Canton, MI
age: 43
True love is putting the Us over the Me, the Her over Me, the God over Us, the kids First . . . and never having regretted doing the right thing even if the love is not returned to the same extent.
Afterall, the JOY of love is in the Giving . . . anyone who loves their kids knows this.
Painesville, OH
age: 43
Dont Know havn't found it yet!!
Salem, OR
age: 54
The way I see things, why rush into anything? I mean, I've seen and talked to several on this site and others, of those several I have my picks of who I feel closer too mentally and emotionally, even though I don't say anything. I guess I don't say anything because, even though I want to be closer to them and have them more in my life, I'm the type that looks on the brighter side of things. Bright side in this case, they're here and talking and laughing with me. If I approached them with any intention outside of friendship, that would change their opinion of me and then ultimately, they would avoid me because I told them I like them. I know what you're going to say, not everyone is like that. I have seen this many many times and honestly, more times than not. So I don't rock the boat and if someone wants to get closer to me, I don't run or bite. Well, maybe just a nibble now and then...
As for true love, true love is selfless. If you have true love for a person, you don't care one iota what happens to you as long as your significant other gets what they need to survive and be happy. In turn your significant other feels the same way about you. It's these two people, both 100% invested in the relationship that give us the double 100/100 and when you do the math, 50/50. THAT is true love.
Both 100% invested but the Balance percentage is not always the same... it fluctuates. True Love is knowing this and be willing to give 100% without exacting an even return
San Clemente, CA
age: 39
Dude with that mentality... you will be single forever. Your negativity will only bring you the same in return. Good luck in love... you will need it!
"That being said... he would never cheat or lie... he doesn't have to because we believe in honest and open communication, no matter how painful it is. That is what makes us stronger."
Every person living and dead thats ever been in love has whispered those same words.
By my count that's over......uh......that's a bunch.
Albuquerque, NM
age: 33
Ya good one.. The problem is is that love is not a thing it is an idea. It is very hard to define an idea. My top may be your bottom and vice-versa. I know what it is to me cause I fell hard before, and can only hope to do so again before my time here is done.
Beaver, UT
age: 38
I obviously have no f**king idea.
Now this is the most honest answer i've seen yet
Funny how alot know what love is or being in love, but don't know how to hang on to it