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9/25/2008 11:21:39 PM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Grants Pass, OR
age: 44
I just have to say, because I see so many men, and I say men because gals don’t message me... haahaha you see I am living currently in California, Nov, 1st I will be moving to Grants Pass OR. So I see the profile of some men that say... NO CALIFORNIANS... what does that mean? I have never hurt anyone financially or heart wise? So is this another case of some lumping everyone that comes from Calif with each other???? Well I just think that is rude. I am leaving because yes some caif people are quit rude, I agree however can’t we all agree too that you can find that everywhere you go? Maybe we should just look to the good and turn a def ear to the bad or rude...I’m all for that!!!!
I only hope I don’t have to hide the fact that I have lived 40 years in a small town in the mountains of Calif. 
9/26/2008 5:18:53 AM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Eugene, OR
age: 54
So the question would be..Why are u moving to Oregon? one ever seems to be able to answer that question when it is posed to them..We hear cuz its a good place to be,,or its pretty there,, or other lame excuses..but we never hear the truth of why ppl move here,,.There are plenty of other places to move to in California..or Arizona or any other place besides here,,Grants pass is the drug city of Oregon..someone moves there ya immediately think of they are doing crank.. I guess for some that could be good enough reason...
9/26/2008 5:50:49 AM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Eugene, OR
age: 67
Watchout yall, hawk thinks she owns this state. She wants everyone to answer to her gastapo inquistion, like she has the right remember this is america.
9/26/2008 6:12:45 AM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Eugene, OR
age: 54
Al... I don't have any bad blood with you..but it seems that u are on a mission of some sort..I don't own the state of oregon..if I did.. rest assured the borders would be shut down.. there would be a $500 fee just to travel thru the state for all out of staters,,trucks excluded from this fee,there would be a $10,000 move in cost,,non refundable..All prisononers would be set to work clearing out the gorse and blackberry vines,those who are going to die,,would be in hermiston getting rid of the nuclear waste products stored there,Our very own good ol boys would be set the task of border patrol..since guns,booze and pot seem to go hand in hand for some damn reason..They would do a fine job of it.. anything moves,,shoot first ask questions later...
No Al..I don't own the state,,however there has been talk about buying it back from the union... Eastern Oregonians are already trying to seperate the state in two and be their own state,.. can't say I blame em...
What we don't people who want to move here,,, ya just don't see true Oregonians moving to other states,,why? we have it all right here, No sales tax.. beautiful country..the coast with one of the most beautiful coastlines in the world.. Why in hell would we want to move elsewhere? we DON"T,,but we sure the hell dislike others that move here and then become the majority of the vote... When was the last time u went bear hunting AL? we don't anymore,,cuz the bleeding hearts in Portland made damn sure to get the laws changed on the way bear is hunted in this state,,did a California thing..with bear and cougar,,,Now we are overpopulated with them ..If my comments upsets u so much,,,don't read em..
I can see by all the posts in DH,,that there aren't very many here who were born and raised here.. its always the ones who move here making all the comments.. if you don't have facts and figures to back up what ya say.. Don't jump in.. out of staters don't bother to educate themselves on Oregon history.. why we have had such controversial ballet measures,,why we won't vote for a sales tax..etc..etc..etc.. there must be some good valid reasons behind those things ,,huh?
[Edited 9/26/2008 6:23:55 AM]
9/26/2008 6:25:35 AM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Eugene, OR
age: 67
Did I strike a nerve, hawk? Seems like someone likes to dish outs comments but can't take them. Nah I ain' afraid of ya, I just don't spout off much. but I do like to joke, even if all the comedians are out of work. Yall have a nice day & may love come your way.
9/26/2008 7:04:36 AM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Hillsboro, OR
age: 58
It isn't that we hate Californian's. It's sota like this. We see Oregon just like our own home. When you first come it's like you are a guest invited into our home. Some Californians - not all do not realize there is a new set of comfort and manners here. It's like if I came to your house and saw that shoes were lined up outside the door, but chose to wear my dirty muddy shoes right in onto your new carpets. Or, didn' flush the toilet. Or drank out of the milk carton. It's hard to take in your own home. Just be sensitive to our home and open to the change in culture and will welcome you
9/26/2008 7:30:36 AM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Grants Pass, OR
age: 50
Your ok, you do not look like a kalifornian 
9/26/2008 7:47:42 AM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Eugene, OR
age: 67
Cody .... hey she is about your age & coming to your area.  
9/26/2008 8:04:08 AM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Florence, OR
age: 51
Maybe she is moving here due to a job opportunity?!!! Perhaps she will inform us...
Yes, we know Oregon is a wonderful place...I have no problem with other people wanting to live here...even if they are from California...and we all came from somewhere before we were here(ancestors)...yes, I know native american...but, where did they originate??
So, Welcome to Oregon!
9/26/2008 8:17:37 AM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Eugene, OR
age: 54
this link should provide information on how Native Americans came to be the 1st inhabitants of the North American Continent>>>>
9/26/2008 12:22:17 PM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Klamath Falls, OR
age: 59
Good points there Hawk! What we do not need in Oregon is out-of-staters moving here and trying to change us into another California, like Sizemore is doing!
We were doing fine before they started to muck things up! Our schools were being funded and staff, and maintained very well, but then the Southern Californians started messing with the system we had going an d working so well. Now we can't even pass a local school Bond measure without having to jump through all kinds of hoops with the state and having Portland's approval for any changes in small town schools like Merrill or Lakeview, both counties have populations of less than 3000!
Welcome to Southern Oregon and enjoy all we have to offer, but please respect the things that work and help us improve those that others from California's big cities have mucked up!
And stay involved with the chats here, you can make some good friends here, Hope I become one of them

9/26/2008 12:34:18 PM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Bend, OR
age: 88
Welcome to DH Oregon group....
I hope you find, what you are looking for in Grants Pass, in the way of
financial opportunity and career stability.
I little knowledge about Grants Pass, cause many of us
never travel there...except on the way to the Coast....
the Coast is beautiful, and offers serenity.
I am pretty sure there is not much night life,
or social life in Grants Pass. Jet boat rides are fun in the warm months.
The Rogue river great fun of boating!
I do think there is a Veteran's Hospital
in near by Roseburg...
Have fun...
Bend would welcome you to come and check us out, if you like winter
sports in November and December.
[Edited 9/26/2008 12:36:06 PM]
9/26/2008 12:46:12 PM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Eugene, OR
age: 54
| your area.. the Feds have messed things up so bad..with control over the water issues.. Our farmers need that water for crop production.. KFalls lake holds alot of water.. In all the yrs I traveled thru that way,whether it be winter or summer..I have not yet seen the lake levels fall.There is a resort up on 140 headed towards girlfriend stayed there,, She has been in southern Cali..she says its runs like anything else in Cali.. You guys don't have much out there in Kfalls..but the land and housing prices have up'd 3fold over the last 20 yrs..I wonder why?
9/26/2008 10:37:29 PM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Eugene, OR
age: 65
Welcome to Oregon. I think you'll find most Oregonians friendly enough as soon as you it as much as we do. But then if your a tree hugger.......anti hunting type........ you may find out you should move to a college town
9/27/2008 12:08:39 AM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Eugene, OR
age: 49
Knew there was a reason for being in the Eugene/Corvallis area... lol