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9/12/2008 8:48:33 PM Oh man, this is starting to suck real bad!  

Jacksonville, FL
age: 52

OK what was this dam thread about anyhow Please stop Please

9/12/2008 8:52:34 PM Oh man, this is starting to suck real bad!  

Sioux Falls, SD
age: 43

Quote from kenb5b01:
Jay asked me not to post anything online. Besides that would break forum rules so
Don't you have a copy? That's odd, they usually make sure everybody have a copy.

At any rate, the picture is illegal and even if it wasn't, it has no place on a site like this.

The point being: The OP was in regards to the posting of movies and pictures. It is abuse such as the child porn SD posted that forces Admin to place restriction on post material.

Boy you really are a piece of work. You think I am impressed about you knowing my ex's first name? Get real, tommy_walker knew it so of course you do too.

I am ROFLMAO - truly I've got squat there Kenton old boy. You don't have my divorce settlement info, you never did. Scranton - what a f**king riot.

Why can't you just give up the ghost huh? You are delusional imo, just a sick delusional f**ktard.

You can't prove the picture is illegal either so just give it rest already - you are beating a dead horse. Or is it you are just too damn stupid to figure that out?

Besides, you are not the Godhead of DH - you don't get to decide what is appropriate here or not appropriate here. Sorry to bust up your little Napoleon complex.

Seems to me you are walking a fine line for a libel suit.............JMO

Go get a life man.............even you deserve a life.

9/12/2008 9:21:53 PM Oh man, this is starting to suck real bad!  

Wilmington, DE
age: 50

man o man what a intercoursetard.....I think ol Kenboy has been toking on the bong and hitting the Henny tonite...

Loved the "little Napoleon" thats humor....

BTW...I loved the pics of the jailbait.....

and why is someone who posts pics of himself without a shirt on and other half nude pics in profile biotching about semi porn pics......Maybe someone has broken all his mirrors in his house so he cant look in them.

9/12/2008 9:23:34 PM Oh man, this is starting to suck real bad!  

Wilmington, DE
age: 50

got a members must wait 14 days to use foul language.....lmao....what a crock of f**king sh*t.....what is going on with this site??????

9/12/2008 9:30:14 PM Oh man, this is starting to suck real bad!  

Tallahassee, FL
age: 42 online now!

This is Kunton's Modem Operandi. Next he'll start blackmailing you by demonstrating that he knows your employer's, parents, and pastors phone numbers and threatens to reveal information (true or not) unless you do exactly what he says.

A true crook

9/12/2008 9:39:53 PM Oh man, this is starting to suck real bad!  

Wilmington, DE
age: 50

Next he will have a few good freinds of mine name Bruno and Dominic from south Philly knocking on his door...This country isnt that wide...


9/12/2008 9:50:24 PM Oh man, this is starting to suck real bad!  

Sioux Falls, SD
age: 43

Quote from ge0ge0:This is Kunton's Modem Operandi. Next he'll start blackmailing you by demonstrating that he knows your employer's, parents, and pastors phone numbers and threatens to reveal information (true or not) unless you do exactly what he says.

A true crook

Well I wish him loads and loads of luck trying that crap on me lol. I'm not currently employed - stay at home mother and full time college student. My pastor? Yeah uh -huh. Sure that is happening - not. My family is in law enforcement and honest to goodness there is nothing I've ever done that they don't know about already so the truth, if he could ever even figure out what that is, wouldn't help him one teeny tiny bit. If it happens to be something they don't already know about I am sure, as in 100% positive, that they will not care and likely laugh so hard at him that he finishes having the mental breakdown that he is obviously in the middle of. And as for trying to lie about me to them??? ROFLMAO.

9/12/2008 10:13:05 PM Oh man, this is starting to suck real bad!  

West Palm Beach, FL
age: 35

"My pastor? Yeah uh -huh."

It's rusty_shorts now... sorry about the mix-up...

< made me do it..

9/12/2008 10:13:26 PM Oh man, this is starting to suck real bad!  

Tallahassee, FL
age: 42 online now!

Kunton only preys on the weak and vulnerable. Some Don Quixote fantasy quest he's on to save and protect the sanctity and purity of this dating site. Personally I feel he's behind all of the Stasi control that has been meted out recently. The evidence is apparent in this thread alone. But this thread will be "disappeared" soon.

9/12/2008 10:17:06 PM Oh man, this is starting to suck real bad!  

West Palm Beach, FL
age: 35

Quote from ge0ge0:
Kunton only preys on the weak and vulnerable. Some Don Quixote fantasy quest he's on to save and protect the sanctity and purity of this dating site. Personally I feel he's behind all of the Stasi control that has been meted out recently. The evidence is apparent in this thread alone. But this thread will be "disappeared" soon.

Makes sense.. Squeaky wheel get's the grease...

Again.. I seem to recall that he was leaving?..yes-no?....

9/12/2008 10:18:51 PM Oh man, this is starting to suck real bad!  

Tallahassee, FL
age: 42 online now!

The essence of evil never leaves, it just manifests into a different form and persists.

9/13/2008 2:54:59 AM Oh man, this is starting to suck real bad!  

Wilmington, DE
age: 50

mr wonderful must of passed out...

9/15/2008 2:17:28 PM Oh man, this is starting to suck real bad!  

Brigantine, NJ
age: 41

Lmao, wow anubis that started some shiiittt

9/15/2008 3:34:17 PM Oh man, this is starting to suck real bad!  

Lakewood, WA
age: 57

I was wondering what all the bickering I heard about was ..........for I had never come across it......that is until reading this thread. Can't say I thank you all for clearing it up.
But....I got to get off here and close my eyes and rest them...cause I have a headache

This ken has a point being.......... don't post young ones pictures in such a manner even if meant in fun. You better believe that strange men/women roam the net with twisted minds.... wanting to cause problems on sites.

I thought this was meant as a site to meet friends.............not makes enemies of each other.

9/16/2008 8:51:06 AM Oh man, this is starting to suck real bad!  

South Elgin, IL
age: 43

Quote from lord_anubis:
Good News!
Since Dustin has decreased the time on Video/Pictures that one must wait, i am now able to post Saturday Night Videos Again.
Now i have to go and finish another motion picture, lol.

will i be in this one, oh DARK LORD?

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