10/13/2008 5:35:14 PM |
FUNKEYS NAKED CAFE & DISCO -- Take it all off & come in |

Medford, NJ
age: 43
Hey....someone new has hit town!! Hmmmmmmmm
Are you joining da freakin whipped cream party dude or r you just on the outskirts looking in???
10/13/2008 5:41:23 PM |
FUNKEYS NAKED CAFE & DISCO -- Take it all off & come in |

Belmar, NJ
age: 52
I am always looking for an "inside" angle; I just need some peace love and understanding...Not quite certain if you know where I am coming from "Nab'?!!
10/13/2008 5:43:13 PM |
FUNKEYS NAKED CAFE & DISCO -- Take it all off & come in |

Medford, NJ
age: 43
Oh I know where u r coming from!!!!! Strip down and get rollin in the cream baby!
10/13/2008 5:43:22 PM |
FUNKEYS NAKED CAFE & DISCO -- Take it all off & come in |

Belmar, NJ
age: 52
Besides that Nab, I am very attracted to you..sometimes I feel so uninspired..
10/13/2008 5:45:31 PM |
FUNKEYS NAKED CAFE & DISCO -- Take it all off & come in |

Belmar, NJ
age: 52
you are so hot and sexy Nab!
10/13/2008 5:45:36 PM |
FUNKEYS NAKED CAFE & DISCO -- Take it all off & come in |

Medford, NJ
age: 43
HMMMMMMM............u need to be inspired??? 
10/13/2008 5:47:28 PM |
FUNKEYS NAKED CAFE & DISCO -- Take it all off & come in |

Belmar, NJ
age: 52
Not if is it yourself who is responding to me..
10/13/2008 5:49:23 PM |
FUNKEYS NAKED CAFE & DISCO -- Take it all off & come in |

Belmar, NJ
age: 52
back to that "cream" thing. ya wanna a little taste now?
10/13/2008 5:52:20 PM |
FUNKEYS NAKED CAFE & DISCO -- Take it all off & come in |

Medford, NJ
age: 43
Hey baby.......thanks for coming out to play. Looks like we are all alone in Funkey's cafe!!
hmmmmmmm........that could be interesting
10/13/2008 5:57:35 PM |
FUNKEYS NAKED CAFE & DISCO -- Take it all off & come in |

Belmar, NJ
age: 52
Hey yea it is,
you and me all alone here getting creamy...
10/13/2008 5:59:19 PM |
FUNKEYS NAKED CAFE & DISCO -- Take it all off & come in |

Belmar, NJ
age: 52
like the filling on a fine Italian pastry...all yours to enjoy!

10/13/2008 5:59:22 PM |
FUNKEYS NAKED CAFE & DISCO -- Take it all off & come in |

Medford, NJ
age: 43
mmmmmmmmmmm...........all alone gettin creamy in Funkey's Cafe???

Bartender..........another drink please!!
10/13/2008 6:02:54 PM |
FUNKEYS NAKED CAFE & DISCO -- Take it all off & come in |

Belmar, NJ
age: 52
Frankies Cafe is open all night, and it's alright. Plenty of filling and pastry too.
Happy Columbus Day!!
opps a bit of after taste there!!
10/13/2008 6:05:12 PM |
FUNKEYS NAKED CAFE & DISCO -- Take it all off & come in |

Belmar, NJ
age: 52
sorry if that was too "Funkee" for this site
10/13/2008 6:05:26 PM |
FUNKEYS NAKED CAFE & DISCO -- Take it all off & come in |

Medford, NJ
age: 43
Where the hell is Uncle Funkey??????????