3/29/2016 8:47:07 AM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |

Annapolis, MD
37, joined Feb. 2013
I respect Trump's fans. That's why I can no longer support the man himself.
Even Trump's most trusted advisors didn't expect him to fare this well.
Almost a year ago, recruited for my public relations and public policy expertise, I sat in Trump Tower being told that the goal was to get The Donald to poll in double digits and come in second in delegate count. That was it.
The Trump camp would have been satisfied to see him polling at 12% and taking second place to a candidate who might hold 50%. His candidacy was a protest candidacy.
It pains me to say, but he is the presidential equivalent of Sanjaya on American Idol. President Trump would be President Sanjaya in terms of legitimacy and authority.
And I am now taking full responsibility for helping create this monster — and reaching out directly to those voters who, like me, wanted Trump to be the real deal.
My support for Trump began probably like yours did. Similar to so many other Americans, I was tired of the rhetoric in Washington. Negativity and stubbornness were at an all-time high, and the presidential prospects didn't look promising.
In 2015, I fell in love with the idea of the protest candidate who was not bought by corporations. A man who sat in a Manhattan high-rise he had built, making waves as a straight talker with a business background, full of successes and failures, who wanted America to return to greatness.
I was sold.
Last summer, I signed on as the Communications Director of the Make America Great Again Super PAC.
It was still early in the Trump campaign, and we hit the ground running. His biggest competitor had more than $100 million in a Super PAC. The Jeb Bush deep pockets looked to be the biggest obstacle we faced. We seemed to be up against a steep challenge, especially since a big part of the appeal of a Trump candidacy was not being influenced by PAC money.
After the first debate, I was more anxious than ever to support Trump. The exchange with Megyn Kelly was like manna from heaven for a communications director. She appeared like yet another reporter trying to kick out the guest who wasn’t invited to the party. At the time, I felt excited for the change to the debate he could bring. I began realizing the man really resonates with the masses and would bring people to the process who had never participated before.
That was inspiring to me.
It wasn't long before every day I awoke to a buzzing phone and a shaking head because Trump had said something politically incorrect the night before. I have been around politics long enough to know that the other side will pounce on any and every opportunity to smear a candidate.
But something surprising and absolutely unexpected happened. Every other candidate misestimated the anger and outrage of the “silent majority” of Americans who are not a part of the liberal elite. So with each statement came a jump in the polls. Just when I thought we were finished, The Donald gained more popularity.
I don't think even Trump thought he would get this far. And I don’t even know that he wanted to, which is perhaps the scariest prospect of all.
He certainly was never prepared or equipped to go all the way to the White House, but his ego has now taken over the driver's seat, and nothing else matters. The Donald does not fail. The Donald does not have any weakness. The Donald is his own biggest enemy.
A devastating terrorist attack in Pakistan targeting Christians occurred on Easter Sunday, and Trump’s response was to tweet, "Another radical Islamic attack, this time in Pakistan, targeting Christian women & children. At least 67 dead, 400 injured. I alone can solve."
Ignoring the fact that at the time Trump tweeted this (time-stamped 4:37 p.m.) the latest news reports had already placed the number differently at 70 dead, 300 injured, take a moment to appreciate the ridiculous, cartoonish, almost childish arrogance of saying that he alone can solve. Does Trump think that he is making a cameo on Wrestlemania (yes, one of his actual credits)?
This is not how foreign policy works. For anyone. Ever.
Superhero powers where "I alone can solve" problems are not real. They do not exist for Batman, for Superman, for Wrestlemania and definitely not for Donald Trump.
What was once Trump's desire to rank second place to send a message to America and to increase his power as a businessman has nightmarishly morphed into a charade that is poised to do irreparable damage to this country if we do not stop this campaign in its tracks.
I'll say it again: Trump never intended to be the candidate. But his pride is too out of control to stop him now.
You can give Trump the biggest gift possible if you are a Trump supporter: stop supporting him.
He doesn't want the White House. He just wants to be able to say that he could have run the White House. He’s achieved that already and then some. If there is any question, take it from someone who was recruited to help the candidate succeed, and initially very much wanted him to do so.
The hard truth is: Trump only cares about Trump.
And if you are one of the disaffected voters — one of the silent majority like me — who wanted a candidate who could be your voice, I want to speak directly to you as one of his biggest advocates and supporters.
He is not that voice. He is not your voice. He is only Trump's voice.
Trump is about Trump. Not one of his many wives. Not one of his many "pieces of ass." He is, at heart, a self-preservationist.
In fact, many people are not aware of the Trump campaign's internal slogan, but I will tell you. It is stolen from a make-believe television presidency on The West Wing where Martin Sheen portrayed President Bartlet. The slogan on the show amongst the idealistic group of Bartlet's staff was “Let Bartlet Be Bartlet.”
Inside the Trump camp, the slogan became "Let Trump Be Trump."
It is a repurposed slogan that seemed spot-on for the candidate. He is an intelligent, charismatic man who is involved in every aspect of his organization and would rather speak from the cuff than read briefing notes and recite them. I, in fact, admire Trump for this. But saying this qualifies him to be president is like saying that Seth Rogen is suited to be president. Another extraordinary improvisor, not an extraordinary presidential candidate.
Trump has undoubtedly lived up to the slogan, right down to his main public-relations liaison. Rather than go for a focus-group Washington insider, his communications person had previously taken press calls for the Trump Organization and directed them to the appropriate Trump child. She joked that before joining the campaign she thought "Common Core" was a class at Equinox.
The primary problem with this? What I've seen the longer I've helped prop him up along with the millions who are helping Trump is that we got the slogan wrong. A more accurate internal slogan would read, "Let Trump Help Trump."
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3/29/2016 8:51:49 AM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |

