10/2/2007 7:38:05 AM |
drinking and the bible |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
bass you might want to tell them also the bible says "drunkards will not inherit the kingdom of God" but it seems i have already beaten you to it lol
10/6/2007 9:51:32 PM |
drinking and the bible |

Topeka, KS
age: 59
"Noah became a husbandman and planted a vineyard, and became drunk from the wine thereof".
"Drink no longer only water, but drink a little wine for thy bellies sake, and thy often infirmities."
I have no real dis-agreement with those who claim that the bible says Jesus drank wine, and that it is a d*mn lie, because he would never do that. Many of us have known for decades that the Christian Bible is full of lies. Believe me if it states repeatedly that Jesus drank wine, and he really didn't, according to many Christians, I understand! And he is the one who promised to come again.........From my experience of reading the book I have come to believe the general opinion among those who worship him may very well be right. Just another d*mn lie in a book full of lies. Thanks for the support and help!!! Blessings, St. Bernard.
10/7/2007 1:45:41 PM |
drinking and the bible |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
Wine was used throughout history as a drink with meals. It still is in most countries in Europe and Arab countries.
If Bass knew what he was talking about, he would know that without refrigeration[which I do not think they had in Jesus' day] grape juice ferments into wine in just a few days. They had no way to keep it from it.
10/8/2007 3:46:19 PM |
drinking and the bible |

Topeka, KS
age: 59
Don't give up on me yet, you christians out there. I am making progress and being influenced. Why just last night I was thinking about this forum and Jesus and decided that perhaps I should try to be more like him. It is what they teach anyway. I immediately went out and got a gallon of table wine and drank all thru dinner and then had a glass or two before I went to bed. After all, don't just quote the parts of the bible you agree with, remember it says they called him a "wine-bibber (wino) and a sinner!!! Perhaps they knew what they were talking about!!! It IS in the bible. I will have to admit that since I have drank drinks containing ethanol since I was 17 and have never had a problem with it in any way I don't intend to become a wino. Perhaps I should take up carpentry too. He probably got crucified, if the truth were really known, for being drunk and him and his daddy Joseph screwed up a house they were building for some important Roman official really bad!!! "A house with a foundation built on a rock has a more secure foundation than one built on sand!" If I had been present when this "parable" was given I would have laughed and then asked him if he actually figured that out on his own. Must have been a weird carpenter!!! Lol lol lol lol. "Our way is the only way, and we have the TRUTH!!! Yeah, but this is America and you can't yet, anyway, force us to (pretend to) believe like you do.
10/8/2007 6:39:36 PM |
drinking and the bible |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
4evry....what did I tell you about a month ago??Do you remember??HICCUP!!!!LOL BTW...you better get that "wood chopped" soon,it is getting CHILLYYYYYYYYY...brrrrrr...lol..peace
10/8/2007 9:48:55 PM |
drinking and the bible |

Topeka, KS
age: 59
I'm not so stupid that I "do it myself" drunk or sober. We are all responsible for our actions every minute of the day, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. One of the first things I was taught when I started practicing "The Secret Craft Of The Wise" is that I am personally responsible for my life. I also know that many christians will use words to try to do all of the evil they can to a non-believer. So much for "be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove". This causes me no concern, as I have been a grown man for a long time. I also am under no stress about this dating forum, since my girlfriend is living with me right now, but I will give the bible credit. It is more than clear that many written about in it tipped a glass or two, but drunkenness was discouraged. "Wine is a mocker, and strong drink is raging, and he that is deceived thereby is not wise". Theres some good stuff in it, but by the Gods I do like to bait the christians, especially about the Bible and wine, and their horrified shocked insistance that Jesus "would just never do that". Lol lol lol lol lol.
10/15/2007 7:52:44 AM |
drinking and the bible |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
just one God. singular not plural.
[Edited 10/15/2007 7:53:12 AM]
10/30/2007 7:10:16 AM |
drinking and the bible |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
Who are you to tell me I should not drink bass."Wine is a mocker strong drink is raging".Unless I am wrong Jesus turned water into wine you idiot.
10/30/2007 9:48:47 AM |
drinking and the bible |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
WoW is everyone in Knoxville 27.
10/30/2007 9:49:48 AM |
drinking and the bible |

San Clemente, CA
age: 38
who ever wrote it had to be drunk. so they go together
[Edited 10/30/2007 9:49:58 AM]
11/1/2007 7:13:17 AM |
drinking and the bible |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
let me get this straight queenofhearts now you think i am also queenofspades well you are mistaken.and anyway she is yet to agree on anything with me.and one more thing i am a guy she is not just because she shares part of your username does not mean we are the same.oh and our profiles are nothing alike.oh and do you honestly think i would call myself an idiot i would not.
[Edited 11/1/2007 7:14:00 AM]
11/1/2007 7:19:47 AM |
drinking and the bible |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
You know bass I kinda figured that queenofhearts would think that queenofspades was one of us.You more likely I am suprised that she has not said that I was her.Seeing how she has not said anything about me yet.But queenofhearts I assure you we are three different people read my post.TWO MEN ONE WOMAN.
11/1/2007 7:24:17 AM |
drinking and the bible |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
Yeah I am going to have to agree with them on this.We are three different people.Although it sounds to me like you think you can be the only queenof any suit on here.It is just a coincedence that I am queenofspades and you queenofhearts.Mashmaniac told me that you would say that I was also them who are "supposedly" the same person.What right does she have to say that when she has not even seen my profile.
[Edited 11/1/2007 7:39:27 AM]
11/1/2007 9:33:24 PM |
drinking and the bible |

Stanford, KY
age: 57
Back in the days of the Old Testament as in some parts of the world today the water is not fit to drink and is therefore distilled with the fruit of the vine. It was also a way of preserving fruits and grain over the winter months, which we all know if kept too long will frement.Yes, Jesus drank wine. The sin is over indulging like glutteny and greed or to make one foolish. If you read about the Lord's Supper you will find, Jesus told his diciples,"I shall not drink the fruit of the vine until I am with you again". Not to drink.HE also tell HIS followers to let the poor man forget his woes with drink.Both instances are a big difference in what we see going on today with many drinking to excess or for fun.
11/1/2007 9:45:59 PM |
drinking and the bible |

Stanford, KY
age: 57
Right, Queen. Just like apple juice turns to apple cider. The fact is, it was preserved, and purified which their water wasn't. The smae reason they distilled ale , beer and whiskey in colonial days of America. To preseve the fruit and grain, but what they had wasn't as strong as what is served today. Even in Europe children are served Kinder Beer as a beaverage at meals.