Salem, OR
age: 53
Hey folks
Winter 'gloom' or whatever you call it 'sucks'... (I suppose I can say that, said worse, some in print..)
I try to be outside during the early hours of the afternoon during December. Some time in Early January you mind -within you mind it will notice that there is more sun and it will be better on after that.
Maybe that doesn't help - or maybe it does. Someplace with more sun this time of year is always better, but not everyone can go to Quartzite/So Cal/Florida/ Mexico.
I worked with color in side during the winter. Full spectrum lites came out. I personally couldn't see the difference. Always though natural light was always better for matching colors...
Natural light - outside is the best... sunshine yes or no. on cloudy day solar panel still get a charge through the clouds - HOW of it ??? I really don't know. But OUTSIDE Early afternoon is best...
My opinion
Take care
Salem, OR
age: 53
And this will help me with my seasonal depression because _______________ ????
Don't answer. Don't have time to argue today.
I like more metal around me. Got some old LE cruisers Caprices with frames)... WOW... what a trip - NOW I know why they like to chase the 'speeders. Ran a new 'vet to ground in Arizona (top speed 70 for the record - ha ha ).
Salem, OR
age: 53
ummmmm...(GULP)))) nopers... not this kid's thing! now..Whitewater rafting,,now thats a sport...lol..racing souped up cars.. yep..now thats a sport!!! jumpin out of a plane?>> plain craziness- lol
Agree on this.
Like some metal around me when I playing... I don't fly either commercial (the last time i was in commercial the pilot left PDX. He dropped the left wing till it pointed to the ground and headed to LAX. no in Private either(my buddy flew between two trees about 20' apart with my wing 6-8' off the ground.
On the ground is good. under four tire is OK. The LE ride has been off the ground a couple of time and up on two wheel once... WOW on that... Off road stuff don't count. get in - sit down - buckle up- and shut up... hanging on is optional.
OK I refuse to grow up... when all fails golf is good...