11/20/2007 7:09:45 AM |
drinking and the bible |

Austell, GA
age: 72
In the times of Jesus the liquid from grapes was called wine. and as he spoke of good wine and bad wine. good wine was fresh from the grapes and bad wine was when the grapes were stored and let sour (ferment) but in modern times people use the bible for and excuse to go to the excess.
11/20/2007 11:21:36 AM |
drinking and the bible |

Saint James, MO
age: 52
"people use the bible for and excuse to go to the excess"
Man, ain't that the truth!!!.....

11/20/2007 12:12:48 PM |
drinking and the bible |

Anchorage, AK
age: 48
what the heck ,H I skunk B I'll ad to this thread latah.. Have agreat day!
11/20/2007 12:18:34 PM |
drinking and the bible |

Williamsburg, VA
age: 38
As a student of Judaism I can inform you all that wine is considered both kosher and plays a major role on every Shabbat (Sabbath) and festival. The most recent jewish Holiday was (in english) Succoth. It contains several celebrations, including indulgence and pleasure. Jesus turning water into wine was also believed to be his first miracle. And no, for the overly conservative-it was NOT grape juice. Infact, jesus observed the Sabbath, attended synagogue and most likely drank wine-as is a custom and very beneficial to health as our modern world now knows.
11/20/2007 12:50:16 PM |
drinking and the bible |

Saint James, MO
age: 52
dyna-!!!!...Shalom!!!...thank you for the info.....
nora-,!!!!....Shalom, beautiful!....wine or beer?...
11/20/2007 1:00:38 PM |
drinking and the bible |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Personally,I dont think Jesus drank wine and for no other reason than because of what it says in the Bible about the Angel telling Zechariah that his son(John the Baptist)would not take of strong drink.There obviously was a reason for that statement and could be that strong drink,dulls the senses.
11/20/2007 2:31:39 PM |
drinking and the bible |

Syracuse, NY
age: 50 online now!
Hi Everyone, I am feeling a bit humorous today. Hopefully the humor I give does not offend as it is made purely in jest.
Perhaps one day we can ask Noah if the drink dulled his senses. I think that it had as he did not awake during the time of penetration/penaltration...lol
Hey skunk. I believe I typed the words to "actually see" and not (in order to see). Since it is not possible to look upon the face of God being sober, it may make a difference if thy were not sober....lol
Just jesting in Peace and Love.....
11/20/2007 3:21:00 PM |
drinking and the bible |

Lillington, NC
age: 51
17Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. 18And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;
The bible doesn’t say “Don’t drink” it says don’t be a drunkard. If you can’t handle alcohol don’t drink. Where is the line? That only you can answer. If you’d rather argue with some one when they suggested you had enough; you more than likely went over the limet. See the last super, see in the garden when Jesus said I will "no lounger" drink of the cup.
11/20/2007 3:24:28 PM |
drinking and the bible |

Lillington, NC
age: 51
Brother string. How ya do-en.
11/20/2007 3:58:23 PM |
drinking and the bible |

Syracuse, NY
age: 50 online now!
Hello Brother Rich,
I am doing well and thank you for asking. I pray that the wellness is also yours my Brother. I am having fun out here. Learning and hoping that the Spirit of Wisdom is teaching through me. Trying not to offend others while in the spirit of teaching and learning, having fun....
Pray that your holiday celebration is filled with Love and Peace...
11/21/2007 3:07:59 AM |
drinking and the bible |

Lillington, NC
age: 51
And from apples you get vinegar…
We tend to read into what we need not,
And skip the bottom line of what we need to.
