2/21/2016 3:18:21 PM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |

Plano, TX
70, joined Sep. 2012
How many of you feel we are in the last days as predicted in Revelations and why?
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2/21/2016 4:46:19 PM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |

San Antonio, TX
26, joined Sep. 2012
Hasn't pretty much everyone felt like we were for the last 2,000 years? Seriously. Some of Jesus' peers thought they'd see revelation in their lifetime too.
2/21/2016 5:09:39 PM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |


Red Bluff, CA
67, joined Mar. 2009
we already had the last days in 2012. mayans said so.
2/21/2016 7:06:13 PM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
I told you that calendar was Mayan. 
2/22/2016 12:17:53 AM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |


Kingman, AZ
73, joined May. 2012
How many of you feel we are in the last days as predicted in Revelations and why?
I do, though maybe not "as predicted in Revelation."
This isn't from the book of Revelation, this is from Jesus:

According to The Urantia Book, Jesus was born on August 21, 7 BC. On August 21, 2017, Jesus' birthday next year, there's going to be a solar eclipse over the United States, and the United States only. It's going to split the USA in half from Oregon to South Carolina, and maybe the strains of Herbie Mann's "Battle Hymn of the Republic" will waft softly over the smoking ruins. (I donno, just sayin')
Anyway, you might want to post your question on the DH Christian Group, here: https://DateHookup.dating/Forum-5081.htm
Nothing wrong with posting on the Religion Forum but not everyone here is into the book of Revelation.
And here's where you can see the path of the eclipse and you can ZOOM down to street level and move the map in any direction, this NASA site:

2/22/2016 10:39:00 AM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |

Seattle, WA
61, joined Dec. 2014
Revelations is a stupidly composed book of mindless babble.
Yes, we are in the last days of this existence as we know it, but it has nothing to do with Revelations.
2/22/2016 10:40:19 AM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |


Fairmont, MN
61, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
Revelations is a stupidly composed book of mindless babble.
Yes, we are in the last days of this existence as we know it, but it has nothing to do with Revelations.

This is exactly what I was thinking.
2/22/2016 12:45:41 PM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |


Kingman, AZ
73, joined May. 2012
Anyway, it's called The Book of Revelation, not The Book of Revelations.
And yes, it's a mess.
139:4.14 When in temporary exile on Patmos, John wrote the Book of Revelation, which you now have in greatly abridged and distorted form. This Book of Revelation contains the surviving fragments of a great revelation, large portions of which were lost, other portions of which were removed, subsequent to John’s writing. It is preserved in only fragmentary and adulterated form. -The Urantia Book
2/22/2016 12:49:36 PM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
if you haven't been saved you are in fear of the last days which would explain the reasoning behind hiding and blocking others
2/22/2016 4:33:00 PM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |

Seattle, WA
61, joined Dec. 2014
Anyway, it's called The Book of Revelation, not The Book of Revelations.
Call it a tuna fish sandwich if you like.
It is mindless Bullshit.
2/22/2016 7:12:29 PM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |


Kingman, AZ
73, joined May. 2012
Call it a tuna fish sandwich if you like.
It is mindless Bullshit.
My correction was meant for the OP. Why are you always looking for an argument? Are you against calling things by their proper names? Why are you against that?
2/25/2016 8:18:48 AM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
We have been since Jesus came. and especially since the crucifixion and Resurrection  
2/25/2016 8:56:32 AM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |


York, PA
53, joined Jun. 2009
We hate everything that doesn't make us better . Being intelligent , hasn't changed our mammalian attitude .
2/25/2016 9:00:56 AM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |


York, PA
53, joined Jun. 2009
We're the top of the food chain , and we'll kill everything that stands in our way .
2/25/2016 10:06:08 AM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |


Saint Petersburg, FL
68, joined Apr. 2010
Revelations is a stupidly composed book of mindless babble.
Yes! it reflects the drug induced fantasies of ?John of Patmos ..... just as The Magical Mystery Tour reflects the drug induced fantasies of John Lennon.
Yes, we are in the last days of this existence as we know it, but it has nothing to do with Revelations.
Really? ..... Did your invisible penguin inform you of this?
2/25/2016 10:19:54 AM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |

Seattle, WA
61, joined Dec. 2014
Really? ..... Did your invisible penguin inform you of this?
Absolutely not, he stays out of politics and religion.
The clues abound.
Too many people, not enough room.
What do they eat, where do they shit, where do they get power.
Aproaching next ice age, less habitable land.
Destruction of the oceans, many dead spots.
Destruction of land, many dead spots.
Nuclear accidents, and pollution that will remain thousands of years.
Pending nuclear war, and the destruction of life as we know it.
Religions bent on destroying each other. with advanced weapons.
Terrorists getting nukes. or dirty bombs.
Have a nice day.
2/25/2016 10:21:55 AM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |

Seattle, WA
61, joined Dec. 2014
The earth will eventually heal itself, though it will take a long time, and it needs to flush the toilet first.
2/25/2016 10:22:49 AM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |

South Yorkshire
United Kingdom
58, joined May. 2011
Yes! it reflects the drug induced fantasies of ?John of Patmos ..... just as The Magical Mystery Tour reflects the drug induced fantasies of John Lennon.
The Beatles Magical Mystery Tour was actually more Paul's idea, although I s'pose it contains John's psychedelic imagery from songs like I Am the Walrus. It was a TV film and panned at the time by critics. Good music though, and the songs performed used techniques that could be seen as prophetic of the 1980's and the advent of MTV. 
Magical Mystery Tour (1967) - Your Mother Should Know
[Edited 2/25/2016 10:25:20 AM ]
2/25/2016 10:54:01 AM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |


Saint Petersburg, FL
68, joined Apr. 2010
Absolutely not, he stays out of politics and religion.
Smart penguin you got there!
The clues abound.
Too many people, not enough room.
What do they eat, where do they shit, where do they get power.
Aproaching next ice age, less habitable land.
Destruction of the oceans, many dead spots.
Destruction of land, many dead spots.
Nuclear accidents, and pollution that will remain thousands of years.
Pending nuclear war, and the destruction of life as we know it.
Religions bent on destroying each other. with advanced weapons.
Terrorists getting nukes. or dirty bombs.
Have a nice day.
I don't disagree with this? I simply consider them as some of the constant changes that have been occurring throughout history ..... not signs of impending "last days" or "end times".

2/25/2016 11:05:39 AM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |

South Yorkshire
United Kingdom
58, joined May. 2011
How many of you feel we are in the last days as predicted in Revelations and why?
I haven't read Revelation for a while but no, I don't think it tells us anything reliable about the future or any "last days". Life as we know it on earth could come to an abrupt halt at any time due to some cosmic or man made catastrophe, but the book of Revelation is no guide to if or when this will happen. It was written in a time and place where there was a vogue for apocalyptic ideas of the world or the age coming to a sudden end or undergoing a cataclysmic change due to the actions of the Jewish god, but those authors were writing about their own people who lived in their own time 2,000+ years ago, and not modern people in present times. However, I think for any individual person, the last days happen when we shuffle off this mortal coil, so in that sense we're all living in the last days. 
2/25/2016 1:07:31 PM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |


Kingman, AZ
73, joined May. 2012
Quote from clarence2:
However, I think for any individual person, the last days happen when we shuffle off this mortal coil, so in that sense we're all living in the last days. 
This is a very astute insight, Clarence. Perfect.
2/25/2016 1:22:21 PM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |


Medford, OR
55, joined Jan. 2008
online now!
Revelations is a stupidly composed book of mindless babble.
Yes, we are in the last days of this existence as we know it, but it has nothing to do with Revelations.
From my perspective Revelation to John is often a chillingly accurate description of myself, and by extension, us. It is a story of our,(mankind's), awakening as embryo and materialization of our,(mankind's), birth as an infant of Lord God the expanding universal energy.
I have no doubt that scripture and every single thing known in our existence is inspired by the LORD God. Scripture is simply a very old collection of mankind's understanding of the inspiration for his/it's existence. Our understanding is divinely inspired to evolve and hence, just because it was once described as common belief, I do not believe the Earth is flat. Likewise, just because it was once described as common knowledge that the LORD God commanded a death sentence for certain behaviors, I do not believe it true, just that at one time many did.
Most importantly, just because some fools believe(d) that the LORD God created all in just seven days, does not mean it is true. In fact to not interpret and realize our existence is the product of evolution, same as an individual baby develops in a womb, seems dense and perhaps intellectually lazy. I am not fooled, we are one of one. We are I am jr.
One must understand that many lies have been told on behalf of capitalism. To correctly understand the collection of scripture commonly referred to as the bible, one must realize that right in the very beginning the truth presented in it is that we evolve from one source, divided only by immature selfishness manifested by a arrogantly synthetic self centered resource distribution system. Capitalism. The original mistake and conflict to mankind's natural instinct to employ the efficiencies of a team/community/civilization.
2/25/2016 1:27:31 PM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |


Kingman, AZ
73, joined May. 2012
Absolutely not, he stays out of politics and religion.
The clues abound.
Too many people, not enough room.
What do they eat, where do they shit, where do they get power.
Aproaching next ice age, less habitable land.
Destruction of the oceans, many dead spots.
Destruction of land, many dead spots.
Nuclear accidents, and pollution that will remain thousands of years.
Pending nuclear war, and the destruction of life as we know it.
Religions bent on destroying each other. with advanced weapons.
Terrorists getting nukes. or dirty bombs.
Have a nice day.
That's a good post too, Yasureoktoo. 
The clues abound is right.
How can the world keep doing what it's always been doing and expect different results?
2/25/2016 2:22:06 PM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
Separation of Church and State. 
2/25/2016 9:59:53 PM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |


Brantford, ON
62, joined Mar. 2012
Being 62 this year, I am, probably. But still plan many more years of fishing on Lake Nipissing. Screw the waiting on a hill top wearing a tin hat crowd.
But have no doubt my Grand children have lots of time to do their thing.
2/25/2016 10:42:55 PM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |


Kingman, AZ
73, joined May. 2012
2/26/2016 6:23:01 AM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |


Leander, TX
66, joined Oct. 2013
How many of you feel we are in the last days as predicted in Revelations and why?
Do you have terminal cancer or some other disease putting you in your last days?
2/26/2016 6:29:51 AM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |


Richmond, VA
38, joined May. 2014
It is a proven fact that people who think the world is about to end,
Have psychological issues about their own life comming to an end.
Crazy people always claim it is the end of days.
2/26/2016 8:48:25 AM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |


York, PA
53, joined Jun. 2009
The universe that we've created for ourselves , is making people crazy . They think that our universe is the only one . For them , the universe that created us , is an illusion .
In all their years , they've never glimpsed it .
[Edited 2/26/2016 8:49:43 AM ]
2/26/2016 8:55:48 AM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |


York, PA
53, joined Jun. 2009
People who know the universe , that supports our stick built universe , don't go around killing people .
[Edited 2/26/2016 8:57:01 AM ]
2/26/2016 9:28:51 AM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |


Birmingham, AL
54, joined Feb. 2011
i believe based upon biblical events we are living in the last day but no one knows when it will finally end. revelation is not a book doom and gloom but a call to warn us that one day the end will come
2/26/2016 9:39:57 AM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |


York, PA
53, joined Jun. 2009
We pave the world , with everything we want it to be . It was here , long before we got here .
We're just the weenies , that want to take control of it all .
2/26/2016 9:48:50 AM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |


York, PA
53, joined Jun. 2009
There is never any warning , some crazy a** loon , wants to make everyone pay , for his own selfish misery .
2/26/2016 10:01:57 AM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |


York, PA
53, joined Jun. 2009
What drives people , to become walking bombs ?
2/26/2016 10:20:47 AM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |


Medford, OR
55, joined Jan. 2008
online now!
i believe based upon biblical events we are living in the last day but no one knows when it will finally end. revelation is not a book doom and gloom but a call to warn us that one day the end will come
Not a warning. A description of the inevitable. We are on a path that can only end by our extinction or a change of paths and it describes the alternate path which is a united kingdom of democracy. That is a unilateral end to capitalism and commitment to mankind and the rule of a harmless intent.
I like a twelve year standard education and a twelve year public career system of resource management just as a starting point for debate.
At thirty and doing what ever harmless endeavor of one's own choice, and with almost unlimited resources, not many if any, would just quit to do something else. My belief is that given this scenario and environment most would continue their passion/work well beyond 65 yrs of age. I am sure the efficiency and production goes up as joy flourishes in a work environment free from the need for cunning deceitful malice.
2/26/2016 10:27:27 AM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |
Dublin, OH
51, joined Mar. 2013
What drives people , to become walking bombs ?
The belief of separation. They don't see themselves as being a part of God, one with the body of God. Dwell on that one for a bit....
A Koan for you to think about too...
I am a full-grown, young eagle and my wings are ready to carry me soaring into the sky for the first time. I am sitting on the edge of the nest, my wings eager to cleave the air, yet my claws holding on to the nest. What forces within me cause my claws to grasp that nest so firmly that I cannot trust my wings and let go?
2/26/2016 12:24:26 PM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |


York, PA
53, joined Jun. 2009
The belief of separation. They don't see themselves as being a part of God, one with the body of God. Dwell on that one for a bit....
A Koan for you to think about too...
I am a full-grown, young eagle and my wings are ready to carry me soaring into the sky for the first time. I am sitting on the edge of the nest, my wings eager to cleave the air, yet my claws holding on to the nest. What forces within me cause my claws to grasp that nest so firmly that I cannot trust my wings and let go?
Its the same instinct that keeps everything alive . Letting go , forces us realize , that we're just as vulnerable , as the prey that we seek .
Nothing is a god . They believe that they are , because survival mechanisms have been fooling us , into behaving like every other animal .
Do animals need a god to behave like animals ? Why do humans need a god to behave like humans ?
A god doesn't make us different , it makes us the same .
2/26/2016 12:26:18 PM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |


Birmingham, AL
54, joined Feb. 2011
Not a warning. A description of the inevitable. We are on a path that can only end by our extinction or a change of paths and it describes the alternate path which is a united kingdom of democracy. That is a unilateral end to capitalism and commitment to mankind and the rule of a harmless intent.
I like a twelve year standard education and a twelve year public career system of resource management just as a starting point for debate.
At thirty and doing what ever harmless endeavor of one's own choice, and with almost unlimited resources, not many if any, would just quit to do something else. My belief is that given this scenario and environment most would continue their passion/work well beyond 65 yrs of age. I am sure the efficiency and production goes up as joy flourishes in a work environment free from the need for cunning deceitful malice.
God always gives us a warning when he is about to do something. trumpets in the bible were used to sound, meaning something was about to happen. why do you think Jesus paid it all? because God is love not willing anyone would be lost.
the bible even warns us in the last days there will be those who do not believe or no longer believes.
so who is right? the believer or the non believer. time will tell but i think i rather be on the Lords side
you can call me whatever you like but when those who do not believe see revelation unfold and Jesus coming who is the one that will fear
2/26/2016 12:51:35 PM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |


Medford, OR
55, joined Jan. 2008
online now!
God always gives us a warning when he is about to do something. trumpets in the bible were used to sound, meaning something was about to happen. why do you think Jesus paid it all? because God is love not willing anyone would be lost.
the bible even warns us in the last days there will be those who do not believe or no longer believes.
so who is right? the believer or the non believer. time will tell but i think i rather be on the Lords side
you can call me whatever you like but when those who do not believe see revelation unfold and Jesus coming who is the one that will fear
I am sure it is an error to wait for Jesus' return. We must participate in our birth as we are self exiled to death/extinction by our ignorant hypocrisy. A system of self serving is in direct conflict with any endeavor at civility, including a brotherhood of Christianity. Jesus' act as a savior was that of an example of why a private individual ownership system of resource management such as capitalism will lead to extinction. It snuffs out the best, most civil, attributes of our natural potential and turns it into anarchy.
2/26/2016 12:57:17 PM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |


York, PA
53, joined Jun. 2009
God always gives us a warning when he is about to do something. trumpets in the bible were used to sound, meaning something was about to happen. why do you think Jesus paid it all? because God is love not willing anyone would be lost.
the bible even warns us in the last days there will be those who do not believe or no longer believes.
so who is right? the believer or the non believer. time will tell but i think i rather be on the Lords side
you can call me whatever you like but when those who do not believe see revelation unfold and Jesus coming who is the one that will fear
Jesus will be crucified today , same as yesterday . The will of god commands it .
2/26/2016 1:13:58 PM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |

Bird in Hand, PA
63, joined Jan. 2009
The term "last days" are referent to the last days of apostate Israel/Judah of the 1st century AD. There is no mention last days of the planet earth in the bible.
John's revelation correctly understood is about the 70 AD judgment on apostate Israel/Judah for their covenant violations and the setting up of Christ's spiritual kingdom in the temple of his followers.
John clearly states in his epistle that they were living in the last time of the physical nation of apostate Israel:
(1 John 2:18 KJV) Little children, it is the last time....
"last time" does not extend past 70 AD
Christ appeared at the "end of the ages":
Heb 9:26 (NIV) Otherwise Christ would have had to suffer many times since the creation of the world. But he has appeared once for all at the culmination of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of himself.
2/26/2016 1:28:10 PM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |


York, PA
53, joined Jun. 2009
The church wants followers , they condemn all , that do not follow .
Its the same now , as it was 2,000 years ago .
Some things never evolve .
[Edited 2/26/2016 1:31:25 PM ]
2/26/2016 1:33:29 PM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |


Birmingham, AL
54, joined Feb. 2011
The term "last days" are referent to the last days of apostate Israel/Judah of the 1st century AD. There is no mention last days of the planet earth in the bible.
John's revelation correctly understood is about the 70 AD judgment on apostate Israel/Judah for their covenant violations and the setting up of Christ's spiritual kingdom in the temple of his followers.
John clearly states in his epistle that they were living in the last time of the physical nation of apostate Israel:
(1 John 2:18 KJV) Little children, it is the last time....
"last time" does not extend past 70 AD
Christ appeared at the "end of the ages":
Heb 9:26 (NIV) Otherwise Christ would have had to suffer many times since the creation of the world. But he has appeared once for all at the culmination of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of himself.
another deception
2/26/2016 1:38:23 PM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |
Dublin, OH
51, joined Mar. 2013
Its the same instinct that keeps everything alive . Letting go , forces us realize , that we're just as vulnerable , as the prey that we seek .
Nothing is a god . They believe that they are , because survival mechanisms have been fooling us , into behaving like every other animal .
Do animals need a god to behave like animals ? Why do humans need a god to behave like humans ?
A god doesn't make us different , it makes us the same .
Its a lack of faith in ourselves that keeps us clinging to the nest. We know the nest is safe and it offers us a feeling of comfort and security. Consciously an eagle knows it was created to fly or else it wouldn't have wings. But yet the egotic mind makes it question its ability to do so, using fear to gain control. What if I'm not strong enough yet, what if its windy and I can't stay in flight, what if's...Sometimes you have to take that leap of faith to soar..
2/26/2016 1:47:21 PM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |


York, PA
53, joined Jun. 2009
Its a lack of faith in ourselves that keeps us clinging to the nest. We know the nest is safe and it offers us a feeling of comfort and security. Consciously an eagle knows it was created to fly or else it wouldn't have wings. But yet the egotic mind makes it question its ability to do so, using fear to gain control. What if I'm not strong enough yet, what if its windy and I can't stay in flight, what if's...Sometimes you have to take that leap of faith to soar..
I didn't destroy your faith , somebody else did . I'm only here to give you your wings .
You have every right to soar with them . Don't blame me , for cloudy days .
3/17/2016 10:13:37 AM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |

Charlestown, IN
34, joined Sep. 2013
Yes Evidence form scripture.
Remember faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not yet seen.
2 Timothy 3
3 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! 6 For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, 7 always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 8 Now as Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, disapproved concerning the faith; 9 but they will progress no further, for their folly will be manifest to all, as theirs also was.
This site looks very insightful and on target check it out for further observance http://evidencetobelieve.net/is-this-the-end-times/
3While they are saying, "Peace and safety!" then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape. 4 But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day would overtake you like a thief; 5for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night nor of darkness;…
A comforting scripture for believers
2 Thessalonians 2King James Version (KJV)
2 Now we beseech you, brethren,(((( by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,)))) ( quotes used to highlight)
2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
I also believe in the great consolation the pre-tribulation rapture...
3/17/2016 10:14:57 AM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |

Charlestown, IN
34, joined Sep. 2013
It's not easy to be out of my comfort zone.
I want to rest and nest here but I fell all alone
God speaks to me says He is life and He is my friend.
Life I must chose by taking flight like the eagle I feel born again.
I Know now I cant stay where I am or this place that was comfortable will be my end
There is only one way for me to live it's to live and be Gods' friend
The Lord comforts me with his word His truth I have heard and it I cant ignore
Though I've never done this before I know it's what I was born for.
I leap even as I feel uneasy amazed I am as I began to soar.
His calm rushes over me I know now what I was born for.
Comfortably out of my comfort zone. I’m learning to fly I don’t do this on my own.
I see myself in a new light surely surprised at how much I own.
Now I am learning to be comfortable even when living out of my comfort zone.
Comfortably out of my comfort zone. I’m learning to fly I don’t do this on my own.
The Lord comforts me with his word why didn’t I do this before.
Though I had never done this before I know it's what I was born for.
I leaped even as I felt uneasy amazed I was as I began to soar.
His calm rushed over me It's was if I had flew before.
I’m learning new things as I live each day, Life is teaching me His ways.
I just had to take that leap of faith, trust in Jesus each and every day.
He opened my eyes to wonders anew, as His words entered my heart I understood.
Though small and seemingly insignificant, yet still a part of the Kingdom-hood.
The Lord comforts me with his word why didn’t I do this before.
Though I had never done this before I know it's what I was born for.
I leaped even as I felt uneasy amazed I was as I began to soar.
His calm rushed over me It's was if I had flew before.
I’m still learning about this thing called flight I must understand it is not by my might.
It is by His Spirit says the Lord of Shepard’s, The creator of all has given me the gift of flight.
I was created for the masters plans, A creature of His design He knows all my ways.
I am that I am by the grace of God that I am, I love bowing near the Ancient of days.
The Lord comforts me with his word why didn’t I do this before.
Though I had never done this before I know it's what I was born for.
I leaped even as I felt uneasy amazed I was as I began to soar.
His calm rushed over me It's was if I had flew before.
3/17/2016 5:22:44 PM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |


Bunker Hill, WV
44, joined Jul. 2013
Yes we most certainly are.
My response to the OPs question.
3/17/2016 5:40:02 PM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |

South Yorkshire
United Kingdom
58, joined May. 2011
Yes we most certainly are.
Could you narrow it down a bit for us, like last month, fortnight week or whatever?
3/17/2016 7:09:30 PM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |


Bunker Hill, WV
44, joined Jul. 2013
Could you narrow it down a bit for us, like last month, fortnight week or whatever?
No man knows the exact time only the signs of the time.
Prophecy, history foretold.
If one were to study The Word of God in its proper context, one would be left with the understanding that yes we at least are on the cusp of the end of days.
The end of days doesn't start until the beginning of the 7 year tribulation.
So right off the bat it is over 7 years.
The real question is, when will the 7 year tribulation come.
Once again no man knows.
But as I stated before , I believe we are on the cusp of the tribulation which will set in motion the end of days.
Time has a beginning and a end.
I believe it is this generation that will experience it.
The stage is set.
The proper people (characters if you will) are being placed.
Climate change (aka global warming) will be a MAJOR instrument in the implementation of this catastrophic event and help bring it to fruition.
Not the truth of it, but the falshood and misrepresentation of the actual scientific truth of that particular subject matter.
It will be used to create a One World Government.
Because hey, everybody loves good ole' Mother Earth.
The fix is in friend, and slowly blossoming.
Don't let the father of lies and left, liberal , main stream propaganda media stream put layers of scales upon your eyes so as to you not being able to see the light and Truth before you.
Clarence , I like you and know you are a bright man.
I would like you to study the book of Daniel and The book of Revelation.
I would like to hear your input and thoughts on them.
It isn't something that will happen over night if properly studied.
Be advised God is NOT the author of confusion.
But you must study to show thyself approved.
I truly believe in my bones and marrow that we are at the threshold.
He that hath a ear ... let him hear...

3/17/2016 8:39:42 PM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |

Charlestown, IN
34, joined Sep. 2013
i believe based upon biblical events we are living in the last day but no one knows when it will finally end. revelation is not a book doom and gloom but a call to warn us that one day the end will come
Amen brother No man knows the day nor the hour.
In all ages God forewarned mankind of what was coming up ahead it is up to us to head the warnings and to seek God and his ways..
Adam and Eve warned not to eat the fruit.
Noah was warned about the coming flood.
Israel was warned about the coming captivity to Babylon.
Nenava was warned but repented and were saved.
There were also promises of hope and restoration and blessing if adherence was applied.
Acts 3:22
For Moses said, 'The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your own people; you must listen to everything he tells you.
Acts 7:37
"This is the Moses who told the Israelites, 'God will raise up for you a prophet like me from your own people.'
Isaiah 45:3-22 (excerpts)
“That you may know that I, the Lord, am the God of Israel.I have even called you by your name; I have named you.I am the LORD and there is no other;There is no God besides Me.I will gird you, though you have not known Me,That you may know from the rising of the sun to its setting That there is none besides Me. I am the Lord and there is no other …Rain down, you heavens from above,
And let the skies pour down righteousness;Let the earth open, let them bring forth SALVATION,And let righteousness spring up together.I, the LORD have created it.
I have made the earth and created man on it.I—My hands—stretched out the heavens,
And all their host I have commanded” …‘Truly You are God, who hide Yourself,
O God of Israel, THE SAVIOR!’ “For thus says the LORD, Who created the heavens, Who is God, Who formed the earth and made it,Who has established it,
Who did not create it in vain,Who formed it to be inhabited:
I am the LORD and there is no other.I have not spoken in secret, in a dark place of the earth;I did not say to the seed of Jacob, ‘Seek Me in vain’;I, the LORD, speak righteousness,I declare things that are right …
Who has declared this from ancient time?Who has told it from that time?
Have not I, the LORD?And there is no other God besides Me,A JUST GOD AND A SAVIOR; there is none besides Me. Look to Me and BE SAVED All you ends of the earth!
For I am God and there is no other.”
3/17/2016 9:12:33 PM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |


Kingman, AZ
73, joined May. 2012
Amen brother No man knows the day nor the hour.
In all ages God forewarned mankind of what was coming up ahead it is up to us to head the warnings and to seek God and his ways..
Adam and Eve warned not to eat the fruit.
Noah was warned about the coming flood.
Israel was warned about the coming captivity to Babylon.
Nenava was warned but repented and were saved.
There were also promises of hope and restoration and blessing if adherence was applied.
Acts 3:22
For Moses said, 'The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your own people; you must listen to everything he tells you.
Acts 7:37
"This is the Moses who told the Israelites, 'God will raise up for you a prophet like me from your own people.'
Isaiah 45:3-22 (excerpts)
“That you may know that I, the Lord, am the God of Israel.I have even called you by your name; I have named you.I am the LORD and there is no other;There is no God besides Me.I will gird you, though you have not known Me,That you may know from the rising of the sun to its setting That there is none besides Me. I am the Lord and there is no other …Rain down, you heavens from above,
And let the skies pour down righteousness;Let the earth open, let them bring forth SALVATION,And let righteousness spring up together.I, the LORD have created it.
I have made the earth and created man on it.I—My hands—stretched out the heavens,
And all their host I have commanded” …‘Truly You are God, who hide Yourself,
O God of Israel, THE SAVIOR!’ “For thus says the LORD, Who created the heavens, Who is God, Who formed the earth and made it,Who has established it,
Who did not create it in vain,Who formed it to be inhabited:
I am the LORD and there is no other.I have not spoken in secret, in a dark place of the earth;I did not say to the seed of Jacob, ‘Seek Me in vain’;I, the LORD, speak righteousness,I declare things that are right …
Who has declared this from ancient time?Who has told it from that time?
Have not I, the LORD?And there is no other God besides Me,A JUST GOD AND A SAVIOR; there is none besides Me. Look to Me and BE SAVED All you ends of the earth!
For I am God and there is no other.”
Just for funsies, the DH Christian / Bible group is here: https://DateHookup.dating/Forum-5081.htm
3/18/2016 12:47:08 AM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |

Antonio de BiedmaMexico City
32, joined Aug. 2015
How many of you feel we are in the last days as predicted in Revelations and why?
Yes, I know with all my heart that we are in them.
But not only because we were revealed that in the book of Revelation but because we were revealed so from many other historical sources, like from different books & the following websites as examples:
world-destiny.org (w/ books)
divinecosmos.com (w/ books)
. . .
So enjoy the sources now, Satind !!!
3/20/2016 8:48:03 AM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |


47, joined Dec. 2011
Yes Evidence form scripture.
Evidence of what? 
3/25/2016 7:39:20 AM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |


Brantford, ON
62, joined Mar. 2012
When it comes to the book of Revelations, I kinda agree with Elaine Pagels in that you have to put its writings into the proper historical perspective .
In her new book Revelations: Visions, Prophecy and Politics in the Book of Revelation, Princeton University religious professor Elaine Pagels places the Book of Revelation in its historical context and explores where the book's apocalyptic vision of the end of the world comes from.
"The Book of Revelation fascinates me because it's very different than anything else you find in the New Testament," Pagels tells Fresh Air's Terry Gross. "There's no moral sermons or ethical ideas or edifying things. It's all visions. That's why it appeals so much to artists and musicians and poets throughout the century."
Pagels says the Book of Revelation's author, who calls himself John, was likely a refugee whose home in Jerusalem had been leveled by the Romans in response to a Jewish rebellion against the Roman Empire.
"I don't think we understand this book until we understand that it's wartime literature," she says. "It comes out of that war, and it comes out of people who have been destroyed by war."
Other images in Revelation — which include bright red beasts with seven heads, and dragons, monsters and cosmic eruptions — were likely influenced by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, which buried and destroyed the city of Pompeii, she says.
"Most people think John was writing at about the year 90 in the first century. That would be 60 years after the death of Jesus, and the eruption of Vesuvius happened in the year 79," she says. "Much of what we find in the Book of Revelation couched in the fantastic imagery are descriptions of events that for John were very close — the war in Jerusalem, the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, the Roman Emperors who were ruling at the time. ... It seems as though [John] reacted to that, saying, 'Jesus is coming and he is going to destroy all of this.' It was John's conviction that the destruction of Jerusalem was the beginning of the end of time that Jesus had predicted."
Book Of Revelation: 'Visions, Prophecy And Politics' : NPR
In her book, she notes how, Revelations can be used by any one to promote their own agenda and apply to them selves , even opposing sides. Such as both the North and the South in the Civil war. Or the anti Catholics and Catholics.
Obviously, some one is wrong then. And the only way to really understand it is to put it into the proper perspective, in which the author John of Patmos would have viewed the world.
Remember what he had witnessed in his life probably. He was a war refugee, would have seen the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD.
He also would have witnessed the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD that destroyed Pompei and much of Naples. Written accounts show that this was seen from as far away as Africa, and would have been witnessed where John was.
In those days, many would have taken this as a ;sign" of some sort. And for a religious man like John, who had witnessed so much persecution of his Judaic people? It would have made a huge impact on him.
So its no accident, so much of his imagery, would have been affected by the sight of that huge volcanic eruption.
Also keep in mind, when he wrote it, he did not have freedom of expression like we enjoy today. So he had to careful, and would use code to some degree.
But of course no one will look at history. And they will never admit that John was not writing about them , even 2,000 years later.
Much of Christianity when it comes to Revelations , is much like the girl at the party, who thinks every one is talking about them. They honestly believe their delusions that all of the gospel and even time, leads to them and their group. And that they are not only the centre of the universe in this 3rd dimension we inhabit now, but also the focus of the 4th one that adds time to height, width and depth.
And while ignoring time it self, the historical context in which John wrote the book!
Which means they think in a 2 dimension way, but think they are the focus of even what exists in the 4th dimension.
Arrogance that staggers the imagination, that all of time leads up to their stick figure selfie.Such is the nature of cults and false prophets who they follow.
[Edited 3/25/2016 7:39:59 AM ]
4/10/2016 11:15:51 PM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |

Antonio de BiedmaMexico City
32, joined Jun. 2015
How many of you feel we are in the last days as predicted in Revelations and why?
And also by seeing books like this:

4/11/2016 6:53:56 AM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |


Fairmont, MN
61, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
I have read alot from Elaine Pagels, very very good author, in my opinion.
Well ,also it is said that John on Patmos ate some good mushrooms, before writing Revelations, and he was writing about the visions, regarding his trip.
Lots of literature out there to support that notion.
4/11/2016 7:28:31 AM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |


Fairmont, MN
61, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
Regarding Hank Hanecraafft,
From reading many reviews regarding this author, it's easy to see it's a book that trashes Hal Lindsey and his ," Late Great Planet Earth" in favor of another view of revelations, touted by another rabid dispensationist, Tim LaHaye and his " Left Behind" series.
In other words , both are kooks, with a different slant, complete with typical Christian bickering and infighting
[Edited 4/11/2016 7:29:35 AM ]
4/12/2016 9:50:19 AM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |


York, PA
53, joined Jun. 2009
I have read alot from Elaine Pagels, very very good author, in my opinion.
Well ,also it is said that John on Patmos ate some good mushrooms, before writing Revelations, and he was writing about the visions, regarding his trip. 
Lots of literature out there to support that notion.
I've read Elaine Pagels , and I wholeheartedly agree .
John on Patmos , and revelations , I haven't any clue , can you be a little more specific ?
4/16/2016 6:32:49 PM |
How many of you feel we are in the last days? |

Antonio de BiedmaMexico City
32, joined Aug. 2015
Regarding Hank Hanecraafft,
From reading many reviews regarding this author, it's easy to see it's a book that trashes Hal Lindsey and his ," Late Great Planet Earth" in favor of another view of revelations, touted by another rabid dispensationist, Tim LaHaye and his " Left Behind" series.
In other words , both are kooks, with a different slant, complete with typical Christian bickering and infighting
Not necessarily with Hank's book, Rufftreasure. I haven't read that book I shared entirely, but from what I see it's possibly very important or so. .