9/27/2008 7:03:00 AM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Eugene, OR
age: 67
Pat .... dang ain't ya scored yet? 
9/27/2008 6:42:11 PM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Portland, OR
age: 34
is there a negitive site or one for geriatrics or something you guys can go too?? Its people like us from other states are age that might be wiping you a** or giving you your life saving treatments in a few sort years. So really do you think your going to gain anything but selfsatifaction out of being stupid to people who move here from other states??? Get off your high horses and change your depends already this state isnt all that. In fact I think it kinda sux the taxes are hell here. I hope you negitive idiots get a life and be more openminded. This could be why your so single? This is not your state you were just keeping the seat warm for us THANX ...Now move to California damit we want our space...
9/27/2008 6:49:30 PM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Eugene, OR
age: 54
you are quite sickening... before you come back spouting off inanities,,learn to spell first.. there is nothing worse than an illiterate spouting such garbage from their mouth.
And further more... by the time we get to an age where we "MIGHT" need an attendant,, they probably will have the health care aspect, in which you work,cleaned out of illiterate pot smoking a**holes! such as yourself~~~~~
[Edited 9/27/2008 6:54:17 PM]
9/27/2008 7:04:37 PM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Hillsboro, OR
age: 58 online now!
Please, try to remember - it wasn't so long ago - can you hold the thought, or have I lost you already, that it was one of our generation wiping your ass. Also, please try to remember, should you ever think you just might want to marry - it will probablly be someone from our generation that will put a contract out on you to keep you from marring one of our daughters
9/27/2008 8:37:26 PM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Portland, OR
age: 34
can you say narrow minded trailer trash ............ya you!!!! i live what do you do ??? ya your right my a** was wiped at one time but at least i appricated the person doing being my mama. Im not really talking to you the one that responded above me. Im talking to the bipolor scizo above you. that never leaves her computer and probally smells like ass. Wow this is fun thank you for bringing me to your level i will make it a priority to interupt all your posts. o and my spell check is in the shop and im too stoned to care... take your Haldol
[Edited 9/27/2008 8:38:18 PM]
9/27/2008 9:09:26 PM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Eugene, OR
age: 49
Al.. Score?? Yeah, scored some nice melons.. So sweet and juicy!! Kinda messy but you know how things go..
10/3/2008 4:50:47 PM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Medford, OR
age: 47 online now!
This is the most beautiful state I've seen......
Then some of the residents speak and I am ashamed of them. Please, don't lump me with all Oregonians. LOL.
Welcome to Grants Pass. It is one of my favorite cities in Oregon.
Here is a tip for translating Oregon speak. Anything admired or enviable will be insulted and trashed unless the speaker perceives it is something attributable to themselves. I could write this better but if you don't understand just think back to how the social climate was in junior high.
10/3/2008 6:22:19 PM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Portland, OR
age: 23
grants pass smells bad in the summer. we should move the state line to just north of eugene. making all cities to the south California. nothing worth anything down there anyways. well except bear hunting and the rogue river for drift boat trips. hell i would even throw portland in the deal. ps you older folks are kinda mean. Oregon or bust. welcome to oregon!
10/3/2008 7:51:58 PM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Eugene, OR
age: 49
Gee almost agree with him... Give the most southern and eastern Oregon away... Wait... The rich cowboys of California (John Wayne and Reagan fans) type have already set there retirement spread upon those areas. Hope they never see the heart of Oregon. Of course with this global heating were turning into Florida everyday. Who's to stop them? Us Oregonians? Right!!!!
10/3/2008 10:31:31 PM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Portland, OR
age: 23
global warming is a joke.
10/3/2008 11:07:28 PM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Klamath Falls, OR
age: 59
Hawk I think it time for the state of Jefferson to break away from the big cities South of Sacramento and North Eugene and have a good stable economy based on tourism! And then charge the out of Stater's $500 , like you suggested, to even travel through our wonderful new state.
People like Jason that don't know what they are talking about and are too young to remember the McCall years, need to try to take some history classes on Oregon History and learn what made this the Great State it is. We sure don't need it messed up any more than it is now
and it is the retirees from So Cal that have screwed it up for the native Oregonians like us.
Jason, some of us older folks on this site have been your teachers, not just in school, but in life too! Shut up and listen to what is being said in these discussion rooms and when you know as much as we do then you can run your mouth somewhere else!
10/4/2008 2:49:17 AM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Eugene, OR
age: 54
Well Said Gumbi... 
10/4/2008 4:52:49 AM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Beaverton, OR
age: 62
I think it's a good thing I was asleep during these postings!
10/4/2008 9:03:35 AM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Medford, OR
age: 47 online now!
State of Jefferson XX. The main industry would be auto racing. We can attract them for a week or two and after they spend their cash visiting our beautiful attractions, they go back home. Perfect billboard for the perfect industry here. Tourism.
This makes too much sense to be an Oregon or California goal so we will have to secede and finally become the long over due state of Jefferson XX.
10/4/2008 10:33:42 AM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Roseburg, OR
age: 68
I think it's a good thing I was asleep during these postings!
Maybe there's something good on the Food Channel..........