my dad left.)
9/1/2008 8:45:24 AM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |
Windsor, ON
age: 49
I have made the dreaded decision ,it was so hard and it took me a year before I gave in . My beloved Buster a collie sheperd mix the sweetest guy you'd ever want to meet.
He was 10 and a half and was 80 lbs. He had a huge tumour in his abdomen and he would drop to the floor with no warning. He couldn't go down a step to go out the door to go to the bathroom without pain and had no control over his bowels or bladder.When he bled all over the dining room I knew it was time. It's been 4 years and I still miss him . My son was four at the time and still talks about him.