9/10/2008 10:33:38 AM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Eugene, OR
age: 54
WHOA!!!! hold the horses... lil ol Whitehawk,,can't respond back till lunch break.. But rest assured>>>>> RESPOND she will.....(((((OH HAPPY DAY))))))))
9/10/2008 10:47:16 AM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Lakeview, OR
age: 47
yea i know thief you will but see you gotta look it up or call some one...lol
9/10/2008 11:23:19 AM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Eugene, OR
age: 54
So Jimbob.. what was it I stole? be specific here ifn ya can..I'm a law abiding citizen..now make sure ya don't do some slandering now ,, ya all hear?
Pertinent details>>>> Whitehawk stole what? She's a thief how? She broke and entered to steal this stuff? She snuck in under the cover of darkness?She ripped off what? She conked you over the head(like that really matters) knocked you out, and stole your identity?
Ok..I give up.. What DID I steal?
9/10/2008 11:41:19 AM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Eugene, OR
age: 54
Well whitesnake i've already proven your a f**king thief! now i now why you can't get a job! ppl like you ought to be just taken out and shot! now as far as log trucks i've driven them too. i even owned one so what the f**k is so great about them? they are the easist trucks in the world to drive. trl stays right behind the truck the only problem you with them is when you have a driver that thinks he's on a race track and give a f**k about what he or she is doing to the truck. if the non-trucking ppl want to see how whitesnake and her groupees drive just watch iceroad truckers and look for rick! as far as 64 now you say you are a o/o or was a o/o? what is or was your icc#.i'll bet none of so called drivers can tell me when you need icc and when you don't? hurry and look it up. it's real simple if you know what the hell your talking about!
9/10/2008 11:46:35 AM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Lakeview, OR
age: 47
well snake i was talking about the chains. what have you got that those chains fit? or if you bought them for someone else's truck your way dumber than i thought!!!! i see no one has answered my icc question are ya still trying to look it up know it all!!!
9/10/2008 12:23:05 PM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Lakeview, OR
age: 47
oh i'am sorry snake! you bought those chains to go along with that pic of that peterbuilt! what are you gonna buy next a radio????
9/10/2008 12:55:33 PM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Eugene, OR
age: 54
h i'am sorry snake! you bought those chains to go along with that pic of that peterbuilt! what are you gonna buy next a radio????"
Thar she blows!!!!!!! LIL ol Jimbobby..locked me..out.. amazing.. so course had to continue the thread.. is so vastly enteraining... Gee.. I really should be working at that job..I lost somehwere..now where did I put it?@@
Picture of my Pete.. Dammit..wheres them logs... Oh I know..we could give ol JimBobbie a phone # to call and verify Ifn That really was the peterbilt I drove..but we can do better that that..IFN he truely is an O/O he can simply stop in at Corning truck stop go up to the fuel desk..ask anyone if they remember the ndn gal that drove that nice brown pete for metro..and wa LA!!!! there ya goes..instant confirmation!!!!
Gee my radio so old ..its reached prehistoric..and or antique age.. bout time I bout a new,..one..better yet...I go steal one!!!!! lol
9/10/2008 12:59:17 PM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Eugene, OR
age: 58
Whitehawk,,,,You drove for Reese? if you are who I think You are,,,I remember you..a few years back? If she is same driver I remember,.. She did drive a real nice Pete..always polished out..
9/10/2008 1:21:52 PM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Eugene, OR
age: 54
Yeah..I drove for them,you have a good memory if you rmember my truck being polished out..I always liked to piss off the southbounders as I was going north-reflecting that sun off my aluminum...lol..lol..
9/10/2008 1:50:51 PM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Eugene, OR
age: 58
LOL. I guess I could relate to that sentiment.A nice newer polished truck always is a thing of beauty.
9/10/2008 2:12:23 PM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Eugene, OR
age: 54
Yep..driver it tis at that...
9/10/2008 2:29:55 PM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Lakeview, OR
age: 47
goddamn snake did you buy all that aluminum to polish out? or you just drove it! wish i could pack a pic around and tell everyone see i drove this truck! still no answer on my icc question........but i kinda knew that cause look whos posting. lol
9/10/2008 2:36:01 PM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Eugene, OR
age: 54
You are beyond belief... You DON"T get it do u? You are a insecure ,woman hating,whining , poor excuse for a man and a Wanabe truck driver..I guess ol rosy red palm didn't quite do the trick there for ya Jimbobby...Hold ON!!!! I calling castle store and ordering a blow up doll for ya,., one that has good mouth suction... Get the flour out.. so's you can roll in it to find the ol weinie,,and tell me where ya want me to fed ex it to...
9/10/2008 2:44:12 PM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Eugene, OR
age: 54
SHHHHHHHHHSSSSH...WE's a wabbit hunting.. A hunting we will go..a hunting we will go..hi ho the dairy oh,,a hunting we will go..Quik!!LOOKOVER YONDER>>>>>@@>>>>>IT"S IT"S OH GOOD GOD!!! ITS Jimbobby..look there Tonto..he gots a plastic blowup doll stuck to his little penis... Ya think it was too much Viagra? Better shoot the doll!!!!!
9/10/2008 2:54:42 PM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Lakeview, OR
age: 47
i can see now i'am talking to a real f**king dummy..i think you said back in your first post or there abouts you new alot about trucking. you even brought out federal and state laws cause i guess you wanted to impress ppl. but you can't answer 1 question about icc........you had better go back on the swift website!