9/1/2008 10:28:11 AM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |
Winnetka, CA
age: 19
sb- I've never had to make the decision but I have thought about it n I know a part of me would just die on the inside my dog is almost 11 too n she is healthy but you never know with older dogs all we can do is love them n take care of em
9/3/2008 10:25:50 AM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Eastpointe, MI
age: 58
I had my dog for 10yrs. and I couldn't stand to see her falling down,going blind,deaf
and finally after looking in those sad eyes I had to put her down and the vet told
me that dogs have no way to tell us about all the pain they are in and that my dog
was in a lot of pain......You will know when it's time by the look in their eyes.....
9/3/2008 12:39:20 PM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Saginaw, MI
age: 49
Had to make that decision twice earlier this year, my 17yr old cat and 12yr old dog. Still brings tears to my eyes thinking about it. Miss my babies!!!! You do what you have to because you love them and don't want them to suffer. It has to become about them and not what we want which is of course NOT to let go. I stayed with them both even after for awhile, they brought me comfort in their short lives so I was there for them too. It's the price of having a wonderful pet. Keep the memories in your heart!!! Good Luck!!!
9/3/2008 12:40:15 PM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Ventura, CA
age: 53 online now!
1) What's your (or others) ability to care for dog? Dogs adjust to being alone, but alone in pain is awful. Can you/someone be with them?
2)Dogs level of activity. Slowing down, okay. Obviously distressed is not.
3)Your perception of his quality of life. You know him best.
4) Someone else's perception of quality of life. They can be a little more objective.
5) Vet's opinion.
6) Money. Oh yes, it does matter. $1k, good chances, five more years is different from $8k, maybe repeated, might not help, another year.
Who are the people you trust about the dog? If your ex-boyfriend trashed you but was close to the dog, you might ask him.
You need to look inside and believe your decision. And believe in it in the future.
You will be doing the very best you can. Never forget.
You have to live with the decision, be sure YOU made it.
You may feel guilty about what a relief it would be. It will be a relief. Look at it closely and calmly, then you will no how much a part of your decision it is.
Long ago the dog granted you authority over him; responsibility came with that.
Dog's still there, he trusts your authority.
Sometime's your confused about your side, but the dog knows you love the dog.
3.5 years ago I had to put down two dogs within six months. They were 15 and had lived together 14 years. One just collapsed; we went to the emergency vet (Sunday) and after the report made the decision. I brought the other dog in so she would know. The vet people were very good. I held her, the other dog curled in the corner and then she was gone.
Months later I came home and the dog had relieved itself where she lay. She had not moved since I'd left . . . goddammit, I'm sniffling . . . I knew then it was time. I carried her in to the vet and it was done.
It was an awful feeling, but I don't doubt I did the right thing and did my best.
9/3/2008 2:55:28 PM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Fresno, CA
age: 63
So sorry for your friend... how I wish they could live as long as we humans do! I have laid many good friends to rest,
and I still cry when I think of my dear dog and cat friends. I will have lots of faces at the Rainbow Bridge waiting for
me! I feel I owe it to my pet not to let my pet suffer. We humans cannot at this point in history choose to end our
lives when we are suffering, but we can, thank goodness, make sure our pets do not suffer. I keep my pets with me
as long they are alert, eating, wagging tail, purring. When I see signs of pain and loss of joy in life, it is time I
give them the gift of a gentle death. And it does not come easy, I agonize over the decision. This is where you
need a vet who is on your wavelength, and a good friend if possible to talk things over with. You may be interested
in a article on just this topic in the current issue of Catnip from Tufts Vet School.... very thoughtful, and applies to
any pet, not just cats. The only thing that comes close to helping with the pain of the loss is that I make a donation in my pet's name
for as much as I can and then some, to a local shelter. That way, it seems that some of the goodness and pleasure
I got from my companion will live on in somehow helping another animal.
9/3/2008 5:03:45 PM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Cleveland, OH
age: 43
It's funny. When I first started this thread I never realized how many responses I would get. I just needed to talk to somebody at the time and this was the next best thing. You people just amaze me. I never knew there were so many caring folks out there. I truly appreciate all of the posts that have been made here. It means alot. Thank you!! From the bottom of my heart!
