10/27/2008 9:13:33 AM |
Do you suffer from seasonal depression? |

Beaverton, OR
age: 62
Same for me...I'm usually really upbeat and positive, full of energy...but come winter time here....well, you obviously know the drill. LOL
I did take Vitamin K too, which I forgot about until al reminded me.

I'll pick up some Vitamin K, too. You and I sound much alike --- non-stop energy when the sun is shining. I think I spent last winter doing HBO marathon days --- is it too much to watch five movies in one day??? --- or read a book a day? --- but the projects that required enthusiasm or strength had to wait until spring. Thank you again for your help.
10/27/2008 10:06:20 AM |
Do you suffer from seasonal depression? |

Klamath Falls, OR
age: 60
Vitamin k is more fore a clotting factor in the blood stream>
What you meed is Vitamin D and Melatonin! Full Spectrum lighting helps a lot and is faster that using the Vitamin therapy,
Talk to your doctor before starting any of these though as all can be harmful, because even full spectrum lighting has dangerous levels of UV light
OTT-LIGHT makes a very good reading light that is full spectrum and they offer discounts to people with SAD that have a Dr's prescription for full spectrum light!
You may want to check out some of the SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) discussion Boards and site online . They have some reall good Information on just what SAD is.
My ex wife suffered from it and I wound up making her a light box from plans i got from the Boards, and it really helped. In fact she is in Michigan now and still using the light box I made for her!
10/27/2008 10:11:34 AM |
Do you suffer from seasonal depression? |
Roseburg, OR
age: 68
George Carlin.......the comedian ? You've never heard the routine ?! He describes in detail how the four seasons affect us. But then Orange County didn't have the four seasons.
10/27/2008 11:55:56 AM |
Do you suffer from seasonal depression? |

Eugene, OR
age: 55
Oh yes it does have the 4 seasons...> shopping season,Xmas season, more shopping season,surfing season...lol..lol
10/27/2008 1:35:06 PM |
Do you suffer from seasonal depression? |
Roseburg, OR
age: 68
Or as us guys used to see it.........Go to beach and watch hot babes in bikinis season (summer).......Go to the mall and watch hot babes in shorts season (fall)........go to the bars and watch hot babes in tight Levies (winter).........Go to an Angels baseball and watch hot babes in spaghetti-strapped short dresses season (spring)
10/27/2008 2:14:15 PM |
Do you suffer from seasonal depression? |

Beaverton, OR
age: 62
Vitamin k is more fore a clotting factor in the blood stream>
What you meed is Vitamin D and Melatonin! Full Spectrum lighting helps a lot and is faster that using the Vitamin therapy,
Talk to your doctor before starting any of these though as all can be harmful, because even full spectrum lighting has dangerous levels of UV light
OTT-LIGHT makes a very good reading light that is full spectrum and they offer discounts to people with SAD that have a Dr's prescription for full spectrum light!
You may want to check out some of the SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) discussion Boards and site online . They have some reall good Information on just what SAD is.
My ex wife suffered from it and I wound up making her a light box from plans i got from the Boards, and it really helped. In fact she is in Michigan now and still using the light box I made for her!
Thank you for this valuable information. I will research the issue further ... particularly when the winter darkness sets in and my energy level is depleted. I did check my current vitamins and saw that there is a generous allotment of both K and D. Now ... if I could just remember to take the vitamins ............... must need something for short term memory, too.
10/27/2008 2:23:13 PM |
Do you suffer from seasonal depression? |

Beaverton, OR
age: 62
Oh yes it does have the 4 seasons...> shopping season,Xmas season, more shopping season,surfing season...lol..lol
I'm going to ignore what Gar had to say on the seasons. He already knows he's in trouble for his comments. Whitehawk ... I must dispute your statement about the Orange County seasons, though. You truly wouldn't expect me to agree with anything you said, anyway, would you??? Orange County only had one season for me ---- and that was 52 weeks a year of shopping. Even had to quit working on Fridays because it was interferring with my ability to get to the sales ahead of everyone else. (That is, in fact, the truth!) I swear, the U.S. economy must now be failing because I quit working ... and quit shopping. I just gave you one more thing to blame on this Californian!     
[Edited 10/27/2008 2:45:42 PM]
10/27/2008 2:28:50 PM |
Do you suffer from seasonal depression? |
Roseburg, OR
age: 68
I'm going to ignore what Gar had to say on the seasons. He already knows he's in trouble for his comments. 
SO........what else is new ?!! Wouldn't know how to act if I wasn't !
10/27/2008 2:40:11 PM |
Do you suffer from seasonal depression? |

Beaverton, OR
age: 62
That's okay, dahhhhhhhling. A bit of Patron always saves the day. By the way, could you stop at Lowe's and pick up a "grow light" for my desk? It will save me taking my date bait dog over there this afternoon.
10/27/2008 3:04:30 PM |
Do you suffer from seasonal depression? |

Eugene, OR
age: 55
Sorry..but for the amount of political fallout and labeling I have taken from some.. Ain't blaming nothing nowheres... Unless its for a GOOD cause!!!
10/27/2008 4:13:26 PM |
Do you suffer from seasonal depression? |


Eugene, OR
age: 67 online now!
Hummmm hhhmmmm 
10/27/2008 5:10:51 PM |
Do you suffer from seasonal depression? |

Beaverton, OR
age: 62
Sorry..but for the amount of political fallout and labeling I have taken from some.. Ain't blaming nothing nowheres... Unless its for a GOOD cause!!!
Just re-read what I wrote ... and I suspect people will misinterpret my attempt at humor. Perhaps sarcastic wit does not translate well in written form. Such a shame.
10/27/2008 5:27:41 PM |
Do you suffer from seasonal depression? |
Roseburg, OR
age: 68
That's okay, dahhhhhhhling. A bit of Patron always saves the day. By the way, could you stop at Lowe's and pick up a "grow light" for my desk? It will save me taking my date bait dog over there this afternoon.
Okay.......I stop by Lowe's. I just hope that cute well-built checker doesn't try anything..........again.
10/27/2008 5:30:34 PM |
Do you suffer from seasonal depression? |

Beaverton, OR
age: 62
Sorry, dear ... I quit working there in 2007. You couldn't possibly be talking about someone else, could you? Answer with great care.
10/27/2008 5:31:23 PM |
Do you suffer from seasonal depression? |
Roseburg, OR
age: 68
Sorry, dear ... I quit working there in 2007. You couldn't possibly be talking about someone else, could you? Answer with great care.
Were you a redhead back then ?