10/11/2007 2:27:22 PM |
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Memphis, TN
age: 29
Well damn there's my pimp now!!! Hey Brit!! 
10/11/2007 2:28:37 PM |
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Rockville, MD
age: 43
Yes, LovingLife, you DID read that wrong. It's not "woman's fault" it's "WOAMN'S FUALT".
10/11/2007 2:30:01 PM |
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Hopewell, VA
age: 38
That is QUITE obvious if in no other way than your morbidly warped or tunnel visioned opinion on Single mothers. The father is JUST as responsible for the creation of the child. AND... single mothers are just "single" when they get married, "spreading their legs" for someone. My children were conceived during marital bonds where one is "expected" to reproduce.... that is the purpose of sex... reproduction... NOT "entertainment".
Rude AND single minded, uneducated. Must be difficult being you.
10/11/2007 2:32:25 PM |
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Saylorsburg, PA
age: 42
Well all I can say is thank goodness for these boards. Every day and every post just points out your qualities slowtyper more and more...........good luck, you are gonna need it.
10/11/2007 2:52:27 PM |
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Fort Wayne, IN
age: 54
well meg you seem not to be able to read what i just wrote that's ok cause you are part of the problem in our sociality, no commitment in a relationships but lot of sex and damn i pregnet so now step up to the plate and help me raise the baby but no all of a sudden he doesn't know you or what anything to do with the child (it took me by surprise)maybe you should young woman start taking some responsibilities and say if i'm good enough to lay with then i'm good enough have a ring and maybe some type of a committment like we live in the same house or apartment share the bills know each other's family talk about what happens if we have a child, no not the young and dumb they are having fun and we are raising children by single woman and men are'nt being men and they are being let off the hook so they can find another young woman and do it again, NO COMMITMENTS AND NO RESPONSIBILITIES HAVE A GREAT TIME, to let you know i have help raised my grandbaby more than my daughter's father , her mother, and anyone else so don't tell me what it's like to raise a baby i know first hand and i love it
10/11/2007 3:11:40 PM |
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Fort Wayne, IN
age: 54
gazy are you getting any at all,all i ever see you write is ass wipe nice messages to all the woman do you really stand up for anything except to be a big p*ssy so all the woman think what a hell of a nice guy you are are you a mommy's boy i stood up for what i thought is the problem with single woman and the single men that don't step up to the plate and do what is right, i'm not down on young woman and their actions but their actions produce children and that's big oopps, nearly ruined my daughter and she is working hard and going to school and raising her daughter by herself, and i'm the only man in my granddaughter's life, which is sad no dad around he's having fun with other young and dumb woman
10/11/2007 3:12:39 PM |
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El Reno, OK
age: 40
ppl, can we freaking stop being so defensive and just have a damn debate? It's not wrong on either of your parts to be angry,frustrated or w/e...Just keep it calm and debate it.
My own son got his gf pregnant right when he was going to boot camp..He went did his job but, he's got a family in toe now and he's one hella man...He saw what i went thru and the feelings he had being raised by a single mom he didn't want his child to suffer..so. hooah!
[Edited 10/11/2007 3:14:16 PM]
10/11/2007 3:21:47 PM |
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Fort Wayne, IN
age: 54
peaches i was saying that there are ALOT OF WOMAN WITH CHILD around and there are still good decent men in the world but someone has to stop all these birth from single mothers who can do it men or woman i;ll go with the vote for woman young men are babies
10/11/2007 3:23:28 PM |
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El Reno, OK
age: 40
I know slow and it's all good...I just hate when no one seems to take a deep breath before getting all pissed off and replying with hate instead of intellect.
10/11/2007 3:25:59 PM |
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Gloucester, MA
age: 21
Good for him Peaches!!!
I got pregnant for the first time when I was 19 had her at 20 got pregnant 3 months later and hade her at 21... SO yes I was young and probably dumb but to me I would not trade it for the world because they have made me the person I am today and I am very thankful for that. Yes it is very hard and I wished their father would have stepped up to the plate but he's still trying to grow up, but this life is much better than the direction I was heading before them! JMO
10/11/2007 3:28:22 PM |
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Saylorsburg, PA
age: 42
I read his posts multiple times and the general take I got was that women were the sole fault and that we needed to MAKE the men be responsible. Well sorry but that is just WRONG.
There was no hate eminating from me............just some righteous indignation.
And respectfully requesting the loss of the use of capital letters didn't warrant the response I received.
If he is gonna shoot first then he better be able to take as well as he gives.
[Edited 10/11/2007 3:32:11 PM]
10/11/2007 3:35:18 PM |
Support Your Local Single Mothers |

