9/21/2008 10:21:35 AM |
Question about DH with regard to disabilities... |

Chattanooga, TN
age: 41
Does anyone know if a person can search by disability on DH? I am on a disability dating website as well. I remember reading a forum about if people should disclose their disability or not. Any thoughts?
9/21/2008 11:12:48 AM |
Question about DH with regard to disabilities... |

Calgary, AB
age: 55
contentious issue - whether to disclose or not. And is it different for a physically visible disability vs an invisible one?
I don't right up front when just talking, but I kind of slide it in there before meeting someone or after a 1st meet, just because if they have a problem with my health concerns or want to know how it would affect a relationship, let's get it over with.
I suppose I would want to know early on about someone else's for the same reason - so I could decide if it matters to me or not, and how it might impact a relationship with that person.
9/21/2008 11:15:36 AM |
Question about DH with regard to disabilities... |

Saint Augustine, FL
age: 48 online now!
When I told Dustin about having a disabilities group
I explained that there are privacy laws about people
talking about other people and their disability.
He didnt know. I however thought since we are all adults
and on our own put the info out there then we agree
to accept that in public, in cyber have actually disclosed
ourselves therefore agreed for us to be discussed about.
Making the privacy null and void.
As we are adults and making a decision to speak of ourselves.
The law is in regard to professionals and not giving them the
rights to speak of persons. Same with Dr's office not speaking
of patients without first there consent.
However as adults here and we speak of our own disabilities
therefore agreeing that is ok to speak of ourselves. Making
it open for discussion.
Does this make sense to you?
9/21/2008 6:04:06 PM |
Question about DH with regard to disabilities... |

Eaton, OH
age: 45
can't hide mine so I'm up front if they can't hang I cut my lose & move on I don't care what people think if I did I'm living 4 somebody else than myself so don't hide ur disablity let it b known or ur lying 2 urself & the person that ur interested in & I hope u no that does'nt help in trust issues
9/21/2008 8:13:41 PM |
Question about DH with regard to disabilities... |

Haughton, LA
age: 44
I posted my disabilaty up front and the things that it has taught me.
This may not be for all but I'm seeing someone I met here. I found it's
more about location and chemisty than anything. 
[Edited 9/21/2008 8:15:54 PM]
9/21/2008 8:19:46 PM |
Question about DH with regard to disabilities... |

Calgary, AB
age: 55
Whoo hoo - love to hear when somebody meets somebody!
9/22/2008 4:31:46 AM |
Question about DH with regard to disabilities... |

Eaton, OH
age: 45
 I posted my disabilaty up front and the things that it has taught me.
This may not be for all but I'm seeing someone I met here. I found it's
more about location and chemisty than anything.  TRUE TRUE
9/22/2008 7:23:07 PM |
Question about DH with regard to disabilities... |

Chattanooga, TN
age: 41
austin64 wrote, "I posted my disabilaty up front and the things that it has taught me. This may not be for all but I'm seeing someone I met here. I found it's more about location and chemisty than anything."
** Congrats to you. I haven't met anyone through DH. I've been getting some interesting responses from a disability-related dating website, however. Nothing more than that.
9/22/2008 10:34:42 PM |
Question about DH with regard to disabilities... |
Traverse City, MI
age: 57
When I told Dustin about having a disabilities group
I explained that there are privacy laws about people
talking about other people and their disability.
He didnt know. I however thought since we are all adults
and on our own put the info out there then we agree
to accept that in public, in cyber have actually disclosed
ourselves therefore agreed for us to be discussed about.
Making the privacy null and void.
As we are adults and making a decision to speak of ourselves.
The law is in regard to professionals and not giving them the
rights to speak of persons. Same with Dr's office not speaking
of patients without first there consent.
However as adults here and we speak of our own disabilities
therefore agreeing that is ok to speak of ourselves. Making
it open for discussion.
Does this make sense to you?
im a adult?noone ever told me that You know me and that i talk about my disability but usually just to you and a few friends and dont say much in the chat room.
9/23/2008 4:46:19 AM |
Question about DH with regard to disabilities... |