96, joined May. 2011
I have never been a rider on the trump train...and NEVER will be!
But the OP is chronic bullshit...
3/29/2016 8:52:07 AM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |

Annapolis, MD
37, joined Feb. 2013
I don't dismiss any single Trump constituent, which is why I believe it's important to let you know that the candidate does.
I, too, think our country has gone off track in its values. I, too, think that we need a dramatic change of course. But I am, in my heart, a policy wonk and a believer in coming to the table with necessary knowledge for leading the free world.
The man does not know policy, nor does he have the humility to admit what he does not know — the most frightening position of all.
I remember watching the second Trump debate and thinking, After this, he is going to have to start hammering it home on policy; the country needs substance to make an informed decision.
I wished for it six months ago and am still waiting for it today. He had an opportunity after the terror attacks in Belgium and instead he used the opportunity to talk about closing the borders and what a mess that country had become. I was appalled that he offered no condolences or words of support; he merely gave his "build a wall" stump speech and talked about his greatness.
I felt sad for him at that moment.
And now, with the latest horrifying terror attack in Pakistan, my sadness has turned into anger.
I consider myself a part of the silent majority that led to Trump’s rise, which is why I want you to know that I am with you — I wanted Trump to be real, too.
He is not.
He even says so himself. His misogyny? That's the character.
His presidential candidacy? That's a character, too.
The problem with characters is they are the stuff of soap operas and sitcoms and reality competitions — not political legacies.
Trump made me believe. Until I woke up.
Former Trump Strategist Stephanie Cegielski
And he has no problem abusing your support the same way he cheated hard-working men and women out of millions of dollars, for which he is now being sued.
I came into this eager to support a savvy businessman who received little outside funding. I loved Trump's outsider status. But a year has now passed since I was first approached to become part of Team Trump.
While the pundits pontificated about what type of PR stunt Trump had up his billion-dollar sleeves, I met with people who convinced me he was serious about changing the political conversation. I wanted to raise millions for him. I wanted to contribute to millions of votes.
And as part of that support, in October, I supported the internal decision to close the Super PAC in order to position him as the quintessential non-politician. I still supported him with great passion after that. The decision to close the Super PAC was part of that devotion to his message of outsider change.
But something was shifting.
Without intending to do so, I began to hear and evaluate him more critically and skeptically as a member of the voting public rather than a communications person charged with protecting his positions.
I no longer felt that he was the leader the country was looking for, and I found myself longing — aching, really — for policy substance that went beyond building a wall and making Mexico pay for it. What were once bold — although controversial — statements now seemed to be attempts to please the crowds, not direction to lead this country to a better place. I began to realize his arrogance and isolation had taken over and were now controlling his message.
And here's what he tapped into: the unprecedented, unbelievable anger.
Because we are all angry — and we all have a right to be. But Trump is not our champion. He would stab any one of his supporters in the back if it earned him a cent more in his pocket.
Unfortunately, the more vitriolic Trump has become, the more the people responded to him. That drove him to push the boundaries further and further.
I also started seeing a trend of incompetence and deniability.
When there was a tweet that contained an error, he would blame it on an intern; when there was a photo containing a World War II Nazi Germany background, he would blame it on an intern; when he answered questions in an overtly controversial fashion, he would claim that he did not properly hear the question. He refused to take responsibility for his actions while frequently demanding apologies from others.
Imagine Trump wronged you, even in the smallest possible way. He would go to the grave denying he had ever done anything wrong to you — ever.
Trump acts as if he's a fictional character. But like Hercules, Donald Trump is a work of fiction.
No matter how many times he repeats it, Trump would not be the "best" at being a president, being in shape, fighting terrorism, selling steaks, and whatever other "best" claim he has made in the last 15 minutes.
He would be the best at something, though. He is the best at looking out for Donald Trump — at all costs.
Don’t let our country pay that price.
3/29/2016 8:54:05 AM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |

Bellaire, OH
53, joined Apr. 2008
YOU should be ashamed of yourself. copy and pasteing such trash. WHOINTHEF**K? spends millions on a campaign that WANTS to LOSE? YOU are a special kind of STUPID.     
3/29/2016 9:01:53 AM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |

Annapolis, MD
37, joined Feb. 2013
I have never been a rider on the trump train...and NEVER will be!
But the OP is chronic bullshit...
He's an entertainer. I have no doubt he's playing a character. I've thought that from the beginning.
3/29/2016 9:06:18 AM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |


Vancouver, WA
37, joined Apr. 2013
She's anti Trump because she got fired.
3/29/2016 9:07:45 AM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |

96, joined May. 2011
I understand that everyone is pissed off at the laughing stock called the US fed'ral gubment...
What I don't understand is idiots believing donald stump, a great benefactor of the aforementioned laughing stock, is going to substantially change that system...except to further benefit himself and other aristocrats just like him!
3/29/2016 9:10:13 AM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |


Vancouver, WA
37, joined Apr. 2013
“This person was never employed by the Trump campaign. Evidently she worked for a Super PAC which Mr. Trump disavowed and requested the closure of via the FEC. She knows nothing about Mr. Trump or the campaign and her disingenuous and factually inaccurate statements in no way resemble any shred of truth. This is yet another desperate person looking for their fifteen minutes. Meanwhile, Mr. Trump is running for President because he is the only one who will Make America Great Again.”
Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/2937713/donald-trumps-former-communications-director-he-never-wanted-to-win/#ilYDQOC5OVEUfl2L.99
3/29/2016 9:22:29 AM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |

