8/27/2008 3:02:10 PM |
What's a girl have to do to get a decent man? |

Eastlake, OH
age: 41 online now!
Seems the 41 miles is a bit to far .............................
8/27/2008 3:12:21 PM |
What's a girl have to do to get a decent man? |

Grafton, OH
age: 37
Just a little bit, sorry.
8/28/2008 4:46:27 AM |
What's a girl have to do to get a decent man? |

Columbus Grove, OH
age: 67
keep trying
8/28/2008 6:51:31 PM |
What's a girl have to do to get a decent man? |

Kent, OH
age: 42
Really now I have been looking for so long to find that decent man to spend the rest of my life with but it seems that because I smoke thats a big problem for alot of men. I mean if I found the right gentlemen and really got to care for him I would consider quitting with his support. But I mean its not whats on the outside that matters its whats in the heart that counts. Yeah it is bad for you but so are alot of other things as well. Its almost like your being discriminated against because you have a bad habit.. But anyhow I know that there is someone out there for everyone its just a matter of finding them....
8/28/2008 6:52:57 PM |
What's a girl have to do to get a decent man? |

Urbana, OH
age: 23
Keep looking and keep going through the frogs to find our prince...I know a cliche
8/28/2008 8:58:43 PM |
What's a girl have to do to get a decent man? |

Dayton, OH
age: 21
Really now I have been looking for so long to find that decent man to spend the rest of my life with but it seems that because I smoke thats a big problem for alot of men. I mean if I found the right gentlemen and really got to care for him I would consider quitting with his support. But I mean its not whats on the outside that matters its whats in the heart that counts. Yeah it is bad for you but so are alot of other things as well. Its almost like your being discriminated against because you have a bad habit.. But anyhow I know that there is someone out there for everyone its just a matter of finding them....
But smoking affects a lot of other people too. I have asthma and get massive headaches when I'm around where smoke is or recently was. I know I'm not the only one, so that's going to be a problem with a lot of people just that alone. It's not just a bad habit... it's something that will affect whoever is around and that does suck. Not only does it hit people, but it smells and clings to clothes and hair and all kinds of stuff too, so it's kind of a bit more than a simple bad habit.
8/29/2008 11:48:03 AM |
What's a girl have to do to get a decent man? |

Oregon, OH
age: 44
Have patience, know what you want, he will come along. But yes like the saying goes you have to kiss alot of toads to find the handsome prince. Then you have to be careful he's not a handsome charmer prince, he'll win you over and then stomp on your heart.
8/29/2008 12:22:07 PM |
What's a girl have to do to get a decent man? |

Grafton, OH
age: 37
I'm just sick of being the 5th wheel when I go out with friends. 
8/29/2008 1:49:10 PM |
What's a girl have to do to get a decent man? |

Ottawa, OH
age: 28
I'm right there with ya girls. I realize I haven't been looking as long as some, but my experiences just haven't lead me to any good guys. Where I'm at is seemingly well known for its love of all kinds of alcohol, and I don't drink or smoke. I can't be around smoking either, I get very nauseous and have a hard time breathing.
I also hear so many guys around me saying they want a girl like me (likes video games, football, movies, doesn't drink or smoke, and isn't your typical girl) but I'm looked over, every time. Is it b/c I'm a bit overweight? shy? or b/c I don't belong in the "pretty" people category?
8/29/2008 2:27:41 PM |
What's a girl have to do to get a decent man? |
Fairborn, OH
age: 45 online now!
Gamergirl - - you probably hit on something. Do you realize how much you just put yourself down? (I am NOT hitting on you) But you seem like a very pretty girl and a bit tomboyish, which should appeal to a lot of guys.
My opinion - - girls are just like guys - a couple of rejections or a dry spell, and you start thinking that you're not worthy. Hold your heads up and learn to have fun, regardless of whether you're on a date or not. Your attitude will start to attract the better fish. And if they don't come, then you're making yourself better anyway. Hold your head high and the self esteem will follow.
8/29/2008 2:33:31 PM |
What's a girl have to do to get a decent man? |

New Madison, OH
age: 32
girl if you find out let me know i have kissed alot of toads but i have also met some great new friends on the internet. i am going to change my profile to say i work at mcdonalds cause everyone i meet just thinks i have money cause i am a nurse.
8/29/2008 2:52:22 PM |
What's a girl have to do to get a decent man? |

Ottawa, OH
age: 28
To pryvatencounter
How is saying I'm shy or overweight downplaying myself? It's just two facts about me, that I realize could play a part in why I'm overlooked. I can see where you would see that my saying I'm unattractive could be puttying myself down. I don't see it that way really. I accept the fact that I'm not one of the "pretty" people, it doesn't bother me, I'm happy with the way I am. I'm not going to change myself for someone else to like me, I played that role in Jr. High(or Middle School) and I was so unhappy. So I just went back to being me. It's what life has taught me, what I've been told by many many people through out my life. Family, friends, ex's, random people i don't know. The fact that all the guys who have ever asked me out have begged b/c "everyone else has said no." Life has taught me so far that the saying "its whats on the inside that matters," while true... is also false. Of the people I've been around in my life I have never seen a guy (or girl for that matter) say "hey that person looks like they are really beautiful on the inside, I'm going to go ask them out to get to know them." I can see where that's putting myself down. But You don't see the fact that I -love- the person I am. I'm a caring, honest, fun loving girl... who is anything but the norm and incredibly beautiful on the inside.
8/29/2008 3:12:48 PM |
What's a girl have to do to get a decent man? |
Fairborn, OH
age: 45 online now!
Gamer - - chill... I'm a friend here. But you DID put yourself down. I wasn't reacting to the "shy" comment. I was referring to you saying you weren't one of the pretty people. While very few of us are the movie star types, you are anything but ugly. I just feel bad for people who say, "well, I guess I'm not pretty enough."
Some of the most attractive people I've ever seen are the people that enjoy themselves and enjoy life and let it show! They may not be 5'8" blondes with 125# figures, but the way they handle themselves is beautiful. You said that you love yourself - and that's great! You should!
People don't enjoy the journey because they are so focused on the destination. Girls and guys alike should just hang loose and enjoy life - the right person will appear.
8/29/2008 3:29:08 PM |
What's a girl have to do to get a decent man? |

Ottawa, OH
age: 28
pryvatencounter - I'm sorry if I came wrong. I didn't mean to come across so angry/defensive. I know you're just being friendly, and I totally understand where you're coming from. I think it's sad too when people don't think they are pretty enough, sadder yet when that is what life experiences have taught them. That's what life has taught me so far, but I don't let it get me down. I'm just looking for a guy to prove me wrong in what life has taught me. (If that makes sense) Again I'm sorry I came across so harshly.
[Edited 8/29/2008 3:29:28 PM]
8/29/2008 6:22:13 PM |
What's a girl have to do to get a decent man? |

Medway, OH
age: 51
Well, Tonia, I have been looking probably a lot longer than you for a decent man so I speak with a lot of experience  --it can be a fight but I think it has to start with the right stuff in the profile and than the constant reminder that you mean what you say in the profile--You know the old saying about you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find the prince was meant to be a joke but is probably an exact description about the quest to find a decent man. The big problem lies in the fact that too many folks put what people want to hear in their profiles which just doesn't work in finding what you want--the reality is I guess if you don't keep pounding home who you are and what you want, you will end us with something less. There are some great men out there who just want honesty and sincerity just as you do--bad news is there are a lot who aren't--so just keep the faith--you will find that special, decent man. So enjoying kissing  those frogs knowing one may be your prince. Mary
Thank you finally someone who makes sense....