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9/8/2008 8:36:15 PM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Eugene, OR
age: 54
Best advice, STFU & walk away before you lower the estimate drivers even more. BTW, If you are anything more than an a**hole owner, why do you have time to be on here??? You should be rolling, not typing.
Thank you OR64,,but driver ,I can hold my own..as you prob can read,,lol.. Sad..isn't it that he talks the talk but aint walking the walk... He represents all that we in the trucking industry are trying to dispell from the general public opinion of us a group of hard working ppl ,,delivering that freight and not getting any respect from anyone,,including fellow drivers,,
Most of us..wouldn't give his type the time of day..and your right..he's not rolling unless he's doing local work,,and we all know they 4 wheeler wanabe truck drivers in the 1st place.. In the last 15 years I have over a million and half accident free miles.. unless you call getting stuck in the mud at larry and kathy a few yrs ago one night after Cali had the worst rainfall in over 10 yrs ..at the suggestion of an old time driver friend I was running with telling me..lets park there.. 1st and last time I ever parked it at larry and kathys..yep...lol..
any way... its obvious he's not running... cuz ifn he were ..he must be shutting her down every nite ..losing precious sleep to get on his puter..to belittle women... He prob doesn't even know the current HOS,,cuz ..>>>> Quote from one of his postings>>>>
Hello. Just wanted to know if fishing pardner qualifies as activity pardner?. Cause there is a lot of activity on my boat. Like banging on the motor to get it running again,putting the trolling plate down, getting unstuck in the mud,swimming to get more gas out of the pickup,And if the hammer on the motor don't work maybe some paddling involed.If you feel that you would like this sort of activity i'd be glad to have you as a activity pardner! "
Sounds like he's retired..or on disability..ifn he has all this time for playing with his little boat..now wouldnt ya say?
Nah..he's not trucking.. he's one of those that hog up channel 19 b*tchin and a whinin so..those that might need some info..can't get a break in... sitin at home with that ham radios..so he can reach out down to Sac..interfering with everyone and their dog.
Oh well... thanks driver for putting ur two cents in.. and I appreciate..
9/9/2008 7:15:17 AM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Eugene, OR
age: 49
Must get enough bounce and vibration from truck seat to just b*tch about SEX and complain about algae rather than attend a local singles meet and greet events.
What will be the next topic for this Dating site? "Neighbors Compost Pile Smells like Teen Spirit" ????
9/9/2008 7:57:34 AM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Eugene, OR
age: 54
I'm not looking for a companion..or a date..I have been with the same man for years and years,, You think I'm agressive and dominate? meet my other half.. we compliment each other..as we both are agressive dominate people.. I have no need to look for someone.. I have that someone.. I have told ppl point blank..this is an oregon chat..for ppl living in oregon..I was born and raised here,,if I choose to be here and make friends,,thats excatly what I do.. I have made a few friends here,,that I deal with in my private life.. so..now is that a crime? I just don't think so... Just because u are looking doesn't mean everyone is looking..
If I wanted sex,,,I had it.. my other half and I were team drivers,, no need for the seat to vibrate,,,no sir..just jump on my man laps and have sex going down the road //assuming makes and a** out of you... know the facts jack before you start the labeling crap!
I have no need to ATTEND any singles events or meetings.. unlike yourself..apparently..who does seem to have that need.. need a hiking companion..just call on ol Patrick..who knows..he might be a serial killer in disguise or a rapist.. what with all the hype and hullaballo about exercising his rights to talk about sex in a group that doesn't want to hear it..yeah Patrick kepp on keeping on man.. maybe u need that rosy red palm and her five sisters,,more than ol jimbobby does!!!!
9/9/2008 9:21:19 AM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Eugene, OR
age: 49
Other half??? LOL!!! Oh my thats too funny!!! So, in a sort of committed relationship yet you spend mass time on a DATING site?
Is the closet that dark?
At least when I get a date or activity partner we have fun. Your idea of a activity partner is giving the "other half" a break and activity partner can help you work.
