8/25/2008 3:17:48 PM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Cleveland, OH
age: 43
You know the one, the dreaded "is now the time to put my dog (pet) down? I've never had to make that decision but I think it may be coming up. I'll try to make this short.
My dog Jake, almost 11 yrs old, went to the vet a few weeks ago. And yes, the lump on his butt, under his tail, is a tumor. After the exam, was told it is like 3 inches long on the inside, not to mention what shows on the outside. He also has heartworm pretty bad though still has a good heartbeat. Vet said cuz of his age and the h.worm surgery would not be a very good option due to the stress it would cause. But if he shows any pain or it gets bigger it may be time to put him down. Well, I came home today and noticed the tumor has another growth on it and is bleeding. He's eating and drinking fine, doesn't walk around any more than he has to though!!
So what I'm asking is how do you really know when it's time to make the decision? And how hard is it to convince yourself that it is the right choice?
(sorry this got so long, but I'm hurting right now and I do value alot of the opinions of people on this site.) Thank you.
8/25/2008 3:48:08 PM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Richmond, VA
age: 40
SB, Sorry to hear (read) about that. I have made the dreaded decision before, and trust me, it is not easy. I really don't know how to help you make the decision, not kowing you well enough or the whole situation. I will say, if he seems to be happy and not in constant pain, that you have some time to make your decision. I hope this helps somewhat.
8/25/2008 4:11:29 PM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Little Falls, NJ
age: 44
SB - so sorry to read about your situation. Unfortunately I have had to make that decision, and as painful as it, and how you agonize about when the time is right - you'll know. You have to be strong enough to let them go for their sake, not keep them around because it makes you feel better. I had a cat I loved dearly, he adopted me and I had him for more than 10 years. When it became clear, that although he was not in pain, he was suffering (lack of appetite, no "quality" of life) his personality changed and I just knew it was time. When I had to put my Rottweiler to sleep at 9 years old, she made the decision for me. I discussed all the options, or lack of actually, with my vet and we decided that as long as she wasn't in pain and kept eating we could manage this. When she stopped eating I started cooking for her, steak, pot roast, ANYTHING. I slept on the kitchen floor with her the night before we went to the vet, she was clearly suffering. The decision is NEVER easy, but you have to know that you're doing what's best for them, not always you. It hurts like hell, but you'll know you made the right decision when the hurt is tempered with relief that you ended their suffering. I hope that helps, it's NEVER an easy decision, and my heart breaks for you. Good Luck. Susan
8/25/2008 4:19:32 PM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Willow Beach, AZ
age: 39
Hi SB,
I have had to make that dreaded decision twice and it was the hardest thing I ever had to do. I don't mean to make it more difficult for you, but I just wanted to be honest with you. As far as knowing when to make the decision make sure you talk to your vet as much as possible (which I know you have) and most importantly, trust your vet. If you do, then I think you will know when the time is right. The last cat that I lost, her name was Little Bit, had cancer. My vet was the best. Little Bit actually had several surgeries and my vet prolonged her life more times than I can count. She had a tumor and an open wound like you mentioned as well. However, the whole time Bit was still a happy and perky cat. Then one day I came home from work and knew that she was suffering. She wasn't herself. I took one look at her, balled my eyes out and made the call. I still miss her to this day and of course am crying now just thinking about it. The point to all of this is, trust yourself, trust your vet and trust Jake. You'll know when the time is right.
I hope I helped without uspetting you too much! I'll be thinking about you both!
8/26/2008 6:47:20 AM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |
Waynesville, OH
age: 42
I didn't write this and I don't remember where I found it.
Subject: Dog prayer
" If It Should Be" (author unknown)
If it should be that I grow weak,
And pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then you must do what must be done,
For this last battle cannot be won.
You will be sad, I understand,
Don't let your grief then stay your hand,
For this day more than all the rest,
Your love for me must stand the test.
We've had so many happy years,
What is to come can hold no fears,
You'd not want me to suffer so,
The time has come, please let me go.
Take me where my need they'll tend,
And please stay with me until the end,
I know in time that you will see,
The kindness that you did for me
Although my tail its last has waved,
From pain and suffering I've been saved.
Please do not grieve, it must be you,
Who had this painful thing to do,
We've been so close, we two, these years,
Don't let your heart hold back it's tears.
8/26/2008 7:51:32 AM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Benton, IL
age: 71
We all have to make the right decision if we keep a pet a long time.
I had one 23 actual years old and had to put him to sleep about 6 yrs ago.
I am now having to think about it again with my 15 yr old dog.
He is getting senile and his memory comes and goes.
He tried to bite me the other nite and normally I am the only one he trusts.
I am afraid for children so the day will be soon.
The vet will have the pet lie down and
give them a shot and they peacefully go to sleep.
Take lots of pictures now as you will have lots of memories.
I wish you courage and peace of mind 
8/26/2008 12:52:24 PM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Cleveland, OH
age: 43
Thank you all for your support. I'm hoping I don't have to think about "it" for quite some time yet.
Racer, that prayer was beautiful. I'm going to print it out, just as soon as I stop crying.
