10/2/2007 8:03:47 PM |
Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex |

Petersburg, VA
age: 37
In most relationships these days a great deal of pressure and emphasis seems to be placed on sex in relationships, which I feel takes away from the true purpose of the romantic relationship. In todays society no one wants to wait anymore for a good thing. It is the norm to have sex, sex and more sex. Therefore, is it delusional to think that you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex until you get married.
10/2/2007 8:05:03 PM |
Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex |

Camp Pendleton, CA
age: 25
yes it is delusional or at least unlikely to last long
10/2/2007 8:09:22 PM |
Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex |

Petersburg, VA
age: 37
Honestly what do men think about women who think this way?
10/2/2007 8:14:19 PM |
Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex |

Belchertown, MA
age: 57
If a women believes in waiting until marriage...and if they guy
actually loves and cares enough..he will wait.
I know people who are married, and are romantic,and have a loving
caring relationship that can not have sex for one reason or the other.
10/2/2007 8:35:18 PM |
Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex |

Camp Pendleton, CA
age: 25
those are all rare and extenuating circumstances
10/2/2007 8:41:02 PM |
Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex |

Belchertown, MA
age: 57
Its not about being rare, or extenuating...its about LOVE..period
if its only about sex...then its about selfishness.
10/2/2007 8:42:59 PM |
Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex |

Camp Pendleton, CA
age: 25
are you suggesting that sex is selfish?
why is it that the one who doesnt want sex should get their way?
it takes two to tango, so how come the virginal one gets to lead?
some of us are adult enough to know losing ones innocence isnt as bad as the prudes would have us believe.
10/2/2007 8:56:45 PM |
Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex |

Petersburg, VA
age: 37
I do not think sex is selfish; only that it should be shared between two people that love one another; I agree with "nonickname" I guess it goes back to choosing someone with the same morals and similiar beliefs
10/2/2007 8:58:04 PM |
Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex |

Camp Pendleton, CA
age: 25
i resent the implication that sex is a moral choice.
10/2/2007 8:59:48 PM |
Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex |

Petersburg, VA
age: 37
I am sorry, explain; do you have morals
10/2/2007 9:03:31 PM |
Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex |

Camp Pendleton, CA
age: 25
your suggestion that sex is a moral choice suggests that one of those choices is immoral.
10/2/2007 9:11:25 PM |
Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex |

Petersburg, VA
age: 37
U know; that makes since. I never viewed sex/morals that way and I did not take the time to look at the other person's point of view. Wow this is a deep issue. I have to really ponder on this one. Sometimes our beliefs over powers all things.
10/2/2007 9:12:05 PM |
Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex |

Beverly Hills, CA
age: 22
honestly i think its very delusional to wait til marriage for sex. i've said it before i'll say it again, being in a relationship is like buying a new car, u have to test drive it before makin the commitment to it. if it doesn't drive like u want it to, ur not gonna buy it. so in my opinion, and don't get all pissed off or bent out of shape, it's just an opinion, sex should not have to wait til marriage. but i also believe both people need to want it. just wanted to clarify so my words weren't taken out of context.
10/2/2007 9:13:52 PM |
Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex |

El Reno, OK
age: 40
If all the pieces of the "puzzel" aka "relationship" are falling into place nicely why must we wait? Because if so we have no morals?....out dated thinking but, jmo
10/2/2007 9:15:53 PM |
Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex |

Laramie, WY
age: 24
nope. I do think you can have romance in sooooo many ways that doesn't have to
include sex. And I love it when a man tries w/out sex because it makes it
feel more from the heart, and earnest of feelings for you.
10/2/2007 9:17:20 PM |
Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex |

Beverly Hills, CA
age: 22
i think if 2 people feel the same way for eachother there's nothing wrong with 2 consenting adults having sex whether its for love or cuz ur drunk and u both want it. but i don't think having sex before marriage makes anyone less "moral" than anyone else. so if 2 people are truly in love and they have sex they are immoral. i totally disagree. there are a lot worse things out there then premarital sex.
10/2/2007 9:20:18 PM |
Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex |

Camp Pendleton, CA
age: 25
again i don't think its congratulatory that a man doesn't want sex.
for a lot of guys, its easy to not want sex when you dont know what sex is like.
until i had sex, i didnt give a damn about having it. so if two virgins can find each other bless them, but not wanting sex is not in itself a noble practice.
10/2/2007 9:20:33 PM |
Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex |

El Reno, OK
age: 40
I think if you love yourself and you handle yourself appropratily it's not wrong. It's when you give it up to just any date, your a ho...but, jmo
10/2/2007 9:25:23 PM |
Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex |

Beverly Hills, CA
age: 22
peaches i can agree to that.
10/2/2007 9:34:19 PM |
Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex |

Overland Park, KS
age: 41
I'm a recovering ho...
there may be hope for me yet.. I'm interested in seeing what true love is like..I think I may have felt it in the past, though it was not returned..and that turned me to ho'ing about..just for that instant gratification thing.
There has to be more to life than sex..and looking forward to discovering that .
(Omg..I think I'm finally growing up..)
10/2/2007 10:13:03 PM |
Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex |

Holiday, FL
age: 41
wonder, that was cute, thanks... you made me laugh!!
10/2/2007 10:22:54 PM |
Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex |

Edmond, OK
age: 27
justagirl what your sayin is that if everything is great in a relationship but the sex was not all that you would get rid of that relationship even if everything was going the way you like it that wouldn't make since it be like not buying the CAR of your dreams because it didn't have floor mats when you could get floor mats to put into it. just because the sex wasn't great doesn't mean that you couldn't teach each other
[Edited 10/2/2007 10:23:29 PM]
10/2/2007 10:44:46 PM |
Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex |

Campbellsville, KY
age: 45
I am not saying it can't happen but I think its rare these day's.
10/2/2007 10:46:09 PM |
Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex |

Dade City, FL
age: 40
I can live with sex after marriage. Heck it has been so long for me, it probably has dried up anyway.
10/2/2007 10:47:22 PM |
Is it delusional to think you can have a romantic relationship w/o sex |

Jacksonville, FL
age: 53
Well...this is an instant gratification world anymore...everyone wants to have what they want, when they want it. I've said this before and I will say it again...JMO...it takes more than a couple months to decide whether a person is the right one for you...sex should never be a determining factor when you finally decide "this is the person for me"...and yet too many do that...then they stay together for awhile, maybe get married, then find out later, gee..this is NOT the person for me after all. Sex usually has very little to do with that...they usually find out they are incompatible in so many other ways. If cheating is involved...it is usually a symptom that something else is wrong.
So why not wait? Why not learn as much as you can for as long as you can, about the other person, before just jumping into the sack with them?
What about respect??? Respect for yourself, respect for the other peson. Where does that come in? How about concern? Concern that you are making the right decision...and NOT making another mistake, the same mistake...over & over & over again. So if you really want to find the RIGHT person for you...why not CHANGE how you did things in the past???
It is said..."If you want to make some changes in your life...you've got to make some CHANGES in your life." JMO JMO JMO
[Edited 10/2/2007 10:48:47 PM]