9/10/2008 3:06:09 PM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Eugene, OR
age: 54
For those who wish to read about how the ICC came into being..here is the link>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interstate_Commerce_Commission
9/10/2008 3:17:30 PM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Eugene, OR
age: 54
KNOCK KNOCK!! Knock knock!!! Gee will ya look at that,,Ol Jimbobby's head..seems to be made out of some kind of dense material... Wheres Hannible Lector when ya need him??? Hey Jimbobby... you in there? Anybody home?... See that Tonto... maybe we needs to club him a few time..might knock some sense into that dense ol head what think ya man? Might even help improve his spelling a bit too...
9/10/2008 3:32:01 PM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Lakeview, OR
age: 47
well i see one know it all truckherder can't answer it! but i guess they didn't teach her any of that when she was in swift driving school! but they sure told her about the fmcsa to use when she did'nt want to go anywhere!.lol....or64.would you like to answer it? since you are/was a o/o. and you had to stick you nose in it! oh and snake i think i do remeber you. will not you excatly but the guy that fell in your old puss with a two by four and had to get the fire dept. to get him out!! . i'am glad there are other women out there cause if you was the only one out ther a whole lot more men would be useing thei r hand!!!!!
9/10/2008 4:05:28 PM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Eugene, OR
age: 54
Jimbobby... Dude// I have never been an independant,,nor did I make any kind of statement that I was..where did u get that idea..and furthermore..copy and paste where I did say that since u seem hell bent that I said I was an owner operator.. SWIFT?? Please,,There is no amount of money that I would of taken to drive for that low life company. I drove for Metro.. Ever hear of em? I'm sure ya have if you were actually trucking..we were known as the "GO" company..cuz we moved freight!!! Rees enterprizes was METRO too.. I also drove for GTI..all of these are reputable..good companies.. I don't drive for pieces of shit companies.. My Father was the truck boss of one of the more well known sand and gravel companies in Oregon..I grew up around trucks..my father was the number one driver for Stokes and sons..I have been in trucking longer than you have been alive little man,,,You are an uneducated lower echelon lifeform that continues on disrespecting the trucking industy and I will make damn sure that the threads here will be posted all over the net ..NO woman should be subjected to you and your attitude and your poor excuse for a man..You need to get higher than that 4th grade education you have there,,and learn about the "REAL world..and learn to spell and read while ur at it
9/10/2008 4:21:17 PM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Eugene, OR
age: 54
True story ..only from O/O's? I don't think so homey... I have spent almost half of my life..trucking,,I didn't own my own truck..that however does not ..not make me qualified to know what the hell I am talking about..I spent 16 years OTR..this last time out.. I got out of trucking a year ago..why? cuz the company I worked for.. refused to fix a truck that was un safe to drive according to FMCSA/ODOT,and Federal OSHA..when the king pins are worn so that there is 2 plus inches of play in the steers.and the tie rod ends are ready to come off..due to wear.. I would think that this would be a considerable safety issue and a threat to the rest of the motoring public..just not to the driver..
I believe my Quote was"I didn't own my own truck" was it not"?..
How did it get transposed to..now I said I was an O/O ,or I am a O/O?
9/10/2008 6:12:09 PM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Lakeview, OR
age: 47
well whitesnake i did'nt say you were a o/o! if i did i wish you would show me where! i was going by what you have told me!. you was somehow real smart on the trucking! but i ask you i simple question that you can't answer. you are trying to make ppl belive that you are a know it all c*nt!.let me make a suggestion to you because i'am through answering a dumg son of b*tch that don't know if her a** is punched or bored!. and it only took one question for me to that. my suggestion to you is stick to the indians because the only 3 things i know about them is #1,they will bring a knife to a gun fight,#2,they like to get drunk and destroy the houses that the us goverment gives them.#3 they think the american taxpayer owes them a living! so snake get a f**king life and not in trucking! because you would'nt make a pimple on a good truck drivers ass! good by
9/10/2008 6:38:23 PM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Cloverdale, OR
age: 27
i have one more thing to add that is kinda off issue now but thought whitesnake should know. truckers aren't the only people in the whole usa that don't get overtime. farm employees don't get overtime either. and i admit there or64 the people who can drive well and backup well when they get to the docks(especially tight area docks) and also the drivers that are good with doubles or triples could be called real truck drivers but how many can do that. u might agree (don't know if u will or not) that the majority of so called truck drivers really do suck at driving their vehicles. oh and one more thing i would like to add. i do feel bad that u guys have to deal with the "motoring public". they are idiots. it is pretty damn obvious that there are blind spots on a truck and that they don't manuvere as easily as cars. also when a truck hits it's turn signal and wants to get over but can't u guys should just run them over and it should be legal cause it pisses me off when i see a truck hit the turn signal and like three or four cars try to fly around them like they have something to gain instead of just being curtious and letting the truck in.
9/10/2008 6:39:17 PM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Eugene, OR
age: 58
You have some real problems there guy.I am full blood Muscogee Creek.You have disrespected my Sister,,and now me.You want to take on a real man? You are no more an owner operator, than some foreign easterner that thinks they can drive a truck.
9/10/2008 6:41:04 PM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Cloverdale, OR
age: 27
sorry for calling u whitesnake. apparently i can't read. i mean whitehawk
9/10/2008 7:40:11 PM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Lakeview, OR
age: 47
you know lostguide you been trying to get your f**king big nose in this a couple of times! i don't give a shit if your chief sittingbull or who your sister is! what i said about the indians are nothing but the truth. let me explain here i lived 56 miles south of here. in a little town called alturas, ca. modoc co. the area code is 530/233/ and what ever 4 numbers you want to put in some one will answer ask them about the piute indians there!. in fact the american taxpayers are putting more new houses in as i write! and i seen the indians bring the knife to the gun fight that the mexicans brought! when it was thru there was a indian laying in the middle of main street.! now he's 6 feet under! so really lostguide i don't give a shit what you have to say!. white eyes signing off
9/23/2008 8:01:23 PM |
Trucking Issue's?? |

Oregon City, OR
age: 43
I worked graveyard at a truck stop and Ive heard every story out there.... isnt this getting old???