9/24/2007 8:14:47 AM |
drinking and the bible |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
the bible is opposed to drinking now i have heard that a little bit of wine is good for the heart well yeah if it does not have alchol in it it is the grape juice in the wine that is the benifactor so why not just drink regular grape juice proverbs 20:1 says"wine is a mocker,strong drink is raging and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise" the bible uses wine for different things like when in genisis wherer it talks about the story of lot after sodom and gomorrah were destroyed it used the word wine and yes it is talking about wine just read it
9/24/2007 8:41:35 AM |
drinking and the bible |

Owatonna, MN
age: 40
wine is a mocker,strong drink is raging and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise"
bass the bible is not opposed to wine. if you read the line you quoted closely it means it is wrong to let alcohol decieve you.......... jesus drank wine not grape juice....????
9/24/2007 10:25:56 AM |
drinking and the bible |

Abilene, TX
age: 39
I just don't think every one drank lake water or goat milk everyday....it was and remains a staple of many cultural diets.
9/24/2007 10:44:22 AM |
drinking and the bible |

Clyde, TX
age: 30
Luke 12 19 jesus talked about how they should eat drink and be merry.
9/24/2007 10:47:40 AM |
drinking and the bible |

Abilene, TX
age: 39
Right on! I knew that hippy was doing something right. Hanging out with hard working fishermen and prostitutes....you know they tied one on occasionally!
9/24/2007 12:24:13 PM |
drinking and the bible |

Suffolk, VA
age: 30
Prov. 31
Also, Jesus first miracle, He made somewhere around 180 gallons of wine for a wedding party. Nothing wrong with drinking from time to time, but letting the drink overtake you is where problems seem to occur. Balance in everything. Just my opinion.k
[Edited 9/24/2007 12:24:32 PM]
9/24/2007 1:14:46 PM |
drinking and the bible |

Meadville, PA
age: 44
Exactly, most things within balance are not sinful; it's the excess that's sinful. The wine isn't a problem until we make it a problem. Same with wanting too much sex, too much power, too much money, etc. Money to live is ok, money to the point of greed is not. Especially when things get to the point where we "make it our god", as with addictions.
9/24/2007 1:26:39 PM |
drinking and the bible |

Statesboro, GA
age: 19
good point. the bible is much better after a few drinks. great post, bass.
9/24/2007 1:54:29 PM |
drinking and the bible |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53 online now!
only if the drinks help you realize you can finally put it back on the shelf 
[Edited 9/24/2007 1:57:44 PM]
9/24/2007 3:46:17 PM |
drinking and the bible |

Abilene, TX
age: 39
Oh that is too frigging funny sam and jewelz.........I almost spit my sangria on the keyboard!
9/24/2007 4:49:08 PM |
drinking and the bible |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
hey krup what kinda mig is that..
9/24/2007 5:04:11 PM |
drinking and the bible |

Abilene, TX
age: 39
'68 VW.....kit car of a '32 Frazier/Nash convertible roadster. Got it for a highschool grad present and hit a cow with it 2 weeks later. just finished restoring it.....new motor has less than 1 mile on it with all new electrical. It is gaudy as hell but people smile wmen they see it.
9/24/2007 5:28:49 PM |
drinking and the bible |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
love those roadsters....while i'm drinkin in the bible
9/24/2007 7:32:08 PM |
drinking and the bible |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Can someone tell me where it says thats Jesus drank wine? I know that his first recorded miracle was the wedding and changing the water to wine,but it confuses me a little that Jesus did in fact drink wine. When the Angel visisted Zechariah, John the Baptists father ,he did mention that he(John TB) will drink neither wine or strong drink. I just "assumed" the same applied for Jesus! Thanks ............peace
9/24/2007 7:48:12 PM |
drinking and the bible |

Davis, CA
age: 28
uh oh,... i knew i shouldn't have clicked the "religion forum"...
where exactly are you going to mark the line of excess?
excessive wine?, excessive _____?
what is moderation?