9/19/2007 7:00:39 PM |
Low Income Individuals have a rough time getting a date/mate |

Seattle, WA
age: 43
Yea! i hated it when friends came over and heard my mom and dad gettin it on...lmao
9/19/2007 7:02:50 PM |
Low Income Individuals have a rough time getting a date/mate |

Martinsville, VA
age: 57
chit low income or no income i can;t git no date   
9/19/2007 9:22:47 PM |
Low Income Individuals have a rough time getting a date/mate |

Tacoma, WA
age: 39
This is an interesting thread to think about. It seems that, for the most part, people date within their income bracket. I suspect the people who are looking to find someone to take care of them are the ones who either can't, or don't think they can, make it on their own financially.
9/19/2007 9:28:17 PM |
Low Income Individuals have a rough time getting a date/mate |

Henderson, KY
age: 28
dosent matter income to me cause some women have a hell of a job being a mom
9/19/2007 9:35:01 PM |
Low Income Individuals have a rough time getting a date/mate |

Fall River, MA
age: 49
well, I'm semi-retired from the Mil. and am considered a disabled Vet. (Knee injury). I get my pension, but I also work on the side from home. But in my experience, not here but on other sites, income seems to be a big issue. Sad I know but...
9/20/2007 8:32:31 AM |
Low Income Individuals have a rough time getting a date/mate |

Redwood City, CA
age: 26
Right now, I am trying to come out of being disabled... I typically don't tell people this until I have talked to them for a little while, so I guess I will be in another dry spell with no winks or emails... But I have found some wonderful people, and I just didnt tell them the first couple times that we talked, and they accepted me for me
9/20/2007 9:55:24 AM |
Low Income Individuals have a rough time getting a date/mate |

Austin, TX
age: 51
Tell that to my Ex,My Family and anyone else. I have been in at least 75 jobs so,I think I have a little,wittle,bit of knowledge,of what I go through. But,yes,MAM I do see my shrink,every 3 months,meds religiously and therapy is maintaining.
High Functioning means something different,to each opinion. I ask you,"whats the point in trying for job 76 or so"? . The PROOF is in the PUDDING sweetie. It ain't me, ridin down the FREEWAY of LOVE! And,if anyone doesn't like the assistance I am LEGALLY entitled to,go fly a kite. I don't like how others can write shit off,or hide it LEGALLY in a family members name,should I keep going or say etc. etc. Sweetie,would you like to have a few ECTs. I,will gladly give you the voltage you might need. Who knows,even the Drs.,say its a "TRICKY" deal and not sure if it really is effective. Hell Sweetie you may die just because of anesthesia. INTERESTED???
Been There! Done it! It really CHARGED my head up.OH yea!
[Edited 9/20/2007 10:19:16 AM]
9/20/2007 10:08:37 AM |
Low Income Individuals have a rough time getting a date/mate |

Austin, TX
age: 51
Thank You! Must be a little strange having 2 brothers going
through it. I hope the one who has societal issues gets better
to handle some of his setbacks. It may never happen. Very HAPPY to
hear the other is doing just fine.
Looking sharp I might ad. What book are you looking for amongst
all those legal ones? See if there is the case of "One Flew Over the
Cuckoos Nest". Never saw a VERDICT on that movie. Should have been
a case against the hospital for frying so many brains. What a sad
but yet FUNNY as Hell movie. I can still hear the music as the
Indian breaks through the window and hauls ass.
9/20/2007 10:50:01 AM |
Low Income Individuals have a rough time getting a date/mate |

Abilene, TX
age: 39
Preach it kitty!
9/20/2007 1:54:44 PM |
Low Income Individuals have a rough time getting a date/mate |

Whittier, CA
age: 46
When I find someone, and I will..we both have to work..like I said people want things..so they have to work hard.
That is just my opinion.
9/20/2007 2:14:17 PM |
Low Income Individuals have a rough time getting a date/mate |

Fort Madison, IA
age: 54
I am disabled and live off a VA Pension, when I 1st meet folks on line, this is one of the 1st things I mention .. It's a lifetime pension so might as well say I am a low-income non working individual, and if a real relationship comes, least the other knows I'll always have money to share expences and such with...
9/20/2007 2:18:18 PM |
Low Income Individuals have a rough time getting a date/mate |

Owatonna, MN
age: 39
its an issue...
9/20/2007 2:19:12 PM |
Low Income Individuals have a rough time getting a date/mate |

Fort Madison, IA
age: 54
This is my 1st time to post on this site...do I juss hang here and hope someone replys soon? I know I AM a NEWBIE 
9/20/2007 2:22:07 PM |
Low Income Individuals have a rough time getting a date/mate |

Howell, NJ
age: 38
Welcome to the "madhouse" Mr.Newbie
Economics play a mjor part in dating , sure.
If you can't afford the gas , how are yousuppose to pick her up and pay for dinner?

9/20/2007 2:27:53 PM |
Low Income Individuals have a rough time getting a date/mate |

Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 52
The root of all evil.
Cant buy you happiness(right,but,helps to pave the way)
Even in the comics, Ritchie Rich is King.
How bout Scrooge McDuck, wheres his wife?
Bet he has a lot of concubine pheasents around the henhouse. LOL
9/20/2007 2:31:51 PM |
Low Income Individuals have a rough time getting a date/mate |

Fort Madison, IA
age: 54
Been to the point of no gas to take someone on a date ... My solution was... invite them to a home-cooked meal. They bring the drink, I provide them with a good meal ... 
9/20/2007 3:37:44 PM |
Low Income Individuals have a rough time getting a date/mate |