Fort Lauderdale, FL
55, joined May. 2007
op scared b/c dems are running crap candidates. its why they are ALL scared and smearing.
hey look, hon, weve been scammed and screwed enough. nobody cares about the tactics. your hero paraded around as a "moderate" and the "voice of reason" and all we got is a dead economy, a lot of dead and tortured and raped in the middle east and our enemies walking all over us.
if you are too sheltered or stupid to figure it out, its hopeless. go vote for communism and leave people who want to better their lives alone
3/29/2016 9:29:55 AM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |


Fairmont, MN
60, joined Jun. 2014
He's an entertainer. I have no doubt he's playing a character. I've thought that from the beginning.
This would explain many things.
I still tend to think he's trying to throw the election to Hillary.
I read this and other articles about this subject.
I was just coming to post this same article, City
I shared it on Facebook
3/29/2016 9:38:29 AM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |

Annapolis, MD
37, joined Feb. 2013
I think it's pretty clear that trump only cares about trump. His hardcore supporters don't care, though. I bet they wouldn't care if everything on the letter was absolutely true.
3/29/2016 9:49:14 AM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |


West Plains, MO
47, joined Feb. 2014
Is the implication that run of the mill politicians are not ego driven, and do care about people other than themselves?
3/29/2016 9:49:48 AM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |


Euless, TX
48, joined May. 2014
Flaming liberals are worried. Very worried. They may want to concentrate on their top candidate who is under multiple criminal FBI investigations and can't generate enough excitement with her monotone voice to fill up a room 
3/29/2016 9:52:25 AM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |

Fort Lauderdale, FL
55, joined May. 2007
yammering about minor idiosyncracies and indiscretions, ignoring major problems with their own candidates
[Edited 3/29/2016 9:52:52 AM ]
3/29/2016 10:19:47 AM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |


Dubois, IN
55, joined May. 2014
Get on board or get run over!

3/29/2016 10:30:43 AM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |


Fairmont, MN
60, joined Jun. 2014
Train wreck...............
3/29/2016 3:42:49 PM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |

Bellaire, OH
53, joined Apr. 2008
I think it's pretty clear that trump only cares about trump. His hardcore supporters don't care, though. I bet they wouldn't care if everything on the letter was absolutely true.
Link? to establish such claim. Or just LYING out of your ass, as per usual? 
3/29/2016 3:50:14 PM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |


Plymouth, MI
40, joined Dec. 2013
I think it's pretty clear that trump only cares about trump. His hardcore supporters don't care, though. I bet they wouldn't care if everything on the letter was absolutely true.
I agree, and I have said back when Bush was running that Trump WILL look out for himself. How can anyone even begin to look out for someone else if they first aren't looking out for themselves?
Do you really think that Bernie Sanders isn't looking out for himself? Or Hillary Clinton looking out for herself? Do you REALLY think Obama isn't looking out for himself? So that argument is made moot by the simple fact that everyone is looking out for themselves City.
What people should really be looking at is who cares most about their legacy? Hillary Clinton? Sheeeaaat.... She will never get out from under all the scandals she has been involved in over the years... Sanders? Well what legacy is he going to leave behind? He can't even do his hair most of the time and hasn't amounted to much. Prior to the 2016 Election I had never heard of Bernie Sanders!
Trump on the other hand, he has a legacy... A desire to leave things better than he found them. This is what I look at! He's all in for America so I am all in for Trump!
[Edited 3/29/2016 3:50:46 PM ]
3/29/2016 4:15:32 PM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |


Aurora, CO
65, joined Oct. 2008
I agree, and I have said back when Bush was running that Trump WILL look out for himself. How can anyone even begin to look out for someone else if they first aren't looking out for themselves?
Do you really think that Bernie Sanders isn't looking out for himself? Or Hillary Clinton looking out for herself? Do you REALLY think Obama isn't looking out for himself? So that argument is made moot by the simple fact that everyone is looking out for themselves City.
What people should really be looking at is who cares most about their legacy? Hillary Clinton? Sheeeaaat.... She will never get out from under all the scandals she has been involved in over the years... Sanders? Well what legacy is he going to leave behind? He can't even do his hair most of the time and hasn't amounted to much. Prior to the 2016 Election I had never heard of Bernie Sanders!
Trump on the other hand, he has a legacy... A desire to leave things better than he found them. This is what I look at! He's all in for America so I am all in for Trump!

3/29/2016 4:32:13 PM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |


Arlington, VA
61, joined Jan. 2011
online now!
She's anti Trump because she got fired. 
You apparently didn't read it. She QUIT.
3/29/2016 4:37:07 PM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |


Vallejo, CA
56, joined Feb. 2008
I was reading this article a few days ago.
My first conclusion, and the replies to this post confirm that, is
Trump supporters have to be impervious to facts to begin with,
so this isn't really going to do any actual good.
Anyone that couldn't see this fact from the beginning isn't going to.
He doesn't want the White House. He just wants to be able to say that he could have run the White House. He’s achieved that already and then some. If there is any question, take it from someone who was recruited to help the candidate succeed, and initially very much wanted him to do so.
hard truth is: Trump only cares about Trump.
3/29/2016 4:40:57 PM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |


