9/20/2015 3:56:34 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |


Las Vegas, NV
46, joined Dec. 2008
An ex-CIA agent has admitted in court that the U.S. government and the CIA have been smuggling drugs for the past 60 years, and control the Afghan opium trade.
John F. Abbotsford was in court over charges of possession of child pornography, but he says the allegations are false and an attempt to silence him to prevent him from “blowing the lid off the CIA’s drug smuggling operations in Afghanistan“.
“This is a desperate attempt by the US government to shut me up” he told the court. “If I’m going to face jail time, I want the truth to be known before they try to get rid of me in prison“.
During the court session, Abbotsford announced, “I’m ashamed to say that I have participated in these drug smuggling operations on many occasions. For a long time, I tried to convince myself that we were doing it for the right cause, but this burden is destroying me inside and I just can’t stand it anymore“.
“The CIA has been dealing drugs since its creation. They’ve been smuggling drugs everywhere in the world for the past 60 years, in Taiwan in 1949 to support General Chiang Kai-shek against the Chinese commies, in Vietnam, in Nicaragua, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg” he launched out during the court trial. “We helped the Mujahideen develop poppy cultivation to fight the Soviets, but we took back matters in our own hands in 2001 when we invaded Afghanistan under Bush” he pleaded.
9/11: A pretext to invade Afghanistan
The Cheyenne Herald also reports that the man’s website, that was shut down by family members hours after the conviction, claimed that the 9/11 terrorist attacks where in fact staged by his own government and a “pretext” to invade Afghanistan.
He also believed that the Islamic State is presently financed by the CIA’s alleged heroin smuggling operations with the purpose of “destabilizing governments of the Middle East” and “toppling non-US allied country leaders, such as Bachar Al-Assad in Syria” to “secure beneficial oil deals for the US and allied countries”.
In 2010, Abbotsford, 33, was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, and a year later he received a medical discharge.
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

9/20/2015 3:57:34 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |


Las Vegas, NV
46, joined Dec. 2008
Any opinions? I'm just not sure.
But, as usual, I remain open minded about these allocations.
9/20/2015 3:59:55 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |


Lucerne, CA
62, joined Oct. 2010
online now!
Bush the Worst is the Drug Lord of the USA ... tossing medical marijuana patients and doctors in jail.
Obama just double down Bush the Worst on everything he did bad .. n**ger does it worse.
Will the USA ever wake up and see the truth of the criminals in Washington DC that f**k their children and your children as well.
9/20/2015 4:39:22 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |


Las Vegas, NV
46, joined Dec. 2008
Bush the Worst is the Drug Lord of the USA ... tossing medical marijuana patients and doctors in jail.
Obama just double down Bush the Worst on everything he did bad .. n**ger does it worse.
Will the USA ever wake up and see the truth of the criminals in Washington DC that f**k their children and your children as well.
I'm not sure what you said, but I think it was Reagan who traded guns for drugs.
9/20/2015 4:39:44 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |


Las Vegas, NV
46, joined Dec. 2008
SERIOUS opinions please???
9/20/2015 4:41:45 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |


Bloomingdale, GA
51, joined Mar. 2011
SERIOUS opinions please???
Serious opinions with one who calls himself a sovereign citizen?    
Excuse me but not possible..
9/20/2015 4:55:13 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |


Las Vegas, NV
46, joined Dec. 2008
That's exactly what I am, boy. NEXT
9/20/2015 4:55:37 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |


Las Vegas, NV
46, joined Dec. 2008
Serious opinions only, please.
9/20/2015 5:48:21 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |

New Orleans, LA
57, joined Nov. 2014
The CIA has been smuggling drugs out of Lebanon and Afghanistan since the 60s. I've seen photos of us marked bombers and transport planes landing in the bekkah valley and loaded with drugs to finance the Christians under assault from muslims.
So you just figured this out? I don't know about now with so much fighting but I do know they used to do a lot of this.
9/20/2015 5:52:58 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |


Bloomingdale, GA
51, joined Mar. 2011
So did you turn in your birth certificate and get a what? Sovereign certificate?
How and where do you do that?
9/20/2015 5:53:23 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |


