9/15/2008 1:31:56 PM |
what do men really want? anyone help out here? |

Marathon, NY
age: 30
U know I am asking this same question about women. So as for me I have been out of action for a while, But i am looking for personality u gotta have a a great one a good sence of humor and at least a few things in common dont do things to make the other person happy if u r not into it be honest and dont change ur self for no one be yourself the right person will come along just dont give up..
9/15/2008 2:11:08 PM |
what do men really want? anyone help out here? |

Uniontown, PA
age: 40
A man will give a woman a relationship to get sex
A woman will give a man sex to get a relationship
I dont care if hes a good guy or a bad guy, all guys are thinkin about sex in the back of their head.
The good guys just wont lie and be dishonest to get it
I am finally starting to date now ,5 years after my divorce.I dont want to fall into the same hole that i did with my ex-wife, so im taking it slow and being very cautious . But I would be lying if I told you that I didnt think about sex on the last date I went on.It was painfully apparent that this woman and I had nothing in common.Well, I guess I should say that it was apparent to me because this woman kept talking about how we were clicking and she felt so comfortable around me and how she couldnt wait to get me home and into her bed.I could have went ahead and did it(and Oh God believe me I wanted to especially after a 5 year wait)but I couldnt knowing that this woman was thinking there was going to be more to it. I told her how I felt and after her embarassment wore off, she thanked me for being honest.(and I went home and took a very cold shower)
There are honest guys out there and you dont have to go to church to find us.(what a joke) Just dont give "it" up til you know the guy you're with is being honest.If he's a good guy, he'll wait. If he's a bad guy ,you wont hear from him after your 2nd or 3rd date.
9/15/2008 5:53:34 PM |
what do men really want? anyone help out here? |

Louisville, KY
age: 30 online now!
very well put jpm...you make a valid point all women should pay attention too. Guys do think about sex, it's in our nature. But the good ones treat it as an effect of a good relationship, not the cause for one!!
9/15/2008 6:05:07 PM |
what do men really want? anyone help out here? |

Morton, IL
age: 38
Both of you have very good points. But I dont go to the bars havn't found one in church. I'm very much the girlnext type. Ppl dont notice me on the street I blend in very well. so I get passed by lol.. 
9/15/2008 8:44:33 PM |
what do men really want? anyone help out here? |

Beaumont, CA
age: 33 online now!
They want sex
9/15/2008 10:00:47 PM |
what do men really want? anyone help out here? |

Pleasanton, CA
age: 42
what do men really want? anyone help out here?
Guys want only S_X
Real MEN want real women for REAL relationships...

9/15/2008 10:43:33 PM |
what do men really want? anyone help out here? |
Albuquerque, NM
age: 36
sensual_latin, you have hit it right on the head! I can say that I have finally met someone at church that I kinda like! We talked for the second time on sunday, yesterday, then went out to lunch, then I got invited over to her house to watch a movie that evening! We will certainly be getting together for other church activities and other dates too, and I will now have someone to sit with me at church too! Did I mention that she is a good Christian woman and that I am the 1st person she has met and talked to in the 3 years she has been attending? Oh, my mistake, I forgot to mention that she is 50!!!! 
9/15/2008 10:48:51 PM |
what do men really want? anyone help out here? |

Brooklyn, NY
age: 34
i feel that although you ask that question you know what men want and in all sex is apart of a serious relationship but in all just like you men want to be loved and cared for as well as taken care of some ladies miss the fact that we are men and instead of giving us that they dont take care of business at home and then thats when your man starts to go out looking for what he isnt getting at home
9/22/2008 5:35:53 PM |
what do men really want? anyone help out here? |
Battle Creek, MI
age: 41
9/23/2008 1:17:46 PM |
what do men really want? anyone help out here? |

Rockford, MI
age: 36 online now!
Not all guys just want sex... That's a pile of bullshit. Some guys (like me) want the best friendship in the world along with knowing that someone is actually willing to be 100% faithful. Not only a friend but someone who will walk through this hell hole called life with you no matter what. It's not all about sex for all guys. Women who say it is just don't know enough about all men to say shit.
Did I sound angry? Oh I'm sorry.
9/23/2008 5:11:47 PM |
what do men really want? anyone help out here? |
Etobicoke, ON
age: 39
That's funny I can say same thing about women. I had women with boyfriends or hubbies hit on me. Sexually hitting on me even while their parter is in the same building.
9/23/2008 6:21:47 PM |
what do men really want? anyone help out here? |

Morton, IL
age: 38
It can be said the same as both. There a women just the same as men. Not everyone is gonna be looking for the one person for them. Just who ever is handy at the time.
9/23/2008 7:01:51 PM |
what do men really want? anyone help out here? |

Vine Grove, KY
age: 32
people just need to find someone that they are compatible with, someone who shares the same basic values and beliefs. that way they are happy with what goes on in the relationship.
9/24/2008 8:34:16 AM |
what do men really want? anyone help out here? |

Stillwater, OK
age: 35
I think both men and women really need to be honest with thiersleves about the own morals first.Whn I got married I took the vows to heart.I never once cheatedneven after the sex stopped.I didnt even mess around during the whole Divorce.And to tell the reason of the divorce She was sleeping with other men.Now please dont think Im saying all women are like that,for I am not.Just saying both sex's need to be honest with themselves first then they can be honest with other people.
9/24/2008 9:09:05 AM |
what do men really want? anyone help out here? |
Arverne, NY
age: 28
its her lost!!!!  