9/26/2008 10:55:25 PM |
Why don't people just tell you they are just not that into you? |

Pine City, MN
age: 34
Right answer.. COWARDS 
9/26/2008 11:07:03 PM |
Why don't people just tell you they are just not that into you? |

Adger, AL
age: 29
UM Huh what you talkin about>>>>KATRINA sorry out of quotes here>>>>Dont understand!!!!
9/26/2008 11:08:07 PM |
Why don't people just tell you they are just not that into you? |

Mesa, AZ
age: 54
Hey...I'm totally new to this site..never posted here b4 so I hope I'm doing it "right"..
I can so relate to your question!! In fact, I was involved with someone for 3+ WONDERFUL years and then POOF....he's gone. I have (sadly) BEGGED for him to just TELL ME THAT IT WAS OVER! I haven't heard from him in 6 months and I know any sane woman would be able to just let go based on his "actions" (which are NONE). The problem is I still have a lot of his personal stuff that he asked me to hold on to...it's like he doesn't want to TOTALLY let go of me but he won't communicate with me either. No closure is TORTURE. Doesn't matter if it's 6 months or 6 weeks....it just is torture when you've developed a bond with someone. WHY DO GUYS DO THIS???? DO FEMALES DO THIS??? I've never known any that have.
Sorry...my rant is over too. Thank you for listening. It was a HARD day with lots of tears.
9/26/2008 11:28:28 PM |
Why don't people just tell you they are just not that into you? |

Tonawanda, NY
age: 50
Yes, unfortunately. Met someone on here awhile back, spent a hundred bucks two weeks ago taking her and her granddaughter out to dinner, haven't heard jack from her since, no answers to e-mails, phone calls, etc.
Gave up on that one...met woman at bar Wednesday night, let myself get used, gave her head for an hour and a half, even took her damn garbage out when I left, and she didn't even call me the next day.
I'm starting to remember exactly why I didn't bother trying to start over again when my ex and I split up.
9/27/2008 2:41:18 AM |
Why don't people just tell you they are just not that into you? |

Scottsdale, AZ
age: 43 online now!
I think that at some point if you are online long enough you will come across someone that you develop feelings for....all is fabulous, they put you up on a pedestal and tell you all the things that we all want to hear.....how special you are, etc. etc, etc....as the guards come down and the feelings develop u decide to take the chance to leave the safety of this online venue and try to venture things into the "real world"......then comes the 180 degree turn around...the person who was so into you, with calls, emails and text now is next to a mere figment of your imagination....instead of automatically assuming that this person isnt into you.....do anyone of you get the feeling that maybe they arent really the person that they lead you to believe that they were? What if they used someone else's pictures? Or maybe they completely lied within their profile? For whatever reason.....now they cant face you with the harsh reality.....I would love to say that everyone on here are good honest people and that we all are searching for soemthing special but honestly I fear that some people might just get off on the thrill of the chase and to them this is merely a game.....so to each and every one who has experienced this type of betrayal/deceit I say....Hold your head up high and be proud that you still believe that there are good honest people out there....because if we let a few players get us to stop believing in love then those a**holes win.......and that is what would really be a shame! From what I have discovered here there are a great bunch of men and ladies on here, dont get discouraged....when the right person comes along it will be worth the few bumps and bruises we endured along the way!
Relationships are like shoes.....sometimes you got to try on several pairs before you find the ones that are "just right" classy, stylish and fits you perfectly!!!!
9/27/2008 5:03:40 AM |
Why don't people just tell you they are just not that into you? |

Medford, NJ
age: 43
This has happened to me as well. I dated a man for four months, met here and we were together in "real life" not just cyber life. One day he left, kissed me goodbye and said I will call u later. No call, no answers to my calls or emails. I was devastated. After about three weeks he finally told me that we got too close too quickly and it scared him and he didn't know how to deal with it. He doesn't know what he wants. He is basically a good man but I did give him so much crap about the way he did it. He was badly hurt by his ex, no excuses for what he did and he apologized.
Oh well......if u cant talk about your feelings now, how can it move forward?
9/27/2008 6:00:50 AM |
Why don't people just tell you they are just not that into you? |