Mount Arlington, NJ
32, joined Dec. 2012
online now!
Trump on the other hand, he has a legacy... A desire to leave things better than he found them. This is what I look at! He's all in for America so I am all in for Trump!
He has a desire to leave things better than when he found them? The explains Atlantic City's success.
And if he was in it to help all of us instead of himself, wouldn't he have donated the money to his campaign instead of loaning it to his campaign. Because to me, it seems like he just found another way to make money.
3/29/2016 5:18:07 PM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |


Panama City, FL
63, joined Feb. 2008
All this anti-Trump hysteria reminds me of the anti-Reagan hysteria of 1980.
"He's a fanatic! He can't win in November!"
3/29/2016 5:18:13 PM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |


Plymouth, MI
40, joined Dec. 2013
Prog, I think if you check the facts you will see that politics in AC is why that place went down the toilet. Trump just had a few properties in AC, not the whole damn strip!
I don't see how being smart with your money is a bad thing, but for whatever reason you rather elect someone who is bought and paid for? The only person backing Trump is Trump, that narrative doesn't change by pointing out the fact that Trump is loaning his own campaign money.
3/29/2016 5:20:39 PM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |

Naperville, IL
25, joined Jul. 2013
yeah so? Do you have a point you want to make City?
I respect Trump's fans. That's why I can no longer support the man himself.
Even Trump's most trusted advisors didn't expect him to fare this well.
Almost a year ago, recruited for my public relations and public policy expertise, I sat in Trump Tower being told that the goal was to get The Donald to poll in double digits and come in second in delegate count. That was it.
The Trump camp would have been satisfied to see him polling at 12% and taking second place to a candidate who might hold 50%. His candidacy was a protest candidacy.
It pains me to say, but he is the presidential equivalent of Sanjaya on American Idol. President Trump would be President Sanjaya in terms of legitimacy and authority.
And I am now taking full responsibility for helping create this monster — and reaching out directly to those voters who, like me, wanted Trump to be the real deal.
My support for Trump began probably like yours did. Similar to so many other Americans, I was tired of the rhetoric in Washington. Negativity and stubbornness were at an all-time high, and the presidential prospects didn't look promising.
In 2015, I fell in love with the idea of the protest candidate who was not bought by corporations. A man who sat in a Manhattan high-rise he had built, making waves as a straight talker with a business background, full of successes and failures, who wanted America to return to greatness.
I was sold.
Last summer, I signed on as the Communications Director of the Make America Great Again Super PAC.
It was still early in the Trump campaign, and we hit the ground running. His biggest competitor had more than $100 million in a Super PAC. The Jeb Bush deep pockets looked to be the biggest obstacle we faced. We seemed to be up against a steep challenge, especially since a big part of the appeal of a Trump candidacy was not being influenced by PAC money.
After the first debate, I was more anxious than ever to support Trump. The exchange with Megyn Kelly was like manna from heaven for a communications director. She appeared like yet another reporter trying to kick out the guest who wasn’t invited to the party. At the time, I felt excited for the change to the debate he could bring. I began realizing the man really resonates with the masses and would bring people to the process who had never participated before.
That was inspiring to me.
It wasn't long before every day I awoke to a buzzing phone and a shaking head because Trump had said something politically incorrect the night before. I have been around politics long enough to know that the other side will pounce on any and every opportunity to smear a candidate.
But something surprising and absolutely unexpected happened. Every other candidate misestimated the anger and outrage of the “silent majority” of Americans who are not a part of the liberal elite. So with each statement came a jump in the polls. Just when I thought we were finished, The Donald gained more popularity.
I don't think even Trump thought he would get this far. And I don’t even know that he wanted to, which is perhaps the scariest prospect of all.
He certainly was never prepared or equipped to go all the way to the White House, but his ego has now taken over the driver's seat, and nothing else matters. The Donald does not fail. The Donald does not have any weakness. The Donald is his own biggest enemy.
A devastating terrorist attack in Pakistan targeting Christians occurred on Easter Sunday, and Trump’s response was to tweet, "Another radical Islamic attack, this time in Pakistan, targeting Christian women & children. At least 67 dead, 400 injured. I alone can solve."
Ignoring the fact that at the time Trump tweeted this (time-stamped 4:37 p.m.) the latest news reports had already placed the number differently at 70 dead, 300 injured, take a moment to appreciate the ridiculous, cartoonish, almost childish arrogance of saying that he alone can solve. Does Trump think that he is making a cameo on Wrestlemania (yes, one of his actual credits)?
This is not how foreign policy works. For anyone. Ever.
Superhero powers where "I alone can solve" problems are not real. They do not exist for Batman, for Superman, for Wrestlemania and definitely not for Donald Trump.
What was once Trump's desire to rank second place to send a message to America and to increase his power as a businessman has nightmarishly morphed into a charade that is poised to do irreparable damage to this country if we do not stop this campaign in its tracks.
I'll say it again: Trump never intended to be the candidate. But his pride is too out of control to stop him now.
You can give Trump the biggest gift possible if you are a Trump supporter: stop supporting him.
He doesn't want the White House. He just wants to be able to say that he could have run the White House. He’s achieved that already and then some. If there is any question, take it from someone who was recruited to help the candidate succeed, and initially very much wanted him to do so.
The hard truth is: Trump only cares about Trump.
And if you are one of the disaffected voters — one of the silent majority like me — who wanted a candidate who could be your voice, I want to speak directly to you as one of his biggest advocates and supporters.
He is not that voice. He is not your voice. He is only Trump's voice.
Trump is about Trump. Not one of his many wives. Not one of his many "pieces of ass." He is, at heart, a self-preservationist.
In fact, many people are not aware of the Trump campaign's internal slogan, but I will tell you. It is stolen from a make-believe television presidency on The West Wing where Martin Sheen portrayed President Bartlet. The slogan on the show amongst the idealistic group of Bartlet's staff was “Let Bartlet Be Bartlet.”
Inside the Trump camp, the slogan became "Let Trump Be Trump."
It is a repurposed slogan that seemed spot-on for the candidate. He is an intelligent, charismatic man who is involved in every aspect of his organization and would rather speak from the cuff than read briefing notes and recite them. I, in fact, admire Trump for this. But saying this qualifies him to be president is like saying that Seth Rogen is suited to be president. Another extraordinary improvisor, not an extraordinary presidential candidate.
Trump has undoubtedly lived up to the slogan, right down to his main public-relations liaison. Rather than go for a focus-group Washington insider, his communications person had previously taken press calls for the Trump Organization and directed them to the appropriate Trump child. She joked that before joining the campaign she thought "Common Core" was a class at Equinox.
The primary problem with this? What I've seen the longer I've helped prop him up along with the millions who are helping Trump is that we got the slogan wrong. A more accurate internal slogan would read, "Let Trump Help Trump."
3/29/2016 5:25:02 PM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |


Mount Arlington, NJ
32, joined Dec. 2012
online now!
Prog, I think if you check the facts you will see that politics in AC is why that place went down the toilet. Trump just had a few properties in AC, not the whole damn strip!
I don't see how being smart with your money is a bad thing, but for whatever reason you rather elect someone who is bought and paid for? The only person backing Trump is Trump, that narrative doesn't change by pointing out the fact that Trump is loaning his own campaign money.
Politics in Atlantic City isn't near as bad as all the casinos that opened up outside of NJ. Most good businessmen can adapt instead of bankrupting companies. 
Donations by individuals surpass Trumps own donations to his campaign some time ago. Trump is not the only person backing Trump, not even close.
But I'd rather not elect anyone who is there simply to manipulate the people. I'd also like to elect someone who wasn't a businessman to head our army.
3/29/2016 11:01:23 PM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |

Bellaire, OH
53, joined Apr. 2008
Politics in Atlantic City isn't near as bad as all the casinos that opened up outside of NJ. Most good businessmen can adapt instead of bankrupting companies.
Donations by individuals surpass Trumps own donations to his campaign some time ago. Trump is not the only person backing Trump, not even close.
But I'd rather not elect anyone who is there simply to manipulate the people. I'd also like to elect someone who wasn't a businessman to head our army.
Sounds like Obama supporter remorse.   
3/30/2016 3:14:49 AM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |

New Orleans, LA
57, joined Nov. 2014
Whoops. It turns out the whole thing was a lie and she was never his communications director. She worked for a PAC for another candidate.
3/30/2016 5:50:44 AM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |


Vancouver, WA
37, joined Apr. 2013
You apparently didn't read it. She QUIT.
“This person was never employed by the Trump campaign. Evidently she worked for a Super PAC which Mr. Trump disavowed and requested the closure of via the FEC. She knows nothing about Mr. Trump or the campaign and her disingenuous and factually inaccurate statements in no way resemble any shred of truth. This is yet another desperate person looking for their fifteen minutes. Meanwhile, Mr. Trump is running for President because he is the only one who will Make America Great Again.”
Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/2937713/donald-trumps-former-communications-director-he-never-wanted-to-win/#ilYDQOC5OVEUfl2L.99
3/31/2016 4:57:32 AM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |

New Orleans, LA
57, joined Nov. 2014
I respect Trump's fans. That's why I can no longer support the man himself.
Even Trump's most trusted advisors didn't expect him to fare this well.
Almost a year ago, recruited for my public relations and public policy expertise, I sat in Trump Tower being told that the goal was to get The Donald to poll in double digits and come in second in delegate count. That was it.
The Trump camp would have been satisfied to see him polling at 12% and taking second place to a candidate who might hold 50%. His candidacy was a protest candidacy.
It pains me to say, but he is the presidential equivalent of Sanjaya on American Idol. President Trump would be President Sanjaya in terms of legitimacy and authority.
And I am now taking full responsibility for helping create this monster — and reaching out directly to those voters who, like me, wanted Trump to be the real deal.
My support for Trump began probably like yours did. Similar to so many other Americans, I was tired of the rhetoric in Washington. Negativity and stubbornness were at an all-time high, and the presidential prospects didn't look promising.
In 2015, I fell in love with the idea of the protest candidate who was not bought by corporations. A man who sat in a Manhattan high-rise he had built, making waves as a straight talker with a business background, full of successes and failures, who wanted America to return to greatness.
I was sold.
Last summer, I signed on as the Communications Director of the Make America Great Again Super PAC.
It was still early in the Trump campaign, and we hit the ground running. His biggest competitor had more than $100 million in a Super PAC. The Jeb Bush deep pockets looked to be the biggest obstacle we faced. We seemed to be up against a steep challenge, especially since a big part of the appeal of a Trump candidacy was not being influenced by PAC money.
After the first debate, I was more anxious than ever to support Trump. The exchange with Megyn Kelly was like manna from heaven for a communications director. She appeared like yet another reporter trying to kick out the guest who wasn’t invited to the party. At the time, I felt excited for the change to the debate he could bring. I began realizing the man really resonates with the masses and would bring people to the process who had never participated before.
That was inspiring to me.
It wasn't long before every day I awoke to a buzzing phone and a shaking head because Trump had said something politically incorrect the night before. I have been around politics long enough to know that the other side will pounce on any and every opportunity to smear a candidate.
But something surprising and absolutely unexpected happened. Every other candidate misestimated the anger and outrage of the “silent majority” of Americans who are not a part of the liberal elite. So with each statement came a jump in the polls. Just when I thought we were finished, The Donald gained more popularity.
I don't think even Trump thought he would get this far. And I don’t even know that he wanted to, which is perhaps the scariest prospect of all.
He certainly was never prepared or equipped to go all the way to the White House, but his ego has now taken over the driver's seat, and nothing else matters. The Donald does not fail. The Donald does not have any weakness. The Donald is his own biggest enemy.
A devastating terrorist attack in Pakistan targeting Christians occurred on Easter Sunday, and Trump’s response was to tweet, "Another radical Islamic attack, this time in Pakistan, targeting Christian women & children. At least 67 dead, 400 injured. I alone can solve."
Ignoring the fact that at the time Trump tweeted this (time-stamped 4:37 p.m.) the latest news reports had already placed the number differently at 70 dead, 300 injured, take a moment to appreciate the ridiculous, cartoonish, almost childish arrogance of saying that he alone can solve. Does Trump think that he is making a cameo on Wrestlemania (yes, one of his actual credits)?
This is not how foreign policy works. For anyone. Ever.
Superhero powers where "I alone can solve" problems are not real. They do not exist for Batman, for Superman, for Wrestlemania and definitely not for Donald Trump.
What was once Trump's desire to rank second place to send a message to America and to increase his power as a businessman has nightmarishly morphed into a charade that is poised to do irreparable damage to this country if we do not stop this campaign in its tracks.
I'll say it again: Trump never intended to be the candidate. But his pride is too out of control to stop him now.
You can give Trump the biggest gift possible if you are a Trump supporter: stop supporting him.
He doesn't want the White House. He just wants to be able to say that he could have run the White House. He’s achieved that already and then some. If there is any question, take it from someone who was recruited to help the candidate succeed, and initially very much wanted him to do so.
The hard truth is: Trump only cares about Trump.
And if you are one of the disaffected voters — one of the silent majority like me — who wanted a candidate who could be your voice, I want to speak directly to you as one of his biggest advocates and supporters.
He is not that voice. He is not your voice. He is only Trump's voice.
Trump is about Trump. Not one of his many wives. Not one of his many "pieces of ass." He is, at heart, a self-preservationist.
In fact, many people are not aware of the Trump campaign's internal slogan, but I will tell you. It is stolen from a make-believe television presidency on The West Wing where Martin Sheen portrayed President Bartlet. The slogan on the show amongst the idealistic group of Bartlet's staff was “Let Bartlet Be Bartlet.”
Inside the Trump camp, the slogan became "Let Trump Be Trump."
It is a repurposed slogan that seemed spot-on for the candidate. He is an intelligent, charismatic man who is involved in every aspect of his organization and would rather speak from the cuff than read briefing notes and recite them. I, in fact, admire Trump for this. But saying this qualifies him to be president is like saying that Seth Rogen is suited to be president. Another extraordinary improvisor, not an extraordinary presidential candidate.
Trump has undoubtedly lived up to the slogan, right down to his main public-relations liaison. Rather than go for a focus-group Washington insider, his communications person had previously taken press calls for the Trump Organization and directed them to the appropriate Trump child. She joked that before joining the campaign she thought "Common Core" was a class at Equinox.
The primary problem with this? What I've seen the longer I've helped prop him up along with the millions who are helping Trump is that we got the slogan wrong. A more accurate internal slogan would read, "Let Trump Help Trump."
Isn't this funny! The biggest bullshit story ever posted here was posted by our very own shitty nights. How unexpected
3/31/2016 1:23:18 PM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |


Castle Rock, CO
58, joined Jan. 2009
I think it's pretty clear that trump only cares about trump. His hardcore supporters don't care, though. I bet they wouldn't care if everything on the letter was absolutely true.
Let me be clear about this, I AM NOT a Trump supporter. There is a lot about this article that I agree with, I believe that he really did not want the job but his oversized ego has taken over. I still know of no one that is a conservative that wants Trump, so I think that he has picked up "millions" of votes from independents and democrats that are trying to screw up the GOP.
That being said, as I have stated before if it comes down to Trump the idiot vs Hillary the stupid then I will throw up on my shoes and vote Trump. Hillary is a vile person down to her core. She would be the closest thing ever to a dictator if she gets that job. She showed her true colors in FBIgate, Travelgate, Bimbogate, she is just as much if not more power hungry than Trump. AND, as a senator and as SOS she accomplished NOTHING.
I would take Bernie over her, he would be a laugh a minute, Hillary would be dangerous to all of our freedoms.
3/31/2016 1:27:20 PM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |

Berwyn, IL
59, joined Jan. 2009
Get on board or get run over!

Excellent post!!!!