Rockville, MD
age: 43
First, it's QAZY, with a Q, not a G. You'd know this if you REALLY read my posts.
Second, given the story about your daughter, I can see where your pain comes from. But blaming the women, except possibly a bit for having lousy taste, is missing the real target. I want women to be MORE sexually active, not LESS.
Third, as a parent you well, know that leaving your own kids is almost unthinkable. I happen to be bored with many things in Life, but raising kids is one of the few things Worth Doing.
Fourth, I will admit to being a bit testy myself. I apologize and take back any insults in the name of Peace and Harmony.
Fifth, I am happy with my general attitude here, and it seems that more than a few of the women here seem to like me just fine.
Sixth, thanks for losing the caps.
10/11/2007 3:38:04 PM |
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Fort Wayne, IN
age: 54
damn i guess all that writing for not, i said men need to take there responsibilies, and woman need to make them at least support their children(s) and to be more careful with who they lay down with and then have no committment
10/11/2007 3:40:27 PM |
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El Reno, OK
age: 40
Well, It can't be called just a "womans" thing anymore..My father raised all 7 of us screaming, tantrum throwing kids and I think he did an outstanding job.
it's true...women do need to be picky and men do need to step up to bat..but, i don't really see an age thing. I know a 25yr old that I'd rather date than some 40yr olds..It's all about maturity..
[Edited 10/11/2007 3:41:37 PM]
10/11/2007 3:43:40 PM |
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Gloucester, MA
age: 21
Well said peaches!!!
My children are the ones that made me mature....
and as for their father, I loved him wiht all my heart and was willing to make a complete commitment to him but unfortunately he wasnt.... but sometimes thats just the way it happens
[Edited 10/11/2007 3:45:48 PM]
10/11/2007 3:45:40 PM |
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El Reno, OK
age: 40
Mine too and the "father" he got his rights when he cleaned up his act...They are not as close as I would have liked but, I won't brow beat him for being immature.
10/11/2007 3:51:26 PM |
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Gloucester, MA
age: 21
exactly peaches!!
I let their father in their lives as much as he wants to be but right now he hasnt fully grown up to want that family life I guess.... I dont blame him, yes it makes me angry sometimes that he is free and I have to be a mommy 24/7 but that was the choice I made when I laid in bed and I will not go back on that with or without him...
but he is more than welcome to see the girls anytime he wants, he is their father and no matter what will be in their lives!
10/11/2007 3:53:07 PM |
Support Your Local Single Mothers |

El Reno, OK
age: 40
Brit *hugs* for not being bitter..You are a strong independant lady and i'm proud we are family.
10/11/2007 3:55:55 PM |
Support Your Local Single Mothers |

Gloucester, MA
age: 21
Thanks cuz!!! we girls know what we are talkin about! LMAO
I am very proud to be a mother whether it be single or not.... they are the greatest thing that happened to me no matter what I had to go through!
[Edited 10/11/2007 3:56:45 PM]
10/11/2007 4:16:35 PM |
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Johnstown, PA
age: 53
britt you and all single mothers should be proud don't let anyone say different and single fathers as well
[Edited 10/11/2007 4:17:09 PM]
10/11/2007 8:18:01 PM |
Support Your Local Single Mothers |