So, exciting sex for you is endangering other drivers lives while going 65 on freeway in a fully loaded truck... Sounds orgasmic... I think your hub caps a little loose and axle grease in wrong lube bottle.
btw... Does your "other half" play on dating sites too?? Maybe a swingers/gay site might suit you more.
www.amazontruckers.com LOL
9/9/2008 2:23:44 PM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Eugene, OR
age: 54
Patrick..get a real life there dude... What part of I am not looking for a relationship..or into dating did ya miss there? Its a free country bud... one can go where no man has dared go before..lol.. so..I like oregon chat... oh well!!!! too bad too sad...
My partner and I both are out of the trucking industry,,he because of injuries and health related probs,,and me..cuz I am burned out on it..
What we did.. I will concede,,was not good..yep..it could of jeopardized the motoring public.. but ..variety is the spice in life.. or do u know that one?
What makes u think he and I don't have fun? are u here to see or know what it is that we do? and one man's idea of fun isn't neccesarily the next mans idea of fun..
How ever..lets get back to the orgasmic thing..yep..it was a thrill..u just envious cuz u don't have the skills to maneuver a fully loaded 80 grand truck and have sex at the same time...hahahahahhahahahaah..My other half..likes to look at porn..but then again we are known to go to the titty bars together.. oh well.share and share alike.,..eh? cuz I'm not consumed with jeolousy ..unlike most women.. I don't have that insecurity..
Guess one has to know their worth and value..eh? I ain't the one out here begging someone to take a hike with me..
Know the facts before you spout off..cuz someday that shit might come around and bite u in the ass!!! 
9/9/2008 4:37:09 PM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Cloverdale, OR
age: 27
u are both doing an excellent job of making truckers look stupid! and for the record over the road trucking in general isn't real trucking and all any of u do is piss and moan and waist time irritating everyone else who has a cb and doesn't want to listen to ur crap. the only thing in ur conversation that had any promise is that whitesnake said she had driven log truck. at least that take some skill. any ahole can pull a big block of $h!t down the interstate so u should both find something more productive to do than make yourselves look bad. and u should move to a diff state so our state doesn't look bad with u.
9/9/2008 5:18:26 PM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Eugene, OR
age: 54
Hey...Patrick isn't a driver? were u including him? and sorry to disappoint ya..but you apparently didn't read thru all the postings.. I made a comment that ppl//like Jim keep perpetuating the bad image that the general public has about truckers.. I had said I wasn't going to continue on ..with the conversation..but I got pissed off.. As to the conversation between Patrick and myself.. its really isn't pertaining to trucking issues..and For my leaving my home state! If you can prove you were born and raised here.. I will not rag on ya,... but ifn ya a import..and you adding ur two cents..ur fair game..
9/9/2008 7:17:52 PM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Eugene, OR
age: 49
Do all truckers have that bad of grammar skills or is it just the inbreed? Can't be all because I've met intelligent truckers. Some even have High School diplomas and 2 year College trade certificates. Talked to long haulers with college degrees and still studying while hauling.
Takes skills to have sex while driving a motor vehicle? Other than oral, Might be a stunt for a closed environment where the general public isn't in any danger. Your nuttier than I imagine. Don't take too many safety driving smarts to pull over at a rest area, truck stop or a motel.
So, You're on a Singles Dating site because the Forum heading says Oregon Chat? Freedom to ruin a singles dating site by attempting to rule out sex discussions and interrupt good threads with your wise crack one sentence remarks?
Pretty sad when you throw yourself out there looking for dates of same interest and activities to come back with two pages of you and follower with non-sense one liners.
Only other reason a married, attached or what ever you be with "the other" to being on a singles dating site is from being dis-satisfied, looking for a swinger, illegal activity, or just plainly too stupid to finding a forum or a real chat room more suitable to your interest and or location.
Am sure some nice people would be happy to hold your hand and donate a URL or two.
9/9/2008 7:37:48 PM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Eugene, OR
age: 54
Wanna paraphrase that one Patrick..as it was rather disembled ambigous rambling...Are ya drunk there ol man? sounds like drunken ramblings on to me..