3/31/2016 7:35:32 PM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |

Brockton, MA
52, joined Sep. 2011
Flaming liberals are worried. Very worried. They may want to concentrate on their top candidate who is under multiple criminal FBI investigations and can't generate enough excitement with her monotone voice to fill up a room 
there i nothing to worry about
Trump is playing a role, he doesn't want to be the POTUS, he is now figuring out a way to lose the nomination
3/31/2016 7:38:00 PM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |

Brockton, MA
52, joined Sep. 2011
Let me be clear about this, I AM NOT a Trump supporter. There is a lot about this article that I agree with, I believe that he really did not want the job but his oversized ego has taken over. I still know of no one that is a conservative that wants Trump, so I think that he has picked up "millions" of votes from independents and democrats that are trying to screw up the GOP.
That being said, as I have stated before if it comes down to Trump the idiot vs Hillary the stupid then I will throw up on my shoes and vote Trump. Hillary is a vile person down to her core. She would be the closest thing ever to a dictator if she gets that job. She showed her true colors in FBIgate, Travelgate, Bimbogate, she is just as much if not more power hungry than Trump. AND, as a senator and as SOS she accomplished NOTHING.
I would take Bernie over her, he would be a laugh a minute, Hillary would be dangerous to all of our freedoms.
So voting for a idiot is your way of saving face?........you really would vote for an idiot out of spite?, you really do hate America
3/31/2016 7:38:02 PM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |


West Plains, MO
47, joined Feb. 2014
there i nothing to worry about
Trump is playing a role, he doesn't want to be the POTUS, he is now figuring out a way to lose the nomination
Why do you assume this?
3/31/2016 7:41:18 PM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |

Naperville, IL
25, joined Jul. 2013
fall, you want to be like Greece?
As the mice follow the pied piper down to the river to drown.
3/31/2016 7:47:16 PM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |

Brockton, MA
52, joined Sep. 2011
Why do you assume this?
Because Trump has shown us that he loves attention, Obama called him out by referring to him as a carnival barker,now his ego needed to see what would happen if he decided to run................now he is in over his head, mark my words he is trying to find a way out
3/31/2016 7:48:37 PM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |

Naperville, IL
25, joined Jul. 2013
you'll get some day. When it's too late.
3/31/2016 7:53:16 PM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |


Lexington, KY
59, joined Nov. 2014
Humans of New York
March 14 at 11:44am ·
An Open Letter to Donald Trump:
Mr. Trump,
I try my hardest not to be political. I’ve refused to interview several of your fellow candidates. I didn’t want to risk any personal goodwill by appearing to take sides in a contentious election. I thought: ‘Maybe the timing is not right.’ But I realize now that there is no correct time to oppose violence and prejudice. The time is always now. Because along with millions of Americans, I’ve come to realize that opposing you is no longer a political decision. It is a moral one.
I’ve watched you retweet racist images. I’ve watched you retweet racist lies. I’ve watched you take 48 hours to disavow white supremacy. I’ve watched you joyfully encourage violence, and promise to ‘pay the legal fees’ of those who commit violence on your behalf. I’ve watched you advocate the use of torture and the murder of terrorists’ families. I’ve watched you gleefully tell stories of executing Muslims with bullets dipped in pig blood. I’ve watched you compare refugees to ‘snakes,’ and claim that ‘Islam hates us.’
I am a journalist, Mr. Trump. And over the last two years I have conducted extensive interviews with hundreds of Muslims, chosen at random, on the streets of Iran, Iraq, and Pakistan. I’ve also interviewed hundreds of Syrian and Iraqi refugees across seven different countries. And I can confirm— the hateful one is you.
Those of us who have been paying attention will not allow you to rebrand yourself. You are not a ‘unifier.’ You are not ‘presidential.’ You are not a ‘victim’ of the very anger that you’ve joyfully enflamed for months. You are a man who has encouraged prejudice and violence in the pursuit of personal power. And though your words will no doubt change over the next few months, you will always remain who you are.
Brandon Stanton
3/31/2016 8:01:11 PM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |

Naperville, IL
25, joined Jul. 2013
walt, one only has to watch what is occurring. Or are you saying you've been hired by the Dep't of Homeland Security to vet refugees and vouch for them.
Most folks are good and descent, but if you can't separate the wheat from the chaff your post here is insincere and dishonest.
3/31/2016 8:02:22 PM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |


Painesville, OH
57, joined Mar. 2014
This would explain many things.
I still tend to think he's trying to throw the election to Hillary.
I read this and other articles about this subject.
I was just coming to post this same article, City
I shared it on Facebook
Add to this Trump having within a rather short time decided to run as a Republican. Not to mention his quirky Democratic leakage. I felt the same from the very start of his campaign.
3/31/2016 8:06:20 PM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |

Naperville, IL
25, joined Jul. 2013
believe it or not tragic, most of us are willing to help people who try and help themselves. what pisses us off is those who feel entitled and don't do shit to help themselves. No sympathy there. Maybe you support this type but I don't.
3/31/2016 8:12:55 PM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |


Castle Rock, CO
58, joined Jan. 2009
So voting for a idiot is your way of saving face?........you really would vote for an idiot out of spite?, you really do hate America
Yes, if the idiot is the choice over Hillary. Yes Yes indeed. Are you suggesting that in any possible way that Hillary would be a good choice for America? If so then I would say that you must really hate America.
3/31/2016 8:15:12 PM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |

Naperville, IL
25, joined Jul. 2013
Hillary doesn't give two shits about America. I will explain more in the coming months. But not now, you all are not ready for it yet.
3/31/2016 8:23:20 PM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |


Painesville, OH
57, joined Mar. 2014
believe it or not tragic, most of us are willing to help people who try and help themselves. what pisses us off is those who feel entitled and don't do shit to help themselves. No sympathy there. Maybe you support this type but I don't.
I find it quite odd you would think I somehow support those who don't do shit to help themselves. Sorry dude, I don't. I will however, do everything possible to help those in a position where there happens to be little hope. And really, whats with the maybe crap?
3/31/2016 8:28:30 PM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |


Painesville, OH
57, joined Mar. 2014
Hillary doesn't give two shits about America. I will explain more in the coming months. But not now, you all are not ready for it yet.
So if we're not ready to hear your BS on Hillary, whats to say Trump gives a shit about America other than to claim he can make it great again? And please, try not to make everyone laugh.
3/31/2016 8:30:44 PM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |


Fairmont, MN
60, joined Jun. 2014
Add to this Trump having within a rather short time decided to run as a Republican. Not to mention his quirky Democratic leakage. I felt the same from the very start of his campaign.