9/6/2008 8:37:51 AM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |
Negley, OH
age: 60
had to have my dog put. hard to say the words. talk to your vet, if the pet is in pain, have them put down,
9/13/2008 10:17:42 AM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Grand Rapids, MI
age: 55
I too understand what you are going through. I had to put my 17 yr old cat to sleep 3 yrs ago and I still cry at times when I think of him. He was by my side through a marriage and a
divorce, when my parents passed away, and a lot of other traumatic events in my life.
When he stopped eating and just wanted to lay in my lap. I took him to the Vet's and found out he had a tumor. I tried for a week with medicine and IV's to see if it would help and realized that it was just putting him through something that wasn't helping and was making him go through more misery than necessary. He stayed totally in the basement that week and I knew when the food and water bowl was full and there was nothing in the cat box that the time had come. I looked in his eyes and he had the most soulful look, I brought him to the Vet that day and stayed with him until the end.
He loved to lay on my fuzzy bathrobe a lot and that is what I buried him in.
9/13/2008 11:01:20 AM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Middleport, OH
age: 51 online now!
yes i have had to put 3 dogs down at different times and one cat. my dogs were put down due to tumors. my first dog was put down july 5, 1998 on my birthday due to a brain tumor as he didn;'t know what he was doing. my second dog had a tumor behind his neck on his spine. he was paralizyed and couldn't walk. my third dog was put down due to cancer in his insides he was full of tumors. so i have had my share of heartaches. my last dog i lost was 15 and she died on her own. she has been gone one year this past thursday.
9/13/2008 12:30:06 PM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Willow Beach, AZ
age: 39
It's funny. When I first started this thread I never realized how many responses I would get. I just needed to talk to somebody at the time and this was the next best thing. You people just amaze me. I never knew there were so many caring folks out there. I truly appreciate all of the posts that have been made here. It means alot. Thank you!! From the bottom of my heart!
I have been through it all. The ups the downs, the good and bad. I am here anytime you need to chat as I'm sure a lot of other people are, too. I wish you and your animals continued health and happiness!
9/14/2008 1:27:06 AM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Wooster, OH
age: 47
I just had to put my chihuahua of 14 down.....One of the most difficult things I've ever had to do......it was like losing a child.......I brought him home and buried him under my bedroom window....this is never an easy decision and my heart goes out to you....I would also like to tell you if you have another pet or pets also be aware that they will also be depressed at the passing of their friend.....My Jack Russell is terribly depressed over the loss of his bubby....he's starting to come round a little but is still laying around and not playing like normal. I was worried enough to take him to my vet and he checked out fine....Vet said he was depressed.....
9/14/2008 2:30:31 PM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Cleveland, OH
age: 43
Sorry for your loss ohiohoney. When my sister's dog died earlier this year, his "brother" Tigger moped around for days. It was sad to see.
BTW...my Jake is doing fine. Although the tumor seems to be getting bigger, he's still eating like a horse!! (always a good sign)
9/14/2008 4:46:21 PM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |
Highland, Scotland
United Kingdom
age: 46
i work with my dogs every day,so they are my contant companions,it is a very hard decision you have to make but bear in mind that animals in general are very good at hiding pain.i have had dogs with cancer,had them operated on only for them to last afew months.in situations like this i find you have to think what is best for tha animal concerned no matter how distressing it is for you.
9/18/2008 5:54:26 AM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Covington, GA
age: 62
I didn't realize that animals are good at hiding pain until just recently. My dog kept me up all night last week with heavy breathing - I could not figure out what the problem was. Stayed home from work the next morning and took him to the vet, and found out that he had arthritis and the heavy breathing was a dog's way of dealing with pain. Now he is on medication and is apparently feeling fine.
9/18/2008 7:20:11 PM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Rochester, NY
age: 38
i had to once, i had a bully breed dog who was a wonderful pup, but as he got older around 9 months he bacame aggressive tword peope , mainly males, i tried to work with him but it became a danger and a liability if i kept him. at the time there werent any local rescues i could take him to . my son got bit, not from anger but too rough of play.. and i knew i had to find somewhere for him to go. but i had no luck, i had to humanely euthanize him...i miss him and still love him. and i have no fear of the breed.. i later found out he was inbred and was told that could have been the reason he was that way. but any way it was very hard. i wish you luck , if your dog isnt well i think its better that way than watching him suffer. good luck.