Eaton, OH
age: 45
Y is so hard 2 talk about ur disablity's r u so insecure that u have 2 hide then I do feel sorry 4 u it's not that big of a deal like I said b4 I don't hide mine no legs 4 bypasses a stroke in a wheelchair & LIVE ALONE on SSI so f**k'n what if u don't want 2 LIE then b up front look at it this way would u want the person 2 hide something from u that can put a strain on trust issues between u & the person he/she is interested in in the long run & if u want some thing 2 last & u look at it u no I'm right so stop & think b4 u not 2 share info about ur DISABLITY THINK OF THE OTHER PERSON
9/23/2008 12:22:01 PM |
Question about DH with regard to disabilities... |

Las Cruces, NM
age: 51
Hello everyone, Ithink you should be up front about disibility, theres lots of issues that come with it and part of the problem we as a society is the hiding it . I look fine but have a balance problem for life . I m haveing a hard time getting any help because no one believes I have problem. Hard enough to make people understand that you have a problem they can see let alone one they cannot see. not everyone is willing to deal with the everyday issues that each of us has . I choose to talk about my disibility maybe that way I can get people motivated to help us as a whole .
9/24/2008 8:44:26 PM |
Question about DH with regard to disabilities... |

Stillwater, OK
age: 35
I only talk about when im asked and then sometimes I dont really want to.Still having a problem ecepting it i guess.
9/26/2008 3:52:58 AM |
Question about DH with regard to disabilities... |

Lewiston, MI
age: 48
If asked, I tell, maybe even openly talk about it. I have NOTHING to hide, this isn't something I asked for, just as none of you had asked for yours.
Feel NO shame, any of you. We have been dealt someone what of a shitty hand, but hell, even a pair of 2's can take all.
It all goes back to take me, you take ALL of me. I may not like men with hairy nose holes, but I don't point that out to them right off the get go, that is. It's all in how I think about myself, do I let my disorder run me, or do I run my life AROUND my disorder? Big difference.
9/26/2008 7:29:27 AM |
Question about DH with regard to disabilities... |
Port Angeles, WA
age: 56
If asked, I tell, maybe even openly talk about it. I have NOTHING to hide, this isn't something I asked for, just as none of you had asked for yours.
Feel NO shame, any of you. We have been dealt someone what of a shitty hand, but hell, even a pair of 2's can take all.
It all goes back to take me, you take ALL of me. I may not like men with hairy nose holes, but I don't point that out to them right off the get go, that is.  It's all in how I think about myself, do I let my disorder run me, or do I run my life AROUND my disorder? Big difference.
I feel very much the same way!! I used to define myself by my Epilepsy, but stopped doing that a very long time ago. There are a few things I chose not to do, such as drive or go where there are strobe type lighting, but I really enjoy life and focus on what I can do well. Most people wouldn't even know I had a disability if I didn't tell them. However, if I'm going to be around someone a lot I find it only fair to them and safe for me for them to know and then move beyond it to enjoy a hike or whatever we are planning on doing.
9/26/2008 7:57:24 AM |
Question about DH with regard to disabilities... |

Michigan City, IN
age: 44
I have always said if they really like you then they will accecpt you for who you are and what your disability is. If they can't under stand or accecpt it then you don't need them anyways 
I have been disabled for 5 yrs now and it has taken me a couple years to accecpt the fact that the dr's told me i will never work again. I went from a workaholic to not working just like that.
I am up front about my disability and how I pay my bills and I tell them if you can't handle it then I don't need you.
We never asked for what mother nature has dealt to us over the years but we do have to learn to deal with it,,whether on our own or with a special someone.
Me personally i'm not embarassed about it,,,,it is something that happened due to working for so many years, and i'm not ashamed to talk about it.
sorry all just voicing my own ecperience and opinion.