Fredericksburg, VA
age: 46
Can't relate. I grew up dirt poor and I had no problem getting women to like me for who I am. Now that I have a good paying job I still don't a hard time finding women who like me for who I am not because I have money. Most all women don't care if your rich or poor they want someone they can trust and who has compassion. I don't think women are looking for rich men, they are looking for someone who loves them for who they are. Hope I'm right!
9/20/2007 3:56:42 PM |
Low Income Individuals have a rough time getting a date/mate |

El Reno, OK
age: 40
ty Buster!!! your very right 
9/20/2007 5:12:51 PM |
Low Income Individuals have a rough time getting a date/mate |

Omaha, NE
age: 54
Thanks Barton Creek, Searching for the book with all the answers...LOL about One Flew...
Brizby, Brizby, Brizby. Not all meds work for all people, nor are the correct doses given if and when the right meds are found. It took one of my brothers over 20 years to get the right combination. And who knows? One day what works is fine, the next not.
Sounds like you understand a little of the situation, but probably never had it affect you or your family personally. They do not know what causes mental illness. Nor is there a cure.
Are you an insurance agent or claims specialist or something? Have you walked in the shoes of those who are mentally ill? I have, and I have been employed as a social worker. And a legal advocate. And the sister of two who are ill. And I have testified to change laws affecting the mentally ill. We have to fight like tigers to get things changed, especially where insurance companies are concerned. And the public's perception.
In fact, one of my brothers who is ill is an identical twin. His twin is a highly funtioning Registered Nurse, and is happily married. The twins were asked to undertake a medical research study of twins and the schizo-affective disorder. Neither of them wanted to be lab monkeys, so they said no. Is it genetic? Is it caused by a virus? No one knows.
From what I can tell, people with the illness are highly intelligent, kind and caring people who have a problem with the chemicals in their brains being short circuited. If you can have a disease whereby you need to add insulin to your body (diabetes) or a mental illness (schizo affective, bi-polar, etc) medical attention is necessary.
The trouble is, with a brain disorder, it is more scary because it is the brain. There's a stigma about brains not working that is fodder for unenlightened people. And, its more likely to have sick people be objects of violence rather than the instigator.
There's someone out there for you, Barton. Just like there is for all of us.
[Edited 9/20/2007 5:26:13 PM]
9/20/2007 5:57:26 PM |
Low Income Individuals have a rough time getting a date/mate |

Texarkana, TX
age: 45
i think that a person income shouldn't have nothing to do with why u should date a person cause iam a very high income person and if u ask me anything about money i'll get up and leave cause if we talk it should be mostly about my heart and soul 
9/20/2007 6:38:54 PM |
Low Income Individuals have a rough time getting a date/mate |

Spring, TX
age: 54
what's in a name? i thought barton creek was a rich man's country club. I can drive by it, but they dont let me in... shucks. here i thought you had money to burn, bartoncreek.
just mention you are looking for a sugar mama in your profile, they line up asking just how expensive your taste are.. give it a shot!!
9/20/2007 6:41:24 PM |
Low Income Individuals have a rough time getting a date/mate |

Woodward, OK
age: 44
well Pink and Barton.... WELCOME to MY world... I work at a State run Inpatient Acute Care Mental and Substance Abuse Hospital.... I have seen it all....I have heard it all and I have been called it all...and I have been physically attacked(w/NO PROVOCATION), I have had to use CAPE holds to keep them from physically attacking other inpatients and or staff alike, nothing you say will get my gander up... and IF Barton is telling the truth and truly is taking his meds as he should... is going to his counseling sessions, and they review his meds on regular basis to make sure they are working for him as they should be ... he shouldn't have much of a problem being a productive citizen.... I do have a family member as well diagnosed w/bipolar disorder... I know how it affects the family and friends ... but as long as he is compliant w/his meds and goes to his regular counseling sessions and medicine reviews, he has no problem w/working full time ...AND he is currently attending college for his MASTERS in psychology sociology and family counseling.... I have heard all the excuses in the world ... don't get me wrong, I understand ppl have mental problems, I understand they have to work just a little bit harder at normal everyday things, I understand the stigma attached w/mental illness', but YOU have to understand that the ppl I work w/also tend to SELF MEDICATE FREQUENTLY... they either abuse the prescribed meds they are given, sell them, or just don't bother to take them at all most of the time, and or abuse alcohol or chemical substances as well, then, when they are EMERGENCY DETAINED TO OUR FACILTY FOR THE REQUIRED 72 HRS FOR EVALUATION OF MENTAL MEDICAL AND MEDICINE STABILIZATION, WE ARE THE ASSHOLES.... the ones who do understand and try to help and get them stabilized to be able to function normally in the outside world... So you see, there is more to this than me just being a stupid cold hearted b*tch w/my prior post on this thread.  
[Edited 9/20/2007 7:06:42 PM]
9/20/2007 7:33:06 PM |
Low Income Individuals have a rough time getting a date/mate |

Omaha, NE
age: 54
Brizby: I stand corrected. My hat is off to you, I could never do that kind of work. It takes someone special. Thank you.
I hope you do not have a rough time getting a date/mate. 
[Edited 9/20/2007 7:33:56 PM]
9/20/2007 8:13:49 PM |
Low Income Individuals have a rough time getting a date/mate |

Redwood City, CA
age: 26
I have also worked in the mental health field, in a long term structured residence (group home)... I also know that medicine and therapy doesnt always prove to be completely effective. There are MANY cases where people with mental disorders just cant completely function enough to work. So long as the people that can't get their problem under control enough to work, keep up with their efforts, they can lead a good life and find wonderful mates!
9/20/2007 8:52:18 PM |
Low Income Individuals have a rough time getting a date/mate |

Springfield, MO
age: 52
Brizby no offence but you sound a bit jaded by your job. Maybe it is time for a change if you feel this way about your patients. There is good and bad ones I am sure. But you come off like you hate the mentally ill. JMO