8/26/2008 5:34:37 PM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Grady, AL
age: 48
I'm very undecided about this and so far, Thank God he's taken care of me with this kind of decision. I could argue both sides beautifully but since you've gotten the one side already, I'll play the other and ask "who said Dr. Kovorkian (sp) was ok for animals and not people? Do we "put people out of their misery"??? Do the same people that believe in putting animals down also believe in putting people down? 
8/26/2008 5:56:15 PM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Cleveland, OH
age: 43
I never stated that I believed in putting an animal down. I have never had to make that choice. But I don't want to see him in pain or suffering in any way just because I can't let him go.
8/26/2008 6:16:50 PM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Grady, AL
age: 48
I understand, BELIEVE me I do!! That is why I stated, that I am very very torn on this. And it's why I thank God that he does not put me in that position. Came very very close with a horse, it tore me apart and I prayed all day long because of my convictions on it. I begged that if he was in pain to take him, that I did not want to keep him here for selfish reasons. At the end of a very long stressful day, my horse lived, got up and walked (long story). About a year or so later, he took him one day while I was at work in a very peaceful way.
Pray..and know that my heart goes out to you
8/26/2008 9:55:09 PM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Tucson, AZ
age: 53
I am so sorry to hear about your upcoming decision....
I have made this call many times... mostly because I take in old and sick animals and try to make their life a little better. In fact... the dog I have now, is the first dog I have ever had since he was a pup.
I had my Bella put to sleep a couple of months ago... cancer..
It never gets easier to actually take them for their last ride...
It does get easier to know you are doing the right thing and that it is time...
Another poster mentioned ... we don't do this to people...
My question is... are we doing them a favor?
I watched my sister die of breast cancer at the age of 41. I know she would have wanted me to take her on that ride..
but that is was not an option,
It is for our 4 legged friends.
Never doubt, when you know that their life is miserable more then not, that you are doing the right thing.
Bella knew... I know that in my heart...
As they were shaving her leg and putting in the IV, she looked up at me, licked my face and laid her head on my arm. No struggle or any of her usual antics like when we went to the vet before. The tears flowed and the vet even cried with me.
I will have many friends at the rainbow bridge when I cross over.... and I can't wait to see them all again.
Just one question...
I worked as a vet tech and they had injections they would give for heartworms... did your vet mention this? I can't remember surgery for heartwoms.. it has been many year, but I only remember doing the injections as treatment.
If I can be of any help, feel free to write.
I will be praying for you.
8/26/2008 11:39:21 PM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Rapid City, SD
age: 57
SB, one of the saddest parts of being an animal lover and owning a pet is knowing one day you may have to face this kind of decision. Your loved one will help you by "telling" you with his actions that he needs to be released from his suffering. It is the hardest thing to do no matter how many times you may have to do it. I do wish that someone that loved me could release me from suffering the way we can help our animal family. I am watching my mother suffer with lung cancer. She wants to die and she can go on for a long time with this suffering. I can't help her. I hope and pray that by the time I have to face whatever will take me, that our laws have changed and someone that loves me can legally help me go.
Don't beat yourself up about having to make this decision. You are being kind to ease your guy into a better existance. I do believe in the Rainbow Bridge, and I firmly believe we will see our beloved pets again.
I will keep a good thought for you and Jake.
8/27/2008 12:53:30 PM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Cleveland, OH
age: 43
Yes hippychick, my vet told me about the heartworm shot 2 yrs ago when he was diagnosed with it. The heartworm was pretty far along at that point, so HW pills would have been no use really. And he said that some dogs had died after recieving the shot, a chance I was not willing to take. He also said at that stage the pill may kill him too. So I decided against both and hoped for more happy years with him. Now this comes along.
Thank you for your insight on this.
Thanks to all for your support. I value all of your thoughts and opinions. 
8/27/2008 2:33:33 PM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Galion, OH
age: 47
SB - As with others I am sorry to hear of your plight. We are their guardians and it can feel like a real betrayal to have to do it.
My last dog was 17 when I had to have him put down. It was hard then and I think it would be harder now. Never easy. There are parts of it that still tend to haunt me.
I hope you will not have to make that decision soon.
8/29/2008 5:48:55 PM |
Has anyone ever had to make "that" decision? |

Comstock Park, MI
age: 38
I am so sorry about Jake. It's tough to see them develop issues that slowly take their lives.
I had a Silky Terrier who I put to sleep in early 2005 after she started deteriorating with a long heart problem. She couldn't walk far without hacking, she barely ate, and she would wake up in the middle of the night coughing. There was a lot of water building in her lungs and she would break out in boils that would leak in order for her body to expell the water inside.
I loved her dearly and could have spent a lot of money on meds to make the last months of her life better. But I made the decision to put her to sleep when her coughing fits got more frequent and I was on constant hack alert.
She was 14. She lived a long and good life. I felt it was time since dragging it out was only making her miserable.
Our pets trust us from day one. They trust us to make sound decisions for their medical care from start to finish. My mother told me when I was getting to the point when I would put Missy to sleep that they also trust us to make "THAT" decision. We know it's best for them. We know the right time and the right way to do it. You will know when it's time.
If it's any consulation, "THAT TIME" is a very peaceful thing. The dog doesn't feel a thing. They just fall asleep.