9/14/2008 4:46:57 AM |
What do men really want? |

Morton, IL
age: 38
well Sags you both have a very good point. I'd have to agree. Ty for be honest and truthful.
9/14/2008 6:48:13 AM |
What do men really want? |
Braidwood, IL
age: 47

Good question. And the men ask the same of the women. It has been
pondered since time began. Thank goodness, the question will never
be answered. That is what makes all this great. The possibility of
finding that 'one special' person is about a million to 1. It sure is
fun trying to figure it out. You expose yourself to many different
types of people. You may find the 'almost' special one. You may find
the 'just kinda' special one. We learn from all the 'special'
people that we come across. What we'd like, what we definately DON'T
billy54.......you've been flagged again
9/14/2008 6:51:52 AM |
What do men really want? |

Morton, IL
age: 38
That is all very true. Ty you Chilly. Its just hard when ppl dont say what they mean or are cruel with the words they choose. 
9/14/2008 6:54:07 AM |
What do men really want? |

Belleville, IL
age: 48
First...it would be nice if one of you ladies were down here! 
All the good ones are upstate!
Not fair! 
9/14/2008 6:56:17 AM |
What do men really want? |
Braidwood, IL
age: 47

And the mean and cruel words you see and hear Sassy are what you
learn you DON'T want. Some seem to have to float thru life using
unkind ways. It isn't necessary and THEY are definately NOT the
happy or satisfied ones. You learn to pick and choose. You will
know the good heart when you find it! Until then,
we take the men with a grain of sugar just to sweeten them up! *wink*
9/14/2008 7:02:39 AM |
What do men really want? |

Morton, IL
age: 38
Very well put Chilly Im trying to get back into the dating game guess I play by different rules. Like being honest, fair, and faithful.. And patients is always a good thing to have.  
9/14/2008 7:07:45 AM |
What do men really want? |
Braidwood, IL
age: 47
honest, fair and faithful with a topper of patience!
Woman, YOU won't be here long at all. Some sweetie pie
lurking in the shadows in going to come and sweep you off
your feet! you got the right ideas! 
9/14/2008 7:14:47 AM |
What do men really want? |

Morton, IL
age: 38
lol I can only hope. But really some guys dont care if you dont fit into the neat little package they have in mind. so can we really find them..cuz they sure arent beating a path to my door
9/14/2008 7:42:38 AM |
What do men really want? |
Chicago, IL
age: 50
Perfectly said, Chilly! I find in life I usually learn in the most unexpected ways. It is usually from those most different than me that I learn the most valuable lessons. It is challenging and fun!
9/14/2008 7:51:34 AM |
What do men really want? |

Morton, IL
age: 38
Well put Vesp. Glad to know that there are more out here then myself still learning.
9/14/2008 11:10:21 AM |
What do men really want? |
Gilman, IL
age: 27
I completly agree with you. Guys on here dont usualy look at your profile. They look at your pic and if your not showing any kind of skin they just pass you by. I have tryed the bar, the stores, and went to partys (i hate going to partys). But if you cant fit into a size 0 to 5 they dont even look at you. The only reason guys even look ay me it cuz I have red hair. So the only thing I can tell you is hang in there. There has to be a couple of guys out there that use this site for what it was made for. In the mean time hang in there and have some fun.   
9/14/2008 11:15:09 AM |
What do men really want? |

Galesburg, IL
age: 50
Well,IMHERE,I think your wrong about the majority of the guys. And ,by the way,I can't tell what color of hair you have,pic looks black and white.
9/14/2008 12:53:57 PM |
What do men really want? |

Port Byron, IL
age: 54
Billy is flagged here also and I agree with vintage not all the guys on here are bad boys just have to be choosy maybe. Hi Brian
9/14/2008 12:59:06 PM |
What do men really want? |

Caseyville, IL
age: 34
My whole take on the dating thing is this ... all of us need to stop trying to figure put what everyone else wants and just be. If no two people in the world are alike then that makes us all weird. Celebrate who you are, and remember no one but you defines who you are.
agree 100% just be
but i like someone with there shit together has fun around me ,a devil in the bedroom ,and easy on the eyes
[Edited 9/14/2008 1:01:04 PM]
9/14/2008 1:49:24 PM |
What do men really want? |

Eagle, CO
age: 45
Now answering the question.... I simply put on my profile what i want.
Is that such a hard quest. to answer?