3/31/2016 9:47:13 PM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |


Mount Arlington, NJ
32, joined Dec. 2012
online now!
Yes, if the idiot is the choice over Hillary. Yes Yes indeed. Are you suggesting that in any possible way that Hillary would be a good choice for America? If so then I would say that you must really hate America.
Why don't you just vote for someone else? There's more than two candidates.
If everyone voted for the best choice instead of the lesser of two evils, I have a feeling this country would be in much better shape.
3/31/2016 9:53:40 PM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |

Naperville, IL
25, joined Jul. 2013
tragic, Hillary is not looking to make America Great.
3/31/2016 10:23:42 PM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |


Painesville, OH
57, joined Mar. 2014
tragic, Hillary is not looking to make America Great.
So what is it you propose she's trying to make America look like if she is elected as our next President? And despite her inconsistencies, seems to me her policies are a lot more definitive than Donald Trumps. Funny, you've yet to elaborate on what the contents of Trumps policies are that are supposed to make America great again.
4/1/2016 4:14:25 AM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |

New Orleans, LA
57, joined Nov. 2014
So what is it you propose she's trying to make America look like if she is elected as our next President? And despite her inconsistencies, seems to me her policies are a lot more definitive than Donald Trumps. Funny, you've yet to elaborate on what the contents of Trumps policies are that are supposed to make America great again.
Her policies of corruption since the day bill took office? Hahahahaha.
4/1/2016 7:04:07 AM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |

Gueydan, LA
84, joined Mar. 2013
We all know they all make promises coming out the gate, it is the finish line we need to be concerned about. We are in deep trouble here if we don't change course.
We have to look at past behavior, and deeds that have been done over the person's lifetime to discern if one has a trustworthy character, then you will know who to pick.
I have not seen Trump on trial for crimes against humanity.
I have seen both in corporate snafus, and legal wrangling's, and then that has to be viewed for the seriousness of the charge involved. I understand corporate bankruptcy which is a part of doing business, that does not bother me.
What ever comes off their lips, I give no credence to. Even sweet old fart Bernie. He can promise us the moon, doesn't mean he will get it.
[Edited 4/1/2016 7:04:41 AM ]
4/1/2016 7:20:07 AM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |


Lexington, KY
59, joined Nov. 2014
walt, one only has to watch what is occurring. Or are you saying you've been hired by the Dep't of Homeland Security to vet refugees and vouch for them.
Most folks are good and descent, but if you can't separate the wheat from the chaff your post here is insincere and dishonest.
You might want to re-read the post, it simply states Trump will say and do anything to win the nomination, and in the coming months will change his stance to fit the moment...
Trump's opinions on important matters are like the winds of Spring, they blow in from every direction
4/1/2016 8:13:21 AM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |

Brockton, MA
52, joined Sep. 2011
tragic, Hillary is not looking to make America Great.
Because she already knows America is still great
name another place on earth you would rather live and why
4/1/2016 9:46:21 AM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |


Aurora, CO
65, joined Oct. 2008

4/1/2016 9:58:47 AM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |

Ocala, FL
57, joined Jul. 2013
Because she already knows America is still great
name another place on earth you would rather live and why
Then why is she loaded with plans to keep changing it to more progressive when citizens themselves can decide the pace and ways forward? We don't need government telling us how to be social or to what extent, and the solar panel market can take care of it without her plan to install and what quantities.
Laws that permit innovation and a friendly business environment takes care of itself.
she and Bernie are micromanagers..like a boss over your shoulder every minute.
The republicans want to trust you will do the job with the business climate open..
4/1/2016 10:22:42 AM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |


Fairmont, MN
60, joined Jun. 2014
What's this, seems off topic spam
4/1/2016 1:04:44 PM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |


Arlington, VA
61, joined Jan. 2011
online now!
It's the right's attempt to smear the victim here. Typical tactic, and the allegations have all been debunked.
4/1/2016 1:22:47 PM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |


Litchfield, OH
64, joined Jul. 2010
noun: megalomania
obsession with the exercise of power, especially in the domination of others.
synonyms: delusions of grandeur, folie de grandeur, thirst/lust for power; More
self-importance, egotism, conceit, conceitedness
"he's blinded by his own megalomania and quest for historic recognition at any cost"
delusion about one's own power or importance (typically as a symptom of manic or paranoid disorder).
That could apply to any of the candidates?
4/1/2016 6:54:51 PM |
Open letter to Trump supporters from former communications director |

Fort Lauderdale, FL
55, joined May. 2007
It's the right's attempt to smear the victim here. Typical tactic, and the allegations have all been debunked.
one reason we are struggling is the overbloated bureaucracy we are laboring under.
you know, the people who wont ever have to worry about being on obamacare.
who get 3, 4, 5, 6 k a month on top of their ss equivalent amounts.
with a six figure pension amount waiting for them on top of it.
never having to worry about being fired. never having to worry their workplace might downsize, or sell off, or be taken over and shrunken. and always vote democrat no matter what.
how's that for a "tactic"?