9/24/2007 7:52:05 PM |
drinking and the bible |

Meadville, PA
age: 44
You have a good point, one person's excess is totally acceptable to another. For me, I "know" the point which it becomes excess (well, for the things I have in my mind anyway). But others, I doubt they necessarily recognize it (as with alcoholics, perhaps, just as an example). Or sometimes it takes time to recognize it....
so...... I dunno Well hey at least I'm honest 
9/24/2007 11:45:39 PM |
drinking and the bible |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
Everyone drank wine the water was limited in those days.
I have tried to tell you before Bass that they preserved the grape juice by turning it to wine otherwise it would spoil.
9/25/2007 3:00:42 AM |
drinking and the bible |

Duncansville, PA
age: 42
well but christ made barrels of wine with water too......
9/25/2007 7:18:03 AM |
drinking and the bible |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
hey i just so happen to agree with what bass says he is right
9/25/2007 11:42:19 AM |
drinking and the bible |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
So you want a medal? you can go to his church and let him preach his baby food to you.
9/25/2007 6:00:29 PM |
drinking and the bible |

Knoxville, TN
age: 65
come out from among the world be ye a sererated people touch not taste not handle not the unclean thing (all drunkers will have their part in the lake of fire) that burns forever and ever!!
9/25/2007 6:30:36 PM |
drinking and the bible |

Spring, TX
age: 54
I do not remember a single quote in the Bible where Jesus was said to have drank wine. Yet, if he disapproved, why would he make water into wine at the wedding party? why did he not serve wine at the Last Supper? Why is he said, he would not drink again, the fruit of the vine until he did so in heaven? It does not say he drank it, yet, when he says he will not drink again until he is with his father in heaven.
I believe it's proverbs where it tells kings and rulers to not be drunkards with beer or wine. I understood it to mean, like so many of the post say, that wine was the drink they had with meals, like we have iced tea. Too much of it will cause you to sin while drunk.
i was raised as southern baptist, and Baptist Ministers preach that drinking is a sin. It's like money isn't the sin, but the lust for money.
just some of my thoughts.
9/25/2007 7:58:26 PM |
drinking and the bible |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Thanks Knight...I also dont remember it saying He drank wine. I personally dont think its bad or that God is againt drinking alcohol,except to excess and when your life or others are effected in a negative manner. And even then,"I Believe" that God has a "special place" in "his Heart" for addicts and alcohlic !JMO..........peace
9/25/2007 8:18:45 PM |
drinking and the bible |

Chesapeake Beach, MD
age: 49
after reading this thread I think I will have a glass of wine
[Edited 9/25/2007 8:19:37 PM]
9/25/2007 11:54:56 PM |
drinking and the bible |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
I never read anywhere in the bible that one could not drink at all, just not to drunkeness.
9/26/2007 6:10:52 AM |
drinking and the bible |

Statesboro, GA
age: 19
i tried reading the bible last night, but spilled goldschlager all over it. i was so upset.
9/26/2007 11:24:01 PM |
drinking and the bible |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
Everyone should read it at least once just like any other great work of literature.
9/27/2007 7:03:44 AM |
drinking and the bible |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
bass is saying that the wine was unfermented which was in fact the same as grape juice oh bass i believe you i know you are right and they are wrong just don't give up or give in
[Edited 9/27/2007 7:35:32 AM]
9/27/2007 7:34:04 AM |
drinking and the bible |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
i won't don't worry about that
9/27/2007 7:54:14 AM |
drinking and the bible |

Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 52
it usaually takes a long time and research to actually realize that the self medication is a real concern.You know as well as I do if you drink,after the first two,you are a different person.I use to drink for 30 years, so I am not here to critize.Just look in the mirror, the answer is there.Most people drink to socialize,or come up with some other reason.Since I have quit though, simple things are better.A sunrise, a control of my brain.The brain is a clever organism, it is easily faked out.Just like pot, "Oh it dont bother you"
Do the reseacrch.At night in a normal brain, the brain selects different items from your day and remmbers it.With pot, it inhibits that, so you just dont remember as well as a normal brain.The normal brain,without drugs or alchol has its own way of stimulating satisfaction and enjoymnet.In this day of instant gratification,people stimulate the brain with drugs and alcohol to the extent that they have to have it, to feel normal.
And as it reflects to the Bible.Who knows, its easy to say Jesus drank wine,but,he never smoked a joint that I know of.
Just my opinion.