I most likely have more education than most that participate here,,in the Oregon chat.Grammer? whats that?..as the general world seem to end every sentence in a preposition these days... now thats poor grammer to be sure..
I can't answer for all truck drivers..most have a high school education at best..I am neither nutty..or disembled..What I am.. is one who enjoys the hunt..and baiting one ..for my amusement and entertainment..and trust me..you provide both..So/you are an adult.. You want to play on my turf?.. come on.. cuz.. this amuses me to no end..
9/9/2008 8:19:39 PM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Eugene, OR
age: 49
Oh... your a player/gamer and jealous when others try to find dates here by interrupting threads!!! That explains it!! Thanks
9/9/2008 11:51:25 PM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Portland, OR
age: 44
u are both doing an excellent job of making truckers look stupid! and for the record over the road trucking in general isn't real trucking and all any of u do is piss and moan and waist time irritating everyone else who has a cb and doesn't want to listen to ur crap. the only thing in ur conversation that had any promise is that whitesnake said she had driven log truck. at least that take some skill. any ahole can pull a big block of $h!t down the interstate so u should both find something more productive to do than make yourselves look bad. and u should move to a diff state so our state doesn't look bad with u.
Well, you have proven how little you know about the Industry & what it takes to be a driver, I do agree that any dumb schmuck can go forward down the road. One of the things that marks a driver is what happens when you get to the dock, landing or what have you. Not to mention that driving isn't a job like others, it's a way of life a** well as a frame of mind.
Patrick, you have spent so much time posting on here, that if you manage to respond to this in the next week, it will show that you're camping, not running. A serious O/O wouldn't have the time to be posting so much. B.T.D.T. and yes I have the scars.
White, looks like ppl can't understand when they've stepped onto your firing range, mores the pity
9/10/2008 6:09:00 AM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Eugene, OR
age: 54
Quote from ol Patrick>>Oh... your a player/gamer and jealous when others try to find dates here by interrupting threads!!! That explains it!! Thanks<<<
LOL LOL.. yeppers.. I just love that I seem to have all this control..and idiots keep coming back for more.. JEALOUS????? Even better,,, For the life of God.. 1st, what in hell would I have a need to be jealous of? for my morning wake up..this is (priceless)))
OMG!!!!!!!... I ended a sentence in a preposition...oh oh I bad!!! ok OK OK //I guess this will have to lead into my having to start a new thread..Does any one Feel Whitehawk has disrupted any ones dating experience,by disrupting threads? hmmm Patrick thats given me a great Idea for new thread headings... thanks little buddy!!!!!

9/10/2008 6:12:17 AM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Eugene, OR
age: 54
Quote from OR64>> " White, looks like ppl can't understand when they've stepped onto your firing range, mores the pity"
Yep.... but I will give a credit there my fellow driver,,, You seem to have it pegged..unlike some here.. who can't understand they being baited... I would say I'm a skilled Oregon hunter after all... lol.. Cuz I sure can call em in...lol..lol..lol...  
9/10/2008 10:10:52 AM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Lakeview, OR
age: 47
Well whitesnake i've already proven your a f**king thief! now i now why you can't get a job! ppl like you ought to be just taken out and shot! now as far as log trucks i've driven them too. i even owned one so what the f**k is so great about them? they are the easist trucks in the world to drive. trl stays right behind the truck the only problem you with them is when you have a driver that thinks he's on a race track and give a f**k about what he or she is doing to the truck. if the non-trucking ppl want to see how whitesnake and her groupees drive just watch iceroad truckers and look for rick! as far as 64 now you say you are a o/o or was a o/o? what is or was your icc#.i'll bet none of so called drivers can tell me when you need icc and when you don't? hurry and look it up. it's real simple if you know what the hell your talking about!
9/10/2008 10:29:03 AM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Eugene, OR
age: 54
OMG???YOU SPOKE> or was that You WROTE????? Your back for more??? OH HAPPY DAY!!!!!!!!