Gloucester, MA
age: 43
I think that at some point if you are online long enough you will come across someone that you develop feelings for....all is fabulous, they put you up on a pedestal and tell you all the things that we all want to hear.....how special you are, etc. etc, etc....as the guards come down and the feelings develop u decide to take the chance to leave the safety of this online venue and try to venture things into the "real world"......then comes the 180 degree turn around...the person who was so into you, with calls, emails and text now is next to a mere figment of your imagination....instead of automatically assuming that this person isnt into you.....do anyone of you get the feeling that maybe they arent really the person that they lead you to believe that they were? What if they used someone else's pictures? Or maybe they completely lied within their profile? For whatever reason.....now they cant face you with the harsh reality.....I would love to say that everyone on here are good honest people and that we all are searching for soemthing special but honestly I fear that some people might just get off on the thrill of the chase and to them this is merely a game.....so to each and every one who has experienced this type of betrayal/deceit I say....Hold your head up high and be proud that you still believe that there are good honest people out there....because if we let a few players get us to stop believing in love then those a**holes win.......and that is what would really be a shame! From what I have discovered here there are a great bunch of men and ladies on here, dont get discouraged....when the right person comes along it will be worth the few bumps and bruises we endured along the way!
Relationships are like shoes.....sometimes you got to try on several pairs before you find the ones that are "just right" classy, stylish and fits you perfectly!!!! 
Great answer!
9/27/2008 7:28:12 AM |
Why don't people just tell you they are just not that into you? |

Midlothian, IL
age: 52
In my opinion, sometimes it is easier to just walk away for some people. I agree that I would like to be told at least why no interest...would give me the opportunity if I did something wrong not to do it with the next man.
I know of a few who have not said anything and just ended things on a whim....no excuse, no explanation, nothing. What we all have to step back and evaluate is this............do you really want the honesty? Can you take an honest commit of maybe a fault of yours or something...but possible hurtful statement from someone without being vandictive towards him/her. I feel that is why men/women do not always come clean...they truly do not want to hurt your feelings with the truth and alot of us can not take the truth.
Sorry...only my opinion
9/27/2008 8:17:52 AM |
Why don't people just tell you they are just not that into you? |
Overton, TX
age: 48
i think if a person does not want you anymore.
if you were his only lady
his back up lady
or his back up back up lady
when he replaces you...
he should leave an email...
i haven't dated since d.. really..
but all i have read here...
seems it really sucks on dh...
9/27/2008 9:06:19 AM |
Why don't people just tell you they are just not that into you? |

Adger, AL
age: 29
Blueeyes28, Oh, no, not the one you really liked here recently?
whats that supose to mean!!!
9/27/2008 9:34:03 AM |
Why don't people just tell you they are just not that into you? |

Fort Washington, MD
age: 52
Now this is a funny thread. Its amasing that you girls are looking for prince charming, dont respond to messages[not your type, etc.]and then complain theres no nice guys, we are all looking for the same thing. Hey girls did it ever occur to you that the man that answers when spoken to has manners and respect for others? It may not be love, but most good men WILL respond to all emails out of respect for the fact that she took the time to write you. And yea not wanting to hurt someones feelings does play a role, some are new to dateing again and being ugly or not talking is rude. Now how far a guy carrys it after that is not for me to say or judge, but most girls that email me give me an easy out they are to far away, and can be polite and still talk. But clue girls if he writes back he might just have some class, may not look like Mel Gibson, but still if you want to know where he stands gets some balls and ask. Quit complaining, fishing for complements and get a life.
9/27/2008 9:36:09 AM |
Why don't people just tell you they are just not that into you? |

Iowa, LA
age: 50
when dating, pple r at their best behavioural patterns, they even dress sexy, when they get familiar with each other, the old sexy dressing and impromptu romantic surprises cease. the relationship starts to lack the lustre.
boredom creeps in and contempt takes centre stage.
keep the fir burning babe.....keep it burning.
It goes both ways!
9/27/2008 9:36:15 AM |
Why don't people just tell you they are just not that into you? |

Reston, VA
age: 51
maybe they are afraid of hurting your feelings, but I still think it is cowardly
9/27/2008 7:50:07 PM |
Why don't people just tell you they are just not that into you? |

Mena, AR
age: 39
whats that supose to mean!!!
I thought you were the one that posted a thread that you had been talking to a guy on here for a long time, and I was worried that he had disappeared on you. Must be that wasn't you.
9/27/2008 7:53:57 PM |
Why don't people just tell you they are just not that into you? |

Mena, AR
age: 39
In my opinion, sometimes it is easier to just walk away for some people. I agree that I would like to be told at least why no interest...would give me the opportunity if I did something wrong not to do it with the next man.
I know of a few who have not said anything and just ended things on a whim....no excuse, no explanation, nothing. What we all have to step back and evaluate is this............do you really want the honesty? Can you take an honest commit of maybe a fault of yours or something...but possible hurtful statement from someone without being vandictive towards him/her. I feel that is why men/women do not always come clean...they truly do not want to hurt your feelings with the truth and alot of us can not take the truth.
Sorry...only my opinion 
I don't necessarily need details, (though that would be helpful) just a simple "it's over" so we know not to sit around waiting one more minute. That should be the bare minimum, and some people don't even have the manners or common courtesty to do that. Or the ones that tell you they are interested, string you along, then disappear. That sucks, too.