Las Vegas, NV
46, joined Dec. 2008
The CIA has been smuggling drugs out of Lebanon and Afghanistan since the 60s. I've seen photos of us marked bombers and transport planes landing in the bekkah valley and loaded with drugs to finance the Christians under assault from muslims.
So you just figured this out? I don't know about now with so much fighting but I do know they used to do a lot of this.
Okay. Provide some links.
9/20/2015 6:07:49 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |


Orange, TX
43, joined Jun. 2010
online now!
Since 90% of heroin comes from Mexico how is Afghan opium a factor.?
9/20/2015 6:09:39 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |


52, joined Jan. 2014
Is this guy a footler? (freeman on the land crank) 
9/20/2015 6:19:33 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |


Las Vegas, NV
46, joined Dec. 2008
Since 90% of heroin comes from Mexico how is Afghan opium a factor.?
I just don't know. That's why I asked for opinions.
9/20/2015 6:21:04 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |


Las Vegas, NV
46, joined Dec. 2008
Is this guy a footler? (freeman on the land crank) 
Aussie p*ssy scared of a sovereign American. BIG SHOCK WAVE THERE, UGLY.
9/20/2015 6:24:29 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |


52, joined Jan. 2014
Scared? Wow, whose arse did you pull that from? Footlers aren't scary, they're just fools.
You really are a d*ckhead aren't you?
[Edited 9/20/2015 6:24:52 PM ]
9/20/2015 6:24:47 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |


Martinsburg, WV
49, joined Apr. 2009
I'm not sure who said it but "All fair in love and war" is no less than 50% accurate. Civilized societies set up rules, treaties and make promises to their people because they can. But what happens when the viability of the government itself is under threat? I'd predict promises and laws will be thrown out the window.
In the 1800's Britain brought China to its knees by making opium available to the Chinese population. An island country of 700,000 people controlling 3 million. Certainly you can see the military applications for that.
Britain was tossed out of Asia because the cartridges carried by their Asian allies was rumored to be sealed with the fat from pigs rather than mutton fat which was of course what the British were using. Rather than risk eternal damnation, the armed British allies refused to fight.
Not all drugs are bad but opium that produces heroine certainly destroys thousands if not millions globally. Someone once said "You can't regulate morality." and maybe you can't but I don't support acting immorally out of self interest. Unfortunately just because you won't doesn't mean someone else won't.
It's a product some people will pay anything to get regardless of the laws within their own country so unless you intend to eradicate it's existence (which is impossible) it will remain a global resource for revenue.
I once heard a story designed to provoke thought that went something like this;
An alien lands on the lawn of the White House and meets with the POTUS. The alien explains that human kind has reached a point where we are ready to become part of the galactic community in which the aliens will share their technology and help guide us through this pivotal time but before that begins the alien wants to meet with the 10 most dominate world leaders before beginning and his next stop is China.
Knowing the possibility exists that China may try to detain the alien and take alien technology that will upset the balance of global power what do you do?
The point is opium exists and will be controlled by someone. If we don't control it it could be used against us.
9/20/2015 6:38:22 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |

Tampa, FL
58, joined Feb. 2013
America is gangsterism. If gangsters do it, so does capitalist America.
The Real Drug Lords: A brief history of CIA involvement in the Drug Trade
By William Blum
Global Research, January 31, 2015
This article was first published on August 31, 2008.
1947 to 1951, FRANCE
According to Alfred W. McCoy in The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia, CIA arms, money, and disinformation enabled Corsican criminal syndicates in Marseille to wrestle control of labor unions from the Communist Party. The Corsicans gained political influence and control over the docks — ideal conditions for cementing a long-term partnership with mafia drug distributors, which turned Marseille into the postwar heroin capital of the Western world. Marseille’s first heroin laboratones were opened in 1951, only months after the Corsicans took over the waterfront.
The Nationalist Chinese army, organized by the CIA to wage war against Communist China, became the opium barons of The Golden Triangle (parts of Burma, Thailand and Laos), the world’s largest source of opium and heroin. Air America, the ClA’s principal airline proprietary, flew the drugs all over Southeast Asia. (See Christopher Robbins, Air America, Avon Books, 1985, chapter 9)
1950s to early 1970s, INDOCHINA During U.S. military involvement in Laos and other parts of Indochina, Air America flew opium and heroin throughout the area. Many Gl’s in Vietnam became addicts. A laboratory built at CIA headquarters in northern Laos was used to refine heroin. After a decade of American military intervention, Southeast Asia had become the source of 70 percent of the world’s illicit opium and the major supplier of raw materials for America’s booming heroin market.
1973-80, AUSTRALIA
The Nugan Hand Bank of Sydney was a CIA bank in all but name. Among its officers were a network of US generals, admirals and CIA men, including fommer CIA Director William Colby, who was also one of its lawyers. With branches in Saudi Arabia, Europe, Southeast Asia, South America and the U.S., Nugan Hand Bank financed drug trafficking, money laundering and international arms dealings. In 1980, amidst several mysterious deaths, the bank collapsed, $50 million in debt. (See Jonathan Kwitny, The Crimes of Patriots: A True Tale of Dope, Dirty Money and the CIA, W.W. Norton & Co., 1 987.)
1970s and 1980s, PANAMA
For more than a decade, Panamanian strongman Manuel Noriega was a highly paid CIA asset and collaborator, despite knowledge by U.S. drug authorities as early as 1971 that the general was heavily involved in drug trafficking and money laundering. Noriega facilitated ”guns-for-drugs” flights for the contras, providing protection and pilots, as well as safe havens for drug cartel otficials, and discreet banking facilities. U.S. officials, including then-ClA Director William Webster and several DEA officers, sent Noriega letters of praise for efforts to thwart drug trafficking (albeit only against competitors of his Medellin Cartel patrons). The U.S. government only turned against Noriega, invading Panama in December 1989 and kidnapping the general once they discovered he was providing intelligence and services to the Cubans and Sandinistas. Ironically drug trafficking through Panama increased after the US invasion. (John Dinges, Our Man in Panama, Random House, 1991; National Security Archive Documentation Packet The Contras, Cocaine, and Covert Operations.)
Continued . . .
9/20/2015 6:38:32 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |

Tampa, FL
58, joined Feb. 2013
The San Jose Mercury News series documents just one thread of the interwoven operations linking the CIA, the contras and the cocaine cartels. Obsessed with overthrowing the leftist Sandinista government in Nicaragua, Reagan administration officials tolerated drug trafficking as long as the traffickers gave support to the contras. In 1989, the Senate Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics, and International Operations (the Kerry committee) concluded a three-year investigation by stating:
“There was substantial evidence of drug smuggling through the war zones on the part of individual Contras, Contra suppliers, Contra pilots mercenaries who worked with the Contras, and Contra supporters throughout the region…. U.S. officials involved in Central America failed to address the drug issue for fear of jeopardizing the war efforts against Nicaragua…. In each case, one or another agency of the U.S. govemment had intormation regarding the involvement either while it was occurring, or immediately thereafter…. Senior U S policy makers were nit immune to the idea that drug money was a perfect solution to the Contras’ funding problems.” (Drugs, Law Enforcement and Foreign Policy, a Report of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics and Intemational Operations, 1989)
In Costa Rica, which served as the “Southern Front” for the contras (Honduras being the Northern Front), there were several different ClA-contra networks involved in drug trafficking. In addition to those servicing the Meneses-Blandon operation detailed by the Mercury News, and Noriega’s operation, there was CIA operative John Hull, whose farms along Costa Rica’s border with Nicaragua were the main staging area for the contras. Hull and other ClA-connected contra supporters and pilots teamed up with George Morales, a major Miami-based Colombian drug trafficker who later admitted to giving $3 million in cash and several planes to contra leaders. In 1989, after the Costa Rica government indicted Hull for drug trafficking, a DEA-hired plane clandestinely and illegally flew the CIA operative to Miami, via Haiti. The US repeatedly thwarted Costa Rican efforts to extradite Hull back to Costa Rica to stand trial. Another Costa Rican-based drug ring involved a group of Cuban Amencans whom the CIA had hired as military trainers for the contras. Many had long been involved with the CIA and drug trafficking They used contra planes and a Costa Rican-based shnmp company, which laundered money for the CIA, to move cocaine to the U.S. Costa Rica was not the only route. Guatemala, whose military intelligence service — closely associated with the CIA — harbored many drug traffickers, according to the DEA, was another way station along the cocaine highway.
Additionally, the Medellin Cartel’s Miami accountant, Ramon Milian Rodriguez, testified that he funneled nearly $10 million to Nicaraguan contras through long-time CIA operative Felix Rodriguez, who was based at Ilopango Air Force Base in El Salvador. The contras provided both protection and infrastructure (planes, pilots, airstrips, warehouses, front companies and banks) to these ClA-linked drug networks. At least four transport companies under investigation for drug trafficking received US govemment contracts to carry non-lethal supplies to the contras. Southern Air Transport, “formerly” ClA-owned, and later under Pentagon contract, was involved in the drug running as well. Cocaine-laden planes flew to Florida, Texas, Louisiana and other locations, including several militarv bases Designated as ‘Contra Craft,” these shipments were not to be inspected. When some authority wasn’t clued in and made an arrest, powerful strings were pulled on behalf of dropping the case, acquittal, reduced sentence, or deportation.
1980s to early 1990s, AFGHANISTAN
ClA-supported Moujahedeen rebels engaged heavily in drug trafficking while fighting against the Soviet-supported govemment and its plans to reform the very backward Afghan society. The Agency’s principal client was Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, one of the leading druglords and leading heroin refiner. CIA supplied trucks and mules, which had carried arms into Afghanistan, were used to transport opium to laboratories along the Afghan Pakistan border. The output provided up to one half of the heroin used annually in the United States and three-quarters of that used in Western Europe. US officials admitted in 1990 that they had failed to investigate or take action against the drug operabon because of a desire not to offend their Pakistani and Afghan allies. In 1993, an official of the DEA called Afghanistan the new Colombia of the drug world.
MlD-1980s to early 199Os, HAITI
While working to keep key Haitian military and political leaders in power, the CIA turned a blind eye to their clients’ drug trafficking. In 1986, the Agency added some more names to its payroll by creating a new Haitian organization, the National Intelligence Service (SIN). SIN was purportedly created to fight the cocaine trade, though SIN officers themselves engaged in the trafficking, a trade aided and abetted by some of the Haitian military and political leaders.
9/20/2015 7:17:57 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |

Fort Lauderdale, FL
55, joined May. 2007
condom, how's that christian holocaust going in the middle east that your friends ignored?
is it going very well for you?
you know, that sarin gas and chlorine barrels that you claimed GWB lied about?
9/20/2015 7:39:23 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |


Las Vegas, NV
46, joined Dec. 2008
Scared? Wow, whose arse did you pull that from? Footlers aren't scary, they're just fools.
You really are a d*ckhead aren't you?
Stupid post. Rejected words.
Go back to the SEX FORUMS and discuss why your c*ck is so tiny.
9/20/2015 7:40:24 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |


Las Vegas, NV
46, joined Dec. 2008
Just clowning these junkies.
9/20/2015 8:06:38 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |


Bloomingdale, GA
51, joined Mar. 2011
The way I see it, you are the clown!!
You can't even inspire the conspiracy theorists!
9/20/2015 8:43:07 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |

Berwyn, IL
59, joined Jan. 2009
It's probably true. I know that the disciples street gang in Chicago was bringing in
heroin through the golden triangle and used a string of beauty supply outfits to bring
it all the way to Chicago. If a street gang with limited resources can do it should be
a piece of cake for for the US government.
But heroin destroys lives. So there will be hell to pay for the lives that were ruined.
I know that for a fact.
9/20/2015 8:49:04 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |

Naperville, IL
25, joined Jul. 2013
and do use opium?
An ex-CIA agent has admitted in court that the U.S. government and the CIA have been smuggling drugs for the past 60 years, and control the Afghan opium trade.
John F. Abbotsford was in court over charges of possession of child pornography, but he says the allegations are false and an attempt to silence him to prevent him from “blowing the lid off the CIA’s drug smuggling operations in Afghanistan“.
“This is a desperate attempt by the US government to shut me up” he told the court. “If I’m going to face jail time, I want the truth to be known before they try to get rid of me in prison“.
During the court session, Abbotsford announced, “I’m ashamed to say that I have participated in these drug smuggling operations on many occasions. For a long time, I tried to convince myself that we were doing it for the right cause, but this burden is destroying me inside and I just can’t stand it anymore“.
“The CIA has been dealing drugs since its creation. They’ve been smuggling drugs everywhere in the world for the past 60 years, in Taiwan in 1949 to support General Chiang Kai-shek against the Chinese commies, in Vietnam, in Nicaragua, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg” he launched out during the court trial. “We helped the Mujahideen develop poppy cultivation to fight the Soviets, but we took back matters in our own hands in 2001 when we invaded Afghanistan under Bush” he pleaded.
9/11: A pretext to invade Afghanistan
The Cheyenne Herald also reports that the man’s website, that was shut down by family members hours after the conviction, claimed that the 9/11 terrorist attacks where in fact staged by his own government and a “pretext” to invade Afghanistan.
He also believed that the Islamic State is presently financed by the CIA’s alleged heroin smuggling operations with the purpose of “destabilizing governments of the Middle East” and “toppling non-US allied country leaders, such as Bachar Al-Assad in Syria” to “secure beneficial oil deals for the US and allied countries”.
In 2010, Abbotsford, 33, was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, and a year later he received a medical discharge.
9/20/2015 10:16:56 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |


Las Vegas, NV
46, joined Dec. 2008
The way I see it, you are the clown!!
You can't even inspire the conspiracy theorists!
Why would I want to, p*ssy??
9/20/2015 10:18:57 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |


Las Vegas, NV
46, joined Dec. 2008
...just another day of clowning the cowards.
9/21/2015 7:41:57 AM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |

Buffalo, MO
60, joined Sep. 2011
This is not new read Called To Serve by James Bo Gritiz
9/21/2015 8:03:55 AM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |


Las Vegas, NV
46, joined Dec. 2008
and do use opium?
An ex-CIA agent has admitted in court that the U.S. government and the CIA have been smuggling drugs for the past 60 years, and control the Afghan opium trade.
John F. Abbotsford was in court over charges of possession of child pornography, but he says the allegations are false and an attempt to silence him to prevent him from “blowing the lid off the CIA’s drug smuggling operations in Afghanistan“.
“This is a desperate attempt by the US government to shut me up” he told the court. “If I’m going to face jail time, I want the truth to be known before they try to get rid of me in prison“.
During the court session, Abbotsford announced, “I’m ashamed to say that I have participated in these drug smuggling operations on many occasions. For a long time, I tried to convince myself that we were doing it for the right cause, but this burden is destroying me inside and I just can’t stand it anymore“.
“The CIA has been dealing drugs since its creation. They’ve been smuggling drugs everywhere in the world for the past 60 years, in Taiwan in 1949 to support General Chiang Kai-shek against the Chinese commies, in Vietnam, in Nicaragua, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg” he launched out during the court trial. “We helped the Mujahideen develop poppy cultivation to fight the Soviets, but we took back matters in our own hands in 2001 when we invaded Afghanistan under Bush” he pleaded.
9/11: A pretext to invade Afghanistan
The Cheyenne Herald also reports that the man’s website, that was shut down by family members hours after the conviction, claimed that the 9/11 terrorist attacks where in fact staged by his own government and a “pretext” to invade Afghanistan.
He also believed that the Islamic State is presently financed by the CIA’s alleged heroin smuggling operations with the purpose of “destabilizing governments of the Middle East” and “toppling non-US allied country leaders, such as Bachar Al-Assad in Syria” to “secure beneficial oil deals for the US and allied countries”.
In 2010, Abbotsford, 33, was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, and a year later he received a medical discharge.
9/21/2015 8:05:58 AM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |


Las Vegas, NV
46, joined Dec. 2008
I just wanted some opinions on the subject.
Some of you are so f**king dumb. Literally brain-dead. 
9/21/2015 10:00:38 AM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |

New Orleans, LA
57, joined Nov. 2014
Okay. Provide some links.
So o agreed with you and you demand links? Hahahaha
I don't blame you though because you are always wrong.
9/21/2015 10:17:35 AM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |

96, joined May. 2011
There is little doubt that the CIA is the biggest dope dealing operation in the world!
You don't need links to prove it...because I am confident that that information is classified...
Ask yourself a question of pragmatism...
Whom is best situated to move large amounts of narcotics onto sovereign US soil???
If the answer is the US fed'ral gubment, all that is left to do is to cypher out which agency has the best method, motive and opportunity!
9/21/2015 11:02:59 AM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |


Las Vegas, NV
46, joined Dec. 2008
There is little doubt that the CIA is the biggest dope dealing operation in the world!
You don't need links to prove it...because I am confident that that information is classified...
Ask yourself a question of pragmatism...
Whom is best situated to move large amounts of narcotics onto sovereign US soil???
If the answer is the US fed'ral gubment, all that is left to do is to cypher out which agency has the best method, motive and opportunity!
9/21/2015 1:54:04 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |


West Plains, MO
46, joined Feb. 2014
U.S. Marines Guard Afghanistan Poppy Fields
Then they have the media blame the Taliban, in spite of the fact the Taliban nearly wiped out the poppy crops while they were in power. Ack, Fox News would never lie
9/21/2015 2:23:55 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |

96, joined May. 2011
I have seen that photo before I believe...
And it calls to mind all sorts of questions that are NOT answered by the statist propaganda cycled thru MSM...
9/21/2015 6:14:41 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |


Las Vegas, NV
46, joined Dec. 2008

9/21/2015 9:05:59 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |


West Plains, MO
46, joined Feb. 2014
The Phony Drug War: How the US Government Deals Drugs (Documentary)
9/21/2015 9:09:05 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |

Naperville, IL
25, joined Jul. 2013
how much money is involved in the drug trade. Are we that STUPID?
9/21/2015 9:35:22 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |


52, joined Jan. 2014
There is little doubt that the CIA is the biggest dope dealing operation in the world!
You don't need links to prove it...because I am confident that that information is classified...
LOL. So you don't know, but you KNOW. CTists, still kids at heart. 
9/21/2015 10:12:44 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |


Las Vegas, NV
46, joined Dec. 2008
LOL. So you don't know, but you KNOW. CTists, still kids at heart. 
As usual, you are always wrong. Go away.
Go back to your sex forums and stay out o American politics. NOW.
9/21/2015 10:19:48 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |


52, joined Jan. 2014
As usual, you are always wrong. Go away.
It's a point of logic. I can understand that you might miss it as it is a little above the abilities of the average IQ.
Go back to your sex forums and stay out o American politics. NOW.
I don't let people bully me, thanks, and I'm free to express my views.
9/21/2015 10:20:56 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |


West Plains, MO
46, joined Feb. 2014
When one sees the government deals drugs, then one must ask why they are still illegal. The prohibition of drugs is really a war on individual rights. 
9/21/2015 10:56:52 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |


Las Vegas, NV
46, joined Dec. 2008
I don't let people bully me, thanks, and I'm free to express my views.
Not on my thread, girl.
Just obey my rules and you will be safe.
REMEMBER: stick to the subject at all times.
9/21/2015 11:25:43 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |


52, joined Jan. 2014
Not on my thread, girl.
Just obey my rules and you will be safe.
REMEMBER: stick to the subject at all times.
Jahowl, Herr Obergruppenfuhrer!
9/21/2015 11:48:23 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |


Las Vegas, NV
46, joined Dec. 2008
Damn. I'm sorry KC. I am terrified of you and hope to my false god that you will forgive me
There. I fixed it for you, coward.
9/21/2015 11:49:13 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |


Las Vegas, NV
46, joined Dec. 2008
SERIOUS opinions only please.
9/21/2015 11:53:35 PM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |


52, joined Jan. 2014
There. I fixed it for you, coward.
Don't alter my posts Poltroon! You really are a piece of shit, KC.
9/22/2015 12:05:02 AM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |


Las Vegas, NV
46, joined Dec. 2008
My terror runs deep. It's not just you, I'm scared of my own shadow. Please don't hurt me, sir.
There I fixed it for you, cum-dumpster.
9/22/2015 12:05:53 AM |
*X-CIA agent admits the USA has controlled the OPIUM trade.* |


Las Vegas, NV
46, joined Dec. 2008
He's such a cum swallower.