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10/4/2008 11:38:05 AM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Beaverton, OR
age: 62
I swear ... you're going to be kicked out from further postings if you don't stick to the topic! This one relates to Californian bashing. That's why I'm not participating! I will now post your "favorite recipe" in the one initiated by Whitehawk.
10/4/2008 1:17:28 PM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Roseburg, OR
age: 68
I swear ... you're going to be kicked out from further postings if you don't stick to the topic! This one relates to Californian bashing. That's why I'm not participating! I will now post your "favorite recipe" in the one initiated by Whitehawk.
I doubt you will. Something about the 'protection afforded under the 5th amendment' or some legal mumbo-jumbo like that.
Stick to the topic ? boring ! 
10/4/2008 3:32:59 PM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Eugene, OR
age: 54
I doubt you will. Something about the 'protection afforded under the 5th amendment' or some legal mumbo-jumbo like that.
Stick to the topic ? boring ! 
Really!!! if your going to go off topic..create your own thread!!! 5th amendment my A%%
10/4/2008 5:26:47 PM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Portland, OR
age: 23
what about the 2nd amendment? thats my fav.
10/4/2008 5:49:56 PM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Corvallis, OR
age: 19
Californians... hmm.... half of my once quiet lil hick neighbor hood has been bough up by greedy, i do what i want, californians who use there white collar money and construct barbie doll houses and drive around there fancy cars trying to change our politics and tell us how much better life would be if McCain... bush wannabe... would be the better prez.
Fact is im sick of californians... the come here try to change our politics... clear the land with they new ritzy development and try to tell us how to think and what is suppose to look good!
Old growth forests, the timber industry, rural areas, the roughing it up way of life is being destroyed by these transplants!....
10/4/2008 6:56:35 PM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Eugene, OR
age: 54
YAHOOOOOOOOO!! out of the mouths of babes....yeppers tell em girl.... us'n oregonians..sticks together..however much we disagree on our teams... And we still gonna kick ur butts _civil WAR~~Quack Quack........
10/4/2008 8:23:57 PM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Beaverton, OR
age: 62
Californians... hmm.... half of my once quiet lil hick neighbor hood has been bough up by greedy, i do what i want, californians who use there white collar money and construct barbie doll houses and drive around there fancy cars trying to change our politics and tell us how much better life would be if McCain... bush wannabe... would be the better prez.
Fact is im sick of californians... the come here try to change our politics... clear the land with they new ritzy development and try to tell us how to think and what is suppose to look good!
Old growth forests, the timber industry, rural areas, the roughing it up way of life is being destroyed by these transplants!....
Oh, gosh ... I leave the house for a few hours ... and the California bashing starts without me!
If you hate California all that much, why don't you just try to bankrupt the state. Wouldn't be all that hard! Just quit buying movies, CDs, surfboard, skateboards ---- and, ya, the fruits and vegetables and wine that come out of the State. Just buy locally grown products. Turn your TVs off to any movies that were made in California and let your local stations know just why.
As far as I'm concerned, any group of people who lump ALL Californians into the same basket are no better than the people who insisted that Rosa Parks ride in the back of the bus.
10/4/2008 8:49:20 PM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Eugene, OR
age: 49
You love California so much.... Go Home!! Obviously you don't know Orygun enough to know we have some of the best wineries and breweries in the west. Most of our products come from China and not ALL fruit and vegetables come from California. Check your local Orygun grocer! I'm so sick of seeing our forest and jobs heading over seas! I can blame California industry laws for that!!
Next you're going to say that Orygun is un-fair about residency requirements towards School grants, drivers licenses, welfare and being able to vote.
Being near Portland it must feel a little like mini LA to you... Comfy???
10/4/2008 9:15:35 PM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Beaverton, OR
age: 62
Hey, Patrick! I am home. I am in the land of my birth and of my forefathers. My family settled here in 1905 --- and they were welcomed into the State. I only object to the generic bashing on ALL Californians. And I was offering a suggestion as to how to retaliate against ALL Californians. I don't appreciate people dissing me --- and I will not diss you. And I never lived anywhere near LA! Too much botox floating around in that area and I was weary of the never-moving faces of the "beautiful people." I was in Orange County, the land of surfers and the "whatever dude" attitude. I know only too well about the wineries and breweries in this area. I've done my damnedest to help these industries.