Pensacola, FL
age: 31
Slowtyper, I am a single mom. My son is 13, my daughter 9, and my youngest daughter 15 months. I raise them on my own without government assistance of any kind. I manage three cafeterias for the school district and cater on the side to make extra money. I own my home and a decent vehicle. My kids play sports and are well rounded. I married my high school sweetheart and had my first two kids and he decided he wasn't ready to settle down with just me. So we divorced. I have dragged him to court so many times I've lost count and he has went to jail so many times I've lost count. (For not paying child support) About 6 months ago he started paying on a regular basis, although he is so far behind, but at least he's paying something now!! So I waited a long time to date, and I met a guy at church. We did everything right and waited and when we did get married we were happy for awhile. He owned a lawncare business and hired alot of drifters who he started hanging out with after work. Well he got on drugs and lost everything.....So we are divorced and he is currently in jail. He hasn't seen his daughter since she was three weeks old and of course he isn't paying child support. Sometimes you can't always know exactly what someone is going to do. Me and my kids are happy and I know oneday a great guy will step into my life but I'm not rushing things...........
10/11/2007 8:30:50 PM |
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Hudson, NH
age: 42
And that's a good point shy, you never know how a relationship is going to turn out...things happen, people change. Heck, I never thought I was going to wind up divorced, but it's happened to me twice. My first ex is a single Mom, and although our marriage didn't work out, I know that she has taken on a great responsibility being a single Mom. Any single parent has my utmost respect...it's the toughest job out there, but the rewards are worth the effort.
10/13/2007 2:56:16 PM |
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Knoxville, TN
age: 44
Thank You from a single mom here. It is very hard to be both mom and dad, but we do what we have to do. There are many, many reasons for being a single mom. Don't be to quick to judge others. We do the best we can with what we have. Kids are the best! It's wonderful to see life thru the eyes of a child. 
10/14/2007 1:48:53 AM |
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Millville, NJ
age: 35 online now!
Well I have read the posts and the back and forths and I can say a couple of things here.... First I was raised by a single mother and we had a hard life and I have made a vow to myself NOT to have children unless the woman I pick will be with me for the rest of my life. Having said that I know you that nothing is guaranteed but I have explained this to every woman I have dated since I left my ex almost a year ago. Second speaking of my ex when I met her 12 years ago she had 3 child people and I accepted her and them as a package and did WHATEVER it took to provide for my family. I went from no child people to 3 child people literally overnight and I spent the next 11 years trying to be the best dad and partner I could be..... I would like to you all the think about a couple things though especially the ladies here....
1. There are still guys out here that don't have children of their own and will be a great partner for you and a wonderful dad to your children. But ladies remember the "package deal" works both ways because I don't know how many times I tried to put my stepchildren on the right path only to be told "well they're not YOUR kids" ... if you want the relationship and want someone to accept the package than you also must be willing to accept that the man you pick will act as the father, partner that you asked for.
2. I will under NO circumstances EVER be a part time DAD to my own child and/or children when and if I have any. I have had my stepsons ripped away from me because they aren't mine legally and it kills me inside plus I know the pain of being a child raised without a father...
I probably could go on and on but I think I have made most of my points pretty clear here and oh yeah before anybody gets the wrong idea about the reason for my post here I will upon request refer you to any lady from here that I have talked with at length and they will tell you that what I have written here is exactly how I feel about the subject. I do not post here just to gain favor with anyone I do so beause that's how I feel and I like sharing......

[Edited 10/14/2007 2:12:55 AM]
10/14/2007 3:34:19 PM |
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Gainesville, TX
age: 33
what about single fathers? we may be a minority but we are still here too. i am raising my 5 year old daughter by myself. her mother has been gone for a long time and she has called 3 times in a year to talk to her own daughter. on a phone that i pay for. she has a cell phone that i still pay the bill on and i get the log of her calls. she makes a boat load of calls each week but can't call her own child once a week? i have repeatedly read on this forum that the fathers need to step up and grow up. i would like to say that i think that i have stepped up. i am a grown adult. my little girl is the light of my life and i would never give her up. so, no anger or anything involved here, just my two cents. it's not only the men who need to grow up. it's not only men who are immature, etc. there is responsibility from both parents involved and this is not something that can just be blamed on one gender. thank you for taking the time to read this. i'm not ranting or raving or any of that hollywood stuff, just want to make my opinion heard.