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10/6/2007 5:44:30 PM Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex  

Whitmore Lake, MI
age: 50

From the guy and a rubber for herpes, he'll go far in life

10/6/2007 5:46:36 PM Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex  

Appleton, WI
age: 53

who steak..bam?

10/6/2007 5:48:41 PM Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex  

Whitmore Lake, MI
age: 50

read the hepes thread

10/6/2007 6:18:16 PM Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex  

Houston, TX
age: 63

SEX,, what a terribly misunderstood word. Most people have sex every day whether they have or have not been with the opposite sex. Our minds control us and for those who say they never think about sex, then why are they always the first to enter into a conversation such as this one about sex. For granted, a few responses have been written about those less fortunate who for one reason or another cannot perform normal sex. But wait, who said it has to be only one way. What is good for the goose is and can be good for the gander. Oral sex, touching, carrassing, taking a shower together, holding hands, kissing, or just eye to eye contact can be construed to be a sexual experience. I do believe that when a couple is joined in matromony, than all physical sex outside the relalionship should end but that does not keep us from thinking about it and hopefully, making us a better lover. Sex is an important part of any romantic relationship,

10/6/2007 6:56:12 PM Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex  

Amsterdam, OH
age: 34

it is possible trust me on this

10/7/2007 7:17:51 AM Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex  

Louisville, KY
age: 33 online now!

It is possible when the LOVE is strong enough. Now I know we all get horny, but thats what masturbation is for when your trying to build something with someone and not base it on sex. I really think a person does need to masturbate during these relationship trials to keep themselves from wanting others.

10/11/2007 12:34:07 PM Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex  

Anchorage, AK
age: 38

I think the BEST/IDEAL way is to save it for marriage. When you have sex with someone and then break up, it is so much more damaging and then you/I bring up that much more issues/baggage/hurt/resentments/comparing to past lovers. Is it easy?? Hell NO!! Is it worth it?? Yes. I think what people are really looking for is the long lasting relationship, someone to stand by their side no matter what. And, perhaps most importantly, intimacy. I'm not talking sex, but intimacy. The gift/freedom of being comfortable with someone, being able to talk/share about anything, the beauty of being known and accepted anyway. Priceless. Easy?? No way, my damn hormones keep getting in the way.

10/11/2007 1:28:59 PM Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex  

Belchertown, MA
age: 57

The bottom line..its all about choices...if having sex is mutually
agreeable...then so be it. If one wants sex the other doesn't then
something has to give...compromise or split. If a woman wants to
wait before marriage and the man can't or won't well then a choice
has to be made one way or the other. If there is a medical reason
why a man or woman can not have sexual relations...then it becomes about
how strong the relationship is and what a person will live or not live
with. There is no right way or wrong way...just the way of each individual.
If there is no concensus between the two parties..then other choices have
to be made....jmo

10/11/2007 10:52:25 PM Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex  

Arcadia, MO
age: 58 online now!

Yes I feel it's delusional but if it works for the both of you, go for it.

10/11/2007 11:51:27 PM Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex  

Poway, CA
age: 48

if you always do what you've always done you'll always get what you've always 53 lady has a good point try something differnt,maybe you'll get a different result...and if two consenting adults consent not to have sex till marriage that's cool,they can decide when it's appropriate.....

10/13/2007 2:47:01 PM Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex  

Knoxville, TN
age: 44

It's a personal decision. Hold strong to what your beliefs are.

10/14/2007 4:26:57 AM Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex  

Kennewick, WA
age: 57

Only until marriage!!! If a person believes in God, He says to wait until marriage. His advice is not outdated or prudish - it's the way HE said it should be. He created us and He's the one that knows what is best for us and what will make us the happiest. Yes, some people after marriage can't engage in sex for whatever reason and still have a good relationship, but it is better if you can. It's truly is like the icing on the cake.

10/14/2007 6:51:13 AM Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex  

Lakeland, FL
age: 72

What's the point in having a relationship without sex?

If you don't want to do it, stay away from the opposite sex!

Why go thru the whole ritual if you're not going to follow thru?

Wait until marriage attitude will soon change after the ceremony to I've got a headache!
It's a silly game of control!

Be honest! Love freely withour restrictionson your partner and you'll both be happy!

10/14/2007 10:47:20 AM Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex  

Rimersburg, PA
age: 56

WHO CARES what others think. its not about morals or what everyone else thinks. its ALL about what is right for you. your heart will tell you what is right so forget everyone elses opinions.

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