Again, I object to generic bashing of ALL Californians. Focus on the people who have really caused harm to this State. I will then join you in your complaints.
10/4/2008 9:54:43 PM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Eugene, OR
age: 49
Sorry... was my error!!
I'm just tired of us Oregonians welcoming others when were not even welcomed in THERE state.
Come and take our resources and expect us to buy theirs. Grrrrr!!!
Again, My apologies to remarks.
10/4/2008 10:15:36 PM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Beaverton, OR
age: 62
Apology accepted. It's been an uphill battle for me --- after 25 years in So. Ca. --- to prove that I truly am an Oregonian by birth and that I should not be put into a generic classification of "one of those Californians." Enjoy your evening!
10/4/2008 10:33:42 PM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Eugene, OR
age: 49
Well...... Hmph!!!!
10/5/2008 4:15:21 AM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Eugene, OR
age: 54
May I make a suggestion Aginghippy?...You are an Oregonian by birth.. we accept that..But you do not Act like an Oregonian when you defend California and what it represents or stands for.You see us Native Oregonians defending our state,making our comments,and its all about "OREGON" yep..we say what we think and feel,and its well known now we don't like the california faction in our state. You came home to the place of your birth,, if you are going to be an oregonian ya have to act like one too..all of us.?. we don't defend anything about california.. I once figured out that for us to Survive here,,we don't need any imported things from CAli,,, Now,,we would do with out campbell's soup and maybe heinz products..but I think we could survive without those things in the long run...
10/5/2008 4:37:34 AM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Beaverton, OR
age: 62
Don't you ever sleep????
My point above was: if you hate California so much, quit supporting the it. But don't generically lump all people out of California into one category. And do not tell me that I must learn to dislike one particular group of people in order to "belong" here. Cheez ... I wasn't welcome in Boston either because I couldn't trace my ancestry back to the American Revolution! Again, tell me of one specific corporation or one specific person whom I should dislike ---- and I will consider it. But there is nothing anyone can say that will cause me to go back to the mentality of the 1950s when overall hatred of specific groups of humanity ran rampant. I am, in fact, multi-cultural --- and proud of it.
[Edited 10/5/2008 5:02:35 AM]
10/5/2008 7:58:36 AM |
Dont lump me with all californians, Please ! |

Eugene, OR
age: 54
Specifics groups huh? well lets starts with the Enviromentalists,,then we can move on to the conservationists,land developers,realtors,most all of oregon wineries..(started by those who moved from Napa valley) etc..the list is pretty large..most of the above mentioned,,moved here from California..they brought with them an attitude,a way of life that was known only to Californians. , they brought with them the need to change the enviroment to suit themselves and not for what was good for Oregon.One only needs to sit down with the retired folks that moved here and ask em why they came.. the high sales tax in their state,we haven't one. the overpolulation.the high crime rate,we can look at Salem and Woodburn and Portland and see that influence,same as Salt lake city..15 yrs ago crime was very low in SLC,until the Californians moved there and brought it with them... the cost of living etc,,etc,,etc,,the list seems endless... We can group all people who move here into one category..they don't like their own state,thus they want to move elsewhere,,by moving elsewhere they bring with them the the same problems that they created in their own state and now they are trying to escape those problems..You DON'T see Oregonians moving out of state,, they only reason an Oregonian will move is because of jobs,,, and thats one of the probs here,, low wages vs cost of living increases.. They don't want to move,, but they can't afford to live here anymore...So who steps in? those out of staters that have money,or those who think we offer a better place than where they came from.You do not see Californians relocating to Eastern Oregon? why? because there is nothing to develope or change there..Bend is a good example of California influence,,its become a tourist trap.. hardly any local businesses exist there any more..its all run by California developers and their ilk...K Falls is down the road from Bend,,but its not growing or expanding,,ask ur self why? Madras is up the road from Bend its not growing or expanding either.nor is pendelton,or ontario,or even Coos Bay... again ask ur self why?